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File: 281 KB, 1190x877, modern art.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8075516 No.8075516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What comes after modernity?

>> No.8075523 [DELETED] 

muh dick

>> No.8075527

That sculpture is more evocative and pertinent than some autist carving a dragon out of a stump

>> No.8075538


It's both shit desu. It's not a matter of choices you know.

>> No.8075539


It always shows a huge weekness that he could give up on his craft that easily. What a cuck.

>> No.8075543


>> No.8075546
File: 120 KB, 720x441, Thomas Cole, The Course of Empire Destruction, 1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empire, if we're not already there yet.
And then a new barbarism. From within or without.

>> No.8075548

People are just animals.
There is no pie in the sky BS that can save you.
It's all over.

>> No.8075550

It's funny cause the dude jerking it into his own mouth kind of exemplifies the dragonguy's egotistical rant.

>> No.8075561


>> No.8075571


This is Escobar btw who discusses modernity/alternative modernities/alternatives to modernity. I wrote a final on it that I could transcribe if anyone cared to read it.

>> No.8075575


>> No.8075585
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8075586

Dionysus always wins lad.

>> No.8075591


It's a pdf I sniped from a class, dingdong.

>> No.8075591,1 [INTERNAL] 

I believe we will eventually get to a point where we revert back to art that lacks all symbolism and simply looks good.

We are already seeing it in how crazy art creating (i.e. shooting paint out of your ass onto a canvas) videos are popular to some extent.

That's my wisdom not-4chan.

>> No.8075911

Degenerate art

>> No.8075916
File: 50 KB, 640x480, Suspicious_monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if desu

>> No.8075917

Those are terrible scales on that lanky dragon. Both are terrible craftsmen, the salvage from this mess is nothing

>> No.8075927

You're thinking like an Applied Art major

>> No.8075926

Hopefully death

>> No.8075929

art is dead and we have killed it

>> No.8075936

i don't see what took so much time to carve that dragon... may be it's its invisible head part

>> No.8075944

your idea of egotism demands a flexible spine indeed

>> No.8075946

transition phase dear spenglerian

but from an artistic viewpoint, the west is already in an ahistorical phase definitely.

>> No.8075950

The important thing is he found someone to blame, so he could give up without accompanying guilt.

>> No.8075954
File: 24 KB, 800x587, tmp_8982-1461103275612136331624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The god of wine that started a cult of ultimate degeneracy of every form in the 6000 BC? The Bacchanaria advocated for ultimate pleasure, no moral barriers and a guiltless lifestyle, including orgies throughout the year

>> No.8075967

sculpture of autofellatio: should we be afraid make our vulnerabilities public? should we be embarrassed by our biology? are we slaves to ourselves? is life, in and of itself, masturbation?

sculpture of a dragon: cool a drago;n

>> No.8075974

out of curiosity, is jerking in your own mouth your vulnerability and/or part of your biology?

>> No.8075975


The guy is a dumb hack, what do you expect from someone who thinks that a fucking dragon can be sent to a gallery?

>> No.8075979


Vagina "artist" detected.

>> No.8075985

Ghana cinema best in world oscar 2016 please

>> No.8075987

it's tasteless and drawn to an extreme that way, yeah, but I'm just making the point that at least there's more to it than 'wow, dragon'

>> No.8076078
File: 826 KB, 700x1027, da7d82821e79f6b31567d54ff15b63b9[1].png_3185784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an embodiment of brazen shamelessness and self-humiliation and a spider-like arm with a palm of dark flame which looms as the damocles' sword over him, presumably as a warning for the danger of his ways and as a sign of his impending fate

>> No.8076109

memes are the only answer t b h desu desu

>> No.8076109,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think there wil be a bubble or cloud of suspended judgement on all suspended affairs of utmost importance and probably a few dissidents and then maybe a ten or a two, but really the most important characteristic of our times is uncertainty and a lack of pressure or stress or necessity to act and react to situations as they progress but really the most important of our times is time the first maybe then the automatons will rule the earth in simulacrum style, because obviously american psychology is ruled subconsciously by japanese cartoons and ideals (sing "Turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so"—prophetic voice) and thus that americans really do lack private self-awareness on any level that is nonsocial providing a great deal of tension between countries that try to preserve their identities, the so called extremists, or those that are only now, by means of westernization, discovering what private identity and patterns of living are, say, for example african countries. What is happening is no more no less than a globalization of one the most inmost councils to pervert that end shall ever be our concern and make a heaven of out hell and a hell of out heaven, dyslexia might be explored by writers, maybe they will be exploring other movements too. Today I thought that pretentiousness might become a new aesthetic movement, or that automatic writing or creation might be a useful artistic form or means of expression, even if just to denounce the automatic mechanizations or behaviours or patterns of thought that we possess, they'd be exposed, and this mental fog would be shown as is and is as as, but really: americans are national schizophrenia, and the technologies that impose america everywhere else create tensions huge and grand that are really bad, like when the russians and the americans were fighting and the lol because it's all so backspace i wrote its instead of it's and erased it nevertheless probably the hugest thing to comes after postmodernism is the complete eradication of the audience as in the peoples who sit and listen or read and then, but not during, evaluate, you will experience, in literature, the equivalent of writing a book with the author, not by the author, so that you become involved in it as if you were part of the process of writing, maybe books will disappear, maybe the next ouevre will consist of several discussion-openers, maybe several aphorisms or ideas, so that the participation is done and the coverage is done exclusively by the peoples that read it, and so that the development is not contain'd in the book because there will no longer be availble the pretension that a book, a frozen artifact, can contain the uncertainties and the inclusions and exclusions and the dynamics and unexpectabilities of a a dialogue or say, that, we have to listen rather than hear, and participate, and, and, and, end, please my hands have not stopped typing furiously, the the the the the the speed has reduced som+