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8102388 No.8102388 [Reply] [Original]

Read my books.

>> No.8102396

Already did papa P

>> No.8102400


>> No.8102508

All of them?

>> No.8102513

except for M&D, IV and ATD

>> No.8102529

I highly recommend Mason & Dixon, Inherent Vice, and Against the Day.

>> No.8103426
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I will when ı free myself from the clutches of Their society and therefore have some goddamn spare time jesus christ who d'you gotta piss on for this shit to stop for a minute.

>> No.8104543

How does Against the Day stand against GR and M&D? Weakest of the three? I don't see it discussed as often on here; it's always Mason & Dixon, Gravity's Rainbow, or TCoL49.

>> No.8104757
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I am Ruggles. Starting Vineland soon, once I've knocked that over I've only got V, Against the Day and Slow Learner left.

That doesn't include Letters (if you are Wanda) or pic related.

>> No.8104903

You did the Kenosha Kid?

>> No.8105048

>Volume 2 of The Optics Press collects all of the unauthorized editions of Pynchon's short stories and letters.

Isn't that illegal? Pynchon could probably sue you.

>> No.8105059

Why would he though? It is no different from having bootlegs of live band performances; as long as anon doesn't try to make duplicates and sell them, no one will care because it's just not worth the effort to punish him.

>> No.8105224

Salinger cared.

>> No.8105253

Yeah, but Salinger was a jew.

>> No.8105288
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> never

>> No.8106398

It's an unsung classic. The Black Sheep. Pynchon deluxe. Highly recommended.

>> No.8106546
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Yeah that's how I feel about ATD too.

M&D is best though.

G.R. I read last.

I haven't read many of his small books. Just Inherent vice.

>> No.8106561

"Against the Day" is Pynchon's crowning masterwork.

>> No.8106573
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t. Lindsey Noseworth

>> No.8106588

This opinion really seems to be picking up traction here.

>> No.8106637

If you're actually the Optics guy, what is Volume 3 gonna be?

>> No.8106711

I'm not the Optics guy. I just saved the picture.

>> No.8106717

Mason & Dixon has been too memed, so they're moving on to his other long, dry historical novel that up until now old men had read.

>> No.8106788

M&D is still his best. Doesn't mean that ATD isn't criminally underrated tho.

>> No.8107994

I don't get this. If nobody here has read it (which seems to be the case if you try and start a thread about it) how has it been too memed?

>> No.8108031
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Thomas Pynchon was described by some friends and colleagues as racist. His friend Danny Felds, the American journalist who helped publish V, described him as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Tom, I'm Jewish,' and he was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' he had a definite Nordic Aryan streak, [the belief] that he was physically, spiritually and creatively superior", a view he appears to have continued to maintain throughout his later years. According to Felds, Pynchon once attacked a mixed-race woman in a restaurant with a smashed wineglass, saying "I hate black people". Controversy arose when Tom originally planned a chapter in Gravity's Rainbow with strong antisemitic views and was forced to retract it by his editor.

>> No.8108039

No, this worked better with DFW. Pynchon actually goes out of his way to be sympathetic to Jews in his novels.

>> No.8108053
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Its existence itself is a meme. Even most of us who have literally read every single one of his other books have unread copies of Against the Day lying around (I know I do as seen in pic related).

Personally, I haven't gotten around to reading it because it'd feel too much like saying goodbye to one of my favorite authors.

>> No.8108059


What did he mean by this

>> No.8108114

>Personally, I haven't gotten around to reading it because it'd feel too much like saying goodbye to one of my favorite authors.

Oh man, I hadn't even thought about that. With three books left to go I don't know what I'll do. Reread I guess.

>> No.8108640
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I started Gravity's Rainbow two days ago and holy shit this book is terrific. I find each page, each little passage, every digression flooring me and I'm only page 61. Pynchon writes the dankest metaphors and is truly funny. I haven't really had a hard time understanding the references either.

Definitely not overrated. This book is godly. I'll admit it's a slow crawl and large time investment and I have pretty much this entire month to do nothing until my summer semester starts on the 27th. I plan on doing nothing but reading this.

This is where I just stopped. Slothrop's getting under the knife and the doctors are asking him about the "negroes". plan on jerking off, going to bed, and picking up right where I left off.

My favorite part thus far has been the description of Pirate's battle with the adenoid but the whole book has been a joy.

>> No.8108643

You're in for a wild ride anon. When it gets tough, remember this post. Have you read any other Pynchon yet?

>> No.8108657
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I just picked up bleeding edge because it was 5 bucks at the bookstore. the plot appeals to me more than any other of pynchon's books. should i start with this or the recommended crying of lot 49?

>> No.8108663


Nope, not yet. I tried to read The Crying of Lot 49 when I was 15 but it seemed impenetrable to me then. I understood none if it and got caught up trying to think there was super deep symbolism behind the weird names, now I see them as two-word poems that sort of give you a feeling about the character's personality.

>> No.8108691

I started with Inherent Vice. Start where you want, you'll end up at the same place in my opinion.

I don't think 15 year old me would have managed TCoL, despite being a heavy reader even then. Personally GR is my favorite Pynchon, although I haven't read them all.