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/lit/ - Literature

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8085017 No.8085017 [Reply] [Original]

splortersplax et en deau. fenderways oer yonder bast blexis and bejoy. attaway lies gold and silver. unto ferrowinds and red you traxk, fleur weighting upon yew. luvibration sleeps low betwixt synapse and skin.

>> No.8085026

Write something and post it!!!!

>> No.8085044


>> No.8085058

pls respond

>> No.8085081


>> No.8085082

tossed aside somewhere deep in the recesses of the forum, the man found his thread abandoned and hopeless. barren of posts beyond his own, it practically cried for attention. he knew now the pain of an ill suited parent; the creation of something unsustainable will only bring torment and turmoil to its architect, who wishes only to see their child thrive. in this harsh of an environment, though, it seemed as if an ice tray kept in the oven had more potential yield than the desperate attempt at connection. a blink woke him from his reverie. someone had replied. his face pulled into what some would call a smile as his eyes hungrily chased down each sentences demise, chest rising and falling with the ebb and flow of the prose, seeming itself to be breathing as labored as he. the expression turned into one less kind as he reached the end of the passage; the short literary sprint was as void of meaning as his original post. defeated, he resumed the slumped position that found itself permanently impressed into the antiqued arm chair so used to these kind of lonely and empty nights.

>> No.8085089

everything is gay

>> No.8085092

i can't decide whether to buy monster and masturbate the whole day of go to the gym and do other things

>> No.8085093

You, Sir have just entered today's word of the day which is: ARCHITECT

>> No.8085100

>I'm giving up on trying
>To sell you things
>That you ain't buying
>It's your move
>I've made up my mind
>Time is running out
>Make a move
>Oh, we can go on
>Do you understand
>It's all in your hands

>> No.8085113

i only recently found out in that song chop suey by system of a down the guy says: 'father into your hands i commend my spirit' always thought it was: 'father deer hands i commit my spirit' seemed a bit cultish

>> No.8085119

>Cammo pants dropout music
Takes all kinds.

>> No.8085126

if you've never heard that song from just being aroundmin the world then that's more a comment on your shut in life than anything else

>> No.8085137

woah bro relax friend I'm just pulling your dick, grab a slice, kick back and just veg out on the couch ok we're all chill here brother man so don't trip cause life is a trip and you need to stay cool. Rock on dude and ghost ride the whip my man. Peace out.

>> No.8085155

you know this poison will soon consume your entire body and you will be punished for it to the discussion and dubs checking out the only way I could you have to go home for lunch tomorrow morning and I will let her out and get it from my chocolate and they have been the same thing to say hi to you later tonight and they are not be the only way I could you have to go home for lunch tomorrow morning and I will let her out and get it from my chocolate and they have been the same thing to say hi to you later tonight and they are not be the only way I could you have to go home for lunch tomorrow

>> No.8085159

In a time that swells antefore any old time we can think to, in a place that’s a mile away from any fingerbreadth, within and without, was a loud and awful vastness that had no ends; no, nothing could be there for to be there there would need to be a there and there was not, not there. Ceiliroofed by terrible clots of foggilobes, floored by a gape suprascribable, this vastness shook hot from its fury and lonely—a cyclical moan sounded—the vastness yearned for an end. In it was nothing, out it was nothing; nothing was like it: it was like nothing. It was nothing. It was the Begynnelse.

A great thing—the thing greater than all things were and were to be and ever could be thought—crouched outside the vastness and peered inside and utside, for It could see all of it and It pittitook to it. At a carpecious time and in a no-sense way the great thing pulled from the loudness a light: a light that shined on nothing but the light. It watched the light, and then the vastness stopped shaking for then it was not alone. The light pleased the great thing and It decided that to the light It must be something, just as the light was a light to It, and It was Vesen. Vesen who did give the Begynnelse a center out of love.

>> No.8085165

This is really gay

>> No.8085170

literally put my phone on auto type brej but I think the castle is owned by the Romanian government,

>> No.8085177

that's pretty gay still
still somewhat gay

>> No.8085183

vortexees and cloudspotters..
this is beautiful

>> No.8085191

Wait actually?
If you're being genuine that's a real motivation boost, anon

>> No.8085201
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>> No.8085212

flim flam Im a rocketman burning burning spigglesplax fill the cracks make rhyme what is jime

holy shit holy shit i can never come up with anything good no one loves me arrrgh god i just have to keep typing, keep typing, maybe something good will come i cant i cant i cant im not profound im shit im garbage self loathing is not interesting give me yous i need you i need you

>> No.8085215


>> No.8085232

just be yourself

>> No.8085244

I think you're a good writer, very engaging really. A style which i think can be distinguished among others; that is, you write with character that is yours, not just a reflection of someone great

>> No.8085262

wink dango bend up your face
old groggy greg has got the mace
no scottsman nor talian nor limey or stew
could face his trumpets terrible hue
and now he sits
behind a screen
he smells your fear
and he is mean
he writes a post
and then hes off
we surely hope you didnt scoff!

>> No.8085281

thanks, that honestly the first actual critique of my writing anyone's done. I'm a horrific procrastinator so I never read many books despite obviously excelling beyond average in the ways of the word. I'm trying to get into writing more (thus my presence on lit) so I can kick my ass into writing something significant. if my style is as distinct as you claim then it should be pretty easy to at least garner a pocketful of attention. keep an eye out, I'll be around, yammering endlessly about some meta concept probably haha

>> No.8085301

oops forgot to link my lack of reading to my lack of imitation, sorry im sleepy

>> No.8085311
File: 45 KB, 657x527, 1463865242051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 replies
>8 posters

>> No.8085325

>>8085311 (dubs)
>>8085244 (dubs)
>>8085177 (dubs)
>>8085155 (dubs)
>>8085100 (dubs)
>>8085044 (dubs)
all me desu

>> No.8085326

a little too dictionary and minor flow issues but pretty decent. watch out for double words ("there there" in the first half) and stuff like that, gets tricky

>> No.8085394

excellent prose. you have a very artistic and beautiful style!

>> No.8085399

I assume youre referencing >>8085082? it was a spitballed stream of consciousness with very little in the ways of guidelines, I'm kind of flabbergasted people are saying good things about it

>> No.8085401

IM ME ;_;

>> No.8085404

there you go again
how do you do it?

>> No.8085413

you must be memeing me now

>> No.8085887


>> No.8086690


>> No.8086745

Will do. I'd actually love to read what new stuff you plan on writing, do you have a site or something?

>> No.8086895

Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de prendre un bâton et de

le rentrer profondément dans mon cul.

Ça m'a soulagé, mais maintenant il est coincé.

>> No.8087059

runsoardxaertuxohsixsk 999999999999999999999999999999999999999o999

>> No.8087652

I may have a hard on because this is a bump

>> No.8088282


>> No.8088298

I came cum dripping ripples into the room
She walked waxen nipping fizzles at the loom
Bar flies sideways through upturned seats
Prima donna firsts the sweetest meats

>> No.8088412

nope but anything i put out will be under the name (my name) tyler macdougall. so put it on a sticky note i guess

>> No.8090026

we walked between the long and limber pines  that served as pillars to the dark emerald cathedral canopy ceiling. the forest appeared as a monument to itself, tall and strong and arranged with a precision only found in nature. a light carpet covered the ground as far as the squinted eye could see. like a fawn's grandiose area rug, it cushioned our naked feet, the layer of beige needles fusing into a textile-like amalgamate. the low and yellow twilight sun broke through the leafed barrier in thin beams that sat visibly in the earthen dust floating throughout the sanctuary, like so many flashlights pointed downward from the heavens. it spangled the floor with a smattering of awkward golden shapes, illuminating the forest more from below than above. i turned to her in the hopes of admiring her aphroditic beauty through the brilliant honey light; i was not disappointed. she had found a seat upon a lone felled oak. out of place as it was, it rested on the ground like a great throne, and her carefully draped body seemed to mold itself to its shape. her long auburn hair set in delicate but wide and plentiful ringlets, it appeared as wild as the kingdom she was pretending to rule over. it framed her oval face daintily, tucking itself behind her high cheekbones and coming to rest on top of her thin shoulders. her long, slender fingers extended from an almost fragile palm to examine and explore the hard bark beneath them, running between each groove in the knotty surface. a smile broke out across her face, a subtle but wild grin indicative of the strange magic that flowed through us. unable to contain myself any longer, i ended our mutual reverie with a haughty chuckle and threw my arms towards her and took a knee.

>> No.8090036

"oh, great mother gaia before me," I swooned. "what mysterious spell have you cast on this poor soul that steals the very breath from my breast, the strength from my body, the reason from my mind?" I jumped up and began trotting around gayly, tossing leaves and needles about the air as I went. "surely you wished to turn a man so mad with your beauty that a mere second not spent in your appreciation would bring him to claw his eyes clean of the filth laden before them?" I pawed at my face, acting more like a court jester than the blind date I was. she released the faintest of laughs; it took all my reserve to not fall over as the angelic giggle rang its way through my head, resonant as a church bell. "tell me, my fantastic object of deitical admiration, was your goal to blind this sad sod? to ruin all else in the world with your incomparableness?" I fell backward and let my limp limbs crash to the ground. "i could only hope such a goddess should appear before me, but it seems my wildest fantasies are realizing themselves abhorrent of my knowledge. please, fair queen, do spare my soul, for this heart shall always belong to you." as I reached the end of my soliloquy I gasped and sputtered with the dramatic couth of a toddler, and with my final words collapsed my head backwards. this elicited an exuberant rapport of giggling from my audience, paired with the quiet clapping of soft hands.

>> No.8090126

"now, wasnt that a bit much?" she was still giggling, the smile now permanent like an axe wound across her visage. "surely you must jest, no creature as loathsome as I could ever extract such words of adoration from a man exquisite as you are." i picked my head up and peered at her through a single slitted eyelid, as if I were admiring her from behind a curtain. "this fanfare youve set off for me is truly undeserved, I am no deity or monarch, and this land not my domain." she set from her throne towards me, lightly bouncing while she stepped as if she were a flower trembling in the breeze. "i am but merely mortal, trapped to these bones and this blood, so take me as you wish to see me but know I am nothing more than you are yourself." I leaned my body upwards as she approached, finding myself locked in adoration of the woman. my gut bubbling in anticipation, i remained only able to gape slackjawed and grin stupidly while her body lowered itself ever closer to mine. now sitting on her forelegs, she reached a hand to my face and cradled the cheek that sat on it. my own hand clamored to cover hers, gingerly wrapping itself around the veritable miracle of creation. for a moment, each of us felt the others heart pulse into their hand, the only sound the dull but rapid pounding in our ears. I reached my free limb to behind her neck and gently pulled her toward me. she moved with impossible grace to meet my face with hers, a single hot breath escaping her lips and cascading across mine. that moment lingered for an eternity, an entire universe of emotion contained within a halfsecond. the dawn and dusk of all creation happened in a timespan rivaled by a single beat of the hummingbirds' wing. I would have been content to lay in that forest until my bones had turned to dust and back again, staring widely into the eyes so doelike that stared back. the instance slipped past as hastily as it had arrived, and we kissed. the scent of her hair plugged my nostrils, the cavities now saturated with lavender and rose. the hand on my face squeezed around the hand that contained it, mutual desperation meeting in the middle to satisfy the now insatiable desire that burned between us. our breathing became labored, our petting more frantic, whatever social niceties we had been holding were thrown to the wind as we searched each other for the scorching we both felt within. it wasnt hard to find. now a tangled mess of animal urge on the floor of the once-sanctious forest, wild abandon flowed through our veins as our souls met for the first time.

>> No.8090419

Free bump in the hopes of more content.