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/lit/ - Literature

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8073294 No.8073294 [Reply] [Original]

You get one chance to tell me why light novels should be treated any differently than novels such as The Great Gatsby or The Scarlet Letter.

>> No.8073303

you mean they should be legally allowed to urinate in the same bathroom?

>> No.8073304

They generally have pictures, don't they?

Explain to me how light novels differ from more verbose picture books. What makes them "light"?

>> No.8073305

The clue is in the name. They're not very mentally demanding or intense.

>> No.8073310

All novels are garbage, only non-fiction should be treated differently.

>> No.8073320

Not reason, they are at the same level.
fuck off sperg

>> No.8073321

Light novels, as >>8073305 said, are not as mentally intense as regular novels. They have pictures, but it's just like 10 scattered about throughout the book.

The point I make, though, is that even though they're not as difficult to read, that doesn't mean they can't be as creative or leave a long-lasting impact in the same way a classic novel can.

>> No.8073325

Of course they can. But they don't.

>> No.8073331

No Game No Life > To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.8073336

You can't use "<" and ">" as arguments, you know

>> No.8073338

My argument that the philosophical messages conveyed in No Game No Life present a greater message than what you would find in To Kill A Mockingbird.

>> No.8073339

No Game No Life only affects and changes the mind set of dirty neets who play too many video games.

>> No.8073349

You have read nothing but LNs and half of whatever was assigned to you in High School

>> No.8073351

Why does it matter what people here think? Most people on /lit/ don't care about your stupid manchild interests.


>> No.8073352

You should have gone with something with a little more substance and broader impacting messages like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure(Be a man, body build, be moral, be chivalrous, etc) or HxH(Everything will kill you, No matter how special you think you're there is always someone drastically better than you, Set goals, Be adventurous, etc)

>> No.8073356

>I say anime is for dirty neets
>get called a manchild
Get out.

>> No.8073365

Way to compare trash with trash

>> No.8073382

Light novels are the Captain Underpants of Japanese literature.

I will send $555 to anyone who can post a page of light novel text that is equal in excellence to any page from baby's first canon novel, The Great Gatsby. If you can't even do this, then we can all acknowledge light novels for what they are.

>> No.8073388

They are treated like "novels". YA "novels" that is. Because that's basically what they are.

>> No.8073393

You are thirteen.
This is will be embarrassing to you in time.

>> No.8073394

Spice and Wolf is the top economic romance of the century. Find one flaw.

>> No.8073405

two best girls there (nora arendt and chloe) don't have animal ears and tails, while some shitty piece of crap whom i personally would kick from my cart asap, has them and is the main hero


>> No.8073412

the fuck did you just say?

>> No.8073414

you cant read or what

>> No.8073419

I guess you just can't handle a strong woman

>> No.8073429

>strong woman


both nora and especially chloe are much stronger than she

>> No.8073434


>> No.8073452

Post a page. We're all ready and waiting to cringe.

>> No.8073456
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holy shit, this is AWFUL


>> No.8073469

I don't know if I would call it "AWFUL". It's mediocre and impressively bland but it's about what you'd expect for a young adult novel. Nothing about it is offensively bad.

Maybe we can pass some blame to the fact that it was probably translated by a neckbeard who taught himself Japanese with Genki.

>> No.8073496

Raise your standards, son.

>> No.8073500

Get some taste you poor son of a bitch.

>> No.8073635

I don't think either of those began as light novels.

>> No.8073637

Nigga find one flaw with my argument. Protip: you can't.

>> No.8073641

Not that anon, but post some George Orwell and see how long we can last without cringing.

>> No.8073652

basically japanese YA

>> No.8073848

But what makes them any less /lit/-worthy than say Edgar Allen Poe?

>> No.8073867

I'm sure you fags would eat this up if the author wrote some showy, meaningless prose on the benefits of inaction here instead of quickly setting up a "mystery" for the cute girls to react to next chapter.

>> No.8073889

Poe was a hack, don't you know?

>> No.8073988

Actually they're literally the Twilight of Japanese fiction.

>> No.8073997

All LN's are Twilight-tier or worse

>> No.8074001
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Because the Japanese have plenty of real literature to read, OP.

>> No.8074005
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>reading it in english
Found your problem right there.

>> No.8074010

I see the word OK so this is definitely shit.

>> No.8074017

Are you a 90 year old japanese man?
If not, why do you care?

>> No.8074021

Hunter x Hunter is my favorite manga. Who do you think is gonna win the fight?

>> No.8074027

I only read Japanese books if they're by 90+ year old men.

>> No.8074051

LNs are in a separate category for a reason. The Japanese write plenty of real books, so why is there this weird category whose only surface level difference is the inclusion of a few pictures?

Because they're anime books. They're marketed towards anime watchers, they're turned into anime, the artists draw like anime. There marketed towards people who watch anime because those are the kinds of people who would read them. They aren't marketed towards adults or fans of literature because they're shallow and childish.

To answer your question OP, the reason they're different is apparent in why they're labeled differently.

>> No.8074055

lack of artistic value.

>> No.8074056

i believe the level of their prose is low as well as the amount of text is minimal

desu more serious jap lit mostly sucks too

>> No.8074058

It's like the difference between comics and capeshit if you will.
In france, we have comics and a french word to refer to them. But we call "comic" the capeshit american comics.

LN are manga stories without illustration. There can be good ones like there is acceptable manga but it's still just a text version manga.

>> No.8074064

I wouldn't say that, Osamu Dazai and Yukio Mishima are both really good. Something about No Longer Human compelled me to read the whole thing in a sitting.

Haruki Murakami also has some good books, but I know /lit/ hates him.

>> No.8074101

>Haruki Murakami also has some good books, but I know /lit/ hates him.

oh, for a good reason

i just recently tried to read 'hardboiled wonderland...' to take a bit of rest from reading virginia woolf (woolf is amazing but her books are demanding). i simply couldn't read him, he is shallow and fake, fake as shit, i was even about to forgive him his retarded attempt of science fiction but when he began to muse of sofas and their quality and then about sandwiches and their quality i dropped the book, fuck that, he is a bad caricature of any actually good author. i better find some detective of 10-50ss or something where the author doesn't ape and makes an actually good mystery to read between more serious stuff

>> No.8074106
File: 626 KB, 1488x2338, Twilight-Cover-twilight-series-8654722-1488-2338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is practically no difference between this and any Japanese LN

>> No.8074114

"light" refers to texts which are easy to read (no complicated kanji=words) i.e. novels for retards, right?

>> No.8074116

except twilight doesn't depend on illustrations to create imagery

that's the key difference between ln and books

>> No.8074124

no, it's basically books with a lot of pictures and minimum of text

>> No.8074162

yes it is. awfull writing system is a big issue for nippons. you need to remember >2k pictographs and even more combinations (because kanji readings are inconsistent) only to open books. that's why manga is superioir in nippon.

>> No.8074177

>you need to remember >2k pictographs and even more combinations (because kanji readings are inconsistent)

You're exaggerating - there are about 2000 you're supposed to know at the end of High School, but the commonly used ones are way less. Furthermore, many are similar and logical so it's not like it's pure rote learning - all the Kanji for metals, for example, share half of the same symbol (radical), so even if you can't read it you know the meaning. There are only ~200 of those radicals so you can often guess what's going on.

t. autisto tremendo

>> No.8074261

they actually use furigana because the people reading them are illiterate

>> No.8074267

>muse of sofas and their quality and then about sandwiches and their quality
Sounds like the kind of book I'd like.

>> No.8074269

>use furigana
They don't use furigana in books. Because
>muh samurai pride

>> No.8074275

There is literally furigana in this pic: >>8074005

>> No.8074278


>> No.8074350

No Game No Life is pretentious garbage written in a smug tone to impress illiterate people. Anyone who finds value in it is the type of person who reads solely for entertainment and lacks comprehension.

>> No.8074364

First I've seen that called pretentious lol

>> No.8074368

It is pretentious, though.

>> No.8074389

I've never read it but I assumed it was just about games and naked girls. Didn't think it tried to be DEEP

>> No.8074515

>he began to muse of sofas and their quality and then about sandwiches and their quality
i'm guessing you hate don delillo too?

>> No.8074556

Put your trip back on, kitty

>> No.8074557

The only Otaku-related things that might have any literary value are Cross Channel or When the Seagulls Cry. Other pieces from their authors may also qualify.

>> No.8074570


>> No.8074619

Would you at least elaborate on your statment?

>> No.8074877

>light novel
choose one

>> No.8074889

They're books. You can say they're not literature, but they're definitely books.

>> No.8074896

That's for names. Nobody know how to read names in japanes.

>> No.8076195

They're novels all the same, but not necessarily at the level of classic lit.

Haruhi is legit good SF desu.

>> No.8076257

>implying Captain Underpants isn't the end of literature

>> No.8076273

It really isn't. You're probably just nostalgic about the first season of the anime (which is the only remotely decent thing KyoAni's ever made, btw).

>> No.8076277

When Captain Underpants retconned a character to be gay, was the end of literature.

>> No.8076280

The second season is better.

>> No.8076305

It isn't, and no one thinks it is, but even the first season is extremely overrated.

>> No.8076309

But that's easy as fuck. Prose is for pretentious faggots.
For the LN, HakoMari. But you probably won't like ut due to the lack of pretentious prose.

>> No.8076321

There're so few illustations it creates like 2 images at most.

>> No.8076324

I think it is. :)

>> No.8076352

Kagerou Daze is impossible to summarize which means it may or may not just be a bunch of random crap thrown together. Doesn't /lit/ like that kind of thing?

>> No.8076359

I looked this up and the reason I doubt I'd like it is because it sounds like retarded garbage

>> No.8076482

OK, I actually read a few pages of this, and it's just as awful as I expected. Like most people who write and read this kind of trash, the author's a fucking autistic retard who doesn't understand basic human interaction. Please, get off of this board. You have no business being here.

>> No.8077774

Is Welcome to the NHK a lightnovel, or just a regular novel?

>> No.8077842

Wikipedia says it's a novel and MAL doesn't list it (they list light novels not novels).
The novel was fine.

>> No.8078072
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Because they tend to be very simple narratively. Crude, sometimes boorish sentence structures, often with clichéd plot twists and offer little to no opportunity to read them as allegoreses (at least not in terms of Walther Benjamin's definition as everything is "in your face")

Just because something is entertaining and has great ideas doesn't mean that it's as great as something that has that and other things as well.

Of course, a lot has to do with personal preference, but do you really deny that these light novels lack these things?

Obviously, there are many novels that share these 'qualities', but it seems like they are much more prevalent in light novels.

>> No.8078156
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>a greater message

Holy kek

>> No.8078659

Light Novels are not Novels for the same reason why haikus, poems, epics, and picture books are not novels.

Novels are pure literary prowess and relies entirely on the authors capability to paint a picture and draw emotions using nothing but words, dialogues, and monologues.

The other relies on cheap tactics such as pretty pictures, rhymes, and what have you

>> No.8078899

Any opinions on Boogiepop?

>> No.8078940

>Cheap tactic
You're wrong on two levels. And it's not exactly like poets haven't bitched about the jingling sound of like endings before.

>> No.8080551

Once you have to use music and illustrations to assist in creating a mood, then you can't really be compared to actual books desu.

>> No.8081689
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>Prose is for pretentious faggots

>> No.8081949

>that chapter where Satou downloads CP for a week straight and starts repeating how sorry he is over and over
>i-i-it was just reference material it doesn't count

Jesus christ that was painful to read, but I assume that was the point.