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/lit/ - Literature

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8082296 No.8082296 [Reply] [Original]

>professor calls me a pleb

>> No.8082305
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>professor is a pleb

>> No.8082310
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>pleb professor calls me a pleb

>> No.8082319
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>pleb calls me a professor

>> No.8082321
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>pleb colleagues ask pleb questions to a pleb professor who can't even answer them

>> No.8082325
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>professor calls me "professor pleb"

>> No.8082329

>silence everybody! Anon please stand up and tell us what you need to say. Do you believe you are better than your peers?

>> No.8082360
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>frogs reading books

>> No.8082363
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>professor takes me to his office after the lecture and molests me

>> No.8082364

i want the frog people to leave

>> No.8082379

>professor takes me into his office, tells me to close my eyes so I can suck Sea Men out of a hose

>> No.8082388

Masha, you might be Alciboades tier. We all working for the bussy

>> No.8082404

> You let a ho through the pimp's door! I told you a thousand times: hoes go through the ho door, pimps go through the pimp door. Ho door, pimp door! Got it?

> Pimpdor! Pimpdor!

> Oh Pimpdor, you loveable oaf with a giant cock.

>> No.8082407
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he's not wrong

>> No.8082412

Same here

>> No.8082431

me on the right

>> No.8082439
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>pleb calls me a professor

>> No.8082643

he's been closer to a qt than i ever will

>> No.8082661

be hard

>> No.8082675

>Yes sir

>> No.8082681


>> No.8082682
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>Professor Pleb calls me my pleb professor's professor

>> No.8082697
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>adjunct calls me a fucking white male

>> No.8082698

>better at what?

>> No.8083077
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Your professor is just mad because you are young and have a brighter future. Trust me.

>> No.8083083
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>tfw professor tells you to stop bringing up DFW in class discussions

>> No.8083121

>calls proffesors me a pleb

>> No.8083259
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>professor takes me into her office after the lecture and molests me

>> No.8083267

If your professor actually called you a a pleb, he is a tool that probably thinks lit or reddit qualify as academic discussion.

You are also probably dumb.

>> No.8083277

As a part-time teacher on college (I give business classes late after my job as Chief product officer for a chemical firm) I can say this:

Some people are plebs, and some students are so fucking dumb you just want to roll a newspaper and hit them in the head like a bad dog.

>> No.8084150

Only the black or female ones sir

>> No.8084536
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>Teacher asks class what they thought of the assigned reading
>share something of interest I found in the text
>Professor says, "Does any one ELSE have anything they'd like to share?"

>> No.8084553
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>professor cant speak english
>professor also writes the exam paper

>> No.8084572

>accidentally mutter faggot after professor dismisses class
>the class pauses for a full thirty seconds before gathering their materials and leaving

>> No.8084579


>tell class my favorite authors are Mark Twain and George Orwell on first day of class
>later in the semester professor comments that I'm very well read
>know for a fact I'm not

>> No.8085243

"y-you too"

>> No.8085291
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>Professor calls me to talk about our mutual disdain for plebs

>> No.8085312
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>bring up tough problem with categorizing novel
>ask professor what he thinks
>"I don't know, people use different models"
fuckin hell mate you're supposed to be teaching me this isn't an exercise in futility

>> No.8085324

this happens to me all the time
and I have good comments too, I think. and of course every time he asks for questions I always have one I was already thinking about.

I don't think the other people like me very much. I just like learning. At least they fucking retarded anymore since it's upper division, it's definitely a better environment when people know what they're talking about

>> No.8085351
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>dress up a /pol/ tier argument in vaguely academic language
>tutor says it's brilliant

>> No.8085531
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>pleb professors call me professor

>> No.8085591

>ten minutes before class starts and the professor hasn't shown up
>half the class bragging about how they skimmed some online summary on the way over from the dining hall

>> No.8085786

>Introduce prof to Emil Cioran.
>She buys his works and reads them.
>Nothing bad happens.

Sorry guys, I am not so good at this.

>> No.8085815
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>talk about the "Wandering Jew" and mention several of his occurrences in literature
>refer to him as the "Traveling Kike"
>teacher says that the character is actually called the "Wandering Jew"
oops ;^)

>> No.8085833

>prefessor calls me a plob

>> No.8085948
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>processional calls me a Paulus Tarsensis

>> No.8085961

>4chan users make several forced, unfunny and wholly redditesque pun variations on the OP, already slaves to the Heideggerian Das Man

>> No.8085971
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>professor calls me his nigga
>we're both white

>> No.8086005
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>work on my novel for a couple of years
>hand it to my professor
>he labels it as 'juvenile' and gives mes a copy of Slaughterhouse five
>"Read this, it will help you"

>> No.8086013

He was making fun of you

>> No.8086024

>professor calls me a "..."
>but I am the professor
>but not really

>> No.8086063

>professor smacks my ass in front of class
>I am the professor
And thats how I lost my job.

>> No.8086110

Well, /pol/ is brilliant.

>> No.8086130

>this isn't an exercise in futility
As someone with an English Degree

top kek

>> No.8086349


>> No.8087975
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>> No.8088166
