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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 466x382, Fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8073812 No.8073812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/ what is the signs of Pseudo-Intellectual?

>> No.8073814

Posting this thread :^)

>> No.8073817

Any mention of Hegel, Freud, or atheism as a school of thought.

>> No.8073820

>that feel when i cant relate to anyone because everyone is a pleb and hasnt read a specific book i read halfway through.

>> No.8073831

Oh shit, maybe I am.

how can be they a school of thought, anyways?

>> No.8073842


>> No.8073845

Rank Abbr. Meaning
FPBP Family Planning Benefit Program (New York State Department of Health; Abany, NY)
FPBP Fundacja Porozumienie Bez Przemocy (Polish: Foundation for Nonviolent Communication)
FPBP Framed Pseudo-Bayesian Priority
FPBP Food for Progress for Bangladesh Project

Which 1?

>> No.8073849

Probably a preoccupation with intellectualism as a concept rather than the actual topics usually associated and having a bunch of affectations.

>> No.8073852


>> No.8073853

Fake it at first and then if you keep faking it eventually you might make it.

>> No.8073857

Communism. Literally every teenager who has read some Marx falls into considering himself as an intellectual since he sees himself as the only one who knows the truth about the capitalist production system while his parents, all of his classmates, friends... are victims of false consciousness. Some grow out of this bullshit, some don't.

>> No.8073861

so basically using over specific terms in day to day conversations?

like you?

>> No.8073865

ok, so:
1. Got hyped out with communism.

anything else?

>> No.8073873

There's only one sign: writing incoherent gibberish, and admiring writers who write incoherent gibberish.

Examples: Hegel, Bergson, Heidegger, Benjamin, Gadamer, Lacan, Adorno, Sartre, Levinas, Arendt, Merleau-Ponty, Levi-Strauss, Beauvoir, Ricoeur, Lyotard, Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida, Irigaray, Badiou, Nancy, Rancière, Kristeva, Agamben, Latour, Zizek, Butler.

>> No.8073876
File: 264 KB, 840x840, Smug Wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right Wing

Instantly dropped

>> No.8073877

>I'm not dumb, it's j-just all gibberish, all of it!

>> No.8073879

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Marx did not discuss "communism" at any length. 99.99% of his work involves building an abstract model of 19th century capitalism.

>> No.8073881

i agree

good troll

>> No.8073886

So as long what you write is consistent without any gibberish, wrote it in concise and clear mannerism, you are not one?

>> No.8073892

If they talk about spooks.

>> No.8073894

>le "communism is not the same as socialism" meme
Okay, you've also read Lenin.
I was talking about communism as an ideology. I could have said "marxism" tho.

>> No.8073897

What? You should seriously read at least "Capital, volume 1" before talking trash about ideas you don't understand.

>> No.8073900

Marx talks in depth about the abolition of social classes, a substansial if the not the most important component of communism

You're psuedo intellectualism is showing

>> No.8073901

The need for validation by others. So basically most of the posters on /lit/

>> No.8073902

>You're psuedo intellectualism is showing
>You are

Oh, the irony.

>> No.8073905

First post best post

>> No.8073909

Let me point you gentlemen in the right direction

>> No.8073910

I'd say conflict with others for self validation and the validation of the others who buy into whatever faux ideology they are infatuated with

Any one with a remote amount of character and brain power won't waste his time with such disputes unless on a formal level

>> No.8073911

Hey OP >>8073812 here's >>8073897 another sign of pseudointellectualism: constantly tell people to read ( >>8073820 semi-related) with a passive-aggressive tone instead of actually defending your points

>> No.8073914

No, he didn't. You have clearly never read Marx. He was not a moralist. He was purporting to give an objective account of capitalism as it existed in his own time.

>> No.8073918

There's nothing wrong with reading, you illiterate buffoon.

>> No.8073919

A correction of a minor and accidental grammar error, universally agreed to be the lowest possible retort

He talked about abolition of social classes and substantial talks about principles which will create such abolition. He talked about many other things, but the other guy was attempting to severely downplay his role in communism because it is a buzz word to trigger hatred

>> No.8073922

Clearly you read Marx but didn't want to understand it

>> No.8073925

The only worthy books ever written are the Bible and Summa Teologica

>> No.8073931

ah Ok, understood. Tell people to read instead of expaining why you disagree?

>> No.8073932

Dostoevsky is their "favourite" author.

>> No.8073935

marxist jargon

>> No.8073936

But he's good

>> No.8073938

Yeah, also dropping author's and booookz' names, excessively quoting and all of that

>> No.8073941

>He talked about abolition of social classes and substantial talks about principles which will create such abolition.

Marx theorized that capitalism would eventually give way to communism, with a transition period called the dictatorship of the proletariat. He never advocated for any particular "communist" ideology; he did not express value judgments either way.

>He talked about many other things, but the other guy was attempting to severely downplay his role in communism because it is a buzz word to trigger hatred

The term "communism" was invented by Marx. He used it as a placeholder for what was to come. He did not spend time outlining some utopian vision of the future. His interest was in crafting an accurate scientific model of the economic system of the 19th century.

>> No.8073943
File: 13 KB, 208x320, 41XB9hF1G6L._AC_UL320_SR208,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear America;

Atheos Vult.

Fag Harris.

>> No.8073946

>He never advocated for any particular "communist" ideology
fuckin wew lad

>> No.8073950
File: 38 KB, 333x499, SokalBricmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- Read this book.

>> No.8073953

>they identify as "smart but lazy"

>> No.8073954

You're not even a pseud - you're too dumb and illiterate for that. Your only excuse is that you have Down's.

>> No.8073956

damn u got me

>> No.8073957

>what is a manifesto
>what is the IWA

>> No.8073960

Generally speaking people that drop alot of well known philosopher's or authors names thinking they are hot shit or post about philosophy on Facebook.

Usually they mention:

But maybe thats just normies.

>> No.8073961

How in the hell can you be "psuedo-intellectual" what the hell does that even mean? Doesn't that just make you a dumb ass saying words you can't pronounce or comprehend? What is even the benefit of that?

>> No.8073962

>science as a noun

I'll pass

>> No.8073964

People who think philosophy equals "deep" quotes on fancy backgrounds

>> No.8073965

What do you think it is, Einstein? An adverb?

Most retarded post of the year goes to you - congratulations!

>> No.8073968
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Can't teleologically suspend the ethical

>> No.8073975

It's a verb.
i.e. "I'm gonna science the shit out of this"

>> No.8073980

That means to be sound smart to impress people who doesn't even care about it.

>> No.8074003

Hasn't read the meme trilogy

>> No.8074007

Pseudointellectual here ama

>cuties think im intelligent
>teachers told me i was some kind of genius
>bros admired me

Meanwhile i just parroted ideas that were popular on cantonese crop rotation forums and a site where you read it, aswell as remembering Wikipedia articles.

>> No.8074012

I got a scholarship out of it too, but i think my affinity regarding cricket played a part in this too.

>> No.8074018

Pajeet pls

>> No.8074028

Has it so far benedicial for your life? And how do you do your thing most of the time? can you give me example pls b0ss?

>> No.8074065

Posting on /lit/

>> No.8074084

bot him but
- social status
- better grades (i am lazy as fuck but they tend to overrate me)
- as he said, qt 3.14 (im average, 7/10 at most, and still get laid without even trying)

>> No.8074095
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Can somebody please tell /r9k/ that Elliot Roger's manifesto is not literature but the diary of a failed faggot full of cringe and spaghetti?

>> No.8074103

Somebody that browses /lit/ to feel smart but doesn't understand any of the references on it
So yeah, me

>> No.8074105
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>> No.8074109

it's non fiction literature

>> No.8074118

As someone who actually is a Marxist you're full of shit Liberal apologist and should be purged of course Marx advocated Communism you fucking retard

>> No.8074125



>> No.8074383

This thread itself has proved that most of you are pseudo-intellectuals. you goddamn niggers

>> No.8074405


Mate I'm sure you just can't read, those are all simple as fuck

>> No.8074435

I think most of /lit/ freely admits they're pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.8074444

>simple as fuck
wew lad

>> No.8074451

They're atheist

>> No.8074455

How to be Pseudo Intellectual #1:
telling others what they should read.

>> No.8074461

How to be Pseudo Intellectual #2:
Using names of philosophers and psychologists in the same sentence without knowing either.

>> No.8074463

Yeah you need to read in detail and not be distracted but something like Intro To Metaphys or Being And Time isn't an insurmountable Finnegan's Wake-tier challenge

>> No.8074467
File: 2.71 MB, 5096x3452, 1460915781075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you take any of these people seriously

>> No.8074472

How to be Pseudo Intellectual #3:
Judging other intellectuals without having achieved anything worth the same.

>> No.8074476


>incoherent gibberish

... how?

>> No.8074483



How to be Pseudo Intellectual #4:
Talking about Communism (politics) while mentioning Marx (philosophy) and forgetting Friedrich Engels all the way.

(or in other word: being a lefty just because it's "intellectual")

>> No.8074491

Exceptions to this include Benjamin and Sartre's literary criticism, and Tristes Tropiques by Levi-Strauss

>> No.8074496


How to be Pseudo Intellectual #3:

you just went full retard

>> No.8074508

Are you from 2011?

>> No.8074509
File: 72 KB, 712x715, 1461999650755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The most important part of literature is prose"

>> No.8074516

I can't look at pictures like this without imagining that there's porn of it

>> No.8074529

pseud spotted

>> No.8074537

he never said that there was anything wrong with reading.
its people who tell someone else in a passive-agressive way to go read X, that are pseuds.
I agree. If you cant actually form a cogent argument in favor of whatever you read, telling someone to go read what you're defending is proof enough that you just have no idea what you're doing

>> No.8074543
File: 11 KB, 381x358, 1403043457465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was not a moralist
>a moralist

>> No.8074657

The fact that you identify as "Marxist" is the part of the problem. Marx would have nothing to do with self-described "Marxists" as they exist today. In fact, if you define the term to denote seeing the world the way Marx did, then the business elites in America are all instinctive Marxists seeing how they are deeply committed to class struggle and are engaged in it all the time.

>> No.8074663

^ Pseud detected.

>> No.8074672

I've never met a fanboy of Milton Friedman who was well-read or knowledgeable about anything.

>> No.8074681

>its people who tell someone else in a passive-agressive way to go read X, that are pseuds.

Uh, pretty sure that if someone misrepresents a thinker's views so egregiously as to come out on the opposite side, then the best advice is for them to actually read the work before commenting any further.

>> No.8074698

Is Benjamin the only one you think shouldn't be on that list?

>> No.8074713

You missed the point, dummy....

>> No.8074730

Marx had a great deal of importance to say about social and political issues, and about the economy, considering mostly an abstract model of 19th century capitalism which still provides much useful insight. He didn’t actually have a "plan". He said very little about the nature of a post-capitalist society other than how to obtain it.

>> No.8074736

Get some real opinions son, parroting Chomsky doesn't make you look intelligent

>> No.8074747

Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.8074765
File: 1.85 MB, 2145x1600, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camus over Sartre because The Stranger is required reading in high school at this point

>Catch 22 favorite book
>Joycean [araby, dubliners, portrait aside] = hipster pseudo-intellectualism
>Reading Zarathustra and quoting it word for word
>"Socrates said"
>"Socrates was executed for...!"
>finding Chris McCandless exceptionally relatable
>using magnum opus to describe your own work
>"Shakespeare is overrated"
>"le brave new world is far superior, orwell is basic"

>> No.8074780

Some of these are worse than others.

>> No.8074788

>East Europeans
>YA novels authors
Those were never and never will be considered intellectuals.

>> No.8074801

Noam Chomsky should be crowned in that picture

>> No.8074811


That's a pretty good list.
Zizek has one good idea and that's about it: "my gott it's the total opposite."

>> No.8074815

Liking Sam Harris.

>> No.8074818

A big warm hello to all of my fellow intellectuals on 4chan! Just passing by so don't mind me haha

>> No.8074842

So much this. I don't get why people read these obscurantist charlatans instead of the clear and simple prose of Sam Harris.

>> No.8074848

what's wrong with dostoevesky? should i like Kakinawa the IV Sousemenukno, the half blind constantly literaly shitting half-retarded wheelchair bound Vietnamise, who wrote with his own feces?

>> No.8074865

Sam Harris has about the same quality of content as a continental (namely, none), just not dressed up in nonsensical purple prose. So he may not be a pseudo-intellectual, but he's certainly an idiot.

>> No.8074866


>> No.8074906

Fucking superb troll post.

>> No.8074916

you just applicably defined /pol/

>> No.8074970

holy shit did some Heidegger professor took your gf away?

I can't believe there's more tha one person in /lit/ this buttblasted about a different tradition, this "feud" is just a meme

>> No.8075089

if that isn't stefan molyneux without a beard near the middle, this needs stefan molyneux on it

>> No.8075092

I know all that... the pseudo teenagers are the ones that think marx invented communism... you completely missed the point, dummy.

Hint: we all know about marxism.

>> No.8075097

>Talking shit about Scaruffi

I'll have you know that the fact that the Beatles are widely praised only shows how far rock music is from being considered a true art.

>> No.8075107

That is Stefan Molyneux, of course.

>> No.8075118

Still not sure why this includes what I assume is the Angry Video Game Nerd and/or Markiplier

>> No.8075124

Wait, Jacksepticeye is also in it. Wtf

>> No.8075130

kek fuck off retard

>> No.8075135


>Including Sam Hyde

Mad pseudo-intellectual TedX enthusiast detected.

>> No.8075141

Not liking Sam Harris

>> No.8075152

When they list books, they just give the authors' surname.

Blood Merdian - McCarthy
Infinite Jest - Foster Wallace
Dublinners - Joyce


>> No.8075182


>> No.8075190

I dunno but I have one on facebook. Here's a fairly typical status of his:

>It's a knife in the neck's convenience to disregarding motivation's that crafts ones own truth. Frankly feeling lonesome is a blessing until we mature. Liberation of the pockets of others, Faith because sin creates walls of morality. Or simply, A good time because a group of women laugh at a girl trying to have her's, Three's company to a one man D-Day. At a quick glance i hope a sentence stops you. to a read giving the voices of yourself the floor to be free. #runningoutoftime

>> No.8075210

>I need an author to express my argument because I am incapable of defending my point

>> No.8075214

What's wrong with Harold Bloom? Never read him, but it seemed to me that he was appreciated on /lit/

>> No.8075217

It's a joke picture.

>> No.8075233

Those who repeat a commonly stated idea whether it's true or not.

Most of the people at parties or elsewhere I've met who say, "You know there's a difference between niggers and black people," like it's this massive earth shattering revelation are nine times out of ten retarded.

>> No.8075241

>any mention of Freud

So Harold Bloom is a pseudointellectual?

>> No.8075244


Nine times out of ten true, though.

>> No.8075263

I don't think Chomsky, Zizek, Self or Bloom belong in the pic, and including Putin and Trump is just silly. The rest are dead on, tho

>> No.8075267

I like Sam Hyde, but some of his fans take him too seriously.

>> No.8075270

Its just them wanting to say racist shit but not-be-racist. Embarrassing really.

>> No.8075282

Emotional rhetoric; addition of superfluous useless unnecessary words or insults to drive home small narcissistic points.

Claiming why are X so stupid
Thinking objectivity is a thing.
Thinking intelligence means good.

Claiming that it was easy to understand Hegel.
Seriously, it's really hard for me to understand Hegel. I get some stuff but other things I'm just lost completely on.


>> No.8075288

Not having read Stirner :^)

>> No.8075291

Caring about Stirner

>> No.8075304
File: 166 KB, 969x1024, fedora102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a FAGtheist LOL.

Pic related: Doesn't believe in Bible kek.

>> No.8075305

Voting Democrat

>> No.8075313

She's cute

>> No.8075355

>focusing on how a person says things rather than what they say
>I can't understand them so they must be pseuds!

This is why you think these people are charlatans, you can't understand them and dissect their arguments in the first place. Have fun with life not being able to read :^)

>> No.8075381

Any statistics on how many people from 13 to 17 have actually read Marx? I've constantly heard this stereotype thrown around with absolutely no base at all. Marxism was popular at one point for college students (18-25) during the 1960s and '70s, but for the most part the bias has gone in the opposite direction: liberalism, libertarianism, or anarchism.




>> No.8075395

This, one hundred percent. And if you for some reason don't know which "Smith" or "Brown" they're referring to, they'll call you a pseud.

>> No.8075396

u triggered commie?

>> No.8075401


Most anti Marxists are more ignorant than the 'teenagers' they decry.

>> No.8075403

>people who disagree with me are pseuds

>> No.8075411

People do that with 'i don't mind gays but I hate faggots' and act like I should suck their sick for this completely clever, original wordplay. It makes me want to vomit

>> No.8075412

>focusing on how a person says things rather than what they say

The problem is that it's impossible to tell "what they are saying" because they are deliberately writing incoherent nonsense. There is just no "there" there.

>> No.8075422


Not really.


>He likes the effeminate, flamboyant faggots who define themselves by their sexuality

>> No.8075425

Well, for those you should give their first names. But Joyce or Nabokov? Nah. I don't see a problem with that.

>> No.8075426

ayn rand

>> No.8075439

>filthy Frank
>Anthony memetano

>> No.8075444

>how to misread posts

>> No.8075445


does he even pretend to be an intellectual?

>> No.8075451

you should just replace "pseudo" with "popular"

>> No.8075461

Liking Hemmingway

>> No.8075467

liking anything i dont like

>> No.8075470

I read Marx as a teenager specifically because my uncle called me a "Marxist" for supporting Obama.

His complete ignorance motivated me to find out what "Marxism" was, when at that point, I was a liberal. See, it's the stupid rhetoric of the Right that pushes teenagers to communism because the stereotype already exists that this is some dumb radical ideology for teens.

Teens don't try to be liked by fat old baby boomers. They get angry when you box them in and associating Marxism with youth is just going to keep the youth interested in Marxism into their early adulthood period when they can start voting and buying guns.

Enjoy your retirement, gramps.

>> No.8075476

Here in my southern European spic country it has been like that for the last 5 years.

>> No.8075482

How many teens do you talk to and how large is the population of your country?

>> No.8075492

That's the correct and most common way to do it, though.

>> No.8075497

my fave meme
>yuri bezmenov

>> No.8075506

>How many teens do you talk to?
Quite a lot, I'm in college and I have a normal social life.
>how large is the population of your country?
Something between 40 and 50 millions

>> No.8075508

People who talk about authors by their first name as if they're good friends are more annoying.

"I love the work of James."
"James? William James?"
"No, dumbass. James Joyce. You should've known just by the first name."

Surnames aren't as common as first names so it's just more practical to say "Einstein" than to say "Albert."

>> No.8075515

Henry James is the superior James.

>> No.8075536

He's inferior to William in every possible regard.

>> No.8075540

Being a non-ironic Marxist is a big one

>> No.8075541

they're fags

>> No.8075549

I'm only an ironic one.

>> No.8075555

And William James was inferior to Charles Sanders Peirce.

>> No.8075563

>"I'm in college"

You're a young adult. Even if you consider those between 17 and 19 "teens", these still make up a tiny amount of the teen population (13-17 or 13-19). Most teens I've known are completely apolitical, nihilists, anarchists, or liberal. Of these, the apolitical and liberals were the most prominent.

Most teens accept capitalism and religion blindly than the approximate ~15% that question either ideas seriously.

Teens want to smoke weed, have sex, not die in a war, and make money. Liberalism offers them all of that and that's why most of them take the bait. Marxism is far more harsh and far more demanding. They MUST abolish property, they MUST fight in a revolution (and possibly die), they MUST read all these complex theories and economic works, etc.

Teens aren't nearly so intelligent or selfless as to give up their weed smoking, partying, or sex time for a 19th century philosopher that all the adults seem to irrationally fear and hate. They might sympathize with Marx BECAUSE he's feared and hated, but they usually won't sit down and read Kant, Hegel, Marx, and understand everything that easily.

It's easier to listen to TYT or The Amazing Atheist and just wank it until it's time to sleep.

>> No.8075567

William didn't write some of the greatest novels and stories of all time. He was just a relatively minor philosopher.

>> No.8075581

oh no, how do i choose what to believe?

>> No.8075594

Are you spanish? We know how to mix weed smoking, partying and shit with naive and chomsky-like pseudomarxism, although some of them even start militating in communist parties and do their ideological """""""formation"""""""

>> No.8075605

This plus City of God by Augustine of Hippo

>> No.8075626

buying from The School of Life

> actually... wait...

>> No.8075641

Agreed. I would that I am communist, or left-leaning, or at least a man of the left, but those people and that kind of attitude annoy me fiercely. It's usually, as you said, either teens, who read a bit of Marx, or college students (freshmen) mostly. This kind of leftism shouldn't be takens seriously.
If they get a job, start paying taxes and if they engage in serious political struggle that has effects and devote time to learning and studying communist, socialist or anarchist literature then they deserve respect. Othervise it's imbecilism.
Lenin, who was, whatever you think of him, a great politician, and a practical man, as well as a theoretician, called this kind of leftism an "infantile disorder".

>> No.8075666

>The need for validation by others

So basically everyone, in one way or another?

>> No.8075668

Read it. It's shit. A waste of time.

>> No.8075679

do you really want to know or do you just want to watch a bunch of insecure nerds trying to justify themselves?

>> No.8075681

The authors they discuss are more of a waste of time, so it is helpful in at least exposing pseudo-intellectual imposters.

>> No.8075693

Have you not read Free Will by Sam Harris? Maybe that's why you're meme-ing to this degree