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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 331x499, Adios America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8111960 No.8111960 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book worth buying? I've never read anything by Coulter but I've seen her plug this book and she makes sense to me.

>> No.8111962
File: 114 KB, 1080x810, 12501955_1666843066907323_279561853_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservacuck propaganda
>worth buying


>> No.8111965

Only if you've already read The Protocols of The Elders of Zion 600 gorillion times.

>> No.8111966

Why does her face look like it was stretched downward in Photoshop?

>> No.8111967

Establishment garbage.

>> No.8111978

Haven't read it but I've heard it's pretty good, though an easy read. Full of hatefacts.

>> No.8111983


Rofl, the establishment is pro-amnesty and increasing illegal immigration.

Yeah Obammy is really knocking heads and getting the border under control.

OP, it's a good book if you're American and want to learn more about the problems at the border. She's funny and sources her claims.

>> No.8111987

Fun fact: She predicted Trump was going to win the Republican nomination and everyone laughed at her. She knows the people. She is also a talking head. So take that as you will.

She also a hottie. 8/10, would bang.

>> No.8111994

She's pro-Trump
Trump is anti-establishment
>She also a hottie. 8/10, would bang.
r u srs?

>> No.8111995
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>> No.8111996
File: 424 KB, 1576x2590, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II (1912).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this book worth buying? I've never read anything by Coulter but I've seen her plug this book and she makes sense to me.

>> No.8111998

what is a "hatefact"?
A fact is a fact

>> No.8112009

A fact that hurts liberal feefees

>> No.8112011

He is also anti-humanities

>> No.8112016 [DELETED] 

>It has been suggested that chronic mouth breathing in children can lead to the development of a long, thin face, sometimes termed "long face syndrome", or specifically "adenoid facies" when the mouth breathing is related toadenoid hypertrophy.Malocclusion of the teeth (e.g. "crowded teeth") are also suggested to result from chronic mouth breathing in children.

>> No.8112018


a hate fact is a racist and bigoted fact that is racist and bigoted and therefore is racist and bigoted and should not be considered a fact because it is racist and bigoted. case in point:

FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

source http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.

source: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/crimestats

this is very bigoted and racist and homophobic and sexist and transphobic and a hateful fact that is not a fact because it is very mean and bad and also racism is a spook because i am le funny meme poster on le epic /lit/ meme lit board meme meme MEME IRONY MEME

>> No.8112025

>I'm upset because people on an anime imageboard use the word spook

>> No.8112026

Something contrarians call a fact because people don't like to hear it. If it makes people angry, then it's true.

>> No.8112027

>ann coulter
>anything but a hack

>> No.8112037

its worth buying and just carrying it around to trigger sjws

>> No.8112044

>unironically reading Jewish propaganda

>> No.8112046


Hate fact sounds fucking stupid. Truth is truth. In reality though, these pundits people practice a from of riding their facts, where you can repeat a concerning fact and then use it to make a blanket statment and overreaction.

Also, really pisses me off that people entertain this bullshit but bitch and moan when they see genre fiction out of its containment thread.

>> No.8112051

>Trump is anti-establishment
O I am laffin

>> No.8112052


>i'm a memeposter who's butthurt because i was BTFO'd

>> No.8112053

>200+ replies

>> No.8112055

He actually is, in the worst kind of way. It's hilarious how some people can't into polisci101

>> No.8112056

Go back to redd!t my friend

>> No.8112065

> Trump is anti-establishment

I can't believe you fucking morons actually believe that.

>> No.8112066


nice arguments

>> No.8112070

It's a MEME

>> No.8112072


>> No.8112077

Neither side made any arguments! Both were just making assertions.

>> No.8112079

Why would you post this thread on /lit/ instead of /trash/?

>> No.8112085


>> No.8112086

>Neither side made any arguments!

>toddler logic 101

either make an argument or stfu

>> No.8112088

I'm not mad bro. I don't really have much of a problem with someone having an opinion & backing it up, I just think it's funny when someone gets honestly butthurt about memes because they go against their own political agenda. It's like when leftists on this board get offended at the word "cuck"

>> No.8112091


can you rephrase that?

>> No.8112093

>She also a hottie

There will never be a single attractive woman in national level politics, and don't even think Coulter is even near the top of hot women in politics

>> No.8112103
File: 6 KB, 250x183, 1464833684490s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah mate. Have this pic instead

>> No.8112107

>the establishment
>wanting to do anything to curtail illegal immigration

>> No.8112110

Why? It's perfectly easy to understand.

>> No.8112119

T. Someone who hasn't been in America for the past decade, if at all.

>> No.8112127

not an argument

>> No.8112131

T. Upper middle class white liberal who's feels he understands oppression deeply despite never having been of want for a basic necessity in his life.

Next you'll be telling me the establishment doesn't like H-1B visas either.

>> No.8112132


Coulter is anorexic. Seen her in person, it's kinda creepy.

>> No.8112162
File: 20 KB, 236x351, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha from what I've seen itt right wingers tend to use Facts and Arguments, while leftists use Bullshit and muh 'it can't be true because it hurts my fee fees!'. Does it offend you? Are you 'triggered'? Well, fuck you! This is not your safe space. I'm a fucking thought criminal and damn proud of it! I won't let the PC gulag keep me down.....I'm a renegade.... A truth warrior. I am anonymous. We do not forgive we do not forget, expect us.

>> No.8112174

I like how your satire is actually proving itself right in your butthurt post. :^)

>> No.8112175

The establishment is cultural Marxism and race denialism. Trump stands for the glory ofwestern civilisation. If you like the cannon and the greeks but oppose Trump then you are a vile hypocrite and a cuck

>> No.8112181

You can't be serious.

>> No.8112185

>glory ofwestern civilisation

you mean patriarchy, institutional racism and cis-privilege?

>> No.8112187

T. Projecting troll.

>> No.8112190

Have you read the interview where Trump talks about classical greek democracy? It's incredible!

>> No.8112195


>> No.8112197

Looks like it.

2007 /lit/ would never take this bait. Any oldfags left?

>> No.8112203

gay shit

>> No.8112204

>Cultural Marxism

Good to see storm front's myths are still taken seriously by the Reddit crowd.

>> No.8112208

Nope, all the pinko's, christfags, and other groups that actually read literature abandoned ship a long while ago.

>> No.8112212

What, that he's a renegade?

>> No.8112215

yeah, she turns me on
she a hottie, you a nottie
that turns me on. she has self control.

>> No.8112221

You're so sneaky, anon.

>> No.8112222

>Not eating is self control

>> No.8112223
File: 7 KB, 231x218, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wot m8?

>> No.8112229

not being fat is a good accomplishment for an american. being skinny makes you a legend.

>> No.8112235

Western civilization literally invented the medical techniques that allow trans people to transition to their preferred gender.

>> No.8112247

T. Called out cuck.

>> No.8112248


have you ever read antonio gramsci....? or can you only reference online communities since you spend so much of your time online?

>> No.8112249

Actually the best authors and philosophers have always been reactionaries. See Celine, Plato, TS Elliot, Hegel. A good writer needs to remain both unconstrained by the norms of political correctness and willing to deal with uncomfortable and often offensive truths. Inquisitive minds will always rebel against the status quo, which in our case is egalitarianism and SJWism.

>> No.8112254

Your stereotypical redditor is an sjw in complete opposition to trump, the people complaining about cultural marxism are /pol/acks
Both groups are shit, but they're very different

>> No.8112272

/pol/ is a subreddit

>> No.8112280


fuck off stormweenie the status quo is racist, classist and misogynistic and you're perpetuating it.

some who work forces also burn crosses...

>> No.8112281
File: 130 KB, 270x314, dfw amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can tell you're being sarcastic

>> No.8112285


I sorta doubt the man posting on a literature board on an anime forum is the epitome of masculinity.

>> No.8112293

r/the_donald is among the top subreddits and quite influenced by the alt right and /pol/ memes.

>> No.8112302


>> No.8112326

She called out all the "fucking jews" in the gop on twitter so I'd say yes.

>> No.8112386
File: 194 KB, 1282x750, coulter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical, hideous republicunt.

If you're going to read batshit insane fox news tier propaganda you might as well jump straight on over to Glen Beck.

>> No.8112394

If you honestly can't distinguish between Glenn Beck and the alt-right it's no wonder the left is becoming so irrelevant.

>> No.8112398

>She also a hottie. 8/10, would bang.

You disgust me. Then again, you'd probably fuck Ronald Reagan in drag.

>> No.8112410

>Implying I'm either totally left or totally right.

Not everything is an extreme either or, you fucking idiot.

Both Republican and Democratic parties are pure shit.

But you idiots will never learn your lesson. If you were sane or sensible you'd vote for a third party candidate, you brainwashed faggot.

>> No.8112457
File: 367 KB, 1920x1080, ann the troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, she's like... A female Mitt Romney or some shit...

>> No.8112490

The right wing all over the western world is becoming more nationalist, and becoming less the corporate cuck movement in used to be.

Libertarians are nothing but useful idiots for the establishment in that respect.

>> No.8112502
File: 399 KB, 2018x1514, ann-coulter-4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ann coulter's face when i give her the dick

>> No.8112510

>>The right wing all over the western world is becoming more nationalist, and becoming less the corporate cuck movement in used to be.

>Actually believing this

>Big money corporate CEO is in the lead in preliminaries

BAKA. You people are fucking retarded.

">b-b-but he says things that aren't politically correct!!!!"

Anything to get the vote, moron.

>> No.8112513

>Loud billionaire is anti-establishment
Please Anon, do go on.

>> No.8112524
File: 19 KB, 343x429, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but I feel really aroused when I think of the old gipper violently fucking my ass as I lean against the Oval Office desk and call him daddy.

>> No.8112531

No this book is not worth buying you bought it already

>> No.8112534

Actually, he says things that are straight up nationalist. Like wanting to deport illegal immigrants, which majorly harms corporate interests.

It's almost like wealthy populists who are hated by the powers that be have a historical precedent or something.

>> No.8112540

People think nationalist means near the fascist side of the political spectrum. Don't bother replying to them.

>> No.8112544

It isn't like his foreign policy team is made up of Saudi and Israel shills, or that Sheldon Adelson is pumping $100M into his campaign.

>> No.8112546
File: 59 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and becoming less the corporate cuck movement in used to be.

>Literal corporate billionaire who has wasted shit tons of money on abortive ventures over and over

>"lol h-h-he's not a corporate shill!!!, he has lots of money that means he knows a lot about the economy and how to make money!!!!!!"

It's.. I... You guys don't... Ughh....

>Actually, he says things that are straight up nationalist.

I think the word you were looking for is "xenophobic".

>> No.8112554
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1464359651637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8112558
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 1463797970797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about brainwashed.

>> No.8112559

The Mexicans are storming our borders, flooding in in ever greater numbers, taking our jobs and our women. This cannot be tolerated. Build the Wall, and make em pay

>> No.8112563

>literally cucking for corporate interests
Holy fuck, you leftists are too much.

>> No.8112566


>> No.8112567


Please tell me how this isn't just bold faced pandering to the bible belt racist majority of the American public?

I would LOVE to know how you're gonna "make Mexico pay for a wall."

Will we see the world's first war to FORCE Mexicans to build something for little to no pay?

>> No.8112572

>our borders
>our jobs
>our women

>> No.8112583

>Please tell me how this isn't just bold faced pandering to the bible belt racist majority of the American public?
How can you even pretend to be informed about politics when you're straight up ignoring the massive wealth depression being caused by illegal labor in this country?

I've seen absolutely nothing from modern leftism to suggest it's anything other than class warfare from rich people against poor people, with some lame moral preaching attached to placate your feeble excuse for a conscience.

>> No.8112584

>Taking our jobs

Maybe you should be willing to work long ass hours for a tiny pittance if you want to appeal over a mexican in the job department.

>Taking our women

Yeah, the shitty, lazy fat disgusting women that no sane white man would want.

>Taking our borders

This... doesn't even make sense.

>> No.8112589
File: 267 KB, 800x820, 1464059898683-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shilling for illegal immigration and no borders
Are you retarded or just a spic? As for the wall there are several ways Trump could go about it.

>> No.8112591
File: 57 KB, 660x371, _87108055_gettyimages-500116082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make em

>> No.8112593

>with some lame moral preaching attached to placate your feeble excuse for a conscience.

>Implying I give any real shit about foreigners

>Implying I care about politics all that much

>Implying the political system in this country isn't fixed

>Implying I'm not just content to watch everything burn at this point.

>> No.8112595

Honestly, you should be too if you have even a semblance of standards and taste.

>> No.8112596

>le edgy contrarian
Holy shit bro, you must be pretty deep.

>> No.8112599

You can join the trash on their way to Mexico since you don't care for the US.

>> No.8112600

Why am I seeing this inane bullshit on 4chan's literature board

>> No.8112601

Illegal immigrants aren't the cause of economic problems, but they are significantly responsible for the cultural collapse of the United States.

Proposing to enforce the borders isn't pandering so much as it's proper governance that any competent authority figure would already be doing.

>> No.8112603

Because this is a thread about political literature?

>> No.8112606

All I see is Americans and Indians shitposting about the latest celebrity gossip

>> No.8112607


I'm not shilling. I'm saying that the guy who is willing to work for next to nothing is always going to get the job over the guy who wants vacation, overtime, sick leave and $15+ an hour.

You fags always are always supporting the capitalist way of life but whine like a bunch of retarded faggots when that system fucks you over.

>Hire guy that is willing to make less money for longer hours?



>> No.8112608


>> No.8112610

>Illegal immigrants aren't the cause of economic problems
For the lower classes it's certainly a problem of an economic nature, it has both taken away jobs and driven the salaries down.

>> No.8112615

Mexicans are a backwards race of devil worshipping injuns. They hate western civilisation, would destroy centuries of American art and history. Their only culture is narco music and donkey shows. Has a single Mexican ever created a decent work of literature?

>> No.8112616

Libertarians like you need to be drawn and quartered desu.

>> No.8112617


Spare me that first grader tier patriotic zeal. Just because I was born here doesn't necessarily mean I want to be here.

>> No.8112623

No I'm sorry, contemporary academics are inane due to a lack of discrimination and commercialized model, it is indefensible nonsense.

>> No.8112624


Don't put labels on me, I'm not a fucking Libertarian.

Either make a legitimate argument or fuck off.

>> No.8112626

This book is shit, don't buy it OP.

>> No.8112628
File: 86 KB, 652x365, TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So get out then faggot. Go join your beloved mexicans across the border. Nothing is stopping you. GET OUT.

>> No.8112631

Actually it is very defensible nonsense. I wouldn't expect a philistine like you to understand though.

Take your pills, Kyle. You're bumming everyone out.


>> No.8112635

You're making libertarian arguments I'm not making, and then holding me to them as if just because I'm against illegal immigration I'm some Reaganite who hates minimum wage. I think the minimum wage should be higher. I think workers should be guaranteed benefits.

Go take your corporate cocksucking somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.8112636

>Implying I'm not ethnically German.

>Implying I wouldn't like to live in Europe.


>> No.8112639
File: 312 KB, 1500x1125, curry-powder-shutterstock_92670397-thumb-1500xauto-412765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8112640
File: 39 KB, 625x500, 7cf63ba8-7c53-431d-82bb-f0124a2ba717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is for nazis, we Americans kicked the Nazis' ass. Why would I go there?

>> No.8112645
File: 35 KB, 700x760, 1447659625689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centuries of American art and history

>> No.8112646

The only reasonable, non-cuck solution would involve a combination of psychotic fascist police state and hyperdetregulated free market capitalism. Think Pinochet as a paranoid meth user grotesquely enhanced by super-steroids

>> No.8112647

>powers that be
You mean his friends Hillary and Bill Clinton, or his buddy Jeffrey Epstein?



>> No.8112648
File: 78 KB, 1200x630, 635980603533771566-AP-GOP-2016-Trump.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is already fucked thanks to cucks like you, enjoy your caliphate. In the meantime you can just piss off to either Mexico or Canada if you can't stand freedom.

>> No.8112649

>It's "corporate cocksucking" to tell people why people who are willing to make less money get more jobs

>Probably supports Trump (the physical manifestation of "corporate cocksucker")

You people are hypocritical to the point of insanity.

>> No.8112652

>She predicted Trump was going to win
More like she just spewed nonsense constantly and some of it happened to be correct.

Stopped clock fallacy yo.

>> No.8112658

not worth it, poorly written

>> No.8112659

>supports illegal immigration
>pretends to care about the working class
Go choke on a chainsaw. :^)

>> No.8112660

Have you even read it?

>> No.8112662

>if you can't stand freedom

What freedom? you can't cuss, show nudity or other "perverse" things in this country without wading through a sea of red tape and censorship.


>> No.8112672


>> No.8112673

>I tell you WHY Rico down the street has a job in this system and you don't

>Means I support illegal immigration

Do you always immediately jump to conclusions?

>> No.8112679
File: 339 KB, 1920x1200, ivankaf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read John Locke you degenerate. Freedom isn't about pozzing your boyfriend in public.

>> No.8112680

Nobody doesn't understand that there are lots of poor people willing on live on slave wages. It's illegal for a reason: Because it kills the working class.

So what the fuck is your point beyond shouting the obvious at the top of your lungs?

>> No.8112686


>> No.8112689


You're a fucking disgrace to your ancestors. Merkel slit-licking pig.

>> No.8112695

>ITT pseuds overanalyzing simple shit

I'm voting for Trump because he is white and his wife is hot. We have got to undue the psychological damage caused by having a nigger president. This is a top priority, the world is laughing at us. Electing some cunt or a kike into office would only make it worse.

>> No.8112700

She has a weird face, like half of it wants to be somewhere else.

>> No.8112703

>Freedom isn't about pozzing your boyfriend in public.

Yeah, I know. It's about worshiping the one true christian god, not having sex until marriage, owning shit tons of guns and volunteering to die in a war in some foreign shithole.

Because that's how the corporate capitalist system (the system you probably support) stays afloat, borderline slave labor and shipping jobs overseas for that sweet PROFIT which is EXACTLY what a guy like Trump has been doing for most of his fucking existence.

If you're against corporate greed and all that, then WHY THE FUCK would you vote for the fucking poster boy of it?

>> No.8112704

>because it kills the working class

Automation's already on the horizon. We need to figure out a way to dispose of all the poors as soon as they cease to be useful. Bombard their social media feeds with subliminal content promoting affordable Right to Die ™ packages

>> No.8112705

you should be voting Hillary so she bankrupts America and starts civil war 2.0
Trump isn't the nationalist hero you want him to be

>> No.8112706


>> No.8112709
File: 70 KB, 600x800, 1464663989296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insha'Allah habibi

>> No.8112710

Trump didn't make his fortune in manufacturing bruh

>> No.8112717

Because I'm not a libertarian retard, and I understand that capitalism works as long as there is a government with strong regulations protecting working people.

If you want to pretend like this country wasn't prosperous as fuck before Reaganomics took over and never left, go ahead. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.8112719

Trump didn't make his fortune.


>> No.8112720

She's basically /pol/ in female form. If that appeals to you, then go for it.

>> No.8112722

America was at its peak before WW1
that was the start of the downwards spiral

>> No.8112727

I despise Reagan and everything he did you fucking fool.


There's that label again, if I'm anything I'm an Independent.

You fucking suck at reading comprehension, why are you even on the literature board?

>> No.8112729
File: 79 KB, 1200x627, ivanka_trum.3156f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't believe in marriage and family
>Pro gun control
You are cancer. But that's still not what FREEDOM is all about, you may hate the American way of life but that has nothing to do with the principles on which the nation was founded.

>> No.8112730

I guess he obtained it by exploiting his employees like all successful businessmen?

You are a stupid faggot

>> No.8112732

Why would you read a book by some fucking mexican tranny, OP?

>> No.8112734

>Implying entering the second world war didn't boost the United States economy right out of the Great Depression

Someone didn't graduate High School.

>> No.8112737

he fell for the freedom meme

>> No.8112741

easy there amigo, our trannies are better than that.

>> No.8112742

I know you're just a shit troll, so whatevs.

>> No.8112744

Automation is a pipedream but even if that did happen we would still find a way to make people work their asses off. People are already working much longer hours than they really need to.

>> No.8112745

He inherited it. Did you even read about the life of your hero?

>> No.8112749

>I guess he obtained it by exploiting his employees like all successful businessmen?

Partially, yeah.

>> No.8112754
File: 35 KB, 960x721, ivanka-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm completely serious. Read John Locke.

>> No.8112757

Don't bother OP, there are better books out there.

>> No.8112758


>Posts pictures of a Slav


>> No.8112760

Trump may have inherited money but he made that money grow. The myth that he is a bad businessman is not true at all even if you would like it to be.

>> No.8112764

>I despise Reagan and everything he did you fucking fool.
Oh, ok, cool, so we're in agreement. So you don't need to keep shouting about how I must really agree with him and deregulation and lower wages and all those things. So, do you have any other arguments to make?

>> No.8112765

>he made that money grow
are you on drugs?

>> No.8112770

Once robots are cheaper than people, there will be no reason to exploit them. The working class will cease to be part of the economy as we know it.

>> No.8112771

Just don't vote for Trump.

>> No.8112772
File: 79 KB, 720x960, donald trump mexican bowl_1462487647536_1265629_ver1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you leftists are very racist but are you seriously saying that slavs aren't white or Christian?

>> No.8112778
File: 24 KB, 291x293, 1464306255636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I read science fiction too but I thought we were talking about reality.

>> No.8112779

Look it up.

Caucasians aren't truly "white"

Why do you think Hitler had a special hard on for killing Russians and just Slavs in general?

>> No.8112780

Hillary is a fucking TPP shill.

You bet your ass I'm voting for fucking Trump.

>> No.8112781


You know she isn't Melania's daughter right nigger?

>> No.8112783

Sup Shillary.

>> No.8112784

>Voting for ANY main party (Democrat/Republican) candidate in 2016

You're better off just not voting. Seriously.

>> No.8112785

>reading political books not written by Italians, Greeks, or Ron Paul

Legitimately pleb.

>> No.8112789

>Ivanka Trump

>Ethnicity: Czech

That is most definitely a Slav.

>> No.8112794


>> No.8112798
File: 24 KB, 306x454, 2ECD0E4500000578-3333521-image-m-7_1448459859293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you mean, my dear /pol/ack, is that they aren't aryan. The American notion of race wasn't a thing in Europe back then. They are most definitely white.

>> No.8112800


Religion Orthodox Judaism

>> No.8112805
File: 23 KB, 254x322, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bourgeoisie electoral politics
Just kill me Pham

>> No.8112806

>Voting for independents
It's like flushing your vote down the toilet.

>> No.8112812

>He automatically jumps on the "lel ur a communist train"

There are political parties and schools of thought INBETWEEN extreme lefts and rights.... Right?

With whats on the roster for election this year? Might as well flush it down the toilet.

>> No.8112819

Trump is the lesser evil. You have to be retarded not to vote for him.

>> No.8112820

He is obviously high on hope.

>> No.8112821

Wrong. You either support capitalism or you don't.

>> No.8112822

>Trump is the lesser evil.

The fact that people unironically believe this is hilarious. Or is it depressing? I really can't decide which...

>> No.8112824

Get the fuck out. Maybe trying taking a high school Civics class before talking about this shit. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8112827
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Don't you want a shitposter for president? Even fucking Best Korea has endorsed him. Give me one good reason to not vote for Trump. And none of those SJW bogus reasons like imagined racism or whatever.

>> No.8112830

Because I don't like memes. Or shitposters.

>> No.8112835

So you're not voting for Trump because you hate fun? Okay, but why shouldn't I vote for him?

>> No.8112836
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>they aren't aryan
With the sole exception of Norwegians/Icelanders, the most aryan peoples on earth are balts and slavs. Germans and such are largely just sedentary bog dwellers.

>> No.8112838
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I just wish Ruth-Ellen was a conservative and not a commie ;_;


/lit/ was created in 2010 you retards


Good point.

>Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood.

>> No.8112841

Voting with confidence will give you brain rot.

>> No.8112842


>> No.8112846

Meh. What do I care? Do whatever you want. Just don't come crying to me when shit REALLY starts to hit the fan.

>> No.8112859

What shit would that be? I honestly have no idea what you're getting at. Hillary would be dangerous since she's corrupt but I can't see Trump really fucking anything up besides not keeping his promises.

>> No.8112862

Shits gonna hit the fan anyways. May as well have Fun to the very end until America gets REKT by neo-soviet ICBMs.

>> No.8112864

You sincerely think that Trump doesn't have his share of shilling investors?

He fucking ADORES Communist China for fuck sakes.

>> No.8112872

He's a bit of a wildcard but I don't think he's a sellout. Clinton would sell state secrets for spare change if she had the chance. As for liking China I don't blame him since they're quite successful.

>> No.8112875


>> No.8112880


>> No.8112883


>> No.8112885

The whole Trump phenomenon is absurd, hilarious sad and terrifying at the same time. A major party candidate who openly wants to emulate the CCP and Putin, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, is backed by Pepe spamming nazis, contradicts himself every time he opens his mouth, starred in a reality tv show and has appeared in a Pizza Hut ad. It's some sort of really fucked dystopian satire

>> No.8112888

i literally want to upvote you SO bad right now my man!

>> No.8112911

Have you ever considered that irony is played out and nobody cares whether you're trying to be insulting or funny?

>> No.8112921

Trump is the best thing to happen to American politics in over 30 years. Cucks are terrified because he represents a legitimate threat to the status quo even while they try to insist oh so unconvincingly that yes, the man who scares the shit out of them is even MORE establishment than W Bush, or Obama, or Clinton.

>> No.8112925


>> No.8112933

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.8112946

Don't buy it.

>> No.8112950
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The last woman of strong moral character in America.

RIP you once great nation and no Trump alone isn't enough to save it anymore. We're past the point of no return.

>> No.8112955

The worst nightmare of cuckservatives and libcucks. They all serve the same globalist masters so it's fun to see them tremble at the sight of Trump the triumphant.

>> No.8112956

hello OP

>> No.8112996

nice --- u got le dubs

>> No.8112997


>> No.8113043

>Actually it is very defensible nonsense. I wouldn't expect a philistine like you to understand though.

Of course it's defensible. We have a great deal of people trained to rationalize our society's worst excesses. They're called academics.

>> No.8113058

Honestly I'm as pissed off at illegals as everyone else but I'm surprised you shitlords aren't more upset about this:


Basically Obama passed a law that says that if a suburb doesn't have enough "diversity" they will have to build social housing at their own expense to house jigaboos and mexicans and what have you. If they don't, they get sued and they don't get their highways repaired and canals drained. Not only do they have to build housing projects right in the middle of a nice suburb but they also have to provide schools, grocery stores, malls etc etc close to the projects. Because giving people a free house and not a free school would be racist. This will in effect create "mini downtowns"

The whole point of living in the suburbs is to get away from diversity. It would be worth it to vote for Trump to scrap this law, if nothing else.

>> No.8113093

>Getting this butthurt over sociology 101-tier analysis

Fuck I miss the rand and the marx posters

>> No.8113103

>Getting this butthurt over the republicans answer to Michael Moore

Fuck I miss the rand and the marx posters

>> No.8113171


>the only alternative is libertarianism

Is this what the average American thinks? Does the average American even know about third parties or do they only believe there are two?

>> No.8113188

The biggest factor that ended the depression was leaving the gold standard.

>> No.8113200

When the FUCK did 4chan become a hive of Republican scum? What in the name of God has changed in the place so drastically that people have started talking like bitter old southern men?

>> No.8113206

Because the prominent forms of contemporary leftism became hostile towards many of this site's users. Republicans may be scummy, but they're practically saints compared to those that have used the term "rape culture" sincerely.

>> No.8113208

Ironic shitposting turned out to just be shitposting after all

>> No.8113215 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8113223

This book is not worth your time.

>> No.8113237


> only applies to communities that receives federal funding

Conveniently left that bit out, did you?

>> No.8113244

Practically all infrastructure work involves some amount if federal funding for some reason, and if they already have a few section 8 residents, now they have to get more and plan all further development around placing those near features they wouldn't prioritize otherwise. Fuck them for having a few poor people and not running them out of town, right?

>> No.8113248

> in this one completely hypothetical scenario that I just pulled out of my ass it would be a minor inconvenience

Wow, sure seems like that EO is bringing down America

>> No.8113255
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>Republican scum
>bitter old southern men

>> No.8113283
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>> No.8113287

Those people aren't true leftists though. The left has nothing to do with these hostilities.

>> No.8113289
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>> No.8113301

Whatever you think the left is either agrees with them, is powerless to stop them, or doesn't really exist.

Contemporary leftism in any meaningful sense is centered around an extremely hostile intersectionality.

>> No.8113313

>/pol/ is for nazis
There's no faster way to tell that someone has never been to /pol/.

>> No.8113340

>She predicted Trump was going to win the Republican nomination and everyone laughed at her.
For understandable reasons. Even Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist, was shocked when he won the nomination.

>She also a hottie. 8/10, would bang.

>> No.8113343

You're only making yourself look like a shithead

>> No.8113360

This is why nobody fucking listens to republicans.

What the fuck are you even going on about? I will go as far as to say you're just as retarded as the guy you're responding to.

>> No.8113435


>> No.8113439

>the world is laughing at us.
The world is laughing at you for trying to elect Trump, not for having Obama.

>> No.8113450

He inherited a Manhattan real estate business, it literally would have grown better if he hadn't touched it rather than almost bankrupting himself trying to build an apartment block or casino or whatever it was that his daddy needed to rescue him from.

>> No.8113451

He's wrong. /pol/ is for 15 year olds wannabe Nazis.

>> No.8114086

Proof that western civilisation is degenerate and needs to be cleansed by Islam

>> No.8114504

>The Left's plan to turn this country into a third world hellhole
>is it worth buying?

No. Coulter is an idiot who spews provocative propaganda trying to make money from the ensuing outrage. She'll say whatever she thinks will keep her in the media and resonate with her target audience and give them a pleasantly titillating feel of outrage against them damn hippies ruining this country

>> No.8114523
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>average korean girl with no makeup or plastic surgery

>> No.8114559

>Even Stephen Hawking, somebody with no political expertise, was shocked when he won the nomination.

>> No.8114692

whats wrong with plastic surgery?

>b-b-b-but its not """""natural"""""

>> No.8114703

ugly children

>> No.8114708

How is completely hypothetical to point out that any non-zero number of section-8 units in a community makes it subject to this order? Lots of communities have small populations receiving that funding.

>> No.8114713


Honestly, I'm amazed plastic surgery works so well on asians. On caucasians it turns them into pig-disgusting freak shows so often

>> No.8114729


I'm not a sympathizer of the left, but she's about as bad as those terribly confrontational and often-overreacting left-wing pundits. She's that of the right. Her books sell a few weeks after whatever her latest inane overreaction was, and she refuses to accept that part of "cultural marxism", or rather, the New Left, is in reaction to the same stimuli that much of libertarianism and yes, even modern American conservatism, react to. That it's a totally concerted effort by a few string-pullers towards an end goal rather than a much looser hyperpluralist mess, that Soros and Gates etc. just happen to give some organization.

She just spits the same dog shit that Republicans want to hear, and it works. I wish that Donald Trump wasn't the type of candidate that attracted people like her. He's very flawed and I'm getting to like him less and less but at this point he's the only candidate left that even has a chance of fixing some of the nation's problems. She's a carpetbagger on his insurgent success, and people like her help (hurt!) drive him to the crazy right and further from my comfort zone.

Oh, haven't read that book but I've peeked at another of hers, and it's nothing worth spending much time on.

>> No.8114759
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Most pop right-wing journalists are complete opportunists in it for the money or competently psychology unbalanced... notice all the boot-lickers for the Bush administration from Fox who are now sucking Trumps cock to remain relevant

>> No.8114774
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Why did i expect something different.

>> No.8114815

lol what?

>> No.8114854

You're right. We need less conservatives and more people like the idiot in your picture.

>> No.8114860

Actually we need it, free sluts for everyone.

>> No.8114870

>Thanks to womens lib and the sexual revolution we're all gonna get laid bro!

How can people believe this now having lived through 20+ years of it?

>> No.8114883

its not my fault that you aren't getting any, brah :^)
i thanks those dirty hippies for all the puss that i get in regular basis.

>> No.8114888

It's true though. Getting laid is easier than ever.

>> No.8114892

Getting trips is still just as hard

>> No.8114894


... because it's super easy now?

>> No.8114895
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Redpill on women's lib and how it will be the death of us all

>> No.8114899

You cant possibly believe this
haha totally eric my man

>> No.8114905

No, it's easier to have casual sex than ever. Important distinction. Back in the day you would have had to be a total fuckup to not get a wife.

>> No.8114907

>having cheap and easy sexual encounters are good and desirable

What made you like this?

Eroticism, sensuality, and love, when they do not converge in the same person are nothing more, in isolation, than disease, vice, and foolishness.

>> No.8114910

dumb phoneposter

>> No.8114937


>minor inconvenience

Are you slow or something?

They won't get their roads paved or their sewers dredged until they import a bunch of blacks at their own expense. It's outrageous. People have the right to segregate themselves. If suburbanites wanted to live in a noisy slum right next door to Jamal and Taquisha then they would move back downtown. They could save a lot of money on gas and time in traffic but I'm guessing that most people would rather commute three hours every day than experience ethnic diversity.

>> No.8114947

Those blacks, tempting me with their juicy bbc

>> No.8114951

Racists don't deserve roads and sewers. They can shit in the dirt and walk like the knuckle-draggers they are. They can join civil society when they're ready.

>> No.8114970

And I make it look easy.

>> No.8114975


All I said is that getting laid is easy, which is true?

>> No.8114982
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This thread is a mess and it should be deleted.

>> No.8114985


Seek help.


There are no racial barriers preventing black people from moving into the suburbs. Not anymore anyway. If they can afford the property they can move there. If 90% of nigs are poor idiots that's their own problem. If they got jobs, went to school, applied themselves, and earned a middle class income then they wouldn't be any nigs anymore. You can't just stock the suburbs with darkies like a lake with trout and expect anything to change. Middle class suburb dwellers are going to have to bend over backwards just so elites in Washington can pat themselves on the back for "social advancement"

>> No.8114986

The 50s where actually the high point for 'traditional values', pre-WW2 less people got married and those who did, did so at a later age. There's been a great deal of variation in demographic trends across history. The current drop in birth rates has less to do with 'sexual liberation' and more to do with the fact that child rearing is seen as an inconvenience in an individual centered capitalist society with no extended family structures to provide support.

>> No.8114989

i cuc'd yur mom niger

>> No.8114993

who cares?

>> No.8114994

This thread is still a mess and it should be deleted.

>> No.8114995

>sexual liberation
>individual centered capitalist society with no extended family structures to provide support.

These two things are inexorably linked

>> No.8114998

And how do these "poor idiots" advance when they're stuck with public resources funded by other "poor idiots"? Funding schools with property taxes inevitably leads to class and race segregation.

>> No.8115000

Do you really think everything's gone to shit because of people's personal choices


>> No.8115007

Class and race segregation is a product of IQ and genetics. We shouldn't mess with Mother Nature, man.

>> No.8115012

lol yeah man cause peoples "personal choices" have no larger implications whatsoever

heckin sweet dude!

>> No.8115013

Yeah, every man and woman for themselves! Go go go work hard play hard get the pussy ride that dick drink drink drink old people are disgusting live fast die young!

>> No.8115015

IQ and genetics don't exist as quantifiable in our modern society in any provable ways.

Except for maybe our easy ability to accept bullshit on the internet and /pol/, or reddit, as fact.

>> No.8115020

I'm the most enlightened genius in this thread.

>> No.8115022

That again, is not why society society is shit. If you think it is, you have a grossly misunderstood idea of how this works.

>> No.8115027

It's not better or worse than it ever was. It has little to do with people's personal choices and more with the way social structures limit those choices. 'Traditional values' are spooks based on a half-imagined past that never really existed.

>> No.8115032


no me

>> No.8115039

I agree. I'm saying that it has more to do with how we manage resources that our society is shit, the social effects of how those resources are managed etc.

More or less, bare bones. Anybody who thinks it's more, or those social situations themselves, is part of the reason why we're not seeing the exact problem, it's easier to blame the effects of the smaller problem from the larger problem than the larger problem. Because you're grown to love the larger problem from childhood.

>> No.8115042

Do you have sources whatsoever to back up your claim

Why do you think society has gone to the dogs.

>'Traditional values' are spooks based on a half-imagined past that never really existed.


>> No.8115045

Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.8115051
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>Eroticism, sensuality, and love, when they do not converge in the same person are nothing more, in isolation, than disease, vice, and foolishness.

>> No.8115056


Look funnel more money into urban areas if you want, but don't bring the urban areas out into the suburbs.

But why is that blacks, out of all the ethnic minorities have so many behavioral problems? Why do they have children out of wedlock? Why do they abuse alcohol and drugs? Why do they commit violent crimes at such a high rate? Have you ever listened to a rap song? Their culture glorifies this regressive behavior. Black kids all think they're going to be professional athletes or entertainers. The Chinese are very poor, the average salary in China is about $4000 a year, but they have a lower homicide rate than the US. The PRC's homicide rate is as low as Western Europe's, pretty much the human minimum for murder. The Jews were segregated, oppressed, and routinely massacred for centuries and yet they have become wealthy and educated. The Holocaust is worse than anything that every happened to black people.

>> No.8115057


>> No.8115061

The trauma from slavery is in their genes. Learn some science.

>> No.8115062

it's because i cuk'd you're mom

>> No.8115063

>Why do you think society has gone to the dogs.

It most cases it hasn't. It's our society that is making others go to the dogs. You're just an entitled middle class raised fucknut who's worries for the community begin and end in the neighborhood they were raised in and not outside of it.

5 people own the majority of the wealth of our entire planet, Earth. More than a billion people, more than perhaps, two billion people's wealth. And we work just to float them up, and people in the third world work to float us up.

We could give clean water, contraception, basic pre-built housing, and an easier ability for all of man to have the same opportunity to create art, work for science, read and write, and become literate. Across the entire planet. Underage girls wouldn't have to worry about having above our own country's one in five risk of being raped.

We could make this world a better place.

But we don't, because we invest in weapons to be deployed in these regions more than anything else, the defense market is the many needles and legs of this parasite we call home.

It's a fucked up world and you're blaming women and gay people and whatever is convenient because you probably bought your care intellectual care package from the internet.

>> No.8115070

haha fagger

>> No.8115077


>> No.8115079


I didn't know that Racial Memory was a scientific fact. Maybe I'm just not up to date?


This is an +18 website

>> No.8115080

Anyone else here not a racist, but wishes the Nazis had won?
Theirs was a truly effective fascist government that took a nation on its knees from a depression and turned it into a military, technological and economic powerhouse within the space of thirty years.
It was a social experiment in the way that many reformed or new nations are. America was an experiment in democracy and (eventually) egalitarianism. The Soviet Union was an experiment in Communism. Nazi Germany was the grandest experiment of them all: a rejection of the gentle side of man and a wholehearted pursuit of our more teutonic side: The glorification of the strong, the self-sufficient, and the dominant. It was to be the beginning of a bolder and more uncompromising global civilization that would bring discipline where before there was only coddling; that would harden the soft, and that would not be afraid to say that equality means equal opportunities, not that all men regardless of education or skill are inherently equal to one another. It was a call out to all men to transcend their passive, mediocre existances and aspire to become the heroic and unstoppable species that mankind always had the potential to become.
Nazi Germany was the combined hopes, dreams and ambitions of all who dared to dominate; but in the end, these dreams were quashed by weak, subversive men who would rather hold their superiors back rather than attempt to catch up.

>> No.8115082


>> No.8115086

Epic copypasta m8

>> No.8115087

>We could make this world a better place.
What you describe sounds like a nightmare to me.

>> No.8115095

Be specific or don't post on the board.

>> No.8115108

Is this a troll post? Almost every one of your statements that cites a number is wrong.

>> No.8115110

Look at this dreadful thread. That's the singular post you're worried about?

>> No.8115112

Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say ANYTHING else - ONE word - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the Master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this Fear Engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming -as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of NOTHING will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark world will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.

>> No.8115116

numbers are cuck shit

>> No.8115117

He said "getting laid" retard, can you fucking read?

>> No.8115124


>> No.8115128

America does deserves to be destroyed

>> No.8115129

Fair point. It was the only one that didn't look like a blatant shitpost from the thread preview

>> No.8115131

I take "getting laid" to mean "having sex." If you're married and pretty much own your wife, you'll have sex.

>> No.8115136
