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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.53 MB, 1600x680, HARRY-POTTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8076806 No.8076806 [Reply] [Original]

Am I just a contrarian or are the Harry Potter books shit? Maybe I was just the wrong age bracket when it was released but I just did not enjoy the books. It seems like the target audience are Tumblrites and Reddit neckbeards who don't read books but will read popular books to give the illusion that he does read.

>> No.8076889

>muh reddit/tumblr
The target audience was children you retard.

>> No.8076930

Neither Reddit or tumblr existed when Harry Potter was published.

It's just a kids book. Kids loved it when they were young, and that love swept them up and made them think it was the best thing ever. If you have no nostalgia for it, and you're an adult, there's little chance you'll enjoy it. A friend gifted me the books in high school, and I couldn't get through 5 pages. It's obviously a kids book.

>> No.8076932

It's literally a fucking children's book, however you didn't realise this before reading it I have no idea but that's the only concerning thing in your entire anecdote.

The primary and realistically only reason it is so popular because of the nostalgia everyone has including Reddit tumblr and even this subreddit because Rowling tapped into the psyche of the child really well and in her latter books the romantic hooks of the teenager

>> No.8076933

That's what he said.

>> No.8076937
File: 5 KB, 217x172, 1316324817879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite book?

>> No.8076992


This is a website home to /a/, /v/, /co/, and /mlp/. /lit/ shares the racism of /pol/, so why doesn't /lit/ share the enjoyment of children's entertainment?

>> No.8077087

It IS a kids book but it's for everyone (outside of /lit/ and christian mothers).

>> No.8077098

/lit/ does not share the racism of /pol/

Get away miscreant

>> No.8077102

>referring to large groups of anonymous people as having homogenous opinions

this is exactly how stupid people are

>> No.8077373

No he didn't, you retard.

>> No.8077376

You couldn't just fucking say mutual. Jesus.

>> No.8077387

those words mean different things, stupid. I said what I had to say.

>> No.8077389

>Believes fairy tale of racial equality
>isn't a child


>> No.8078321

>tfw you turned 11 but an owl never came with your Hogwarts letter

Man those books were so damn comfy.

>> No.8078448

That doesn't give Rowling an excuse for being an awful writer, of course. Any decent children's book is a book an adult can also enjoy.

>> No.8078640

>it's a "join in on the HP/ John Green/ YA/ ASOIAF are shit circlejerk to get upvotes that don't exist thread"

>> No.8078649


>upvotes don't exist

I'm upvoting you right now.

>> No.8078674
File: 16 KB, 210x300, nothing_gets_past_this_guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic unrelated.

>> No.8078686

It gives me an excuse to not care if she's a good writer or not

>> No.8078741

>YA / John Green similar at all to ASOIAF or Harry Potter

>> No.8078750


It's all filed under shitty books with insufferable fans.

>> No.8078756

>insufferable fans

Ah there it is. The true reason for the hate these books receive on this website only.