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/lit/ - Literature

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8080076 No.8080076 [Reply] [Original]

Do you really believe strength and intelligence are mutually exclusive?
Is this just jealousy from weak nerds who want to feel superior?
Or are physically smaller people really smarter than stronger people?

>> No.8080088

It's not weight or strength necessarily, but height. Manlets will pretend to read to appear as an intelligent weakling cliche, and thus at least vaguely fit in better.

>> No.8080098

Why not both? Its possible if you try and start to walk out of your room and stop eating chips

>> No.8080107

Smart people know how easy it is to stay moderately fit, I take it as a starting assumption that fat people especially are less critically engaged

>> No.8080109

There is no dichotomy, do what you want.

>> No.8080111

Weights do as much for above the neck as below. There is likely synergy

>> No.8080114

I think he means genetic pre-disposition, or whatever the science lackeys are calling it these days.
Your jab is still true, though.

>> No.8080115

>Weights do as much for above the neck as below

Oh fuck off

>> No.8080121

>CNS has nothing to do with weights
Salty sadcunt detected

>> No.8080122

>I think he means genetic pre-disposition

There may be something in this actually, intelligence is a way to compensate for lack of fitness in other areas evolutionarily. Howver intelligence is an inherant advantage regardless

>> No.8080124
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This guy has a masters in chemical engineering

>> No.8080126

Fitness is good for mental health, don't you know?

>> No.8080128

I do lift and have found it helped my mood and energy but to say it "does as much" is stretching the benefits as wide as your mothers arsehole

>> No.8080136

Oh do please shutup. Stop trying to justify your meathead hobbies.

>> No.8080142

It's just jealously from weak nerds who want to feel better. It's easy to think of muscular and athletic guys as dumb jocks, but in my experience thats not the case

>> No.8080152

I heard that height is the most determining factor. The proteins either go to making you taller or smarter.

I didnt bother researching it anyway, personally I only think we're just scratching the surface on a lot of these new sciences, and to claim profound truths at this stage is just too early.

>> No.8080154

Um, please, no. Just go back to /fit/, okay?

There's proven correlation between muscle size and low intelligence. Don't like it? Too bad, a meathead like you will be working for me some day.

Besides, more slender males are more respected in my circle -- it's a sign we're not insecure and don't need to involve ourselves in toxic masculinity to feel normal.

>> No.8080159

These are the facts. Tall alpha males receive more blood to the brain. Dominating a woman is a lot like analyzing a book. Betas rely on crude tactics, posturing, and firing from the hip. Alphas perform a "deep reading" of the text, and employ their penetrating intelligence with women as well. The former are simply lazy and weak, and as a result they are often entrenched in irrational ideologies out of insecurity, i.e. "being a pussy makes me a good person".

>> No.8080165

stop trying to justify being an effeminate pussy

>> No.8080167
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>> No.8080172

lmao you just proved my point

You have to use toxic masculinity to insult me; you're also fucking misogynistic and try to implying femininity is a bad thing.

Now run along to your weights small-brain.

Not everyone is a fucking /pol/tard okay? I know it may confuse you, but there's more than three people on this site.

>> No.8080173

Actually the theory I was talking about states that height and intelligence were generally in inverse proportion. nigger.

>> No.8080176

You're right, my bad. No way someone who looks like an alpha male could be as smart a "slender male"

>> No.8080177
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>> No.8080179

Why are you replying to this shitty bait

>> No.8080181

First thing I thought of

>> No.8080184

lol manlet detected

kill yourself genetic failure

>> No.8080186

how many layers are you on

>> No.8080190

What? Is that a shrek joke?

>> No.8080194


>> No.8080204

Jelly skelly scrawny nerd detected
> unironically calling someone a meathead
How rich

>> No.8080218

I'm 5 foot 11, and therefore the perfect balance.
Literally, the pinnacle achievement of genetic history posting on 4chan right now guys, AMA.

>> No.8080219

Oh boyim here we goyim

>> No.8080220

you are like a little child

>> No.8080222

Are you the transgender jewish happo from that The Bell Curve thread?

>> No.8080223


>> No.8080230
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>> No.8080237

well, you are one. :^)

>> No.8080239

This is but one of my many recent accomplishments. Without my "head in the clouds" so-to-speak, I am free to wander the lands, improving the minds of simpletons like yourself. I'm basically the super-ape that saves.

>> No.8080249

>toxic masculinity

>> No.8080257
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Feminine boys are best

>> No.8080268
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Itt: scrawny, lanky virgins who've deluded themselves into thinking that if they just read enough, they'll find meaning in their life and a woman who loves them for their intelligence arguing against emotionally and phallicly stunted, unemployably stupid /fit/fags who work out because they can't find a woman who loves them as men so they find whores who love them as objects

Meanwhile I'm 6'2, handsome, going to Princeton University and was the valedictorian of my high school. Stay mad.

>> No.8080289

Don Jr. pls stop shitposting and help your dad

>> No.8080312

>toxic masculinity
sounds like you're a little screwed up in the head there, buddy

>> No.8080334
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>This Thread: The Comic

>> No.8080357

you gay some, anon?

>> No.8080367
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That's not a girl? Close enough for me.

>> No.8080371


>> No.8080380


>> No.8080386

somegay! fag samefagging

>> No.8080394


>> No.8080396
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>> No.8080466

Yes, I am gay, but I am more of a poser gay because I'm only in it for the sweet, sweet boipucci.
I'm just not committed enough to keep a diary or own more than two pairs of shoes (both of which are black).

>> No.8080539
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>toxic masculinity
>alpha males

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.8080545

Well then you did literally nothing wrong. Keep it 18+ and your in the clear.
Also dont go trans

>> No.8080711

Interestingly, I have this recurring dream where I have a sex change. I start my day off as a new woman, go about meeting people I know to introduce my new self, and everyone accepts me. Then the night comes and I lie down in bed and am instantly overcome with this crippling sense of regret. "What have I done?" plays over in my head. Then I wake up.

>> No.8080757

This Henry? Fuck you man

>> No.8080791

stupid. where does it say you can't lift and read/be smart?

i always bring a book to the gym and read in between sets

>> No.8080801


>> No.8080824

Getting in shape is a good thing. Being insecure enough to feel the need to insult strangers for not having your hobbies isn't.

>> No.8080833

Haha you jealous?

>> No.8080843

You'll never be white. How's that feel

>> No.8080846

Oh no I'll never be a member of the second best race

>> No.8080854

Fitness generally helps one focus, and in general helps brain function.

But fitness does not equate to muscle mass. In my opinion, the most intelligent athletes are those who run, hike, mountaineer and do other outdoors focused activities. Its all about what you spend your time doing.

>> No.8080859

you need a healthy body before you can have a healthy heart and mind

>> No.8080863

Endurance, stamina and speed are much more intuitive to a healthy mind than strength exercises. The fittest person is not the beefcake with muscle, but the runner or bicyclist with a strong heart and lungs.

>> No.8080891

those guys with more muscle than cows usually die by 60, actual non-retarded people know this but don't expect /fit/izens to

>> No.8080892

Yeah. In martial arts cardio is probably the most important factor

>> No.8080894

>second best race

>who are most rich people in the world
>who are universally desired by females of every culture and ethnicity
>who will get you the right connections in the first world
>who make basically everything in history

stay in denial Henry

>> No.8080910

History is changing. Asians are going to take over America while whites breed (or don't breed) themselves out of existence. We have connections from going to the best schools in the world. We don't need to be desirable to ghost faces or mud races because we give two shits about preserving our culture.

Enjoy wallowing in the shit of your race's history while we build a better future, gweilo.

>> No.8080935

What kind of fucking stupid question is this? Read books and do pushups.

>> No.8080950


What culture? All chinese people care about are luxury cars, shopping malls, and dim sum.

None of you fags even read, half of all books sold in china are english and math guides.

>> No.8081007
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>> No.8081018

Haha typical white person just pretending what he doesn't know about doesn't exist. I don't have time for you, kid.

>> No.8081036

You're disrespecting your own culture by your complete fucking misunderstanding of it. A gweilo knows your own country better than you. No shit the west isn't doing now well, but it's ironic that clearly your only source of information on china are western channels that do nothing but idly criticise it for some irrelevant islands (only relevant because of the geopolitical precedence, it's hard to say whether or not this concept will stand considering so many American federal faculty will change due to the upcoming elections) and the shiftiness of their tourists. The actual issues at hand in China is firstly its' own declining birth rates (albeit higher than whites by a decimal margin, much lower than that of their Central Asian and southeast Asian and Indian neighbours), the crippling internal faction wars between the president, the premier and Jiang Zemin's cart wagon, and the Confucian anti-innovative holdovers from the imperial era. You're literally the inverse of /pol/ while being all the same Henry
You're also a fucking retard. Most books in China are mandarin, and although there's a disproportionate amount of curricular focus, intellectual growth is going on as per the transition from a scarcity into a post scarcity society and the general strand of trying to emulate America like every other BRICs country is also involving into a newer form of jingoism. The world isn't so fucking black and white and you'd know that if you read anything at all that isn't Infinite Jest

>> No.8081059

Those are nice words, but you'll never say them in between classes at Princeton University (the University I attend after graduating as the valedictorian of my high school) since you will always fall short of me both in the literal sense since I'm 6'2 and figuratively.

>> No.8081086

No, that comic is pandering to those who jack off to fantasies of debating their highschool retard bullies. Take a walk into any decent university library and you'll find plenty of interesting, creative, intelligent people who work out.

>> No.8081122

Intelligence and fitness are both just tools to reach eudaimonia. Better than either is the practical wisdom to know how to employ them.

>> No.8081131

I was obese but then I started reading books and it inspired be to loose weight.

Now I'm a normal weight and working on building muscle and I owe it all to Julius Evola.

>> No.8081154

Princeton townie here, your parties are shit. Packed, ugly people, shitty dress culture, and every "6'2" guy like you is a lanklet rower.

>> No.8081172

this meme is still going strong? kek

>> No.8081180

Rowers are incredibly fit and far more dedicated than you. Their level of athleticism allows them to enjoy sex to an extent that a gym rat like yourself can't even imagine. Enjoy your sour grapes. Whine about our clothes to ignore the fact that we'll go on to incredibly successful careers while you're still going to undergrad parties at 26

What meme ;)

>> No.8081222

Rowers are either great people or boarding school faggots who row because Daddy's money doesn't buy an ivy admission anymore. Everyone in the world works hard, but only Princeton kids whine with masturbatory enthusiasm to each other.

>> No.8081250

I was always in a good shape (I do eat a loooot but just healthy food) and I liked reading but couldn't concentrate for a long time. Since I started running, I have the will to do tons of stuff and also I can focus better while reading so yeah. Running is good and eating well makes you feel better ^

>> No.8081257

this image is literally mom core.

>> No.8081272

>being this gay

i'm gay anon but you're delusional if you don't think there is a benefit to mental health from doing any variety of exercising, including lifting weights.

>> No.8081284

> Asians
> preserving our culture


>> No.8081297

You even living in Asia

>> No.8081324

>most rich

>> No.8081333

>being Asian
Are you even trying anon? All of the connections in the world aren't going to change the fact that you will never, under any circumstances, understand something that isn't explicitly outlined in a textbook.

>> No.8081347

Just remember that you will never be white and you will always be an inch shorter than me

I am the literal perfect male height and you are not

>> No.8081374

This thread has been pretty thoroughly derailed, so I have a serious question about the Asians and education: how can they be so bad at applying what they learn and using their critical thinking skills?

For the last 6 years (high school and currently at UC Berkeley) I have gone to schools that were dominated by Chinese-American or Korean-American students, and they've all been the same in that they have no ability to problem solve. You could teach them literally everything in the world that they would ever need to know, and they would be at a loss when you asked them to do anything with what they've been taught. I've met with many prospective engineers who have boasted about their grades, setting the curve on exams, etc. and they all share the same innate disability of applying what they've learned.

I seriously need an explanation as to how this happens.

>> No.8081828

Shitty education system prioritizes test scores above all else, they aren't taught how to question things or think.

>> No.8081836

Physical fitness should precede and persist throughout any disciplining and training of the intellect

There are no mental detriments to being physically fit; there are a great many mental detriments to being physically unfit

>> No.8081838

books for the win!

>> No.8081854

Παν μέτρον άριστον

>> No.8081860
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They are not exclusive. You should endeavor to gain the greatest physical strength and knowledge you can.



>> No.8081881

>a sound mind in a sound body

Abraham Lincoln

>> No.8081932
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Hey kiddo why don't you slow down and use your fucking turn signal when you're driving that tacky audi that you're too young for. You assholes are going to be the death of me and not even by genocide, just by a traffic accident. So don't call your elders and betters "kid." Fucking chinamen I swear.


I just don't get why I should respect them. There's a billion of them but only a dozen or so of their novelists are even on the map in Europe or the United States. Japan has a stronger literary tradition, and it has for long time. They also beat China in a million wars. They cling to their traditions and those traditions brought them nothing but shame and degradation. The wealthiest and most capable chinese people can't wait to move fucking anywhere else and so now I have to watch the road like a hawk so I don't get sideswiped by a fifty year old chinese lady blinking at the cellphone in her lap.

>> No.8081940

you sound rull mad, friendo.,

>> No.8081974

>Do you really believe strength and intelligence are mutually exclusive?

No. There's no good reason why you can't eat well, spend 1 hour at the gym every second day and read books in your spare time.

>> No.8082314

And in west people are taught how to question things or think?

>> No.8082331
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>tfw you wake up and the affects of your Henryposting are still around

>> No.8082356

One with both is superior. Balance is sublime

>> No.8082367

You need only look to the Greeks to confirm this hypothesis. Those depraved faggots never contributed anything of value - philosophical, literary or otherwise civilized practices.

The whole degenerate country was so occupied with pitiful, physical training befit for barbaric animals that they never developed any culture - they simply wasted all their time on physical health, those stupid, crude idiots.

oh, wait

>> No.8082373

If you think going to the gym = meat head you are a fedora tipping pretentious cunt
Can't remember the name but some Greek cunt said something along the lines of get stronk cuz ur body can and u shud use it :DD

>> No.8082460


That is utter horseshit.


>> No.8082475

Yes good goy, ignore the research that proves exercise stimulates neurogenesis. You're just cattle anyhow, why would you want to improve yourself?


>> No.8082476

Slow plodding meathead culture is not the pinnacle of athleticism, however. Lifting weights isn't fitness; it is a supplement to fitness. Ideally training would incorporate the best ratio between stamina, speed, coordination, and strength. Excessive muscles for a small frame spell cardiovascular disaster (see lightly built ricky hatton (when he is fit) outbox stocky but ridiculously muscled Juan Urango, scrawny malignaggi outbox strong looking lovemore n'dou (who doesnt punch that hard) or tito trinidad destroy grotesquely muscled momadu thiam - intimidating physiques are not always impressive in movement).

>> No.8082478

You sound like a total moron.

>> No.8082504
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Try it sometime anon, you'll feel better about yourself

>> No.8082571

Exercise is there, but it's not the highest of priorities for me, I think it goes
>video games
>language practice
>movies or tv or whatever other shit there is at this level

>> No.8082625

Sure, anon.

>> No.8082629

I'd rather hang out with you than Henry.

>> No.8083110

Someone once told me that the secret of human evolution wasn't inside the brain or the body, it's situated in your heart. I laughed at him and said he was naive and stupid. Now with this thread I finally get it.

>> No.8083274

Plato was the best wrestler of his day. In fact "Plato" was a nickname he picked up from wrestling, which meant "broad-shouldered."

>> No.8083318
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>valedictorian in an american highschool

>> No.8083319
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>This entire thread
>All these posters who clearly didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.8083327

not explicitly no, its more of a culture thing

>> No.8083493

Well mëmëd.

>> No.8083613
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more true to /lit/

>> No.8083616
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Reading is superior to lifting but it's not like you can't have both.
>inb4 a bunch of /fit/posters come at me, angrily posting about how you can't be a true patrician without getting natty gains and how Socrates could squat 350
>inb4 Roman statues and Marcus Aurelius quotes

>> No.8083622

nigga I'm 6'3" and weak as fuck and I still read so what the hell are you talking about

>> No.8083734

I've always wondered why so few intelligent people lift weights. I can only think of Mishima, Hemingway, and that guy who claims to have solved the problem of everything.

>> No.8083749

Plenty played sports though. Beckett played cricket, for example.