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/lit/ - Literature

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8084176 No.8084176 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please recommend good literature with a female protagonist who

1) is realistically & deeply complex
2) has a real character arc, either with some kind of heroic accomplishment or transformation, or genuine pathos
3) isn't primarily defined in terms of, or challenged by, gender roles / some aspect of womanhood (so, her gender is mostly or entirely inconsequential to her story)

I am having trouble thinking of stories that fit the bill

>> No.8084184

Can you think of male protagonists who aren't challenged by male gender roles?

Their gender is kind of inherent to their character.

>> No.8084188
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>female protagonist
>realistically & deeply complex
pick one

>> No.8084193

oh god i want to cum on her feet

also, the miss marple novels

>inb4 wah wah genre wah

>> No.8084196

>Can you think of male protagonists who aren't challenged by male gender roles?


>> No.8084220

The Wall by Marlen Hauschofer and Sisters by a River by Barbara Comyns

>> No.8084254

a woman writing a book about a woman in a male world, i.e. literature, without considering her own gender is like a man writing about a eunuch without ever mentioning the fact

unless you want to read comic books. judging from your criteria, you do though.

>> No.8084284

Yes. Seriously.

>> No.8084286

Yes, seriously.

>> No.8084292

I want to suck her toes ;_:

>> No.8084293

>is like a man writing about a eunuch without ever mentioning the fact

i read a couple such books... sun also rises by hemingway and another one which i don't remember the name or the author

>> No.8084306

The Crying of Lot 49

now take your shitty b8 thread we've all seen a million times and shove it.

>> No.8084322
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>> No.8084330

>reading for pleb shit like "character arcs"

>> No.8084338

I'm basing my question off a pretty standard modern reading of anagnorisis as fundamental to narrativity. Should be obvious.

>> No.8084352

Yes, seriously.

>> No.8084361

Yes, seriously.

>> No.8084382

Yes, seriously.

>> No.8084490


I'm actually one of the commenters, but since this is a pretty male forum, and therefore a safe space, I challenge you all to name me some actual ones who aren't [challenged by male gender roles], and then we can argue why it's not true/an exception that proves the rule.*

Let me start -- Dorian Gray, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

*this is only important because we have proven that women cannot be realistically & deeply complex. Or rather they can, just not in the sense that is open to being portrayed as particular characters. Character itself is a pretty masculine concept[a].

[a]Maybe women are a better fit for comedy, where plot matters most, and the portrayed roles are changing their key values from beat to beat in order to achieve the planned ending.

>> No.8084504

Do we have a femishit here

>> No.8084517

This place is the opposite of a safe space, faggot.

>> No.8084525

The OP was actually about finding examples of woman protagonists who are only "incidentally female." I was sort of trying to do a Bechdel test type thing, looking for characters who are interesting in and of themselves as human beings. Characters who aren't essentialized by their gender, who aren't inherently subject to gender roles because of their gender. I am writing a paper on women's agency in Western literature.

It's funny that people had this bizarre kneejerk reaction that it was some sort of MRA alien conspiracy, and immediately.. essentialized female protagonists as inherently struggling against their gender roles because of their gender.

The only real answer so far was >>8084220 and I'm definitely gonna check these out. Especially The Wall. Thanks bro.

>> No.8084526

Haha yes, we're all following you, just filtering the Internet for certain keywords and waiting to start a discussion. :^) Like we don't have anything better to do with our time. So typically male attitude :^)

Seriously though, Dorian Gray. Obviously I'm a male, dummy.

Btw boys, what brand condoms do you use ^^ I use Trojan mostly.
Also, how often should I get a check-up at the urologist, my dad says that it's once every year, but I'm kinda nervous because we have a female urologist and I'm kinda nervous about her seeing and touching my penis. Is a male nurse supposed to be there the entire time during the exam? Did any of you boys ever have a bad experience with a female urologist?

Hahah I know right. :^) Lmao!

>> No.8084538

Gay dicks, seriously.

>> No.8084540
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>deeply complex

>> No.8084543
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>> No.8084551
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>3) isn't primarily defined in terms of, or challenged by, gender roles


>> No.8084565

Yes, seriously.

>> No.8084567

women don't face the same struggles that men do
everything they do in life is framed by their gender
better luck next time bud

>> No.8084570

Here's something to tickle your fancy then: if a woman protagonist isn't only "incidentally female", can she really even be realistically & deeply complex? (See: >>8084490 : "character is a pretty masculine concept") Should stand-ins for female real literature writers even count? The writeresses themselves are generally relatively above-average masculine in temper, compared to other women.

Does hunger-games-tier shit count, where it was mere marketing research and lust for PC points that decided they should be female? They're both bland characters *and* only incidentally female at the same time.

Good luck with your paper, Cambridge.

>> No.8084585

Have you ever read any existentialist feminism? You should give it a shot.

Thanks! I turned Cambridge down because they didn't offer me enough funding, and because their shorter programs are less impressive these days.

>> No.8084608

I hope this wasn't ironic, I'd really be glad to know that my deeds were appreciated.
Also, r u girl.
Or are you writing this propagandist piece just for the monies?

>> No.8084609
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I hate most women, more than I hate most men at least, but I still enjoyed and had plenty of feels while reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Though most of the novel is: "being an intelligent woman in the 50s is difficult!" and her relishing in that suffering. The entire novel is womanhood issues: things like rape, abortions, workplace exploitation, eating disorders, etc. but instead of me rolling my eyes at their so-called issues like I usually do, she wrote it in such a way where I actually cared. It dives headlong into the darkness hidden in every woman.

It even plucked at my repressed white knight feelings even if deep down I still realized women of this psychological complexity (the good kind) and sincerity are one in a billion.

>> No.8084779


Crying of Lot 49 -- Oedipa Maas is a pretty cool character, develops and learns by the end of the story, and has agency. She does have a mostly absent (ex? it's been a long time) husband but he barely matters. Her problems are about uncovering Pynchonian conspiracies and secrets, not having a vagina.

Silence of the Lambs (shut up I believe this is a good book) - Clarice S is complex, ends up struggling and pulling through, although she is a female FBI agent and sometimes gets extra problems because of that, it's mostly her trying to crack the Buffalo Bill case that is the challenge, not her gender

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking Glass -- I'm not sure if Alice is "complex" or has a character arc but she sure is a fun character and enough gumption to make it out of Wonderland. Her womanhood is not a problem because she isn't a woman... lol.

Fantasy options

The Scar by China Mieville... the main protag is a female linguist, pretty cool character IMO, and does develop over the novel. Her gender is a tiny bit consequential in that (spoilers) a spy uses sex to play with her emotions and manipulate her, but if you switched the genders it wouldn't be different than any male chr getting played by a femme fatale. Plus that's not a critical part of the story anyway.

Sabriel by Garth Nix... she has a slight romance that is somewhat plot relevant, but mostly the protag is a just a cool female magic user who manages to overcome her non gender related problems and be a hero

>> No.8084850

>Her gender is a tiny bit consequential in that (spoilers) a spy uses sex to play with her emotions and manipulate her

eww, a typical chick lit
it's not we had sex by the mutual agreement and for the mutual enjoyment, it's that guy manipulated me, likely raped too since i dislike him now

>> No.8084855

women's lives revolve too much around sex too be interesting

>> No.8084859

Hedda gabler

Maybe not 2

>> No.8085062

Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson I had to read it in high school

>> No.8085084


>> No.8085095
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Amy Joubert from JR.

>> No.8085098

the bell jar

>> No.8085105

Crying of lot 49, inb4 calling her a lightweight. Maybe also Bleeding edge, I wasn't really into it.

>> No.8085109

yeah crying of lot 49 is a great book
does seem like she just happened to be a woman, it was more about introspection than how she interacted with the world

>> No.8085152

true, I guess in the 60s a house wife being a protagonist had more impact but these days it just seems thrown in.

>> No.8085178

>complex females
Topkek my friend.
Well played.

>> No.8085185

I saw a Book of Mormon with a congregation of true believers

>> No.8085190

Satisfactorily played.

>> No.8085192
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>> No.8085196
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>(so, her gender is mostly or entirely inconsequential to her story)
You'll Niggas Don't Even Post-Modern.

>> No.8085200

that guy could elope with a little boy just as well

>> No.8085384
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She's my hero

>> No.8085389

I'm like 60 pages in and i want to quit. I feel like i already learned the bulk it has to offer. It's agony to read. Should i keep going?

>> No.8085393


>> No.8086362
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>4-es metró

>> No.8086392

classic women hate thread never gets old funny guys haha love the meme women suck bc ive never had one! whos with me????

>> No.8086393
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>Female character capable of being deeply complex whilst staying realistic to female nature

oh man.

>> No.8086405
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>I am le mature intellectual who ignores trends because if I don't face reality I can unironically claim I'm rationally smarter and more open minded than others

been with maybe 6-7 women now, they are usually empty minded past tasks they are handed. Had one that wasn't and she was a miserable and no fun at all, dumped her after two months.

>> No.8086498

>I am le mature intellectual who is dumb enough to confirm 4chan memes based on a sample size of "6-7"

>> No.8086518

using the le meme doesn't help your case, roast-o

I'll add to the sample size- i've popped over 20 girls.

The female character is not deep - it is a shallowness that pretends to deepness - a thorny tongue and a warped mirror

>> No.8086536

Oh man, 2 people in 4chan using /r9k/ memes claim they've had sex with a whole 27 (!!!!) people and make generalizations over half of the world's population! How can I contest this information? I guess I'll just kill myself now to restore my family's honor

It's pretty obvious you don't ever get out of your house, stop even trying

>> No.8086543

there's no need to be so upset, babe

>> No.8086548
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>existentialist feminism


>> No.8086552

I don't think you realize how clueless you look. If you think this is how normal people talk, you are wrong. Also, I'm male. Just go back to /r9k/

>> No.8086569

Look you stupid stupid girl, you're not going to be able to convince me that i didn't fuck all those women

attempt to invalidate my experience all you want, the fact remains that the inferiority of women is one of the oldest and most persistent memes in all of human history, and it's no accident, it's because for the most part women actually suck out loud.

>> No.8086576

>It's agony to read.
Are you ten?

>> No.8086601

You fucking reek of autism, as expected when a non-functional piece of shit tries to look normal. I don't need to "convince" you of anything when you're so transparently lying. You may as well be carrying a sign that says "I'm a virgin", and I don't think if that lump of slime inside that skull of yours deluded you to think you were convincing anyone with half a brain, but I assure you you weren't.

I have no more time to waste.

>> No.8086610

don't get mad just cos i've had more sex than you that's hella weak yo

>> No.8086628
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>> No.8086631

Janet Frame Owls do cry

>> No.8086767
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You're my hero now


>> No.8086777

Does webcomics count as literature?

>> No.8086784

>Existential feminism
>What is 2nd wave feminism
[Spoiler]in b4 cancer [/spoiler]