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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 257x380, 1402870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8080783 No.8080783 [Reply] [Original]

anyone know where i can steal this book?

>> No.8080789

time for the daily "how do I buy W&M without selling my kidneys" thread

you can't except by pure chance

>> No.8080798

Drive a hundred miles.

>> No.8080805

Get an electronic version.

>> No.8080808

This. Pay the 100~200 dollars on Amazon/Abebooks, or just sit and wait and pray you run into it.
You could find it in a good-quality public/reference or university library, but dont steal it from there because that's where I'm reading it.

>> No.8080826

A man is inspired by a book and recommends it to a pal over the internet. The responce is that he would gladly read it, but lacks the money. The man suggests his anonymous friend steals it. He does; from the library where the man was reading the book.

>> No.8080832

has anyone here ever stolen a book from the library?

The worst I've done is "check out" a book from my teacher's personal shelf in 7th grade and forget to return it. After a month had passed I was too embarrassed to return it at all. Still have it. Ender's Shadow. Good book.

>> No.8080853
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>> No.8080875

what is this book? why is it expensive?

>> No.8080877

Memes R Us

>> No.8080886

Author was embarrassed by it so he took it off Dalkey. 1200 page doorstop

>> No.8080893

embarrassed about what?

>> No.8080901

His book.

>> No.8080905


>> No.8080913

>author has control over book publication

tell me another one.

>> No.8080924

Dalkey books never go out of print, that is their whole point. So who pulled it?

>> No.8080940

Thanks for admitting you made it up.

>> No.8080946

It was Knopf dude.

>> No.8080958

lets crowdfund it!

>> No.8080960

and dalkley reprinted it

>> No.8080966

Has anyone here actually read it?
Is it worth it

>> No.8080974

The reason that book is expensive is because the book is out of print. The reason the book is out of print is because he pulled the paperback off Dalkey.

>> No.8080980


Is it worth it? No. It was the furthest extreme of Maximalism. It's nothing special. It's a book in the form of pure obsession of a single trait.

It's so far post-modern that it's existence is pretty much the point. The content within it is fluff.

>> No.8080986

I don't trust a poster with bad grammar.

>> No.8080989

we talked to NYRB who reprint out of print books about it and they confirmed that McElroy refuses to give anyone permission to reprint it

>> No.8080991


What's bad grammar in that post, anon?

>> No.8081006

I usually don't reply to people with bad grammar. That was my first mistake.

>> No.8081021

Still not answering the question, anon.

>> No.8081030
File: 93 KB, 500x316, tmp_24400-tumblr_mzxl0g00BQ1rntex2o1_500-111290776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find a copy at your old elementary schools annual book sale
>ran over and saw the price for 2$
>ran down the street sweating and farting constantly looking over your shoulder
>get home and put it on display for all to see
>no one ever recognises it
>two years ago and still haven't read it

>> No.8081056

I have a natural inclination to disobey.

>> No.8081241

give it to me

>> No.8081242
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Why are you people so poor ? $100-200 dollars is nothing

>> No.8081248

Only a downsyndrome retard ass hole nigger cunt would spend that much on a book.

>> No.8081269
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1320367351240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound really poor my friend. Most people spend $400+ on a weekend on drinks, food ,etc. Why cant you invest in your hobby ?
If you are a poorboy you should be reading, you should fix your worthless life

>> No.8081271


>> No.8081620

>women and men
>elementary school

at least say high school for believability

>> No.8081633

>$400 a weekend

Jesus. I'm a broke NEET and basically live $15 at a time, which is what I need to buy gas and cappuccinos for one day to go to my favorite cafe and read all afternoon. I turn down offers for gifts and invitations to go on trips because I have hundreds of dollars worth of books still to buy on my immediate wishlist.

>> No.8081706

It's okay. Probably not worth the time it took. Their are better McElroys.

>> No.8081720
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He's been working with Dzanc. He'll probably die before he finishes proofing it but he's willing to let it be printed if he's sure there won't be errors. Even has a cover ready to go.

>> No.8081723

*there jesus christ reading that book ruined my eyesight

>> No.8081724

It's on ligben as an epub.

>> No.8081732


Don't know how accurate it is, not going to cross reference my copy.

>> No.8081736


pomf =3

>> No.8081753
File: 89 KB, 750x541, mcelroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this old piece of shit is hoarding copies

>> No.8081816

how many? i could pull a Raskolnikov and end him for some copies

>> No.8081843

at least 4 on the shelf there

>> No.8082424

I only see three, second from the top on the left, one without a dust jacket

>> No.8082444

People donate them. They aren't exactly from the schools library

>> No.8082750

3 knopfs and a dalkey

>> No.8083094
File: 429 KB, 2554x2554, 28282177._UY2554_SS2554_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Women and Men was the furthest extreme of Maximalism

>> No.8084035

Read Smuggler's bible instead

>> No.8084173

have you read hypersphere you nigger? it's not maximalist in the least

>> No.8084836


>> No.8084863
File: 176 KB, 1178x728, Memebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like maximalist memes this is about as maximalist as it gets. It doesn't even have a protagonist and nearly every chapter that's narrated (two aren't) is narrated by a different character.

>> No.8084867

is this book online? can I read it on the interwebs

>> No.8084871

Women & Men is on libgen as an epub, so you could get it for free. It's only physical copies that are hard to come by.

>> No.8084877

cool. sorry stupid question. I don't know shit about e readers. but could I buy a shit used e reader then put that onto the e reader?

>> No.8084896
File: 7 KB, 262x193, leprechaun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search it up at my university's library
>"Available; 3rd Floor"

shit's getting ganked

>> No.8084904

Probably, yeah. Not a kindle though, it'd have to be a kobo I think, since those use that format. Though also you could just download calibre and read it on your computer.

>> No.8085027

careful of the sensors walking out

>> No.8085042

>tfw know people who worrk at the library
>"none of us give a fuck"
>bleep bleep bleep!
>"dude I just checked this out, can you put it over the thing so it doesn't beep?"
>"ah that happens, here you go man"

and voila folks

>> No.8085050

What >>8085027 said: I recommend you take the time to look at the pages. Flip through the book a couple of times and see if you can spot any ripples. If you see two pages snag, look to see if they're stuck farther along than the binding.
If your library's copy is a hardcover, all you have to do is look down its spine (underneath its cover) when you hold it open. Have a long, flat, narrow tool handy and be prepared to cut the session short and return another day when it gets too crowded. Paperbacks are a little harder, but not impossible.

>> No.8085070


Appreciate your advice and this is actually a cool bit of knowledge but my way's easier. Just act stupid if they get suspicious. No planting, no tools, no looking over my shoulder, in and out.

If whoever's up front looks like a narc, then maybe I'll try that. Cameras everywhere though.

>> No.8085071
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tfw it's already been stolen from my universities library

>> No.8085075


>> No.8085079


don't steal books if you're not going to read them

you little shitstains

>> No.8085086

>better McElroys

Would love a recommendation. Better and also shorter, yes?

>> No.8085110


I'll get to page ten, write it off as impenetrable, pretentious shit then go back to watching Family Guy.

But in all seriousness, the only person who checks out /lit/ for pleasure at my library is me. Most of its patrons are fratboys/sorostitutes with technical majors who are required by their masters to study there.

>> No.8086396

smuggler's bible, lookout cartridge, night soul

>> No.8087319
File: 293 KB, 578x432, 1459839380982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another nigger thread
If you just want to read it, check it out from the library or download it. If you absolutely have to have it on your shelf, put in half a week at a McJob.