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8087585 No.8087585 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take you to read a book, anon?

>> No.8087611

About a month

>> No.8087625

Can you give an example of a book? I'm interested in the number of words. I'd also like to know what your reading sessions are like.

>> No.8087626
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About a year.

>> No.8087653

About 6 months.
I read like 30 pages per week...

>> No.8087668

Not very long Moz

>> No.8087673

Three months for Infinite Jest.

>> No.8087674

Very much depends on the book.

>> No.8087689

1-2 days tops. If I want to read it i'll plow through about 100 pages an hour for most for the day

>> No.8087695

I have no reference for what constitutes being a fast reader, but I just sat down and read about 20 pages of alber camus's the stranger in about 30-60 minutes. I wanted to knock out like 50 pages tonight, but I sorta just feel like chilling now.

>> No.8087712

this for a 300 page novel

>> No.8087811

The different between these two people is crazy.

I wonder if you can really read that fast yet retain everything.

>> No.8087845

lemmie see...
I dont really keep track
On a day when I work I read roughly 2 hrs per day
I read at like 400 wpm for stuff that requires thought (and sometimes I pause to reread or let things soak in so this wont be accurate) and at around 600 for fiction such as Robert E howard or Umberto eco

Average book font sizing for penguin or oxford classics leaves them at roughly 500words per page for standard books, and much less for poetry (but poetry takes me longer because I visualize myself or somebody else saying it)

Thats .7-1.2 page per minute roughly, lets make it an even 1
Give 30 seconds per page for re reading, digestion, all that.
My average book length is around 300, some going over 1000 some going under 200.

So then It takes about 300 minutes to finish a book.
Thats 6 hours per book
Thats 3 days.
But I like to re read passages a lot, and I rarely read fiction or easy books, and looking at my last few months reading its looking more like a 400 page average. It takes me roughly 1.5 weeks to finish a book in practice.

>> No.8087876

God I hate that question. "Depends on the book." is my default answer.

>> No.8087877

I recently read the most recent ASOIAF book which is something like 900 pages. Took me 3 weeks. In addition to reading 10 chapters one day then none the next, I'm a slow reader.

>> No.8087881

Depends on how much I'm into it. On average, I can polish off a 200 page novel in a day.

>> No.8087895


>> No.8087898

It takes me 1 day to read any book, be it 1000 pages or a hundred.

>> No.8087912

>tfw steven will never be your literate boyfriend

>> No.8087914

That's about average, the stranger is pretty light reading. My reading pace varies wildly depending on the density of the book. I'm reading Damian by Hesse right now and while I'm loving it I must admit it's pretty light prose that I can breeze through at a rate of 40~60 pages an hour. Now of I was reading something denser like Joyce I would read at a much slower rate as I'm constantly rereading to make sure I'm actually understanding what it is I'm reading.

>> No.8087916

That's wildly inconsistent pace.

>> No.8088230

I was just as concentrated I've ever been on a book got 60 pages through old man and the sea. That's an incredibly easy read though. I don't see how someone could read 100 pages an hour without being superhuman.

>> No.8088233

I only read before bed or on the train

Its it bottom tier maybe 3 weeks to a month. If its really hard to grasp much longer than that

>> No.8088239

I read a 1000 page book in about a month and a half (Way of Kings if anyone's interested[yeah I read genre fiction sorry])
I dont know if that's fast or slow but I get bogged down by Uni. Sometimes I feel retarded though because my sister blows through like 40 books a year or something ridiculous like that (but she reads teen fiction so that probably plays into it)

>> No.8088251

I read a minimum of 4 hours a day, so it only takes me about 1-3 days to finish a book (all depends on the length/difficulty obviously). I find that I really don't have any issues retaining what I've read, but I've been reading at this pace for years.

>> No.8088253
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>my sister blows through like 40 books a year or something ridiculous like that

>> No.8088257

I should note that this applies to books outside of mathematics (my profession). Working through a tough math book can take weeks/months.

>> No.8088278

I'm sorry I don't speak pepe, I don't know what you're implying

>> No.8088359

He's caught in unbridled prepubescent rage at the mention of a woman. Such are the ways of le pepe.

>> No.8088381

It's impressive to watch two seemingly retarded people respond to each other.
That poster clearly thinks it's silly to say reading 40 books a year is "ridiculous".

>> No.8088396

Depends. Usually can knock out a 300 page book in 8 hours or so depending on my level of engagement. I usually read a book a day while traveling or stay up all night reading if it really grips me. I read the last Harry Potter book in a day when o was in elementary school.

Usually I read three or four books simultaneously, picking the book depending on my mood. This also includes audio books.

>> No.8088406

I also read the asoiaf series in about 2 weeks. Depends on if it grabs me or not. I leave a lot of books a few chapters in.

>> No.8088426

Well it would depend on how much free time you have I suppose, and whether you spend all your free time dedicated to reading books.

But 40 books a year is without a doubt is a lot for most people.

>> No.8088448

I wasn't the other poster. I don't read all the time, I go through sometimes months where I don't read anything. I just have a bit of free time now and a number of books caught my eye.

>> No.8088491

Exactly. If it's praised classic memery on this site a month or two. If its normie and I have a day to read it I will finish it in a day.

>> No.8088543

When it's thick novels like Oblomov or Cancer Ward, it takes me a week or so. If it's really good, though, even 600+ page novels take me two days. I read Gone with the Wind in only two days. It very much depends, but if everything's averaged I read one book in two or three days.

>> No.8088555

2-3 weeks for a ~1000 pages book, depending of the time and the book itself.
I usually use my kindle.

>> No.8088592

On average, about 100 pages a day. I've got such a backlog that I'm constantly eager to get to the next book.

>> No.8089092

It takes me 2-3 minutes to read a page. I can skim much faster, but mostly I want to take the time to read it slowly. Look up words. Take notes. Or just enjoy the language.

Last night I read 50 pages of a 200 page book. It will take me another 4-5 days to finish it depending on how much time I have. At least 8 hours total reading time.

>> No.8089330

>reading books
Get off lit.

>> No.8089342


Sometimes I read a paragraph, then read it again because everything slipped right out through my head

This can happen multiple times for one paragraph

>> No.8089347

2 days and sometimes 2 days and eight hours.

>> No.8089363

It honestly depends on the book
Some books I read in a day but I shoot for at least a book a week
Books like Infinite Jest I took 3 weeks though

>> No.8089399

I've been reading Ulysses for about 4 months now and I'm halfway through Oxen of the Sun.

>> No.8089458

About 2 weeks.

>> No.8089600

I read about 50-75 pages per day, so it just depends on the length.

also holy shit at some of you people reading hundreds of pages per day.

>> No.8089625

2-3 hours for an average-length novel

>> No.8089667

It's not exactly difficult...

Depends on the book. I'll usually read shorter non-fiction (<250 pages) in one sitting. But for actual literary fiction I'll take a bit longer, usually 2 days if it's short. For example, I'm about halfway through Dazai's No Longer Human which I started yesterday. I probably won't finish today even though it's short because I have work, but definitely by tomorrow.

>> No.8089691

Approximately a week but I can achieve it in a day when stuck on a plane or on holidays. Of course, it highly depends on the kind of book I'm reading.

>> No.8089818

100 pages a day, 200 if it's simple fiction

>> No.8089834

Depends on how long and interesting it is.

>> No.8090110


>> No.8090141

If I read it all in one go, I;d say about 500 pages in 3-5 hours, but since I read it in small bits, around a month.

>> No.8090177

Literally me

I am not unique

Kill me

Kill the world

>> No.8090182

>Keats and Yeats are on your side
>While Wilde is on mine
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8090299

not moz long, not long

>> No.8090403
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Depends, because I read my most favorite books whenever I take a dump. I poop 2-3 times a day, for about 30-45 minutes each. I'd say it takes me a week to finish an easy, 300 pages book. I finished Anatomy of An Epidemic in 2 weeks but that's only because I have to highlight, margin notes and page flag the shit out of that book

So basically I get smarter every time I take a shit

>> No.8090414

Depends on the book.

I found I'm very good at reading fast if I just scan with my eyes and don't mouth the words or anything else.

I also go over the things in my head that I have read constantly so I retain well too.

The last book of fiction I read was Blood meridian. It felt longer to read than it was as I read it in bursts of thirty pages until the last reading when I got to the ferry and just read the last ninety pages in one go.

Reading the Definitive book of body language right now and I'm on the last forty pages. I'm reading that very quickly too.

Before that I read the prince in three sittings of about fifty pages but the Prince is just a short treatise anyway.

>> No.8090418

My man you cannot be healthy. Three forty minute shits a day?

Are you a big guy for us?

>> No.8090427
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They really fucked up on the font tbqh.

>> No.8090463


>> No.8090469

No, I'm actually a small Asian woman with healthy bowel movements. You should be shitting after every meal, thus channeling your uttermost degree of concentration into your books.

>> No.8090475

>Usually I read three or four books simultaneously, picking the book depending on my mood.
I do this too. I have about 15 different moods available right now.

>> No.8090476

Yeah, right. How much rice can one person possibly hold?

I bet you don't even use wet wipes, Geisha.

>> No.8090485
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>Read ten pages of each book every hour
>Never get bored
>Read for eternity
>Le Profit

>> No.8090486

Either 2 plays a day or 1 (normal sized) novel so according to GR between 200-300 pages.

>> No.8090491

I actually do. My husband has a lot of hair around his anus so we have adopted wet wipes into our wiping routine. Just don't flush it down the toilet and you'll only create landfills instead of clogging the toilets.

Btw rice has little fiber in it, step it up senpai

>> No.8090494

He1l H1tler

>> No.8090690

Just marvelous to read about your husband's anus. Please continue

>> No.8090705

About 100 pages a day from a couple of hours of reading I think.

>> No.8090706

Platos dialogues? Really fucking long
Milan Kundera or Paulo Coelho? Very fast

>> No.8090715 [SPOILER] 
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one day

>> No.8090994

I realize I said simultaneously while I meant concurrently. I am not actually reading four books at the exact same time, just that I will start new books before I finish old ones.

You understand what I meant, but others might miss it.

>> No.8091100

It mostly depends on how often I get to snort amphetamines and if a book pisses me off

I read the 750 pages long Savage Detectives in a month, but it also took me a total of three months for 300 pages of Nausea, not to mention the 6 months of abstinence I had to take from that piece of shit halfway through

>> No.8091107

you sound like a pleb

keep it real senpai. nausea is a short weekend read.

>> No.8091552

Depends on the book and circumstances. I had a lazy day, and was able to read Animal Farm throughout it. I've picked up Down and Out in Paris and London, and that's going to probably take me a couple weeks, despite it not being that much longer.

>> No.8091578

I think it all depends on how pleasurable it is.
> Paul Auster - The New Trilogy
60 pages first sitting, 130 pages first day, adored it.
> Portrait of the Artist a Young Man
After more than 5 pages I begged for release each sitting. Forced it down my throat in just under a month.

>> No.8091681

On average, around 30-40 hours. Split that up over a few weeks of reading every night.

>> No.8091689

c'mon man portrait is pretty readable. why the fuck did you keep going if you didn't like it? the plebs keep multiplying on this board

>> No.8092161

Do you lick his anus?

>> No.8092187

>I poop 2-3 times a day, for about 30-45 minutes each.
Enjoy you're hæmorrhoids.

>> No.8092222

honestly it depends on the number of pages. I usually only read about 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed.

>> No.8092294

Depends on the book. I can read relatively a relatively short novel in an afternoon, but if its something dense (reading Das Kapital atm) I find myself trudging through it. I've spent weeks on it and I'm not even halfway through.

>> No.8092519

I have OCD and have to finish everything I start.

>> No.8093293

Most 80's britpop recycles poetic inspiration from Keats and Yeats while mozza is a hipster who takes inspiration from Wilde.

>> No.8093844
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I read about 50-100 pages per day, so mostly I need about one week for the books I prefer

>> No.8093880

I mean completely depends, I read Slaughterhouse 5 in one sitting, but Gravity's Rainbow took 2 months.

>> No.8094013

I remember the hobbit took me twelve days, but a week for the silmarillion and each lotr volume

>> No.8094024

I'm off from school and reading about 200 pages per day but while I'm in school I get around 150-200 pages a week of pleasure reading considering I have to read about 500 pages a week for class so it all pretty much averages out. I read short books faster because I have the drive to finish things in about a day if it's under 300 pages. If it's like a 500 pages book it'll probably take me two or three days when I'm not at school.

>> No.8094034

About a hundred pages a day, so usually less than a week. I'm on week two reading the recognitions though, had a slow start and I'm a little more than halfway through the book

>> No.8094071
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I have just finished three of Hesse's books and am going to read Demian next. I think people usually begin with Demian when approaching Hesse to understand him. Before I started reading Hesse I read many biographies of him and his influences, so I did have a fair idea of his ideas and motives.
In short, I enjoy reading Hesse as well, and agree that much of Hesse's writing style is light and understandable, the content still has a dense ideological backdrop which is enjoyable to navigate, while reading his works.

>> No.8094157

it comes down to how much i am enjoying the book and how dense the book is

probably just less than a week to two weeks for a standard 300 pg book

>> No.8095515

Depends on how into the book I am.
Can be a week
Can be a month
Can even be several months

I have a hell of a time focusing.
I need help.

>> No.8095969
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>takes me about 10 hours to read 200 page LN's

I have a really bad perseverating problem where I tend to think I didn't "really" read something, or read it but think I didn't "really" grasp it, or some shit like that. This is why I can actually do pretty OK on speed-reading tests but fuck up when reading something for real.

It's worth noting that I'm even slower with technical books, but in those cases I guess my habits are semi-justified?

>> No.8096000

I don't know what LN stand for.
But as a general rule I tend to reserve 2 minutes per page.
So in a 200 page book I'd spend 400 minutes and I round always up, so 7 hours.

It gives me enough time to re-read some passages I liked without worrying about the time it will take me to read something.

In the example I gave, I'd probably finish in less time, around 6 hours or so.
But giving myself this extra time works wonders to my reading.
autistic behavior, I know

>> No.8096053

I have a bad habit of starting to read when about to sleep, and getting to bed when really exhausted.
I tend to read 5 to 10 pages at most before getting distracted by the thought that sleeping right now would be a p seducing idea and that I have to real reason to refrain from doing so.

It's become a huge hassle already and I might want to discipline myself.

>> No.8096113



>> No.8096145

sometimes i take significant breaks while reading a book, like 3+ months. if i ever find my mind wandering while reading, i put it down. i would rather take longer than miss a portion of the book.

but i can read a standard novel in a day or two if it really catches me

>> No.8097772

Considering average 200+something pages books,
I read up to 3 from monday to friday (having a full time job), and maybe 2 more on the weekend.

>> No.8097783

500 pages in 2 months