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8074816 No.8074816 [Reply] [Original]

why are you guys so afraid to read this

>> No.8074828

because i can't fucking find it anywhere and i refuse to order books online

>> No.8074830


1. It's long
2. It's difficult

>> No.8074832

it was the only book I've purchased brand new. got it at chapters in Toronto.

>> No.8074833

i don't like rereading books that much, especially ones that are complete and utter penguin shit

>> No.8074838

I'll read a spanish translation in the summer
Come at me

>> No.8074839

it's really not difficult

>> No.8074843


People have said that about many other books (like The Crying of Lot 49, Infinite Jest) and they always turn out to be difficult.

>> No.8074862

it's really not difficult

>> No.8074878


IJ isn't difficult, just tedious at times.

>> No.8074881


It was difficult to me. Having to reread sentences and looking up words all the time. Not to mention I don't even know what the main message of the book's even about. It's supposed to be about how irony is bad and we should be sincere, but I don't really get that from the book at all.

>> No.8074892

Why was TCoL49 difficult?

>> No.8074915

Even a very experienced reader could recognise that it's difficult. It demands a lot of knowledge to read and even then it's still hard to understand

>> No.8074917


>> No.8074966

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8074975

no its not. you clearly have never read it lmao

>> No.8074980

Honestly, it's one of the best works I've ever read. JR is far more accomplished in structure and format, it's a veritable masterpiece; but, this is where Gaddis let loose his genius, ambition and will to overcome the struggle that artists face when trying to achieve their life's work. Read it, reread it, it'll take you (at most) a month of your time but you'll be rewarded for the rest of your life.

>> No.8074982


Nowhere to be found in the local library system.

Which is surprising, because it's a pretty good system.

>> No.8074993

why do people comment on books they have never read like this. someone might be put of by his retarded comment.

>> No.8074998

I dont read trust fund baby shit.

>> No.8075026

Fucking morons who say they can't find it...


>> No.8075037

I can probably read good poetry and get more in a single minute.

Maximalism is a meme.

>> No.8075050

lol wtf are you talking about ?

>> No.8075058

I'm not. I can't ever find it at a bookstore. Same with anything by Gass.

>> No.8075059

this book has loads of poetry in it. half the characters are poets lol

>> No.8075063


>> No.8075065

>shopping exclusively at bookstores
just order it online

>> No.8075067

mite b cool

>> No.8075100

i don't want to spend $20+ on a book when I can buy it used for $8

>> No.8075238


Why do you refuse to order books online?

>> No.8075254


>He doesn't know you can buy used books online

>> No.8075277

is he my dad?

>> No.8075417

>the book that /lit thinks it's to stupid to read

how sad.

>> No.8075473

an edition different than the one pictured might be sent (not a huge deal but im particular and want what i want)

book might get damaged through shipping

i prefer to support bookstores other than Amazon and B&N

>> No.8075480

also i dont get that endorphin rush of driving to the bookstore, looking through shelves, finding a book i wanted and walking out with a newly purchased book in my hands. ordering books online has no ritual involved

>> No.8075596

>It's supposed to be about how irony is bad and we should be sincere

lol, that´s just something he expressed on interviews

>> No.8076338

Gonna read JR first.

It's better because it won the National Book Award.

>> No.8076365

If you pay attention to events and character dialogue, it's easy to figure out.

>> No.8076439
File: 31 KB, 300x480, 9780140187083-us-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading it though. I'm on chapter 6 now.

I have pic related and I doubt there's anything special or better about the Dalkey Archive version OP posted. The one in pic related has the Gass intro too, so you wouldn't be missing that either.

>> No.8076446

I'm on page 310. good shit

>> No.8076477


It honestly sounds like your mommy won't let you use her debit card anymore.

>> No.8076495

Otto would fit right in on /lit/ t b h.

>> No.8076497

What makes this book difficult? How difficult is it really, compared to other works?

>> No.8076503

it's not difficult. the people who think it's difficult haven't read it.

>> No.8076507

I'm not interested in pomo whatsoever to be h fâm. My favorite writers are men.

>> No.8076508

Multiple languages and lots of references to other texts. Though really, Gaddis does a lot of the work for you by establishing the context well enough so that you should be able to understand what's going on even if you don't get every single reference, so the difficulty is overstated. It's not Ulysses-hard or anything.

>> No.8076513

>My favorite writers are men.
-Yeah. So this guy is only wearing a pair of dungarees, tight-fitting, see? He's well-built, wearing a pair of tight-fitting dungarees. You got that?
-How do you say it?
-He was a well-built fellow wearing tight-fitting dungarees.
-O.K. So he goes into town and finds a girl in a bar. She wants to go to bed with him. But he can't take no chances on account of that cargo. The police, see? The girl visits him at his house, but he can't take no chances. So he tells her, take it easy . . . Jesse stopped and looked at Otto. -You're goin to get paid for this and I ain't goin to get nothin.
-I've never sold anything yet, Otto said.
-Yeah. Well you can sell this, see. This is what people like to read about. Where was I? O.K. So she wants to stay, but he wants everything he has in his mind for shark-fishing. Chilano Bay, that's the place for shark-fishing. So he dives for sharks. The white ones and the nigger sharks. Those are the black ones. They don't kill the white ones, but he'll do it, see? He's not scared. He'll dive for any shark. Period.
Otto waited.
-How's that? asked the author.
-Well it isn't quite a story yet . . .
-What do you mean it isn't a story. You think I don't know what a story is? This is what people like to read about, realism, real men doing something, not a lot of crap in fancy trimmings.
You get me?
-Yes I . . .
-You're goin to get paid for it and I ain't goin to get nothin.
Jesse returned to admiring his chest.

>> No.8076518
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honestly only at the start do they talk a few different languages and it's only a few sentences. you wouldn't miss a beat if you couldn't Google the meaning.

this is the current page I'm on just to prove how not hard this book is to read.

>> No.8076529

Cool, well as someone almost done with Ulysses and not finding it too bad, sounds good to me

>> No.8076540

Search books by ISBN dude

>> No.8076541

How is this book vs J R? I was thinking about reading J R first because the story and technique interest me a lot. Don't know much about this one, other than usual /lit/ shitposting.

>> No.8076543

Yeah, the first 17.5 pages are probably the hardest overall. It gets a lot smoother after Rev. Gwyon gets back to the US.

>> No.8076548

I don't recognize it :^)

>> No.8076554

I recently bought The Recognitions, J R, Carpenter's Gothic and Agapē Agape.

Should I read them in chronological order or is there a better order?

>> No.8076557

read what ever you want you fucking chode. J R and the recognitions have the best reviews out of the lot

>> No.8076558

Chronological is always a safe bet.

>> No.8076560

Yeah, I saw your shitpost a few days ago. Doesn't change the fact that you look like a wanker when reading his book in public. Gaddis was a marginal writer at the height of his powers and still is. People will be reading Hemingway for at least 200 more years while Gaddis will be forgotten about.

>> No.8076561


moshi moshi bait desu

>> No.8076569

>Gaddis was a marginal writer
>praises Ernie memeingway for being more widely recognized by proles
>main complaint about Gaddis is that you'll look "pretentious" for reading him in public
lmao are all Memeingway fans this basic? Go stare at your pecs in the mirror for an hour.

>> No.8076574

Learn how to use the internet.

It's even available--for free!--legally, if that doesn't offend.

>> No.8076598


>> No.8076606

Spicy bait

>> No.8076797
File: 4 KB, 330x67, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you can refute the fact that your trust fund baby will be forgotten while Hemingway will continue to be read for pleasure and taught in university and high school for centuries on. Literally no one outside of America has ever heard of Gaddis while Ernest Hemingway is one of the first writers an ESL student will read. Hell, people LOVE reading Hemingway. Can anyone say they actually feel any passion from Gaddis limpwristed prose? Stay buttmad, faggots. All this pomo shit reeks of something not 4chan. You know where you belong.

>> No.8076808

>muh populism
>>>/rlgbt/ t b h

>> No.8076824

>Literally no one outside of America has ever heard of Gaddis
That is completely wrong. Upon a visit to Germany with his good friend, William Gass, Gaddis was greeted by a buttload of people, and was treated like a superstar by everyone there.

>> No.8076864

You can't even argue against my point without using empty memes. The fact that Hemingway was able to use the avant-garde with a popular style is an amazing feat, more impressive than writing an obscure novel that appeals to a few mouthbreathing autists. GG better luck next time.

>> No.8076869

nobody care you bloody natsi.

>> No.8076874
File: 170 KB, 1024x741, 1463891166949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeted by a buttload of people? kek. Prove it. I doubt it compared anything to this Mensch's reception.

>> No.8076901

>You can't even argue against my point
You don't have a point to argue against. Go back to chugging old semen, lad. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8076928

Denial is not refuting, pederast.

>> No.8077278

kek I'm not American and Gaddis is my second favorite author.

>> No.8077294

yeah I'm Canadian and he is also one of my favorites. this and J R are such amazing books. even his other 3 books are great.