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8105360 No.8105360 [Reply] [Original]

What can I expect?

>> No.8105504

It's not as hard to deal with as people say and the worldbuilding is ok the first time, but it quickly gets old. The characters don't say much, but the many things implied makes them believable and emotionally charged. Overall, the best aspect of it is probably the minimalistic storytelling provided by the environment itself. My favorite part was right at the end, when you expect a grand finale that goes beyond your wildest dreams but instead you find an old, defeated man, irrationally clinging to his long lost world an his younger self.
My favorite character is that noble but somewhat comical man on an impossible, Quixotesque quest for what he believes in, in contrast to the dark, bleak world we are exposed to. I feel that Solaire of Astora was one of the best characters in the series, and that dead souls 2 and 3 weren't as innovative as the first one.
Hope it helps.

>> No.8105540

I really loved this book. The repetition gives it a fairytale esq appeal while driving you down a path of ultimate despair.

>> No.8105551

If you've never read Gogol before, you may want to read some of his short works first. He is a very strange and unique writer, and you have to acclimate yourself to his style before you start picking up on the subtleties of his writing.

>> No.8105554

I heard P&V are shit translators who basically translate it twice and fuck it up.

What translation should i read?

>> No.8105560

You are correct. The Guerney translation is the best

>> No.8105586

Also, remember that Gogol is one of the greatest humorists ever. His writings may tackle deep and serious themes, but he is just as often aiming at comedy

>> No.8105600

Donald Rayfield (the NYRB edition)

>> No.8105613

>What can I expect?
Lots of fun. Although it's actuall pretty sad.

>> No.8105637


Eh. I have both Dead Souls and Collected Short Stories translated by P&V. They're actually fine for Gogol. The meme originates from their atrocious work with Dostoevsky.

>> No.8105674

Their work method is the same for Gogol as it was for Dostoevsky. If you're going to believe the latter meme then the former one applies as well, stop rationalizing your bad purchase. Or you can use your brain and stop believing stupid memes here.