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/lit/ - Literature

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8067838 No.8067838 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ what are some books that help make me a chiller/less awkward person that is better at hiding his intellect? something that talks about nuancing your emotions and your expressions? right now i have the persona of a well read person but most of the time people dont seem to understand what i'm saying

>see semi-cute girl sitting on a bench waiting for the subway
>straighten my back, insert satin-embroidered bookmark between the pages, stuff Infinite Jest back into the inner pocket of my personally-tailored trenchcoat (I also carry a hollowed-out Stephen King novel to hide my Bible in for when I'm at a party or other social ocassion)
>take off glasses
>"Ah yes, a wonderful bench to wait for said subway train! I suppose it's true what they say - 'The subway will set you free, but not until it is finished with you!'" I laugh, then wink at her
>she removes her headphones
>I continue, "Where goest thee? To the library, it is my presumption? Then speak unto the driver, and say, 'Ye great driver! Forward to the library, and step on it!'"
>"Sorry, what?"
>"'Tis but a recommendation, haha! What listened thou today?" i try to shift the conversation away from literature
>she looks confused, widens her eyes, smiles vaguely
>subway pulls in
>she stands up and scuffles off toward it
>"Onward! Climb mountains, and breathe the mountain air! Live not in swamps! And remember: 'Thou shalt' not, but 'wilt' thou shall! Hear, hear!" i shout at her, but i had already decided it wouldn't work out between us anyways
>"Stare not into the abyss!" i attempt once more, but the doors slide shut and she disappears in the subway crowd
>get bored of our conversation

i've really started to think that dumbing yourself down to talk to people is the way to go. it's not just girls either, by the way, as i hardly know any men of my age who understand me. is this an age related issue perhaps? will more mature people be able to appreciate my knowledge?

>> No.8067849

this isn't funny or clever or ironically cute as a badly written bait or anything

please stop posting such trash and keep the discussion to literature

>> No.8067858


>> No.8067863

Yes, please stop this shit. If you're going to bait, it better be at least enough to make me breathe loudly out of my nose.

>> No.8068292

to be clear, this is try hard cringe trash not because the behavior of the person is try hard, but because the post itself is and fails as an attempt at greentext

>> No.8068327

Delete this

>> No.8068333

whats sad is that if you were actually doing this irl you'd probably have a pretty good success rate at tapping that pussy

unless yous a ugly folk
never any justice for ugly folks in this world

>> No.8068354
File: 253 KB, 1080x1283, 1452899050825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hollowed out Stephen King with bible for social occasions

>> No.8068507
File: 626 KB, 1004x756, 2016-04-02 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to em, OP. certified keks on my end

>> No.8068735

Learn french