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/lit/ - Literature

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8094018 No.8094018 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else vape while reading?

>> No.8094031

on this board full of faggots? maybe 5 or 8. I know i don't.

>> No.8094035

fuck off vape shill

>> No.8094036


>> No.8094040

reported reported reported

This is a literature board. fuck off

>> No.8094044

What am I shilling for?

Missed the "while reading" part? It's relaxing and enjoyable- you should try it over your announcing reports ban.

>> No.8094047
File: 333 KB, 600x347, alt-right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you "vape" you probably look like pic related

>> No.8094050

No, but idly fondle my phallus.

>> No.8094057

I sip black coffee and smoke a Cuban while reading.

>> No.8094063


>> No.8094064
File: 25 KB, 470x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vape....Like a Sir!

>> No.8094065

I hope you get a long ban OP

>> No.8094066

No, I don't smoke those.

>> No.8094092

Reading some GRRM, drinking whiskey, doing vape tricks, THIS IS LIFE MY FRIENDS!

>> No.8094116


>> No.8094118

that sounds pretty comfy desu

vaping adds to the reading experience immensely

>> No.8094133

I'd rather be that guy than a triggered cuck sjw. In fact, he seems pretty kewl, an UNPC renegade gamer dude. I bet he's rational and not easily offended, much unlike the triggered cuck SJW.

>> No.8094200

*tips mouth fedora*

>> No.8094211

>being this triggered