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8087239 No.8087239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hit /lit/

Would you prefer to have a gf that doesn't read at all or one that reads constantly but ONLY trashy YA series?

>> No.8087245

Doesn't read at all

>> No.8087258

Rather have one that can't even read. Girls that read shit like that tend to be obnoxious.

>> No.8087260

Nigga I don't give a fuck

>> No.8087261


Option 1
>"That's really interesting, anon! I love hearing you speak so passionately about the interesting books you read!"

Option 2
>"All the books you read are boring. Why don't you read some with relatable characters, like Twilight?"

>> No.8087271

how is this even a debate ladman

>> No.8087304

believe me, the day any of you sad little shut-ins finds a girlfriend, you'll be so pathetically grateful you won't care if she reads tolstoy, twlight or nothing more involved than the back of a cereal box

>> No.8087306

Fuck do I care what fashion accessory """"hobbies"""" a woman has

It's all shallow fakery at the end of the day

>> No.8087315

A girlfriend that doesn't read at all provided she's at least into some other art and is a classicist.

>> No.8087320


but I want a bf

>> No.8087332

y r u so gay

>> No.8087335

Jesus God.
Imagine being locked in that room with those hundreds of books and every single one of them is absolute SHIT.

anyways, I wouldn't care. I know girls that read YA but it doesn't define their character. It's probably better than reading nothing at all.

>> No.8087348

>Imagine being locked in that room with those hundreds of books and every single one of them is absolute SHIT
books don't leap at you and don't bite, you shouldn't be scared to be locked with them without being able to call for help

>> No.8087353

I would prefer an illiterate than a sort of Twilight fan-girl...

>> No.8087372

afraid you couldn't be a good edgar of jacob for her? :3

>> No.8087399


This isn't true though, the longer you're with someone the longer their flaws if they have them or glaringly obvious ones to you shine through.

There are people out there who can read twilight and whatever hot YA is trending and be great to talk to but chances are it'll just wear on you like cement.

>> No.8087409



>> No.8087467

Doesn't read at all.

I know for a fact that girls who read YA and genre still get a false sense of intellectual gratification out of it, and tend to fall into the mindset that they are "deep and smart" which causes them to be outwardly condescending and smartassy.

Also, since we both have the "same" hobby, she would try to make me read that garbage.

>> No.8087483

yes, because that will be the only aspect of their personality. there will be literally nothing else to notice about them other than that.

the real world is quite different from what you imagine, anon.

>> No.8087496

>tfw when your gf can speed read effectively yet has no real interest in reading

Shes read Lolita, Hemingway and Bukowski as well YA stuff. Doesnt really care to read and instead squanders a gift.

Doesnt bother me desu senpai

>> No.8087499

im reading a detective story written by the author of winnie the puh and it's exactly about that one doesn't lock themselves in a room with a dangerous opponent

>> No.8087505

>Shes read Lolita, Hemingway and Bukowski as well YA stuff.

You could have just said "YA stuff"

>> No.8087515

i wonder what nabokov would say about bukowsky

>> No.8087525

Wrong, I lamented the fact that she was into nerdshit and felt like that contributed to a gap between us.

>> No.8087526

tfw will never have gf

>> No.8087529

t. kv who never had a gf

>> No.8087541


Repugnant author of beer fart fantasies.

>> No.8087542

Forgot to add that she felt like my dislike of "nerd culture" (genre fiction, b movies, etc.) added to a gap too.

>> No.8087546

you sound like a bit of a dick really. i suspect that was more of a contributing factor than a simple matter of taste

>> No.8087554

>you sound like a bit of a dick really.
Wrong, I respected her tastes, but keep trying.

>> No.8087555

Fuuuck this. Imagine forever being introduced with comments like "We both love to read! We're such big readers haha!"

Kill me

>> No.8087559

>>you sound like a bit of a dick really.
>Wrong, I respected her tastes, but keep trying.

i really don't think i need to
a little bit of quiet introspection might benefit you in future, anon.

>> No.8087568

>i really don't think i need to
You do when you know nothing about me, but from this reply chain I know you're someone who's desperate to not have his delicate world view shattered.

>> No.8087600

Well, this is pretty hard. I don't really give a fuck about an imaginary girls taste in fiction and art in general, but if she never reads any non-fiction, that is a problem. It is a bit hard to become even reasonably cultured without reading anything. I could fall in love with either one I suppose, but there could be problems.

So, as Stalin would say, they're both worse.

>> No.8087612

its the same thing... a gf who reads ya fiction may as well not read at all


>> No.8087655


>it doesn't define their character.

This is the non-sperg response.

I'd place far more stock in her being able to cook well. If she's a kind person and a great cook then she can read all the YA she wants - I'm good.

>> No.8087667

I'd be handling her money so she's definitely not wasting any on YA s*it.

>> No.8087675


>I'd be handling her money

haha sure you would killer

>> No.8087677

At least she will be familiar with common tropes.

>> No.8087684

I'm Jewish.

>> No.8087686

Definitely the one that reads YA. A YA reader is exactly the same as someone who watches TV but at least then I'd get no bitching about my reading habits.

>> No.8087691
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>> No.8087702

Your interests do often tell something about your character, though.

Reading or not reading, in particular, somewhat matters. It is simply very hard to learn much about anything without picking up a book. And if you never try to learn anything intellectual, well, that does definitely reveal something about your character.
Nothing objectively bad, of course. But maybe something that isn't very well compatible with a wannabe intellectual, moody, argumentative type of guy.

>> No.8087706


you're a dork is what you are
trying to 4chan post about your jewish pimp flex

you really think any modern jewish woman would have that? be prepared for a rude awakening

>> No.8087710

And you're someone who is desperate to prove they are not a dick as claimed, because you bothered to reply to him.

>> No.8087715

>marrying a jew
Not for all the dollars in the trust accounts. I don't give a fuck how much shit my grandmother and mom give me.

>> No.8087716

I'm not desperate to prove, I'm not proving anything, I'm correcting.

>> No.8087717

option 1: possibly very intelligent girl for whom reading [literature] just isn't one of the hobbies
option 2: definitely retarded, also v& because age of consent

YES INDEED OP, what a dilemma

>> No.8087718

lmao aight aight scene scene. I would like a girl that doesn't read at all. my girlfriend right now. I'd sitting beside me with her headphones on watching something on her laptop while I read the recognitions. she's been binge watching ru Pauls drag race for a week now. it's awesome because she's occupied and leaves me alone while I read.

>> No.8087719


>But maybe something that isn't very well compatible with a wannabe intellectual, moody, argumentative type of guy.

You're just young and precocious is all. In a few years you'll want stability and harmony before another partner who is as moody and brooding as you are. I could be wrong of course but I doubt it. Most younger guys have a tendency to over-romanticize the reading life like that. Soon you'll get to a place where it's enough for you to simply like what you like and know why you like it.

>> No.8087725

>she's been binge watching ru Pauls drag race for a week now

why did I laugh so hard

>> No.8087732


>> No.8087739

None at all.

The YA shit will introduce her to cuck shit and if she cucks me I'll murder her.

>> No.8087759


no matter what you do you are going to inadvertently introduce it to her on some subconscious level you obsessed memeposter

>> No.8087775

And still replying. That seems to be the action of a desperate man.

>> No.8087776
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>Implying I wouldn't just leave her then.

It's not that hard.

>> No.8087786

I'm only desperate to get the last reply for its own sake

>> No.8087820

Doesn't read. Better to have no taste than shit-taste.

>> No.8087835

ok, go ahead

>> No.8087837


>> No.8087846


being this paranoid and contemptible will probably be your undoing and if you do get cucked that will probably play a large role in it

try to stop being such a meme

>> No.8087848

Option 1 would be more like
>"Anon can you please shut up. I'm sick of hearing you rave on pretentiously about your fucking books."

>> No.8087867


>I'm sick of hearing you rave on pretentiously about your fucking books.

Only autism would do this. Just talk about them online with other actual readers and be normie and chill irl. Not hard.

>> No.8088214

>Replying to a reply
>The action of a desperate man


>> No.8088223

Well im not an elitist and reading isn't my entire life, so....

>> No.8088502

Good fucking Lord, this.

Every "reader girl" I've ever met through jobs or college was completely fucking reprehensible and always rattling on about what else but fucking Harry Potter or John Green. Any short story we came across in an English course or conversation, the girls of the latter would ALWAYS complain about the characters being "unlikeable" or "unfun" and the dialogue being boring, by which they probably mean not enough sarcasm and quips or references to pop culture.

The girls of the former, on the other hand, are completely cool. Right now I'm dating a girl who has never read for leisure in her life, but have convinced her to give it a shot, and she's enjoying it.

>> No.8088507

>I've literally never talked to girls before: The Post

Even girls who don't read find reading to be an attractive quality, friendo.

>> No.8088510

>tfw crushed on a qt lit grad who wasn't someone who you described
>tfw she doesn't want anything to do with me

>> No.8088518

I have a girl (SPACE) friend whom I have convinced to read. She barely read anything then. Now she's reading Austen after reading Harper Lee and Chateaubriand.

It's much easier to deal with non-readers who may see the beauty of good literature than YA fanatics who denigrate good literature.

>> No.8088523

>Would you prefer to have a gf


>> No.8088529

Do you like her solely because she reads? If so that's a pretty lame reason to like a girl.

>> No.8088530

No, I started having a crush on her before I knew she was a lit grad

>> No.8088998

Could be. That said, I don't really care about tastes in art or entertainment. I care about being interested in the world and learning about things, I care about good conversations and so on. It is pretty hard to learn much if you never read a book.

All the academic women who absolutely want academic partners aren't on the wrong tracks. It isn't a matter of similar tastes, it is a matter of a somewhat similar ability to process thoughts, etc.

>> No.8089009

I have female "friends" who read nothing but YA novels. They are all insufferable, every single last one of them. They are so stuck in this little bubble of a world, their writing is a horribly inbred child of their YA series.

God forbid, I want one that is illiterate.

>> No.8089027

>reads constantly
yes, because then she wont talk as much

>> No.8089172

I wouldn't care as long as she didn't bother me about the things I was reading.

>> No.8089303



Redundant, lad.

>> No.8089343

My boyfriend doesn't read but is somehow fascinated I do. I don't think it would have any effect otherwise. Unless you both read the same kind of literature, there's still not much to talk about.

>> No.8089353

tits or gfto

>> No.8089356

I'm a homosexual male.

>> No.8089357


>> No.8089358

Did I stutter while typing?

>> No.8089677

only good answer itt

>> No.8089680

ITT: virgins who have no experience with women.