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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 342 KB, 761x1169, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8087865 No.8087865 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that no on here has actually read

>> No.8087868

I've read it twice.

>> No.8087870

I just purchased it today. I wonder how long it'll take me to get through.

>> No.8087875

If this is bait, decent. If serious go back to where ya came from guy

>> No.8087886

You won't get through it.

>> No.8087896

Loads of people here (inc. me) have read it. projecting much?

>> No.8087921

Why not?

>> No.8087928

Should I read it even if I don't understand a single sentence

>> No.8087952

He's memeing. It's hard, but not that hard.

>> No.8087954

your dick is hard

>> No.8087955

Yes, then go to people online who explain it. Then reread it. Then cry over how stupid the experience was. You won't even want to gloat about it to people afterwards.

>> No.8087964

>ITT: Books that OP hasn't actually read


>> No.8087965
File: 990 KB, 918x1513, Farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of these books that is a waste of time. You could read several economics, history, politics books in the time it takes you to read this babble.

This fart sniffing lunatics book has no value beyond making people feel high and mighty.

>> No.8088004

Why lie on an anonymous imageboard? If you actually did sit through this whole book you'd be gloating to your friends about it.

Oh wait....

>> No.8088010
File: 8 KB, 150x150, 87a6e61bc3212029ead14a0d2734c441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for demotivating me.

>> No.8088020

Kill yourself. I'm not even memeing.

>> No.8088024

what's the point of reading books full of thoughts when you can just sit and think for hours

>> No.8088031

if you really got demotivated by that memer you deserve what you get

>> No.8088033

>they just fucking have the last page right there on the front cover
Fuck this designer, seriously

>> No.8088077

You know what? I'm going to try this.

>> No.8088083


I read this book in the winter of 2012. The first 100 or so pages was the hardest to get through in my opinion; the Telemachus section with Kinch. Sure there were confusing bits later on, but by that point I was already committed and it was overall a really enjoyable book. I remember getting a few minor chubs in the Circe part. There's a lot of social/historical context that's not that apparent to readers a hundred years later so getting an annotated version always helps. The book in the OP has tiny, blurry type. Also read Dubliners and Portrait first for that immersive feel.

My favourite episode was the Sirens.

>> No.8088085

after you've been alone in your thoughts for long enough it's nice to read somebody else's mind.

>> No.8088095

I'm just getting in to Irish literature like the pleb I am, but by the time I'm done maybe I'll have had fun. I just ordered Graveyard Clay and I've already got the collection of Joyce and I'm looking into Flann O'Brien so I'm really excited.

Any /Irish/ here having read Cre Na Cille in Irish and English, by chance? It only recently got translated and what I've read about it has the translation as very good.

>> No.8088100

go blow up a car you drunkard potatofaggot

>> No.8088105

I'm from Alabama though

>> No.8088109

Why would gloat about reading a book

>> No.8088117

why read otherwise?

>> No.8088152
File: 55 KB, 268x265, 1287267120796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8088164

I'm not him, but it still applies desu. Maybe even more than it does in Ireland now.

>> No.8088176

It sure did with that national championship win for like 2 months.

>> No.8088187

It doesn't matter though...

>> No.8088191

its called meditating

>> No.8088203 [DELETED] 

It's not for everyone

>> No.8088208

I don't believe in magic.

>> No.8088377

I read it 2 times. AMA.

>> No.8088378

I'd argue that Finnegans Wake is a waste of time, but Ulysses is a great work of literature.

>> No.8088386

I actually mean this when I say it. I want you to kill yourself. Please do it soon.

>> No.8088399

There's an online /lit/ society of intellectuals that started with the intent of reading and discussing this book, and is still in the process of reading it.