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8105082 No.8105082 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong

>> No.8105089

define Theme

>> No.8105114

Great ass

>> No.8105226

the ass is fat

>> No.8105231

I like fat asses tbqh

>> No.8105240

Get your vague ass out of here.

I think Concept is more important than Idea.

>> No.8105248

Is there like a cats sitting by nice ass database somewhere? I see pictures like this all the time

>> No.8105261

Prove me wrong

>> No.8105283

thighs are objectively more important than boobs and feet do not factor

>> No.8105292


>> No.8105300

Most important is that baby is carried to term and delivered okay; then, baby is fed; then, baby is transported as needed until it can do so for itself. So this ranking checks out completely.

>> No.8105336

feet > thighs > boobs > ass

>> No.8105392

>boobs not the best


>> No.8105402


>> No.8107305

Hmm well I guess fat asses would be the theme of this thread

>> No.8107329

vaginal opening>uterus>human iris>cleavage>skull>glutes>labia oris

>> No.8107350

Not him, but I would define a theme as an underlying idea or concept that is present throughout a work.

>> No.8107358


>> No.8107432

It's just the yoga pants+that bent-over pose. I doubt it looks that good when she's standing up straight.

>> No.8107476

Found the woman

>> No.8107483

Nah, the ass is too big. If it was smaller I would be tempted to agree with the speculation.

>> No.8107495

patrician taste

>> No.8107498


>> No.8107508

I wish I could get aroused by feet.

>> No.8107510


Found the fat person.

>> No.8107519

You mean thin?

>> No.8107689
File: 100 KB, 525x657, Vico_Giambattista_Jerace_Castel_Nuovo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagery > metonymy > analogy > metaphor

>> No.8107717

this is a Good Comment whanau

>> No.8107742

Literally worthless

>> No.8107761


>> No.8107782

ass is where shit comes out you nu-male cuck.

It's boobs> face> thighs>feet>ass

>> No.8107790

>imagery cannot be used metaphorically

>> No.8107796

you're gonna be gay after puberty is done with you.

>> No.8107828
File: 263 KB, 960x1535, Bryce-Dallas-Howard-CinemaCon-Awards-2016-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait not liking ass is nu-male? Da fuq?

>> No.8107831


I'm Brazilian and I don't know what's wrong with you Americans worshipping boobs.

>> No.8107841

being attracted to something that shit exits is. There's no reason you would be attracted to it other than the fact that the tv tells you its sexy

>> No.8107858

Face = ass > thighs > boobs > back = hair > Vegeta > legs > hands > feet

This is the objective sequence and any deviation from it is fetishism.

>trust me, I've seen like two girls irl before

>> No.8107869

this is correct tbqh

>> No.8107872
File: 990 KB, 918x1513, Farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a single mention of farts

Disappointed desu, and so is Jim.

>> No.8107889

so you're telling me a chick has straight up hobbit feet and you're okay with it?

i can't fathom it

>> No.8107891

Actually human females are the only primates that have a constant fat bottom and natural to us and other primates is arousal from seeing a fat ass as it shows us she's ready to breed so no, it's not tv, it's nature.

>> No.8107900

no, what I'm saying is they are the least important and least potent point of attraction. I was joking about the seen 2 girls thing, i have more female friends than guy friends, I've seen a lot of girl's feet and believe me they all look the fucking same.

>> No.8107917

Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about? If it's a product of TV brainwashing, why was ass still considered sexy long long long before television became a thing?

>> No.8107926

actually fat ass indicates she is ALREADY sexually active (your ass gets bigger if you are having sex, the hips prepare for childbirth). So an attraction to ass would NOT necessarily be natural. In fact, it would seem to indicate that you want to be cuck'd

>> No.8107928

low self-esteem > not being obese > ass=boobs=thighs=face=feet=armpits

>> No.8107935

>everything is equal as long as she's not fat and hates herself

>> No.8107940

oh right there wasnt ways for popular opinion to hivemind before tv's existed. a fucking idiot could realize that tv wasn't literal, but ratjer a metaphor

>> No.8107973

Wouldn't that mean that you'd be cucking someone else?

>> No.8107979
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>> No.8107986

oh shit I was going to seriously write out a long reply on why you're wrong and im always right and call you a faggot etc etc but then I realized I was about to instigate an argument on /lit/ about how phat ass is a social construct

here anon, just reply to my post and have the last word, please

>> No.8108003

Holy shit how much of a virgin are you holy fuck

You could fuck a flat ass chick and her ass will never get fatter

>> No.8108004
File: 131 KB, 738x675, bookish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye, my standards match myself, it's fair

I have sympathy for anxious ugly/unlucky girls but ABSOLUTELY ZERO sympathy for fat girls

I can keep my weight healthy why the fuck can't she, at the very least, why the fuck can't she keep her weight under control. it's usually a sign of bigger personality flaws as well. major red flag for me

>> No.8108018


>> No.8108024

I can confirm this. sadly.

>> No.8108025

not that anon but it's scientific fact that the ass grows when you are sexually active...

>> No.8108028

t. sterile betamales
if you know how to really handle a woman, she will grow a cushion to make it fun for both of you

>> No.8108035

This girl's ass has caused you all to vent your real-world frustrations on each other by endlessly calling each other faggots, thinking each other is "wrong", trying to "troll" each other, being "ironic", being "sarcastic", "memeing", projecting on each other, fighting your shadow selves with violence towards each other, desperate to forget your lonely existences in phony rage

Meanwhile she is just somewhere out there living her life.

>> No.8108042


what the holy fuck are you on about

women hit puberty and start piling on the fat, but where the fat is distributed is entirely up to genetics. some girls get fat butts, some get fat tits, some get fat bellies. having sex does not raise your percentage of body fat. if anything, vigorous sexual exercise would burn fat

fuck off retard

>> No.8108045

for all we know she's in this thread, or maybe even dead (or maybe both??)

>> No.8108054


>for all we know she's dead

My penis just twitched

>> No.8108056


Then why does Sasha Gray have such a tiny little posterior? She had the body of an adolescent girl. I guess that was part of the appeal.

>> No.8108061

>singular, not plural

>> No.8108063

for all we know she's buried out nude in someone's back yard

>> No.8108078

it widens your hips you fucking permavirgin... this makes it look like they have a bigger butt. obviously it doesnt add literal fat. anybody that has ever talked to a girl would know this.

>> No.8108191

spot the jealous asslet female

>> No.8108198

Love and Understanding > everything else

>> No.8108202

all i want out of a woman is an ass like that.

>> No.8108222

For starters, you burn close to nothing when having sex. Virgin.

Secondly, yes, sex does widen hips and ass. Virgin.

so does every other man.

>> No.8108226

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8108229

Found the jealous female. You will never make up for a flat ass in any way.

>> No.8108239


That's me in the pic, idiot.

>> No.8108243

it's fun to pretend right?

maybe reading books will one day makeup for failing to meet your evolutionary requirements as a woman

>> No.8108247

Widening the ass /= making the ass fatter

Nice try virgin

>> No.8108250

In essence, it does. From the back it'll look wider. Either way, it'll be more attractive.

>> No.8108353

You don't need to use metaphoric or symbolic devices for expressive and descriptive words that evoke imagery in the minds eye.

>> No.8108372

What's the extra matter made of then - muscle?

>> No.8108616

no i bet it still looks good

>> No.8108727

That cat looks pretty villainous desu, chillin on his throne of ass and being like "harhar mr bond it was ze plan all along"

>> No.8108853

are you kidding me
i've never seen 2 pairs of feet that look alike on a man or woman

>> No.8108894
File: 100 KB, 1024x737, 1461438931950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying the whole is not of more importance than its individual parts

>> No.8108919

>throne of ass
#goals desu

>> No.8108923

execution>other shit

>> No.8108942

Haha epic post

>> No.8109339

So true in the long run. But you can definitely coast on a specific fixation and get a good couple sessions in.

>> No.8109348

Honestly thighs>ass, but other than that, 10/10 taste

>> No.8111118

stop jacking off in the doghouse ron

>> No.8111795

>pottery>imagery > metonymy > analogy > metaphor