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8096193 No.8096193 [Reply] [Original]

what are best books for learning about fascism?

>> No.8096204


>> No.8096386

Fascism : Career of a Concept - Paul Gottfried
He gives an overview of how the word has changed throughout time and the differing theories that have been used to explain its rise.
Chapter One Defining Fascism
Chapter Two Totalitarianism and Fascism
Chapter Three Fascism as the Unconquered Past
Chapter Four Fascism as a Movement of the Left
Chapter Five The Failure of Fascist Internationalism
Chapter Six The Search for a Fascist Utopia Chapter Seven A Vanished Revolutionary Right APPENDIX: Fascism and Modernization

I really liked chapter three deals with part of the usage of fascism as an insult and a psychic condition. It includes a discussion on the influence of the Frankfurt School on this.

>> No.8096396

An excerpt :
Several of the members worked intermittently during the war for the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services. In this advisory capacity they investigated the psychic origins of fascism and proposed far-reaching plans for curing the Germans of their aggressive political culture. This exploration of the social and psychological preconditionsfor a fascist society culminated in the publication of The Authoritarian Society (1950), a compilation of essays that fit into a series of commentaries titled Studies in Prejudice, which was financed and published by the American Jewish Committee. Horkheimer became a coeditor for the entire series, which dealt with the psychic and social causes of anti-Semitism. He later assigned the organization of the most famous anthology in the series, TAP, to his alter ego, Adorno.

>> No.8096539

Great Italian authors and historicians that your fucking country have never translated.

>> No.8096550
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Evola: Facism viewed from the right :^)

>> No.8096564

name them

>> No.8096601

My wife's son's diary desu

>> No.8096609

- Emilio Gentile (considered the biggest historician about fascism worldwide)
- Renzo De Felice
- Giovanni Sabbatucci
- Augusto Del Noce
- Roberto Vivarelli
- Gaetano Salvemini

Two "bonuses" are:
- Antonio Gramsci
- Piero Gobetti
They died during the fascist period but wrote wrote great reflections about it. They also had a nice style of writing.

Some novelists are:
- Primo Levi
- Carlo Levi
- Giorgio Bassani
- Cesare Pavese
- Beppe Fenoglio

>> No.8096661
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>No Julius Evola

>> No.8096663

>No Antony Sutton

What a bunch of fucking pseuds.

>> No.8096665

Yeah I forgot him, sorry

>> No.8096921

starship troopers, by Robert Heinlein

>> No.8097317


That is about totalitarianism tho. Animal farm and My Catalonia are the ones about fascism.

OP basically can look up any historical book that describes how society reacts to economic break downs after the industrial revolution.

>> No.8097331

Fasismin Lumous by Tarmo Kunnas. There might exist french, german and italian translations by now.

>> No.8097601

nice meme

>> No.8097628
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Animal Farm is about Communism. First everybody is equal, then some are more equal than others. Fascism does not start with equality.

>> No.8097660
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All these differing forms of the same authoritarianism can get confusing I guess.

>> No.8097665

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.8097701

The old testament.

>> No.8097711

See >>8097626 and >>8097645

OP is probably just baiting for his Trump book meme.

>> No.8097784

what does trump have to do with this?

>> No.8097831
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>> No.8097885

go on

>> No.8097920

Trump isn't a fascist but his 4chan supporters are.

>> No.8097946


>> No.8097953

He is expressly fascist. He also claimed he had just tons of money, but now Mr Self Funded is broke, and will do anything the GOP tell him to do, so who can trust him now but his financiers.

>> No.8098625

Stanley G Payne
Ernst Nolte
The Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendt