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/lit/ - Literature

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8098609 No.8098609 [Reply] [Original]

>muh bland protagonist
>muh heartwarming interracial friendship
>muh irrelevant adventures

Veneration of Twain is one of the roots of modern society's intellectual stalemate.

>> No.8098632

I'll take on your bait OP

>bland protagonist

What makes him bland?

>irrelevant adventures

literally every single one of those adventures served as a social criticism of America during that time

Huck Finn is pretty top-tier m8. If not for the satire but for the comfiness too. Above all you really get a sense for Mark Twain's intense love of his country. His descriptions of life on the river are memorable and beautifully written IMO.

>> No.8098719

This absolutely. Good bait-combat

>> No.8098745

I hate the way interracial relationship are forced upon us by such liberal subverters as Mark Twain.

When will people wake up?

>> No.8098787

No one is forcing you to read Mark Twain. Just like no one is making you be intelligent.

>> No.8098796

Thank you.

>> No.8098807

neck yourself

>> No.8098816

>No one is forcing you to read Mark Twain.
You don't know other posters' circumstances, so don't presume.

>> No.8098819

>No one is forcing you to read Mark Twain
It's basically mandatory in the US. In high school everyone is supposed to read this and be brainwashed into believing that whites and blacks are "equal". It's degenerate

>> No.8098837
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>he's not comfy 110% of the time

>> No.8098849

I never had to read Twain in high school

>> No.8098859

If you want to complain about any mark twain book do Connecticut yankee in king arthurs court, you can find a lot there. He hamfists his ignorant opinions into every other page or another about the time period. Preachy bastard.

>> No.8098864

Mark Twain is based, but he's a comedic writer. Adventures of Tom Sawyer is better at everything but colloquialisms and eliciting pity.

Of course the American school curriculum has to include Huck Finn instead, 'cause it pertains to a history-defining social issue. Hate this approach to literature.

>> No.8098865

Maybe you're from a redpilled state then?

>> No.8098875

Ignatius please leave

>> No.8098893


In middle school we had to read Tom Sawyer because Huck Finn was too politically incorrect. I was disappointed because I found the history-defining social issue to be way more interesting than "kid plays some pranks."

>> No.8098900
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>> No.8098910
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Gee whiz, degenerate in the first post, redpilled in the next?

Who could be behind this?

>> No.8099070


then just read a history book. Huck Finn doesn't deal with much except for the three pages where Huck decides not to turn in Jim. That's the sum of its moral pondering.

>> No.8099081


>> No.8099082


>then just read a history book

you don't know anything about literature

>> No.8099435

Never had to read Mark Twain before college electives. In fact Huckleberry was banned for a long time. I won't even go into your 18th century backwards logic on the whole "equality" thing. It is a nice meme though.

>> No.8099438

>has to point out generalizations as he sees them.

I'm glad your rhetoric is working properly, anon.

>> No.8099456
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where have you found the interracial friendship in huck finn

do you mean those scenes how tom sawyer made the poor negro make an inscription on a grindstone because the real dungeons don't have wooden walls and any real prisoner should make an inscription how his heart busted, tried to make him tame a rattlesnake or a rat because every real prisoner should have a pet and to make him use an onion to cry the real prisoner tears to water a flower and stuff like that?

>> No.8099500

What the fuck does "society's intellectual stalemate" even mean? Genuinely curious friend.