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/lit/ - Literature

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8097991 No.8097991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with poetry ?

>> No.8097997

>Where do I start with poetry ?

Give me a source on that fluid druid and i'll tell you.

>> No.8097999

Call me Ishmael.

>> No.8098004

What topics are you interested in?

>> No.8098041


>> No.8098056

Paradise Lost

>> No.8098068
File: 111 KB, 861x1280, Vq7PLdI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever sounds good to you. Shakespeare, Whitman, Dickinson.

>> No.8098148


Obviously pick up an anthology and then follow up on all of the poets whose work you found most enjoyable.

>> No.8098168

Sorry m8, I don't have a sauce
Love and sorrow

>> No.8098176

get old stuff and new:
norton anthology
year's best poetry series

>> No.8098179


>> No.8098190
File: 1.70 MB, 1432x1542, Essential_poetry_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations?

OP, I found this pic a while back. I read some Ginsberg and Bukowski, thinking of getting more into poetry myself.

Norton Anthology is massive, any smaller recs for beginners?

>> No.8098206

You don't read the anthology cover to cover, just pick it up and just read whichever poems you enjoy. It's like how you're not supposed to just read a collection of stories cover to cover.

>> No.8098209

just do a reverse google image search

>> No.8098247
File: 94 KB, 1200x630, chloe-moretz-chloe-moretz-marie-claire-chloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then Catullus


And how you laugh your charming laugh. Why it
makes my heart flutter within my breast,
because the moment I look at you, right then, for me,
to make any sound at all won’t work any more

>> No.8098248


Start with John Donne.

>> No.8098264
File: 33 KB, 396x650, chloegrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



To sit where I can see your face
And hear your laughter come and go Is greater bliss than all the gods
Can ever know.

The bright dream carries me away:
Watching your lips, your hair, your cheek
I have so many things to say,
Yet cannot speak. I look, I listen, and my soul Flames

>> No.8098270

Her names Pernille Penelope

>> No.8098309

Subscribe to a poetry newsletter.

>> No.8098331
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>reading poetry in translation

>> No.8098354
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Do you speak ELF?

>> No.8098369
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Or Greek ?

>> No.8098389
File: 52 KB, 288x408, serendipity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kαὶ γελαίσας ἰμέροεν, τό μ' ἦ μὰν
kαρδίαν ἐν στήθεσιν ἐπτόαισεν·
ὠς γὰρ ἔς σ' ἴδω βρόχε', ὤς με φώναί-
σ' οὐδ' ἒν ἔτ' εἴkει,

>> No.8098410

You could do worse than picking up Wordsworth & Coleridge's Lyrical Ballad volumes. Many of their most known poems are in there.

Who is this thunder-thighed wonder, though?

>> No.8098416

that should read volume, singular

>> No.8098569


>> No.8098589


Thanks. I wonder how much she can squat?

>> No.8098603

kys cunt

>> No.8098610

Something like the Norton Anthology of Poetry will give you an overview of the western canon.

Best American Poetry will give you an idea of what's current.

Poetry Foundation website has a fuck ton of poems and can introduce you to the different schools and movements.

>> No.8098644

>translations of poetry

>> No.8098688

Pleaes stop posting beauty ful woman,
It torments me.

>> No.8098703

How does it torment?

>> No.8098868

ovidius has some great poems, the one that starts with rustica turba vetat is amazing

>> No.8098886

Learn Occitan, Attic Greek and literary Chinese

>> No.8098903

Like a coldplay song.

Poetry loses everything in translation.

>> No.8098912

It reminds me that I will never get to have a beautiful girl like that bend over in front of me and demand I sniff and lick her asshole

>> No.8098939

But how would he know which poems he'll enjoy?
Also, do you not read all the stories in a book of short stories?

>> No.8098966

>do the ol' reverse google images on this thunder thigh'd magnificient sow of a woman
>insta profile
>"le b urselllf!!!"

Why are women all so cliché?

>> No.8098975


You can pay to have that happen y'know

>> No.8099000



>> No.8099003

I would want her to actually want it and for her to love me.

>> No.8099006

No lit related, but who is that girl?

>> No.8099010
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here you go lads

>> No.8099014


>> No.8099024


I want her to fart directly into my mouth

>> No.8099028

thanks, sir

>> No.8099065


>not experiencing instant flacidity at first inspirational quote

>> No.8099076

You don't. Poetry is dead.

>> No.8099128 [SPOILER] 
File: 174 KB, 681x948, 1464563519413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I've cried my pillow to sleep plenty myself
I'm alone too anon. If it's truly never going to happen for you, try not to worry yourself over it. Masturbate

>> No.8099257

pernille penelope, say goodbye to your wrists

>> No.8099262

>posts half naked grill
>expects actual replies
What did he meme by this?

>> No.8099269


>> No.8099274

>implying you wouldn't want her to get down on all fours and forcefully spread her ass cheeks apart so you could insert your tongue into the abyssal hole of radical Otherness

>> No.8099275

Gotta get your attention somehow, I made the same thread yesterday and got something like 5 replies.

>> No.8099305

fuck now i need to jerk off, post more

>> No.8099402
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Sweet mother of god I want her to crush my skull between her thighs.

>> No.8099432

>tfw you'll never enter the bathroom immediately after she's taken a dirty, reeking, filthy shit
>tfw you'll never get to push her aside as she's sobbing and begging you not to go in just yet, because she's embarrassed about the stench and thinks that this will make you see her in a different, less favorable light
>tfw you lock yourself in there, inhale deeply, start to gag as your eyes starts burning, and fall to the floor as she is pounding on the door, begging you to come out
>tfw you'll never choke to death as your froth-corrupted lungs give out

Why even live? Why can't I have a nice poopstink gf? Life is so fucking unfair

>> No.8099441
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kek, quite fitting

>> No.8099476

Just literally put "poetry anthology" into amazon. There will be loads like "best poems" or "favourite poems" or "100 greatest poems". It's not rocket science.

As for individual recommendations: the Romantics are quite straightforward in style and are universally beloved. Try Blake, Coleridge and Keats. Then the modernists like Eliot, who have a more contemporary feel to their verse. And since you're probably American, something like Whitman or Dickinson or whoever is in your country's canon which I haven't read.

>> No.8099501

Alas, as a woodcock to mine own springe

>> No.8099868

wow what a shit chart

>> No.8099873

too fat

>> No.8099875

he must read the entire Holy Bible beforehand, of course

>> No.8099894


dont come back

>> No.8099905
File: 1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-05-29-23-19-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I too prefer a more aesthetic woman, but from what I've gathered stalking her insta profile (is it really stalking?) she's all muscle. The prototype I have of musclegirls are veiny, man-jawed androgynes but she is still quite feminine.

If she piledrived my neck into the pavement while my face was buried in her pillowy cooch, I would die a complete and happy man. Not to mention she could actually physically dominate my skinny ass in bed as opposed to me just me letting her roleplay as dominant.

Plus a woman with such incredible hips and nutritional knowledge would be ideal for childbearing.

But she seems to be pleased with having a gaggle of adoring orbiters to give her narcississtic supply while she fucks Chad. Such is the modern woman. Following ejaculation, I would probably just see her as another airheaded slut good for nothing but haircare techniques and ordering food at restaurants.

>> No.8099947

>Bit of sweetcorn falls out

>> No.8099954

could you beat her in an armwrestling competition?

be honest /lit/

>> No.8099958

>downloaded 8 images
>not stalking, right?