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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 52 KB, 220x342, infinite-jest220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8068887 No.8068887 [Reply] [Original]

I went to pick up a copy of Infinite Jest the other day, the other copies were in horrible condition, so I picked up this one.

>pic related

Before I spend the time reading, is this the one I should read? Or did I get the wrong version? I would just like to know so I Don't waste time.

>> No.8068901

Needs the Dave Eggers foreword for best reading experience.

>> No.8068904

You are too stupid to live.

>> No.8068909

have you picked up ulysses and gravity's rainbow yet?

>> No.8068910

Feel any better?

>> No.8068913

I have Ulysses. I'll pick up the other one eventually.

>> No.8069239

This is the most recent edition with some errors fixed. I think it's the best version out there. Only the cover is less appealing but w/e.

>> No.8069252

This bored is the only place in the universe that has heard of this shitty book.

It's a meme. It's spammed because it appears challenging to the new people here but it's literally just David Wallace rambling for hundreds upon hundreds of pages.

>> No.8069271

My teacher once recommended me DFW. He's not unknown at all.

>> No.8069299

he's pretty much unknown outside the US
pynchon too

>> No.8069324

Nice dubs. I can confirm that people outside of America generally don't care about Pynchon and DFW. I did know a few Mexican hipsters—not Chicanos—who liked Pynchon, but they were great imitators of American habits and customs. Honestly a lot of the other pomo American writers who've been posted on here aren't cared about by Europeans. Writers like Bukowski and Sylvia Plath are far more popular.

>> No.8069768

Is Ulysses also a meme? Because Joyce is one of the best writers-- or so I've heard.

>> No.8069784

it's part of The Meme Trilogy.
so yes it's a meme
but that doesn't mean it's bad

>> No.8069793

Dave Eggers is a fucking retard and I cannot advice first-readers enough to skip it and immediately start the reading the book.

>> No.8069799

Saying that a book is a meme has become a meme of its own. Just because /lit/ memes about Joyce, Pynchon, and DFW doesn't mean they're bad.

>> No.8069816

>he's pretty much unknown outside the US


>pynchon too

not true, albeit he is not very popular

>> No.8069822

i recall i visited a russian image board back then whose literary board had its own meme books, it were... steppenwolf and the tin drum, they were memed so much that one could be banned simply for mentioning them

>> No.8069841

goddamn we need this

>> No.8069847

they're both good books but I understand why they'd be considered meme lit

>> No.8069848
File: 107 KB, 652x960, 1461931421012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exact thread is made all the time. It's obviously some underpaid, publishing house, on-topic shill. For that reason alone, IJ threads should be constantly ridiculed for the tardbait they are, and banished from these lands.

I've never read infinite meme & I never will. Never.

>> No.8069914
File: 10 KB, 507x635, 1459080958699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the latest printing, lad. You're fine.

>> No.8069942

Anyone ever notice how many threads we have of OP buying a book and then asking our opinion on it, without having read it yet? What goes through the brains of people like this? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask before buying?

Or how about actually reading the damn thing, and then make a thread what you thought of it, and ask for opinions?

I don't get these dumb threads.

>> No.8069979

Buyers Remorse, learn it fuckboy.

>> No.8069991

One Filipino cares about Pynchon. I tried recommending him to classmates in college, had them read passages. They said purple prose, rambling, and pretentious.

Here I am on my 4th reading of Gravity's Rainbow. It's more beautiful now than when I first opened it.

>> No.8070077

Infinite Jest was really fucking big in the lit-scene of the 90's. Everyone was talking about it, and pretended to read it.

>> No.8070080

>buyers remorse before even experiencing the product
>being this retarded

>> No.8070117

>you cant regret buying something like a book if you are told that the edition matters
You are not the brightest bulb if you can't imagine these possibilities.

>> No.8070336

Belgium-poster here. Not a lot of people here know about DFW or Pynchon, allthough there are some. But most hipsters here stick to Bukowski. I have never heard anyone at all speak about Gaddis, Gass, Borges and Bolano. Not even English majors ( tbf, i don't know anyone that studies Spanish, maybe they'd know at least Bolano and Borges.)

Joyce is WAY more known though. Dubliners and Potrait are kind of widespread and i know a horde of people that 'tried Ulysess'.

tbqh, the students in my college are fucking poorly read. I bet 60% don't even have a fucking clue who Sylvia Plath is.

>> No.8070400

What's wrong with it?

>> No.8070580

Is he married to Heide Eggers?

>> No.8070590
File: 163 KB, 980x754, Deckle_edge_book_(Chaucer).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun being a literal girl

>> No.8070634

More like a whole lot of undergraduates were talking about it. It had zero impact on the grown-up literary scene.

>> No.8070668


What if you're a middle class white undergrad male? Then is it worth reading?

>> No.8070689


>> No.8070710

>"we" need this

do you want an upvote or fries with that?