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808559 No.808559 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit I heard a lot about this book is good?

>> No.808567

Shit sucks. Go read a real philosopher, like Aristotle.

>> No.808585


>> No.808600

there are no philosophers so why would there be any real ones?

>> No.808603

I loved the ending but other than that, it was a rough book to be FORCED to read. But its decent otherwise... I think.

>> No.808605

no, it's self-indulgent crap for baby boomers who want to feel good about themselves and have their selfish lifestyles affirmed.

>> No.808612

yep they're all Sophists

>> No.808627

bad book. good for burning to keep warm.

>> No.808637
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>> No.808640

Not OP, but does anyone have suggestions for books with a zen feel?

>> No.808662

Herman Hesse's _Siddhartha_ is a great place to start.

>> No.808670

I've already read Siddhartha

>> No.808680

read a bunch of zen koans.
here's a bunch


A monk asked Joshu,
"I have just entered this monastery. I beg you, Master, please give me
Joshu asked,
"Have you eaten your rice gruel yet?"
The monk answered,
"Yes, I have."
Joshu said,
"Then wash your bowls."

>> No.808685
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>> No.808695

That's not a koan.

>> No.808696

that is a shitty koan

it implies a plausible morality

>> No.808709

Finished it a week ago.
Good book, go read it.

>> No.808724

When the World-Honored One (Buddha) was walking with his assembly, he pointed to the
ground with his hand and said,
"This place is good for building a temple."
Indra took a stalk of grass and stuck it in the ground and said,
"The temple has been built."
The World-Honored One smiled.

>> No.808730

sorry, bro, it's a koan, and a pretty famous one at that. go research google and get back to me.

>> No.808754

Hey, kiddo, how about instead of telling me to 'look it up,' you actually give a definition of what a koan actually is and then tell me why I'm wrong.

>> No.808767

u mad (and still wrong, lol)

>> No.808770

u mad (and still wrong, lol)

>> No.808779
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maybe it's like a zen trap
like we'll spend our lives thinking about why that wasn't a poem
and then suddenly reach nirvana
realizing that all koans are bullshit anyway

>> No.808781

another koan

A monk asked Seigen,
"What is the essence of Buddhism?"
Seigen said,
"What is the price of rice in Roryo?"

>> No.808800

Okay, I guess there is such a thing as a shitty koan. Not something I accounted for.

>> No.808808

lol you're still haunting this thread, let it go big guy.

oh hey, i found a koan that reminded me of you, lol

Rinzai instructed his assembly and said,
"There is one true person of no rank, always coming out and going in
through the gates of your face (the sense organs, eyes, ears, etc.). Beginners who have not yet witnessed
that, look! look!"
Then a monk came out and asked,
"What is the one true person of no rank?"
Rinzai descended from the rostrum and grabbed him. The monk hesitated.
Rinzai pushed him away and said,
"The true person of no rank -- what a shit-stick you are!"

>> No.808827

Yeah taht sounds about right

>> No.808871


Naw, I made two posts. I always thought that a koan was a (at least slightly) mind-blowing term or exchange that helped to deconstruct one's perception of reality. I didn't realize they could cover such asinine shit as one's perceptions of one's social explications. Color me fucking red.

You, however, seem somewhat perturbed.