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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 114 KB, 634x672, yeah, jesus christ kinda, like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8074040 No.8074040 [Reply] [Original]

How do you think what is the main causes of English being so well-spreaded all across the world? Does it have by any chance anything to do with its primitiveness? So that people could easily learn it to get by when abroad? By the way, I've noticed that in order to be fluent in American English you should have to learn no more than just a few words like: like, you know, kinda, yeah, soooo, right. For example, this is the way those primitive americunts communicate: 'hey, hi, I've just like really had AAAIInal sex, it felt so good, YEAAAH, kinda cool, oh oh my god, loot he's so CUUUTE, you Knoooww, like i mean like REALLY, yeah, sooo that's itl, but the came that CrEEP, ugh, so ruuuude like. What a disgusting nation. I, as a Russian, detest you all.

>> No.8074053

I find this thread kinda like pretty cool to be honest, yeah too had anal sex 3 minutes ago

>> No.8074054

>How do you think what is the main causes of English being so well-spreaded all across the world?

Ever heard of the British Empire?

>> No.8074057

I think they had chosen this language as a lingua franca on account of its simplicity

>> No.8074063

>What a disgusting nation. I, as a Russian, detest you all.
Jesus, we know. Your 5"4 "president" gave his entire state of the union address pretty much solely about how buttmad he is about America. We don't care. You should come visit America and see how little we give a shit about your cold, inbred, alcoholism-laden shithole. Oh wait, they probably wouldn't let you in with that passport :/

>> No.8074067

i don't care about your primitive anal promiscuity culture

>> No.8074071


for the 19th century it was both due to the great britain and the usa, but french still was kind of lingua franca for most of the century despite english was getting more and more popular

for the 20th century it was due how the usa managed to profiteer on both of the two world wars


nobody ever chooses a lingua franca by simplicity, lol

latin was one and it's a very complicated language, russian is de facto lingua franca for quite a few counties of the former soviet unionand russian is a hard language too, arab language is another hard lingua franca etc

>> No.8074076

British Empire was really good at being an empire, that's all.
>I, as a Russian, detest you all.
Tы чё вoняeшь? Tы нe pyccкий чтo лe? Beдь ты жe pyccкий? Tы poдилcя в Poccии? Tы хoдил в cpeднюю шкoлy? Tы cлyжил в apмии? Tы yчилcя в тeхникyмe? Tы paбoтaл нa зaвoдe? Tы eздил в Бoбpyйcк? Eздил в Бoбpyйcк? B Бoбpyйcк eздил? Eздил, a? Tы в Бoбpyйcк eздил, a? Eздил? Чeгo мoлчишь? B Бoбpyйcк eздил? A? Чeгo кocишь? A? Зaeлo, дa? Eздил в Бoбpyйcк? Tы, хyй? B Бoбpyйcк eздил? Eздил, пaдлo? Eздил, гaд? Eздил, пaдлo? Eздил, бля? Eздил, бля? Eздил, бля? Чeгo зaныл? Eздил, cyкa? Eздил, бля? Eздил, бля? Eздил, бля? Чeгo нoeшь? Чeгo coпишь, пaдлo? Чeгo, a? Зaныл? Зaныл, пaдлo? Чeгo coпишь? Taк, бля? Taк, бля? Taк вoт? Boт? Boт? Boт? Boт, бля? Boт тaк? Boт тaк? Boт тaк? Boт тaк, бля? Ha, бля? Ha, бля? Ha, бля? Boт? Boт? Boт? Boт? Ha, бля? Ha, cyкa? Ha, бля? Ha, cyкa? Ha, бля? Ha, cyкa? Зaныл, бля? Зaeлo, бля?

>> No.8074077

Man that is some awful grammar

>> No.8074079

like why bruv?

>> No.8074085

i feel like if i were like you know kinda pretty uncool bruh

>> No.8074091

English is so primitive you know i mean like really that primitive sort of yeah i know i know that's kinda shitty but.....you know....i feel...like...it's definitely very primitive....THAT'S FOR SURE YEAH

>> No.8074094

reading all these comments you must've believed almost for certain it was some american that wrote it, lol, no THAT WAS ME! OPPP

>> No.8074110

bump to a nice thread

>> No.8074126
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1ada8f46-a6f7-4004-bfdb-8ce9e29b7d58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guns, germs, steel

>> No.8074142

>nobody ever chooses a lingua franca by simplicity, lol
came here to say this -- otherwise one could say that Pyccкий was chossen as the prevailing possition all-across the CCCP for its simplicity.
proof: >>8074076

Also, you as a Russian are basically the same uncultured swine as the Americans that you hate. The only difference is that you дpyзья got the shorter straw of the two in the Cold War and now you butthurt.
Why don't you both retarded countries stop oppressing mainland Europe for a moment and instead come for a vacation and pick up some culture. I know it's hard when you're already an adult and you don't have any cultural habits nor cultural knowledge, but you need to work hard and trust that it'll pay off.

inb4 "Pyccкий literature дpyг!!!". Literally just Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, Per the largest country by area in the world.
One of whom was a self-indulgent autist, and the other a clinically depressed, dissociative schizophrenic. (the real kind, not the Pyccкий нeпpиятeль kind)

>> No.8074192


>> No.8074219
File: 1.79 MB, 345x199, K is coming for that booty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i look past the man chin, she might be the perfect white meat to breed with my black seed. She look thick as fuck.

>> No.8074231

right, right

>> No.8074247
File: 1.99 MB, 354x232, 1434210825280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Americlaps rewrite the bible every years to match their way of life. Has guns been written into the bible as yet?

>> No.8074257

>latin was one and it's a very complicated language

I wouldn't say "very complicated"

>> No.8074270

It depends.
I often skype with /lit/ posters from America and have an evangelical friend from there who came here for a year, all of them speak solid English.
But the evangelical buddy came with others who do speak the primitive like dude awesome language. No anal though.

>> No.8074276

Oh so you wouldn't? Oh okay then. Duly noted. You didn't say that. Cool. then. Great fucking discussion m8.