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8068848 No.8068848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is belief a choice?

I really hate racists with an unimaginable level of bile, the kind literally involves extended murder fantasies (obviously that makes using 4chan pretty tough). Today I realized that the only difference between me and them is that they hate people for circumstances of their birth while I hate people for their choices

The problem is though, can you choose what you believe? I can say the words "the sky is red" over and over again to myself but I can only ever see it as blue, I can never choose any other belief.

I've been an atheist for years but that didn't stop me from trying a huge number of religions, and yet I never once believed what I practiced, even though I tried to choose my belief system

>> No.8068881

not really
I'd love to have socially acceptable beliefs but I have seen nothing to suggest that people are equal

>> No.8068902

what book is this?

>> No.8068915

The position that beliefs can be chosen is called "Doxastic Voluntarism". It's probably false.


>> No.8068923

Depends on how well thought-out or reasoned their belief is. Some beliefs are based on substantial evidence and experience, others are adherence to shit they were told by some older bigot.

>> No.8068941

Racists have a lot of good points and generally don't fantasize about murdering people not if their own race (yes I know there are people on /pol/ who do). Sounds like you're the dogmatic one and quite possibly unhinged. Nothing about racism requires you to actually hate the other.

>> No.8068947

Well... what do you think beliefs are (physically)?

>> No.8068961


>> No.8068975

To be honest, I know the evidence is against me. Science favors the racists, but the truth has nothing to contribute to humanity. It can only cause suffering.

Humans aren't equal in ability, but they deserve equal rights, equal options, and equal treatment. We can't have that if we accept inequality

>> No.8069015

but treating people as equal has resulted in unequal treatment?

>> No.8069126

because at their core, people still know that we aren't made equal. So we say stuff like girls aren't can't code, which statistically is true, but on an individual scale isn't. For fuck's sake, the first programmer in history was a woman and she was pretty damn good at it. There are millions of talented female programmers just like Ada Lovelace but if we keep saying women suck at programming, those millions who ARE good are going to be paid less, hired less, and frequently dismissed or insulted.

If we force this idea that women are just as good as men at programming, those talented millions will be rewarded for their individual merits and the ones who suck will be weeded out for their own failures and not those of their sex

>> No.8069162

>the ones who suck will be weeded out for their own failures and not those of their sex
O i am laffin

>> No.8069168

Not really.

Not personal belief. You can lie to yourself and try to change, so there's that. You can choose to believe in how/what society is what it is. Since nobody knows ...

>> No.8069171

>Science favors the racists
/pol/ infocharts aren't science

>> No.8069172

That's the ideal, not the reality. It can never be reached, but we can get closer and closer. If we don't fight the bigotry we'll only go in the opposite direction, and more will suffer because of it

>> No.8069178

nothing is a choice.

people forget that they are contained within a bag of meat that has it’s own defenses, it’s own volition can override your own supposed free will.. in fact, your own body is a fascist by definition.. for example, let’s say you lost most of the skin on your face, arms and hands in a chemical fire, the body will create a temporary layer of skin that is similar to plastic, this ‘plastic skin’ will break if moved, and the pain caused by the breakage is enough to make you lose consciousness, trust me.. so all you can do is remain immobilized, the body is forcing you to obey it, so that the healing process can commence.. if you disobey and think you are the master of the body, the body will punish you until you fall into subservience.

>> No.8069187

>he believes that he's "something" that is within a container and isn't just the bag of meat itself.

>> No.8069188

If you try to make a society for the outliers who aren't powerful enough to form society themselves, the majority will suffer and little will be improved since those groups weren't worthwhile enough to seize power themselves. I can't see wanting that unless you have a pathological attachment to those outliers.

>> No.8069189

but when you tell people they are equal they expect equal outcomes
if they are not achieving equal outcomes then there must be some fault in the structure of society, because it is obvious that we are all equal there can be no other explanation

>> No.8069190
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Too many humans are alive and we have destroyed earth and a sane and healthy life, all on the altar of the cult of égalité.

>> No.8069191

>I'm an X-Men.

>> No.8069195

so ebin

>> No.8069200

fair point.

>> No.8069203

Why is this shit thread allowed but not my Nietzsche thread?

>> No.8069204

kek you sound like a total spaz

>> No.8069209

>really hate racists with an unimaginable level of bile, the kind literally involves extended murder fantasies
I know progressives, however they may deny it, do try to subtlety encourage this type of thinking, but you should honestly take a deep take a deep breath.

>> No.8069211

That's built on the assumption that it's us versus them. It's not. We're trying to make as many people happy as possible, not cede happiness to those who take it by force.

And if you tell people we aren't equal, we get slavery, slums, race wars, genocides. You can't cure unhappiness, only minimize it

>> No.8069215

you fags fell for this leftypol bait lmao

>> No.8069217

So what do you do when people are just dumber than their peers? Do we somehow build a whole education system where nobody realizes that such a thing is possible?

>> No.8069218

Wrong. We're trying to give as many people as possible the chance to pursue their dream of happiness.

Happiness itself is a dangling carrot--you can't make people "happy."

>> No.8069220

so do you hate the jews or no?

>> No.8069224

Hmm. What would such an education scheme look like? Would all the kiddos get lumped together according to a classification that has nothing much to do with their intellect? Something like age, perhaps?

>> No.8069225

because only 5 people on this board read the others pretend or ask worthless questions that have nothing to do with literature like OP's

>> No.8069229

and never exhale

>> No.8069232

I don't hate very many people at all. I just think that people tend to be happiest in societies where they feel surrounded by people who share their background and values. Jews historically tended to disrupt such societies through their wanderings, which is no fault of their own. I think it's a wonderful thing that the Jews have places where their culture is dominant now.

>> No.8069234
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If only it was simply ebin instead of true.

>> No.8069235

i have a slight dislike of eveyone

>> No.8069236

"Hate" is the religion of Political Correctness' word for Heresy.

>> No.8069238

>what is tracking
>what are grades
>what is admission to tertiary education programs
Did you even go to school?

>> No.8069245

Truth is always ebin, for the drama feels.

>> No.8069247

we want people to be judged on their individual merits, not their group merits. If an individual sucks at math, you don't let him be a rocket scientist. If a race on average sucks at math, that doesn't mean every individual does.

Ignore the group, see the individual

true, but how does racism help individuals achieve their dreams of happiness?

>> No.8069248

Happiness isn't achieved without obstacles.

>> No.8069249

The weak and stupid must be culled.

>> No.8069253

>Ignore the group, see the individual
Well, technically this is done in education. However, groups still don't have equal outcomes and members of the groups that aren't performing as strongly are claiming that they need special breaks, so now they want to be seen as a group and not as individuals because you've hurt their groups pride by comparing them individually to individuals from better-performing groups.

>> No.8069259

creating more obstacles doesn't make people happier, especially if said obstacles are in the form of insults and/or beatings

again, the problem comes from looking at groups. no groups, no problems

>> No.8069260

but we're living in the most unhappy period ever
if we tell people that they're the same as everyone else, of course they're going to be unhappy when they see everyone else achieving better outcomes

>> No.8069265

Go to the hood, tell the inhabitants that they're just like white people down to the last detail, and that they need to stop using group-oriented thinking as a survival tactic. That should go super well for you.

You're trying to ignore human nature to make people happy through sterile capitalistic values when there is a much simpler way to make people happy: satisfy that nature.

>> No.8069278

Less obstacles leading to happiness is neet-hood bias.

>> No.8069295

So hypothetically, if I beat the shit out of you because I don't like the way you look, will you be happier?

>but we're living in the most unhappy period ever
[citation needed]

>> No.8069296

People who "hate racists" are actually just as racist as racists themselves, but they just take it to the opposite extreme.

>> No.8069304

No, we're not. I'm white. I like white people. I like black people. I hate white people who mistreat black people for being black. I hate black people who mistreat white people for being white.

>> No.8069309

you don't hate racists
you hate that they're being proven right
in the back of your mind it gnaws at you ceaselessly

>> No.8069311

>No, we're not.

Yeah, you're the biggest racist of them all, pal.

>> No.8069313

I bet you think Trayvon Martin was in kindergarten.

>> No.8069314

No, I hate how they treat people. I don't mind people being right, and freely admit to being wrong if you can prove it, hell I did so right in this thread.

What I hate are people who are assholes to other people for no good reason

okay, now you're just trolling.

>> No.8069316

He was a highschooler armed with a bag of skittles. Careful, he'll give you tooth decay, better shoot him just to be safe and then

>> No.8069319

>So hypothetically, is something true all the time.

Again, overcoming the obstacle is happiness--not the obstacle itself. It's simple S&M.

Sorry it isn't nice.

>> No.8069320

...beat your wife and sell the gun for millions.

how do you overcome getting your ass beaten?

>> No.8069323

I've heard the body has the ability to heal.

>> No.8069325

and you're happier that you got the shit beat out of you?

>> No.8069327

sheltered cuck

>> No.8069330

insults, the highest form of argument there is.

>> No.8069332

jfc this shit is still being pushed

>> No.8069334

Personally, I'm happy that I stayed in my mother's basement. The joy is profound. The pride is deep. The respect I command, grand.

>> No.8069337

The 4 racists who do that agree with you fully

But I'm sure OP is talking about actual demographics in the modern world

>> No.8069338

Actually, I would prefer to be in a bed of cotton for my whole life. It would be like being in heaven on a cloud.

>> No.8069341

alright, we can both see you've run out of arguments that haven't fallen flat. GG anon

>> No.8069343

Your irony as a defence mechanism is boring. Not saying George Zimmerman didn't have some kind of warped motive for following Trayvon or something, can't know that, but he was absolutely well within his rights to shoot him the way he did. Trayvon was bashing his head on the footpath, he could've died.

>> No.8069344

>carries break-in tools
>stopped by police before
>just got back from buying "skittles" (was actually buying ingredients to get more high)
>"urban" black male in late teens (i.e. in demographic that is 200x more likely to assault a white person than the reverse, according to FBI statistics)
>has pictures of himself with unlicensed firearm on phone
>has many menacing pictures showing off his physique in general
>first response to being followed by a rentacop dipshit is to go out of his way to intercept and confront him, then begin savagely beating him and (likely) threatening to kill him
>guy being savagely beaten fears for his life, legally uses his legal firearm in the legally prescribed way to defend himself
>news literally whitewashes him, literally photoshops his pictures to make him look like a sweet hollywood negro angel, in the most subtle systemically racist patronizing of all time
>response: LOL SKITTLES

How about talking about how your faggy progressive milieu is what got Trayvon shot in the long run, because you constantly apologise for his kind of behaviour and prevent society from excising the tumour it actually is

>> No.8069347

Debate is highschool-ish. It's not the highest form of discourse. Now we know what you are.

Thanks for proving my point.

>hash-tagged wall, internet points won

>> No.8069349

[citation needed]

please cite your sources

your point being what exactly?

>> No.8069354

Trayvon charged across open ground to reach Zimmerman, bashed his head against the concrete and could have killed him or given him lasting brain damage if he had continued. He was shot while on top of Zimmerman. The gun did not come out of the holster until the moment before the shot was fired.

>> No.8069357

nice ivory tower

>> No.8069358

read the fucking trial transcript
there was a reason he was found not guilty
protip: it wasn't the anti-black conspiracy

>> No.8069361

You're not interested in learning, thinking, other perspectives etc.

You're interested in your pre-conceived thought and being that last man standing.

Smacks of the uneducated.

>> No.8069362


>> No.8069363

Of course.

We don't like happiness.

>> No.8069365

We enjoy hating niggers.

>> No.8069366
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>> No.8069368

is a woman behind OP's post? Is she the type who would date a black man just to prove to herself that she isn't racist even if you she isnt attracted to black people in the slightest?

>> No.8069369

The would constitute moving outside OP's comfort zone. They'd rather shitpost.

>> No.8069370

im talkin bout op's post being the bait

>> No.8069371

I like arguing tbqh

>> No.8069372

And ... you just took bait yourself. You're no better than the rest of us.

>> No.8069375


And if Trayvon is an attempted murderer, what does that prove? That racism is valid? Never mind that you haven't proven anything, you haven't even cited any sources

Okay, let's assume everything there is completely valid. Let's assume trayvon really did attempt to attack zimmerman. Now what? What does this tell us about the point of this whole discussion? That racism doesn't exist? That it's completely valid?

one human benefited from cancer and rape. Well them, I guess it's a good thing we agreed all people are made with equal capacity to survive and improve from rape and cancer...

oh, wait, nevermind.

>> No.8069376
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>> No.8069377

i didnt know if you were talking about op's post or not.

>> No.8069380

>So hypothetically, is something true all the time.

Point eludes thee.

>> No.8069382

a mistrust all shifty looking hoods and hooligans is proper

>> No.8069384


>> No.8069386

The thing about Trayvon isn't meant to prove racism isn't real. I was just mocking you because you've clearly bought into a truly twisted and anti-truth view of the world where you would rather claim that he was an innocent child than that one of your precious brown people did something wrong and shit happens. You're always on the defensive, thinking that every new development involving a brown person might discredit you in someone's eyes.

>> No.8069388
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One day I will kill you, OP.

War is inevitable. The Futurists will prevail.

>"We will glorify war—the world's only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman."

>> No.8069389

This is a political, not literary no philosophical argument.

Can you tell the difference?

>> No.8069390

w/e famalam

>> No.8069392

I feel happy(er) now.

>> No.8069393

there was literally no evidence of any sort of racial motivation
the case really was a turning point in American politics, it showed just how much the media hates white America

>> No.8069395

This isn't the philosophy board and you haven't mentioned a single book, so I don't think that's a high ground you want to claim.

>> No.8069397


>> No.8069398

Your worldview is flawed and you likely hate racists because you don't want to understand where they're coming from. You probably feel that 'racism' is the ultimate sin and are terrified of falling into it yourself.

>> No.8069399

George Zimmerman is white? Why didn't anyone report this?

You can't just help but nibble, can you?

>> No.8069400

Scientific studies show that racists have low IQs.

Reading your sentence structure kind of proves it.

>> No.8069401

He's a white hispanic and that was reported plenty.

>> No.8069402

maybe it's you who's taking my bait :^)

>> No.8069403

>hates racists
>thinks people with low IQs are bad

>> No.8069404

Is Obama a white black?

Thanks for feeding me, tool.

>> No.8069405

i dont mind faggot

>> No.8069406
File: 21 KB, 460x259, 150511142025-george-zimmerman-shooting-incident-00001817-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a white hispanic

>> No.8069407

>disagreeing with racists is hate

Oh, that unintelligent persecution complex is cute.

>> No.8069408

>George Zimmerman is white?
>Why didn't anyone report this?
they did

his picture was literally lightened and his voice clips manipulated to make him look racist

>> No.8069412


((((((Scientific))))))) studies ((((((show))))))) all sorts.


>> No.8069413

>smooths out your tinfoil hat

>> No.8069415

>I really hate racists with an unimaginable level of bile, the kind literally involves extended murder fantasies

>> No.8069416

This post is of sound mind. I believe in you.

How did you know I was the same person? Creepy ...

>> No.8069417

Not my fault you can't appreciate my authentic stream of consciousness writing style, anon.

I assume the disparity in racism is more of an economic one. How often do upper class, educated people associate with blacks compared to poorer whites? You can't really be prejudiced against someone without a reason.

>> No.8069418


>> No.8069419

Ew. This bait tastes yucky.

>> No.8069420

okay, let's discuss the people who do survive rape. 31% develop PTSD. Are they better off having been raped? What about the ones who didn't develop PTSD, and instead just had an absolutely horrible experience? What percentage of them are happier having been raped.

Of course we're getting off point. This isn't about rape, not that rape isn't common under racial pretenses. Let's talk about something else instead. How many freed slaves were glad to have been slaves?

Would you prefer to be raped or just go about your life having never had a dick shoved up your ass at knife point? Would you prefer to spend decades of your life a slave, or none of them?

I do understand where they're coming from. That doesn't make anything they do right, it just harms innocent people. I hate that.

>> No.8069422

>He thinks I'm going to follow his breadcrumb trail.


>Let's talk about something else instead.

>> No.8069425

>Let's talk about something else instead.

I accept your concession.

>> No.8069426
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>innocent people
>Still thinking innocence exists

Heh, you're a cute piece of property.

>> No.8069427

You talk like the kind of person that has a smug anime girl avatar on Steam and defends lolicon online, probably on hormone therapy too.

>> No.8069431

>How many freed slaves were glad to have been slaves?
>Would you prefer to be raped or just go about your life having never had a dick shoved up your ass at knife point? Would you prefer to spend decades of your life a slave, or none of them?

All this hypothetical is hyperbole. You sound like a Miss USA pageant wishing world peace, as though it were possible.

Therefore what you are saying is uninteresting.

I'm happy I do not even know what these things are.

>> No.8069432

greentext with no comment. what a clever and valid form of argument

Oh, so now we've gotten to the point where you ignore every point I made instead of countering them and instead pretend I said something else?

good job anon

>> No.8069433
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>> No.8069436

OMG, he is dying to nibble. How long before he eats this one?>>8069431

>> No.8069438

the point is pretty damn clear anon. Racially-motivated abuse (or any kind really) does not make people happier. Racism does not improve society

>> No.8069443


>> No.8069444


>> No.8069445

It's a worthless idea. There will always be racism and everything else you think is bad.

anyone. including you.

>> No.8069447

Races should be separated so they can't hurt each other. Like, on separate continents or across buffer zones.

>> No.8069448

Only becomes a problem if your society is """"multicultural""" in the first place.

America is of course the vehicle through which Satan enters the world, so it never really stood a chance.

>> No.8069449

racism and racially motivated abuse are two different things

>> No.8069450


>> No.8069451

American culture is somewhere in your neck of the woods, too. Say hi to Satan next time you pass by.

>> No.8069455

thank you.

Stop with derailing this with an intelligent remark. You're making us unhappy by raising the bar.

>> No.8069458

Not your culture or your people, the land itself belongs to Satan. It is Satan's continent.

>> No.8069463

We are Satan's messenger. You will consume it.

>> No.8069464


>> No.8069465

I don't believe it can be defeated. ideas don't die, but they fluctuate in popularity and keeping it at a minimum does more good than harm

We benefit when new inventions and resources can be shared.

In the same way that a hen at her time of the month is not the same thing as an egg.

>> No.8069466

Racism leads to unconscious verbal and social abuse when interacting with other races.

A racist would cross the street if he sees a group of black people coming. They sense this and know why you did it. You have just unknowingly hurt them

>> No.8069470

>Racism leads to unconscious verbal and social abuse when interacting with other races.
this applies to any ideology and its Other

>> No.8069471

i do that when i see anyone slavic or swarthy

>> No.8069473

SJW detected.

Saving the universe one idealistic post at a time.

>> No.8069475

>We benefit when new inventions and resources can be shared.
So have a world summit where that stuff gets shared. You already admit there's no perfect outcome, so why not risk a slight slowing of technological innovation if it means people live in communities where they feel at home?

>> No.8069477

probably because he knows he's more likely to be attacked by black people

if you want to end racism, stop giving people a reason to be racist

>> No.8069481

People don't need a reason to be racist or other "politically incorrect" things. Paranoia is natural and not necessarily all bad.

>> No.8069482

Because that would be painful and impede my happiness.

>> No.8069484

No you're right, racists have been historically reasonable and empathetic people, not murderous bigots. It's those damn anti-racists that are behind most genocide.

>> No.8069487

You have perfect thoughts regarding race.

>> No.8069488

You sound gay, TS. Have you tried sitting outside for some time, talking with The Wind, running tests with said Wind, and stfu'ing?

>> No.8069490

Outside? This thought displeases me.

>> No.8069492

How selfish of you. Shame.

The man who discovered the structure of DNA is racist, as have been plenty of productive and peaceful men throughout history.

>> No.8069496

You lack the Holy Spirit, this is why you have murder fantasies.
>Some beliefs are based on substantial evidence and experience, others are adherence to shit they were told by some older bigot.
lol empiricists
Maybe they should stop blaring music that idolizes violence while dressing like the same negroid gentlemen that would assault somebody.

I'd move away from a group of black teens in urban attire, but not a group of black 30-somethings in suit-and-tie.

>> No.8069497

>It's those damn anti-racists that are behind most genocide.
Indeed. Make a historical list of 'most genocides' and you'll see that "racists" aren't the ones committing them.

>> No.8069499

If happiness is selfish, then I wish selfishness on everyone.

People have to be perfect otherwise all of their work/ideas have to be discarded.

>> No.8069500

>every communist genocide ever

>> No.8069502

Still bitter bait. No thanks.

>> No.8069503

Stop pushing that rock, just walk around it!

>> No.8069505

he'll undoubtedly move the goalpost and say that he wasn't adhering the common colloquial use of the word 'genocide', but literally killing people for their 'genos' so he can ignore all the other mass killings

>> No.8069509

What bait?

>> No.8069510

>have a council decide what ideas come and go

wow that's a great idea. I'm sure my councilman would bring in anime

>> No.8069511

I'm glad we think alike.

>> No.8069518


>> No.8069520

Yes and Hitler did fantastic work with rockets. The point is that while racism doesn't necessitate a feeling of hatred, it still remains one of the largest causes of violent conflict in human history. Feelings of hatred are an almost guaranteed byproduct of feelings of superiority and difference, and coupled with the tangible insecurity racists feel for their own cultural self-worth and security, it's not surprising it's morphs into a violent, or at the very least limiting, worldview.

I think 4chan's problem with racism comes from the same problem it has with a lot of real world issues. It has no experience of a "real world", just cartoonish fantasies fuelled by a basic, lonely white collar suburban bullshit lifestyle - which is a pleasant and very boring way to live. If you travel the world and speak to people, you realize we suffer from very similar anxieties. The entire world is racist, the entire world thinks it's the best - you, and your race, are not special. You're all equally empty, you're all equally flawed, you're all equally human.

>> No.8069522

>white collar
what da fug :DD

>> No.8069524


>> No.8069529

People want to live among their own. So?

>> No.8069531

how could there be racial conflict if everyone was living in racially segregated societies?

>> No.8069533

threads like this make me lament the fuhrers great loss

>> No.8069535
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>You're all equally empty, you're all equally flawed, you're all equally human.

B-beautiful. . .

>> No.8069536

Yeah, racism is just part of how the human mind is structured and so we should create boundaries between ethnic groups to minimize conflict. That's a racist approach but also an egalitarian one.

>> No.8069539

You were probably his ideal.

>> No.8069543

It's also competitiveness.

>> No.8069548
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>You're all equally empty, you're all equally flawed, you're all equally human

Speak for yourself, mongrel.

>> No.8069552

got you :^)

>> No.8069557

how legit is that test? is the one that ancestry.com offers just as good?

>> No.8069560


>> No.8069562

>he paid for the privilege of handing over his DNA to the Jews

>> No.8069565


>> No.8069566


daily reminder that philosophy that is completely and utterly unrelated to literature belongs on /his/pol/, not /lit/pol/

>> No.8069569
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, Wew boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's legit as fuck. You get more info from 23andme.


>He thinks he isn't on every database that counts already

>> No.8069574

Yes, the Nazis who murdered Jews and Romani Gypsies were doing it for non-race reasons. The Ottomans who murdered Greeks and Armenians were decidedly open minded. The half a million Zunghars killed by the Chinese was just a simple joke. Politics and racism blur into eachother, but both are used as fuel for fire.

>> No.8069578

how do you know it gives more info than the ancestry one?

>> No.8069580

No, life is clear-cut lines. Like a children's coloring book.

>> No.8069582


Because I've tried both.

Ancestry's better for finding out your actual ancestors. 23andme's better for the DNA/health side of things.

>> No.8069584

because i did both, obv

>> No.8069587

hard to choose then

>> No.8069591

>oh no, a choice. it is impossible to do two things at once.

>> No.8069595

i'd do both if i had money lamb

>> No.8069601

>being poor is the root cause of all of my problems.

>> No.8069611

>i'd do both if i had money

>> No.8069613

>he took 3 minutes to come up with that response.

>> No.8069618

>wah my culture invaded most of the planet and now i'm angry wangry that a hindu family are moving next door

>> No.8069628

>being poor is the root cause of all of my problems.

>> No.8069632

You liked that bait.

>> No.8069633

remarkable post

>> No.8069635

>he took 3 minutes to come up with that response.

>> No.8069646

That's too much attention. Please stop.

>> No.8069652

>You liked that bait.

>> No.8069850

This whole thread is full of stupid. Why hate? Did any of the successful anti-discrimination people hate? No. Because hatred causes all sides to shut off and cease meaningful interaction with each other. Media right now wants you to hate for exactly this reason.

Why are you so worried about racists? Are you a minority? Either way, focus on your own shit and don't worry about "the world", or racists. You can't change them no matter how right you are (you aren't, but I digress)

Racism is stupid. Hating racism is stupid. Hating itself is stupid.