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/lit/ - Literature

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8107398 No.8107398 [Reply] [Original]

>Be a nerdy fucking anon
>Have shit regularly thrown at you as you eat and read alone at lunch in middle school
>High school, other faggots move to district
>Stick together for survival
>One of these semi-autistic smelly redhead girl
>"Date" for a while
>Hardest thing I've ever done, ask her out
>She says yes
>Not emotionally mature enough to realize how significant this is
>Apex occurs when we go to a carnival together
>Swan boats
>Out in the middle of the water
>Perfect opportunity to steal first kiss
>Wuss out
>Paddle back to shore
>Fast-forward six months later, date frequency decreasing until non-existent
>Hear her say "when we were dating..." realize it's over, don't feel too bad about it
>She's out of school a lot
>Find out she has a blood disease
>Parents sit me down one day
>Say that I should visit her in the hospital
>Do so, her parents are there
>Image haunts me to this day. She's all hooked up to tubes, in a coma
>Her mother says"Hey, anonette, anon is here, why don't you wake up?"
>I don't sleep that night
>Still have her picture, last high school yearbook photo that was taken before she died
>Put it away in a little box I keep on my shelf
>Take it out and look at it sometimes
>Regret. Sadness. Pain.

I have never been emotionally close to a member of the opposite sex since. I am 52 years old, and may very well die alone.

>> No.8107405

not sure if stale pasta but you are not 52

>> No.8107409

>still this spooked

wew lad

>> No.8107411

unless it's an idea of your future novel you mistook lit for r9k

>> No.8108398

Are you really 52?

>> No.8108411

That's pretty fucking sad.

>> No.8108435
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>I am 52

Bullshit. What are you doing here?
Shut the fuck up tripnigger

>> No.8108484


Nice, the smelliness of the redhead really sells the story.