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File: 620 KB, 1006x381, ss (2016-05-31 at 05.50.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8105489 No.8105489 [Reply] [Original]

Pic of zizeks son that could be memable

>> No.8105498

Imagine trying to express your opinions in your teenage years with a dad like that.

>> No.8105535


>> No.8105550

>"saw the booty"

More like "saw the ideology"?

that's the best I can do.

>> No.8105654

The girl in the front is ridiculously cute.

>> No.8105656

hee ish narshishishtically sheeing the bootie
*plucks t-shirt*

>> No.8105701

How? She's a typical snaggle-toothed child. Also

Is he a pokemon?

>> No.8105711

What do you mean "how"? Do you expect me to convince you of my subjective opinion on the cuteness of a child?

>> No.8105730

Is she single?

>> No.8105756

Anyone else think he looks a little like Gaddis?

>> No.8105796


>> No.8105819

He's too fat to be Gaddis. He could almost pass for a mini-Gass though.

>> No.8105835

What books do you think slavoj makes him read?

>> No.8105840

Ziz sounds like a /lit/ variant of kek.

>> No.8105860

Zozzle and max par, my /b/rudda.

>> No.8105892

He really does look like Zizek.

>> No.8105899


>> No.8105904


>> No.8105909

everyone in this picture looking horribly inbred

>> No.8105974
File: 43 KB, 300x400, pynpyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Priz Ziz

>> No.8106088

He looks like he plays Minecraft a lot.

>> No.8106093

Zizek's son's friend is named Tit.


>> No.8106110

Is Tim's facebook open for everyone to see? If yes post more.

>> No.8106356


>> No.8106411

look at his facebook

he is a typical 21st century Western male. baby faced, slightly effeminate, non-threatening. enjoys video games and bernie sanders. communicates with his friends through internet memes.

he seems to have lots of girls commenting on his posts. he could be a chubby don juan like his dad or he could be gay. not that you can't have female friends in your teen years but it's rare and i would say comfort around women at that age speaks to a sexual / social precociousness or homosexuality. i don't think his fathers fame factors in (as in the girls are impressed by his last name).

but we know he's of the social nerd variety, much like his father, a real ENTP.

>> No.8106444

> this meme loving fuck

Zizek obviously didn't start with the Greeks with this child.

Seriously, though, don't fuck with this kid. Leave him alone.

>> No.8106628

*rubs nose*

>> No.8106652

His shirt says rebel. Zizek is working his magic on him through consumerism. Before long, he'll be sniffing, tugging and fighting Capitalism with the best of them.

>> No.8106691

>all those hipster girls as friends

if the kid is smart he can really give a good use of his parenthood to easily get laid with easily impressionable leftist pseud qts

>> No.8106720

He just needs to hope that his dad won't go all out with his criticism of multiculturalism and hatred of liberals. Won't get the booty if Slavoj gets labeled a proper fascist by the hipster liberals.

>> No.8106764

then he will become the forbidden fruit and enjoy even more sex, and so on