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8066644 No.8066644 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the final boss of philosophy?

Or if not *the* final boss, *your* final boss?

For me, it's pic related.

>> No.8066653

The final boss implies that the works of the man you propose as the 'boss' must be overcome in one's life mission so I agree. Schopenhauer is a fine distillation of the sentiment that you must grow out of if you wish to do well in life.

>> No.8066662


>Schopenhauer is a fine distillation of the sentiment that you must grow out of if you wish to do well in life.
>Implying his pessimism isn't fundamentally reasonable

>> No.8066663
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gotta go fast

>> No.8066675
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>> No.8066676

Probably Plato, since he's basically the accumulation of everything weak and evil

>> No.8066678

Max Stirner is the final boss for me in the sense that my life mission is to dig up his smug corpse from his grave in Berlin, place a fedora on his head and take a picture along with a timestamp for /lit/

>> No.8066679

Schopenhauer is literally a weak man's Freddy

>> No.8066689
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>> No.8066691

I'd actually support this

>> No.8066694




>> No.8066698
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>> No.8066712
File: 203 KB, 800x1067, Heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is giving me headaches at the moment.

It might just be a translation, but he seems to write like a madman; or at least, someone who is eccentric/deranged.

It should have been a surprise to no one that he actually went off the deep-end; yet what he writes is coherent, and is making me think about the uncomfortable things that only a few other philosophers have managed.

>> No.8066718
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like he lost his mind for the last 11 years of his life.

>> No.8066719

It is reasonable, it doesn't mean that one must go past reason in order to live a good life.

>> No.8066722


>Implying he wrote during that time


>> No.8066727

shit I just looked him up again and there's a fucking Buzzfeed listicle on the CCRU

>> No.8066735

You're looking at philosophy entirely the wrong way if you're expecting a "final boss".

>> No.8066738
File: 23 KB, 620x349, Torture is 100% moral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes aside, he's irrefutable.

>> No.8066741


>> No.8066747


No, you're looking at philosophy entirely the wrong way.

Go back to your self-help books.

>> No.8066755


The memes exist for a reason.

That argument he gives in the Youtube video about torturing the guy to discover the location of the baby locked alone in a car under the baking sun is retard.


Because "Hard cases make for bad law."

So much of modern bullshit philosophy could be swept away if people only remembered the abounding wisdom to be found in idioms.

>> No.8066772

He said torture sometimes can be moral. He didn't say to make it law. Your misreading is your criticism. wew

>> No.8066793

Fucking hell. Buzzfeed is basically instructional cancer in that it takes ideas, tows them throw a belt of shit and throws them into the public for mass display

I'm personally not a fan of Land, but some of his ideas are really penetrating and should be appraised and studied more, and Buzzfeed doing this to the CCRU is just fucking him up

>> No.8066808

Probably all cultural relativism

Once you can start thinking on things as true or false you are free of the chains again

>mfw people think freedom means having this pussified view of the world where things can be wrong or good depending of who see them

>mfw they don't see the chains of modernity slaving them into the void

>> No.8066827

>Implying the two circumstances still aren't related

>> No.8066871
File: 972 KB, 2948x2132, hegel_faust_by_mitchellnolte-d8l17eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any answer other than Hegel

>> No.8066880

hourly reminder that hegel was wrong about literally everything

>> No.8066885


>> No.8066888

That was part of his point

>> No.8066972
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>> No.8067061

do it faggot

>> No.8067080

Max Stirner is one of the least important and least interesting philosophers of the 19th century. (I mean he certainly had some influence, but it's of the sort that is of interest primarily to the intellectual historian.)

How and why did he become a meme on /lit/?

>> No.8067088

What the fuck are you even talking about. Thinking there is a final boss is indicitive of a self help reader mentality.

>> No.8067090
File: 47 KB, 720x428, Get in, property.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Max Stirner is one of the least important and least interesting philosophers of the 19th century.

Alright you philistine, who do you think is the most important/interesting then?

>> No.8067092

>How and why did he become a meme on /lit/?

Because his philosophy is 4chans foundational superego attitude

>> No.8067093


Still posting here, Deepak?

Stick to selling snake oil.

>> No.8067107

Of the 19th century?

It's not going to be that strange or revelatory, but:
Hermann Cohen


>> No.8067117


Trying to exclude Stirner this hard must mean he hit home somewhere.

>> No.8067121

name one person on that list who he is more interesting or influential than

>> No.8067127


Kierkegaard and Marx.

>> No.8067135

Well, certainly not Marx.

>> No.8067141

and certainly not Kierkegaard

>> No.8067142
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Also, that fiename.

>> No.8067147


Marx is one of the 'shooting stars' that Schopenhauer talked about.

Anything he said was only relevant to a very brief and specific period of time. Various vested interests have aspired to keep his dated ideology going beyond the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.8067149

>misusing terms
no one will take you seriously

>> No.8067153

Props for mentioning Bolzano and Brentano. I'd also add Ernst Mach.

>> No.8067161
File: 75 KB, 720x660, Fuckin' normie spooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right. So 'uninteresting' that your beloved Marx spent page after page shitting himself about the influence would have; thus trying to pre-emptively refute him.

>> No.8067162
File: 96 KB, 895x900, rorty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will fuck you up as bad as global anti-representationalism.

>> No.8067171

I'm not sure why you think you've said anything of significance.

I mean, Wittgenstein had a weird obsession with Otto Weininger, but that doesn't mean Weininger is of any interest whatsoever.

>> No.8067176
File: 185 KB, 555x400, Marx was a spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now I get it, you're a spook.

>> No.8067189


>> No.8067201

>Stirner more influential than Marx

All further things you say have been invalidated through sheer retardation.

>> No.8067209


We were talking about who is more interesting, not who has more influence.

Obama has had more influence on the world than Kierkegaard/etc. Doesn't make him more interesting.

>> No.8067216

Sounds like I understand them better than you mate

>> No.8068153


>Max Stirner is one of the least important and least interesting philosophers of the 19th century.

After starting The Ego and Its Own, I'm seriously beginning to doubt whether Nietzsche ever had an original thought in his life.

>> No.8068171
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Prove me wrong.

>> No.8068179

isn't it because he was the smuggest looking character in a cartoon drawing posted here?

>> No.8068184

It was literally drawn by Frederich Engels though so it was infused with clear dialectical understanding of the subjects

>> No.8068648
File: 117 KB, 1503x994, os2c8FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this niqqa right here