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8083980 No.8083980 [Reply] [Original]

What books have ***almost*** made you cry? I mean, surely you've never actually cried because of a book... unless you're a faggot.

>> No.8083982

Go watch a movie if you want emotion, faggot. Leave the sublime for the patricians.

>> No.8084311

The Art of Racing in the Rain

There's nothing like the relationship between a man and his dog.

>> No.8084331

Evidence that /lit/ doesn't read

>> No.8084334

A farewell to arms was pretty feely. But then again I read it in high school and was an emo faggot back then

>> No.8084335

cried from

mason and Dixon
never let me
the virgin suicides

>> No.8084341

Never Let Me Go?

>> No.8084346

I cried while reading The Road.
In the cafeteria at my college. gave zero fucks about who could see me crying to a book.
I empathized with the boy so heavy.

>> No.8084348

yes never let me go

>> No.8084355

>Of Mice and Men.
100 pages. Infinite sadness.

>> No.8084371

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8084390

Stoner, specifically the part where Stoner remembers his wife and daughter as they were before everything went to shit.

>> No.8084397

Tons of books, most recently the Death of Ivan Ilych reminded me of my feels when I was having chemo.

>> No.8084411

I cried at the end of Grapes of Wrath. Something about the quasi-biblical feel it had just fucked me up.

>> No.8085150

Almost cried after finishing The Master and Margarita. The description of Ivan Bezdomni's life at the end is heart-wrenching.

>> No.8085158
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That little dancing bear in Blood Meridian that gets shot and keeps trying to dance as it dies did something to me.

I just felt weird picturing it.

>> No.8085168

The sound and the fury
Something about the part where Quentin makes the faux suicide pact with caddy on the shore of the branch really got me
Also the part with Benjy and caddy on the porch

>> No.8085171

Gravity's Rainbow made me cry, you faggot.

>> No.8085173

The Dark Tower
I can't say anymore

>> No.8085221

Those damned beatniks are ruining literature with their marijuana-stained writings.

>> No.8085227

How? It's literally about a man who shoots nazi missles out of his pee pee.

>> No.8085470

Twice during In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.8086202

The into to Night Comes to the Cumberlands.

>> No.8086223

Yeah I know. Beautiful. :'^)

>> No.8086239
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>> No.8086329
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I miss crying at books. Ever since I'm on anti-depressants I can't cry anymore, and it makes me feel like I don't fully emotionally experience novels anymore.

>> No.8086345

the fuck are you on about

>> No.8086398

cried out of joy and the rollercoaster of emotions at the end of A Personal Matter

>> No.8086876


>> No.8086880

That would be ON the road, good sir

>> No.8086884

kek'd loud

>> No.8086891

The Road
Flowers for Algernon

>> No.8086902

Stoner and not just a trickle

>> No.8086923

His gulag archipelago had a thousand feels as well

>> No.8086931

Aegypt cycle, John Crowley. The bittersweetness that comes from spending a lifetime trying to make sense of the world, history, god, and in the meantime the world and life has passed you by.

>> No.8086936

Never let me not cry is the book he's talking about, idiot.

>> No.8086969

Percy Jackson

>> No.8087550

I cried over Schindler's List.
So many Jews survived.

>> No.8087563
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This made me cry like a bitch in grade school

>> No.8087601


I had forgotten how pathetic and depressing that scene was.

>> No.8087617

It's one of those books that shows you how reality surpasses fantasy.

It made me feel really uncomfortable reading it in the winter by the fireside.

>> No.8087644

The Spy Who Came out From the Cold.

>> No.8087769


>> No.8087980
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In 4th grade the whole class took 10 minutes to recover, I managed to keep it in but I didn't want to.

>> No.8088082

Where the red fern grows when I was little. Fuck books about dogs

>> No.8088087

zero k got me teary because i have daddy issues

>> No.8088091
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If Hyperion doesn't make you cry you're a tryhard.

>> No.8088216

Notes from the Underground made me tear up when he fucking laid it on to Liza. When he was describing the love a father has for his daughter and all.

>> No.8088822

I've cried reading several of Dostevsky's and cried like a bitch at the end of Of Mice and Men and A Separate Peace. But yeah, there's been many other books I've cried reading too

>> No.8088831

Mason and Dixon, Never Let Me Vurt the Virgin Suicides.

>> No.8088883

Revolutionary Road's ending was pretty tough, had to hold back the tears.
Also The Butcher Boy. I felt so much empathy for Francie.

>> No.8088946

The only book that's ever made me actually shed a tear was The Great Gatsby.
The whole ending monolog just hit me like a bus full of cement. The entire story I understood EXACTLY where Gatsby was coming from, and the narrator basically showing that nobody like Gatsby could ever find actual happiness in this world hit a bit too close to home.

>> No.8088976

one time when i was drunk i dropped beetroot juice all over my textbook and cried like a little bitch in my dorm room, does that count?

>> No.8089001

This. Also:
The Age of Innocence
Of Mice and Men
Sons and Lovers
The Last of the Mohicans
Wuthering Heights

>> No.8089801

Yeah, jack london sure had it hard

>> No.8089872

the Indians knew

>> No.8089876

Books make aunties cry.

Patricians are moved to tears.

>> No.8090052

Sunset Song
Train Dreams
A Fan's Notes

>> No.8090064

>being moved to tears
>not inhaling deeply through your nose while looking up at the ceiling blinking your eyes rapidly until they suck the tears back in
you will never be as patrician as i

>> No.8090666
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>> No.8092005
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>> No.8092096

When I read the book in class this year I felt it was very comfy with its imagery, like a Wes-Anderson movie

>> No.8092102

I cried during "We Were Here", dang Mong

>> No.8092120

Bro, i finished that book last monday, and has not been able to read shit since. The collapse of the Compsons is really fucking sad, and the foreshadowing of when they were kids really got me, because i have sisters, and i empathize with Quentin a lot.

>> No.8092130

I saw a lot of myself in the Underground man, and i do not know if that is a good thing.

>> No.8092907

Same here, except I know it's not a good thing. The man is pathetic, neurotic insect and apparently so am I.

I almost cried while reading Wolf Totem. There's a scene with a swan. Fuck

>> No.8093008

The old man and the sea
When the boy sees the old man again