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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 472x536, marilyn-monroe-photo-awesomepeoplereading-tumblr-com-23-4-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8099530 No.8099530 [Reply] [Original]

What famous people are surprisingly well-read?


>> No.8099552 [DELETED] 

she's a women, she only had them to be shown off, no woman truly understands good literature, this was all a construction of certain people in hollywood who wanted feminism to take over the west.

take the redpill

>> No.8099560

I don't want to sound like that guy, but it was probably for show or curiosity.
All i've ever heard of her was that she was incredibly dense.

>> No.8099563
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Ivy league /lit/ major ?

>> No.8099564

>wow a woman who reads??? how surprising lol

Misogyny in disguise, OP.
If this was a male, even a male actor mostly known for being attractive, you wouldn't think twice of it.

The average woman reads more than the average man, this is a well-known statistic.

>> No.8099566

Where is this picture from?

>> No.8099569


>> No.8099572




She did marry Arthur Miller, no doubt she had some degree of interest in the humanities and literature.

Muh pills

Please, most women who read read whatever is a NYT bestseller or is in front of their face with a 6 pack on the cover as soon as you enter the library. And most women consider reading flipping through shit on their phone as they binge watch shit on hulu

>> No.8099573

>implying franco doesn't get absolutely shat on
The fact that she was literally famous for being pretty (and dumb).
I don't think an Audrey Hepburn being well read would cause the same reaction.

>> No.8099574

they only read trash, men read proper literature. they only read trash like YA and Harry Potter and John Green.

women are defined by their looks, because that's all they're good for.

Men are creaters and make something of themselves. That's why a wellread man is not a surprise because we expect it of men. men are inherently more better at making themselves into a PERSON, whereas women are objects FOR MEN

>> No.8099576

david fosater rwallace

(this captcha just made me say burgers were sandwiches... fuck this site)

>> No.8099577

This holds true in my personal experience as well. Not one of my boys has read more than a couple books, and, of course, those were merely for school. So none then. Meanwhile most girls I speak of books with at least read scifi or romance or what have you. That's something, no?

>> No.8099580
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Day after #NationalWineDay ?


>> No.8099582

Marlon James:

“While she recognizes how much she was pandering to the white man, we writers of colour spend way too much time pandering to the white woman … astringent, observed, clipped, wallowing in its own middle-style prose and private ennui, porn for certain publications.”

“If I pandered to a cultural tone set by white women, particularly older white female critics, I would have had 10 stories published by now,” he continued. “Though we’ll never admit it, every writer of colour knows that they stand a higher chance of getting published if they write this kind of story. We just do.”

>> No.8099583
File: 116 KB, 1200x1200, normajeane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marylin Monroe's real name was Norma Jeane and she looked like this. She is basically /lit/'s waifu. She was smart, so she knew how to manipulate men get on their goodside. She is the antithesis of a 3rd wave feminist.

>> No.8099587

>more better
Too far

>> No.8099588

Shes listening to music and reading. What a pleb

>> No.8099589


Good one. That sort of bluepillery doesn't fly here, kid.

Women are bags of shit

>> No.8099593



>> No.8099595

Yeah, but like, from an interview or what?
She looks stunning

>> No.8099598
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, MTE5NDg0MDU0OTE3NDQ5MjMx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*A Wild Willa Appears*

>> No.8099617

Hi patrick

>> No.8099626
File: 29 KB, 399x604, Lips as red as bottles of wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She always does


>> No.8099646

>She is the antithesis of a 3rd wave feminist.
>blue pilled
you are a shit

>> No.8099655

keanu reeves

>> No.8099656

Not him and pillfags are the worst, but she is the antithesis of third wave feminism.

Not only was she not a post-structuralist, but one could make the argument that the structure which made her famous also killed her. Prior to that she existed and thrived in a society which viewed women as either virgin, matron, or whore, and she thrived as a whore until she dumped pills down her throat. Lets not be dishonest with ourselves for the sake of fringe identity politics.

>> No.8099693

Whore is a fairly strong word for Marylin, don't you think? Lets not project our modern degeneracy on the mostly wholesome society of America in the 50s.

>> No.8099701
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No, for her times I would say whore was appropriate. She was a woman who existed within the traditional male sphere as an object of desire. She did not operate within the domestic sphere, this she was neither maiden, nor matron.

Thus, whore, in the same sort of role that Venetian courtesans would fulfill.

>> No.8099702

She was sexually active outside of marriage which makes her a filthy worthless roastwhore

>> No.8099727
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"Read every book you can"

>> No.8099732

wow, I really want to lick her asshole

>> No.8099771

Nah. That still doesn't make her a whore. She was a very talented actress and a good role model for women. You might want to look up the definition of the word 'whore', and then go look in the mirror.

>> No.8099776

she honestly has the body of a fridge.

>> No.8099780

Elton pls go


>> No.8099782

>Feminist biographer Oline Eaton
>Feminist supporting a high pay slut

>> No.8099820

Wow some shitty caberet from nearly a hundred years ago. What does that prove?

>> No.8099835

christ. i feel sorry for you man

>> No.8099837

Hurting my feelings real deep, roastwhore

You are nothing but an insect to me.

>> No.8099844

She was a fucking hobby horse for rich establishment dudes, bruh.

>> No.8099846


He's baiting for Reddits, mane.

You need to work on your radar.

>> No.8099848

>>wow a woman who reads??? how surprising lol
>Misogyny in disguise, OP.


>> No.8099855

He's baiting for redpillers, mane.

You need to work on your radar.

>> No.8099863

What's your point? That's her personal life. Women are attracted to power and the rich establishment and always will be. The only point I tried to make was that Marylin by being sexually alluring to men is the antithesis of legbearded feminazis. Don't see how you can argue with that.

>> No.8099867
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A tip of my hat to YOU, sir. We should catch up one of these days it shall be an idyll time; a gimlet in one hand and a fine work by Joyce or David Foster Wallace in the other.

>> No.8099884
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, Thomas Jefferson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>she's a women

I don't know what broken English speaking backwater hole of a country your foreign ass comes from but women are equal citizens in the West.

>> No.8099887

back to tumblr you go, sweetheart

4chan is for redpilled men

>> No.8099896

Man here, I can confirm. I post on 4chan.

>> No.8099898
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>he hasn't grown past the ressentiment spewing bitter manboy phase

sucks 2 be u faglet

>> No.8099899
File: 66 KB, 576x677, based norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norm Macdonald seems well-read. I want to have a drink with him.

>> No.8099902


And I heard that Kate Beckinsale was going for a PhD in English at Oxford, but she dropped it in order to pursue an acting career.

>> No.8099904

Its funny, I actually tried to defend Ellis a little bit when Norm went on this rant.

Pretty sure he destroyed me.

>> No.8099906

Came to say this. Pce ngaz

>> No.8099913


What if I showed your mum this post m8

She'd cut off your allowance

>> No.8099933


I don't quite get why Norm's SO buttmad about BEE, but some of that stuff is pretty funny.

>> No.8099937


And to contribute to the serious discussion at hand, how about Sasha Grey? She's read everything from Dostoevsky to Sartre.

>> No.8099940
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>> No.8099963
File: 379 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-05-29-23-52-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she also drinks cum for a living, wonder if she gleaned anything from the part of Notes where the protagonist destroys that hooker.

Probably not. She probably just repeats feminist/pseud buzzwords.

>> No.8099970

>non-anglophone countries are backwater with how women are treated there
>in the West women are equal citizens
>non-anglophones, look up to the West and treat women like we do, i.e. better!

stay dense and cucked my PC Orwellian white male englishman
definitely don't look up to continental Europe on how to build a community that actually treats every member equally
keep talking about "women's rights" and "black rights" instead, automatically forbidding the possibility that the human rights in fact should actually be equal for everyone and not arbitrarily assigned based on sex and race depending on the current political trends.

>> No.8099974

good girl, didn't drink the cocktail asap

>> No.8099983

>this convo
>both of you
>using Jefferson's likeness, dude who fucked nigger slaves on the sly
>being this delusional about the state of modern Europe
>"muh ressentiment and slave mentality is better than yours!"

read Nietzsche faggots.

>> No.8100693

Throw stones at it till it gets mad.

>> No.8100704
File: 137 KB, 1024x494, schopenhauer-not-reading-1024x494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100718
File: 15 KB, 231x255, Schopenfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Schopenhauer is my husbando.

>> No.8100720

Oppenheimer. He made a list of his favorite books:

Shakespeare's "Hamlet"
Eliot's "Waste Land"
The Bhagavad-Gita
Baudlaire's "Les Fleurs du Mal"
Bhartrihari's "The Three Centuries (Satakatrayam)"
Dante's "The Divine Comedy"
Michael Faraday's "Notebooks"
Flaubert's "L'Education sentimentale"
Plato's "Theaetetus"
G. F. Bernhard Riemann's collected works

>> No.8100724


Frederic Moreau is possibly the most disgustingly sappy character ever written

>> No.8100739
File: 18 KB, 499x499, tumblr_inline_o0r600TuII1rcncm1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guysss!!! she is my waifu!!! she even has BOOKS!!!

holy fuck

>> No.8100755

i was expecting a waifu thread, but this redpill shit is even worse

>> No.8100768

Knausgaard. Maybe it's just me but i was very surprised when i heard he read musil

>> No.8100777


They are

>> No.8102445

>Not only was she not a post-structuralist