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/lit/ - Literature

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8097843 No.8097843 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else a fan of american conservative literature??

>> No.8097850

I don't think neoconservative means what you think it does.

Neocon = military interventionism for humanitarian goals

Do you mean paleocon? ALT right?

>> No.8097865
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Me. I also get all of my theology from American Protestant apologists

>> No.8097871

I'm a fan of literature written by white heterosexual males which deals with masculinity and disparages women, non-whites, degenerates, and Communism.

Deus fucking Vult!

>> No.8097876

If you think the Iraq war had "humanitarian goals", I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.8097924

>leftist cuckold detected

>> No.8097948

The term "leftist" is even more embarrassing than "cuckold" tbqh.

>> No.8097964

They're basically the same thing. All leftists are cuckolds

>> No.8098006

Neocons seem outright innocent in their unironic jingoism compared to the alt-right meme fascists bound to replace them. I'm guessing it was decades of getting pushed around and manipulated by zionistic elites which pushed them over the edge and hard to the right.

>> No.8098022

And anyone using either term as a pejorative can't, won't, and never will find the door out of their tiny ideological box.

>> No.8098053


can you find the way out of your cuck shed?

>> No.8098451

It's pretty terrible 2bh. I'm actually way past neo-con to downright fascist. I really wish that there was more fiction in these veins but it's just always so cringe inducing.

>> No.8098459

>implying I didn't venture deeply into every ideology to find that which would bring the world and her people closest to their collective potential
Wew lad, but keep talking about free college and abortions, you sound so helpful to the common man.

>> No.8098476
File: 49 KB, 334x499, 51PsVLK2OoL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a real big fan of dinesh's work. i'm actually really excited for his upcoming film 'Hillary's America.' if you like this type of lit i highly recommend you check out the movie, it looks phenomenal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7e6gLht6OQ

>> No.8098488

You know you're a true patriot when your song is indistinguishable from a parody.
