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8106159 No.8106159 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the philosopher's native language shapes his philosophy?

Are Anglos more analytic and the French more continental because of the language they use necessarily shaping their thoughts in such directions, for example?

>> No.8106171

Probably more broadly cultural than just linguistic.

>> No.8106189

This. There are plenty of great French mathematicians and scientists, so the language itself does not induce irrationality and nonsense.

>> No.8106883
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>> No.8106890

The simplistic nature of English might limit their capacity to complex thought though, especially since most Anglos are monolingual.

>> No.8106895

You should look into a phenomenom called "cultural emphasis" that very much describes the point of your question.

>> No.8106906

According to Heidegger, English and French are not philosophical languages.

Only German, ancient Greek and Sanskrit.

>> No.8106914

Source ?

>> No.8106917

It's something he said to an Indian in private but he's repeated that German and Greek are similar and are the best languages at exploring philosophical questions.

>> No.8106920

Not philosophy, but I believe languages shape the general attitude of the people as a whole, but only as one factor alongside many others. English is quite informal, so Anglos people tend to be less formal towards strangers&superiors. German can be considered an "ordering" language and the people like to be precise in their duties. Turkish is efficient in verbs, and that is the general attitude of Turkish people: to do as much as possible with least effort possible.

>> No.8106924

It certainly seems to have limited yours.

>> No.8106926

Also in the Der Spiegel interview he mentions how when his French friends learn German they give up on French because they "cannot think" without German.

>> No.8106932

or, of course, it could be the other way around too. The attitudes of societies might shape their language tone and usage.

>> No.8106934

Too bad Heidegger was a notorious pseud who wrote nonsense for a living. Much like the French pseuds who followed him.

>> No.8106946
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>> No.8106973
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>mfw he's just some sour grapes'd Nazi who cries at night because his precious bulletheaded tryhard Teutonic völk are effortlessly outwitted and shamed by the crafty, jolly Anglo and can't into empires
>"die Englisch ist nicht philosophical!!!" reads an Englishman holding the World News while some niggerboy serves him tea in Bahrain
>"du bist Amerikaner schwein!" yelps a pathetic, disheveled, defeated Kraut at some G.I. picking his nose and listening to the song stuck in his head

haha stay mad Germancucks

>> No.8106979

Anglos are subhuman

>> No.8106987


Russian and Armenian are more similar to Greek in every way.

>> No.8106994

Always happens when a cultured person has to adopt a pidgin language to be honest.

>> No.8107001

Sapir- Whorff a shit

>> No.8107003

>more continental

stopped reading there. you are a faggot.

>> No.8107102

I agree to be quite honest.

>> No.8107111

The meanings of words in a different language may carry greater weight, but I believe it's the cultural norms, not the language itself that shapes the philosophy. I'm fluent in two languages and proficient in two others. The same words mean slightly different things once translated.

>> No.8107137
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language is part of the formation of philosophical traditions but nowhere near the most formative.
>"continental" as an adjective

>> No.8107147
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Yes. For example, bad languages are the ones with less meanings and with words of many meanings. The term "Barbarians" come from those who speak "Bar Bar", because Greeks would notice they overuse words. This is hard to be understood instantly, you may have a glimpse of what I mean, but language simply castrate your ability to think. Philosophers are interested in increasing their vocabulary, so they can outperform their fellow men, yet are still underperforming against Germans and Greeks. (inb4 what about Sanskrit, whatever I don't know it).

Consider a course of Mathematics, in which all you do is learn a bunch of meanings to use them consistently, it is not a science yet it gets the student ahead of plebeians. Modern Germans may not be consistent with their language, but they inherit a great cultural advantage over the untermensch that can be developed later.

If you don't believe me, you can do a comparison yourself. You should consider developing your own language too, because artificial languages are the future. Bad languages happen out sheer laziness and self-interest, it is only fair to think hard working people like the Germans would not do it.

>> No.8107159

Well idiomatic expressions certainly encapsulate a worldview of previous speakers and probably expose the native speaker to their ideas repeatedly

>> No.8107200


In a comparison between German and Kikongo, I agree with your point but between German and English?

Also, I don't think languages, at least the major ones, are theitically constructed but more rather discovered as they go along.

>> No.8107239

Meanings are discovered, references are invented. Meanings already exist.

>but between German and English?

I should encourage to be skeptic, in fact, I should tell you to try translating from English to German and from German to English to see which one contains the other.

>> No.8107250

Of course the French are more continental dipshit, they live on a continent.

>> No.8107256

>here you can see the anglo brainlet having a hard time

>> No.8107333


Does one language containing the other posit that it's superior? I acknowledge English's debt to German, but just the same German wasn't created in a vacuum. I think the criteria for prestige should be based on what works its speakers have produced and the general character of its speakers rather than flaunting arbitrary linguistic characteristics. And from the printing press to modern rocketry, Gutenberg to von Braun, the German language certainly has that prestige but if so certainly so does English. I'm actually a A2 level German student studying the language so I've definitely observed numerous similarities but in no way have I ever thought of English as being bastardized or less sophisticated.

>> No.8107372

>implying the rate of autism is higher in the anglosphere

>> No.8107414


> Top 12 original languages:
1 - English - 1265367
2 - French - 225805
3 - German - 208091
4 - Russian - 103599
5 - Italian - 69545
6 - Spanish - 54554
7 - Swedish - 39977
8 - Japanese - 29242
9 - Danish - 21250
10 - Latin - 19952
11 - Dutch - 19660
12 - Ancient Greek - 18057

> Top 12 target languages:
1 - German - 301934
2 - French - 240044
3 - Spanish - 228558
4 - English - 164500
5 - Japanese - 130649
6 - Dutch - 111270
7 - Russian - 100806
8 - Portuguese - 78905
9 - Polish - 76706
10 - Swedish - 71209
11 - Czech - 68921
12 - Danish - 64864

Source: http://www.unesco.org/xtrans/bsstatlist.aspx?lg=0

>> No.8107419

What are "original" and "target" languages referring to?

>> No.8107443

Original language = language in which the work was originally composed
Target language = language in which the translated work is rendered

For example, the original language of Proust's 'À la recherche du temps perdu' is French, and the target language of Moncrieff's translation is English.

>> No.8107446

I assume Original is translated from, and target is translated to, so the most english texts are translated, and the most books are translated to german

>> No.8107563

But then German philosophers would have to be autistic and... oh.

>> No.8107585

Ideas come before language. Once you learn a language, you only get access to the ideas of those who speak that native tongue.

>> No.8107647

Yes, I believe so.

One's world view, or moreover how they intellectually contextualize the world, is inescapably a function of the languages they speak.

>> No.8107674

>French mathematicians and scientists
They deal with math as their main language, you remark is pointless.

>> No.8107698

>A2 level German
That's why you don't know m8. German is a lot more sophisticated than English, you can put a lot more meaning in less space. Once you learn more you'll se how much more complicated it can get and how much easier it is to express complicated ideas.

>> No.8107902

>Strong Sapir-Whorf
>Thinking the term 'Barbarian' resulted from a legit analysis of foreign languages and not just a onomatopoeic pejorative pointing up the fact that the Greeks didn't give a fuck about understanding any other language

Damn bro, have you read any legit linguistics published after 1950, or did you fall for the philology meme because you admire some Enlightenment caveman?

>> No.8107909

Every language is bastardized. It happens every day.

We're doing it as we type tbqpbauhwrtyf famalamadingdongpai.