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/lit/ - Literature

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8097689 No.8097689 [Reply] [Original]

How is majoring in Comparative Literature without knowing a foreign language before entering? What can I expect at school(going to Reed most likely) and what can I expect for a job? is it even worth it?

>> No.8097698
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>comparative literature

>> No.8097704
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>comp lit

>> No.8097716

Your Bachelor's, right? You'll be okay. Just try to figure out which language you want fairly quickly, and take courses for it.

>> No.8097723

what the fuck kind of responses are these? fucking utilitarian sophists.

>> No.8097779

should I really consider double majoring

>> No.8097793

Since you're stupid enough to come here, no.

>> No.8097804

Majoring in a useful subject and getting a minor in comparative literature to inflate GPA>Going full retard and majoring in the humanities.

As far as com lit, the professors expect nothing.

>> No.8098038

Major doesn't matter too much when going for a job. Just intern to gain experience and you'll be set for a good job if some field.

Employers will value your experience over your major.

>> No.8098147

>Major doesn't matter too much when going for a job.
You sound like my babyboomer mother in 2005.

she was wrong btw

>> No.8098165

Your personal, anecdotal experience does not invalidate copious amounts of statistical, professional, and observable opinions and/or phenomena

>> No.8098169

Don't listen to this guy. Go to Indeed or Monster or any of the other career sites and search for jobs you might be interested in. Notice how many of them have a requirement something like: "Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or another similarly quantitative discipline".

>> No.8098181

Unless you're going into a really specific career path, you'll have a huge advantage by majoring in something quantitative that will at least prove that you are smart. No employer is going to give you points for majoring in psychology or drama.

>> No.8098197

I think you have it backwards - majoring in 'quantitative' fields is helpful when going into highly specialized fields, while on the other hand a liberal arts/humanities is acceptable for less specialized fields.

Also, your last point is not incompatible with the post that you and I are referring to, which claimed major doesn't matter and that it's rather experience that does. Both that post and you grant that one doesn't extra (or presumably fewer) 'points' by majoring in any certain subject

>> No.8098219

>>they think they belong on /lit/ if their life situation is such that profitability is a factor in their choice of major

honestly, if you have to think about getting a job after school, this board really isn't for you.

>> No.8098231

this desu

OP you're going to Reed. it's a good school that's well regarded you'll be fine.

school > major anyway in any considerations for getting a job. art history at harvard > STEM at public unis.

>> No.8098242

Still, STEM at Harvard > art history at Harvard. ;)

>> No.8098274

not if you want to work in the arts instead of a STEM career ;)

honestly apples to oranges (once you're at harvard, it's gonna be tricky to make anything happen with certain degrees from schools without name recognition)

>> No.8098277

Isn't Reed a lesbian SJW college? I knew a girl who went there.

Are you a lesbian, OP?

>> No.8098302

yea reed is hyper liberal/sjw tilt, but whatever. it can be navigated.
false. once you're at harvard they're all roughly equivalent. if anything people are bored of seeing CS and econ majors from harvard.

>> No.8098347

STEM is obviously different from non-STEM (or specialized vs nonspecialized). I didn't think to bring it up because I don't expect OP to major in Comp Lit and then apply for a job as a chemist or something.

>> No.8099491

>going into humanities without a career path in mind.

Just don't. Find what you want to do quickly and get le experiential education and work closely with professors to do well. STEM or not, connections get you jobs. Sucking dick with a purpose gets you a job. Going into a field luke warm about your future is what is going to fuck you over.

That being said, go into a language field you really fucking care about and don't stop. If there are foreign works that interest you highly, learn that language and don't stop learning it and the culture behind it. Go for something uncommon, everyone and their mom knows French/Spanish/German. I know a girl who is pretty well set up who devoted her time to studying French Caribbean literature and culture. That sort of specialization made her desirable. I recommend you do something similarly specialized.