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808568 No.808568 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought this. I'm about to read it right after I finish Count Zero by Gibson.

So what should I expect, other than brits saying the word "Cunt" alot?

>> No.808581

the first 20-30 pages is tough getting into the slang in the book.

after that, book will be fucking amazing

>> No.808587

It real horrowshow

>> No.808611

Google for a NADSAT dictionary and print it out. Keep in the inside cover of the book.

>> No.808620

fyi, if you have seen the movie before, the book>movie

>> No.808624

Prepare for your gulliver for a good ole in out in out

>> No.808625

I had a copy with a short dictionary in the back (I don't know if this is standard) that I had to use for the first two or three chapters. After that you quickly get used to the writing style and even though you may not know the exact definition of certain words, you just get to sort of know what they mean by how they're used in a sentence. You're in for a treat.

>> No.808626

Alright, my droog, you've got a quality purchase there.

Expect lots of awesome.

>> No.808643

plus the book has an extra chapter not featured in the film

>> No.808665

OP here,

cool beans! Thanks, guys; I'll be sure to start it ASAP. Glad to see I didn't waste my money!

>> No.808672

an optimistic last chapter :(

>> No.808677
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I didn't have to use a glossary or anything along the lines when I read it. Usually I'd just pay attention with the usage of the word and I'd get the hang of it later on. The slang might throw you off at first, try a glossary if you need one since later on the language takes a on a life of its own. Also check out Kubrick's adaptation if you haven't, real horrorshow.

>> No.808717

OP don't read this spoiler!
I liked the last chapter and felt it was even more poignant in that society was managing to control and dilute people. Alex's optimism is completely different from his attitude throughout the rest of the book. It shows that their techniques have completely changed him as a person - that society is winning.