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/lit/ - Literature

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8064079 No.8064079 [Reply] [Original]

What historical literary/philosophical scene would have been the coolest to have been a part of?

>> No.8064102
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criminal libertinism

>> No.8064104

Does she have a brother? If so, he must be cute as fuck omffff <3<33

>> No.8064124

how to sex a girl like that?

>> No.8064149
File: 38 KB, 359x368, e3ddc22e9e6500f0b3ec9f1c7756d826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French Surrealism
>Fist Fights at the Communist Convention.
>Screaming on Stage.
>Advocate Mass Shootings.
>Kill yourself with all of your friends.

The Russian Assassins and Antifascists were pretty cool too.

>> No.8064162
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>you will never banter with spookman in the fleisch

>> No.8064165

just like with any other girl. benis in vagina

>> No.8064166

with the young Hegelians.

the Lost generation would be my second pick

>ywn get drunk with Joyce and Hemmming

>> No.8064167

this girl looks like a pubescent boy with long hair and girl clothes

how queer

>> No.8064176

>>Advocate Mass Shootings.
>>Kill yourself with all of your friends.
source on this

>> No.8064177

Bloomsbury Group probably. Seems like they had a lot of fun.

>> No.8064182

Elizabethan theatre, or When London Was Hollywood Before Hollywood

>ywn treat going to a Shakespeare's play being ignorant about their timelessness and with the same casualness as you'd treat going to the cinema to see a Hollywood blockbuster
>ywn pretentiously criticize them
>ywn be a boy playing a woman in the same production where William Shakespeare plays a man who interacts with that woman
>ywn assasinate Christopher Marlowe and pretend that it was merely a drunken bar fight
>ywn write a pamphlet in which you ridicule Henry VI and write off Shakespeare as a hack actor trying to break into playwriting
>ywn get the plague

>> No.8064192

shes got a pretty mature jaw, what kind of pubescent boys are you hanging around?

>> No.8064200

>implying pubescent boys cant have manly jaws

>> No.8064204

also 1920s Paris obviously
>As the narrator of the rare film clip of Joyce informs us above, the Ulysses author would pick drunken fights, then duck behind his burly friend and say, “Deal with him, Hemingway. Deal with him.”

>> No.8064217

very carefully...

>> No.8064223
File: 20 KB, 480x431, Antonin Artaud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Most Surreal Act is Shooting Randomly into a Crowd"
"The Most Surreal Country is Mexico:"
- Andre Breton
There are a lot of other great quotes about crime, these are the only ones I can remember right now.

They all killed themselves (except Jarre and Breton)
-Crevel (Last words were: Cremate my body:Loathing)
-Rigaud(The Movie Fire Within was based on him)

(Suicide) is probably the most correct and most ultimate solution. - Crevel

>> No.8064301
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The Beatniks seemed pretty casual

>> No.8064311

Hey friend, surrealism sounds pretty interesting, any tips on how to get into surrealism? Whether it be books or movies, I'm interested. Thanks

>> No.8064383

Albert Camus chapter on the Surrealists in The Rebel is a good intro to the philosophy of the era.
Proto Surrealism-
The Songs of Maldoror
A season in hell and Illuminations- Rimbaud
Nadja - Andre Breton
The Surrealist Manifesto- Andre Breton NF
Will O' the Wisp- Rochelle
My Body and I- Rene Crevel
Le Silence Du Corps- Guido Ceronetti
Ubu Roi- Alfred Jarry
Anything by Urmuz
The Theatre and it's Double- Artaud NF
The Plays of Ionesco and Works of Cioran
(Some people would argue Cioran isn't strictly surrealist, these people are pedantic idiots. I would actually recommend you start with Cioran, His works are easier to find and a lot of fun. )

The Bauhaus were very heavily influenced by surrealism if you want some music to break up the reading.

>> No.8064387


>> No.8064389

visceral realists

>> No.8064392

>tfw there will never be a literary society of like merit again

>> No.8064551

Thanks man

>> No.8064561

The lit tinychat circle of course.

>> No.8064565
File: 384 KB, 947x1000, Geroglifico dinamico del bal tabarin, 1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The futurists were chill.

>> No.8064671

Future looks pretty fucked up

>> No.8064678

who is this semen demon

>> No.8064712

Could you have dealt with Hemmingway though?

>> No.8064724

artaud didn't kill himself

>> No.8064738

pls i need to jerk muh dickkkkk

>> No.8064891

the CCRU

>> No.8064949

Pre WWI Vienna/Vienna Circle. Intellectuals were celebrities and treated as such when they went out to work

>> No.8064961

The one I'm about to create. I call it Post-Pretentiousness.

I'll pretend to pretend that I don't care if you don't join—but really I do.

>> No.8064968

Come on guys. You sound like 14 year olds.

>> No.8065423

Have a unique dress sense that combines preppy with stoner, aloof compassion, dark but observational humor, a menacing smile and enough pseudo-intellectual internet quotes to convince her that you're deep enough to deal with the crippling insecurity most -no- any, intelligent female feels for their looks and life; looks being first.

>> No.8065435

I don't know about the coolest but I wish I could live at the times of Heraclitus, Parmenides to hear/read what they actually thought

>> No.8065449

this is the correct response. that or interwar frankfurt/paris/berlin

>> No.8065477

>I'll pretend to pretend
you could have just used pretend once

>> No.8065490

Polish poetes maudites.
Good ol' times in Paris.
Ancient Greece, not sure about the time.

>> No.8065493

Holy shit I've been into surrealism without knowing it was surrealism.

>> No.8065517


I wish I was around the Red Scare.

Unfortunately, even though McCarthy was proved right, universities and MSM have both been thoroughly infiltrated.

>> No.8065534

What does that mean?

That shows why the surrealist movement decayed into communist bores who got totally played by Salvador Dali.

He should have.

Yes! Cool babes. Also a cool painting. And she with the lamp, is she playing Diogenes? :3

>> No.8065539

you will never

>> No.8065550

This is a good list.
Jarry is more protosurrealism in my opinion though.
Here are some authors that you might like:
Julien Gracq - The Opposing Shore
Pierre Reverdy - Plupart du temps (if you don't speak French any book of selected poem will do)
Ersnt Jünger - On the marble cliff
Georges Bataille - Story of the Eye
Baudelaire - The Flowers of Evil
Jean Cocteau - Les mariés de la tour Eiffel (or anything by him really, his movies are also far better than Bunuel's films)
Jacques Vaché - Le Sanglant symbole
Saint-John Perse - Anabase (which was translated by TS Eliot)
Mallarmé - L'Après-midi d'un faune
Nerval - Les Filles du feu

Most of these books are surrealist strictly speaking but they had an influence on, or were influenced by surrealists.
I also remember that Breton talks about Swedenborg and Jean Paul somewhere so it might be worth reading them.

>> No.8065562

*are not surrealist

>> No.8065596

France during the seventies - Paris VIII, with all the post-structuralists would be awesome

>> No.8065598

all this 20th century garbage, wow, embarrassing

>> No.8065599
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Aside from the one's already posted ITT, I would have liked to have been an Armenian mercenary fighting in Babur's army and composing verse. When I was old and infirm I would compose by autobiography. Think of the benefits:

>lots of hunting trips
>marijuana candy
>drinking binges
>millions of qt brown girls
>gold and jewelry
>easy access to firearms

Why Armenian and not Afghan or Turkic or whatever? Well I don't want to pray all the time and skip dinner for an entire month. I don't know how many Armenians found themselves living in northern India in the 16th century but I read a British merchant's journal once, from about the 18th century, and he married a nice Armenian girl in India.

>> No.8065605 [DELETED] 

3rd century BC, Alexandria, Egypt. I can't say for sure it was be the coolest, but I really want to know what that library was like.

>> No.8065630
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You may want to check out this guy.

>> No.8065659


>> No.8065741

You are all fucking retarded.

Fourteenth to very early sixteenth century Florence is the only acceptable answer. Boccacio, Dante and Machiavelli all seem like absolute bros to hang out with, for different reasons. Machiavelli in particular seems like he'd be a god-tier buddy.
Hope you like selling milk, buddy.

>> No.8065746

Probably not, I'd have tried and then bought him a drink afterwards.

>> No.8065769


>> No.8065775

it's just a picture of my girlfriend

>> No.8065778

is that something to feel ashamed of? this is 4chan not some job interview

>> No.8065807
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I want to hang around with Tao and Mira

>> No.8065830

The hippy movement

>> No.8065836

Fly fishing with Hemmingway would be pretty dope

>> No.8065837


>> No.8065891

>skipping dinner
Actually you would be skipping lunch

>> No.8065902

With consent. Always with consent.

>> No.8065955


Excuse me?

>> No.8065962

There's a band called Bauhaus

>> No.8065966


>> No.8065982
File: 285 KB, 1280x946, Défilé_Jeanne_d&#039;Arc_Action_française.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit taste desu

>you will never be part of L'Action Française in its prime
>you'll never get to sing La France Bouge with your fellows
>you'll never smack the president
>you'll never take part in 02/06/1934

>ywn be poet in Charles d'Orléans' court

>> No.8066008

shit taste

>> No.8066011
File: 1.83 MB, 1500x1914, 23423424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interwar France is the only right answer

>> No.8066026

Too bad they didn't "infiltrate" more deeply - maybe we wouldn't be living in such a plutocratic dystopian nightmare today.

>> No.8066202

>stormclucks: the post
And then Faildolf washed them clean with blood.

>> No.8066977

what is your pick than?

>> No.8067034

If the First International was philosophical in the sense it revolved mainly around the Marxists' and Federalists' political and philosophical debates, then the First International so I can get me some Bakunin boipucci

>> No.8067035
File: 13 KB, 227x300, 66513-004-2C48E0CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to hang out with John Hawkes circa 1950 at Brown University and invent postmodernism with him.

>> No.8067067

I think it would be fun to debate about heating/chilling and thinning/thickening as the fundamental laws of nature with Anaximander, Anaxagoras and the other pre-socratics.

>> No.8067437

He also produced shit like Rick Moody and Eugenides, unfortunately.

>> No.8067639

>Any anarchists/socialists
Pick one son.

>> No.8067647

This would be the dream my friends. Or the Mughal court just before the mutiny, chai with Bahadur Shah and Ghalib.

>> No.8067653

Fuck off, imbecile.

>> No.8067732

Orbis Tertius first meeting

>> No.8067761

>tfw you'll never get in a bar fight with Hemingway having your back
>tfw you'll never drunkenly carouse along the Champs-Elysees at 4 in the morning, holding your dearest friend and singing pop songs in Pidgeon french
>tfw you'll never calm a jealous and mad Zelda Fitzgerald down after everyone roasts the shitty writing of Scott's woman
>tfw you'll never get a shameful boner from seeing a nigress dance in a banana skirt

>> No.8067832
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What I've read of that list I really like, thank you for the recommendations.
Have a rare Artaud.
He died from a lethal dose of Chloral Hydrate. So yeah he probably did. Not to mention he had starved himself and tried to kill himself before (albeit with hysterical ineffective methods.)

>> No.8067932
File: 481 KB, 760x1154, EH07239G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go on a fishing trip with Hemingway to Spain
>you will never listen to Hemingway talk to you about bullfighting
>you will never sit by a table, slowly drinking, talking with Hemingway into the night
>you will never barely be able to see him in the dark, hearing only his voice and yours replying, crickets your audience
>you will never say goodnight to him before returning to your room
>you will never feel the feeling of a Spanish night, laying on a hard bed with a light sheet covering your ever so slightly sweating body
>you will never wake up to the hard pulsating Sun of a small Spanish village
>you will never merrily be greeted by Hemingway at breakfast downstairs
Why am I even alive? For what purpose?

>> No.8068537

probably athens post persian war

i love the futurists, but they were not "chill" by any means.

>> No.8068545

in 100 years /lit/ will be viewed as the greatest literary movement/scene of all time

>> No.8068553


>> No.8068582

>He died from a lethal dose of Chloral Hydrate.
no he didn't, he died from anal cancer

queneau didn't kill himself either for that matter

>> No.8068643
File: 31 KB, 500x530, 1463416695813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be an eccentric right wing occultist poet in the early 1900s
>you will never bum around Europe and have feuds and friendships with members of the Bloomsbury group, the Cambridge Apostles, French and Russian political exiles, and all kinds of weird Blavatskian offshoots
>you will never exchange letters and take walks in parks with poets, playwrights, radicals, and visionaries
>you will never be forgotten in a politer era because of your eccentricities and indiscretions, your lonely Wikipedia page tended by just a few devotees (who list you primarily as an Irish humourist, though a section on your bizarre fascist and antisemitic pronouncements inevitably follows)
>the odd visitor with a knack for spotting perennial souls will never linger over your tiny photo for a moment, and wonder how this choice and master spirit, who once rode his age's tides so well, sunk completely beneath the waves in another

>> No.8068646


>> No.8068649


DAMN anon, you captured my feels exactly. We were born approx. 110 years too soon.

>> No.8068653


Too late* rather. But if you're a real ocultist you see these things don't matter.

>> No.8068658
File: 36 KB, 700x565, 1983n_10_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Futurism
The Byron-Shelley circle
Black Mountain College

>> No.8068669

>aloof compassion

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8068671

hangin out with hemingway and his old lady friends in paris

>> No.8068705

I don't know, all I can think about is jamming my cock down that girl's bony ass.

Porn has ruined me.

>> No.8068713

Black Mountain College was wild. I saw a whole exhibit on it in Berlin, walking into it with no knowledge of the place before was pretty mindblowing

>> No.8068739
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, 1432625469383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss off lan

>> No.8068754

Whos this about

>> No.8069065

not at all because "she" has a penis

>> No.8069069

who is this qt

>> No.8069073


>> No.8069075

me too

>> No.8069076

This girl (heavy breathing) she has a pussy (heavier breathing) this girl...she is a girl.

My god.

>> No.8069077

Definitely post WWII France.
Existentialism FTW

>> No.8069080

Why do fat virgins idolize girls? They're literally just human beings who eat and shit just as guys do.

>> No.8069083

are you a pussy?

sex with girls (only with girls, human beings that have pussies) is very good :)

>> No.8069091

I want to fornicate my cousin.

>> No.8069103

Takes one to know one.

>> No.8069107

Haaaayyyy is there any girl here now? I mean a human girl with pussy. I am big sexy Slavic guy, you like Slavic guy? If not, you do now, lady, so write to me we can be horny together, yes?

>> No.8069124

where can we find le weird and literary girls with pussies, my main man? i want to be horny too but im man with penis and no slavic no!

>> No.8069149


me too man.

>> No.8069160

The ones with the gay orgies and party drugs, obv.

>> No.8069970

Diogenes and the BarrelDwellers

>> No.8069972
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>> No.8070008

I want to fuck the girl in OP's picture and then gradually undermine her self-confidence so she clings to me as a the sole source of validation in her life. I'm hard just thinking about it.

>> No.8070015


the Wu-Tang-Can

>> No.8070016
File: 151 KB, 1017x759, 15141099823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this right now

>> No.8070021


>> No.8070033
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newfag here

how do I get into /lit/?

>> No.8070036

The Greeks

>> No.8070103

read through the books on the top 100 list we made

>> No.8070107
File: 216 KB, 1166x900, tavistock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be part of the early Tavistock institute to kill its member

>> No.8070109

start with the greeks

>> No.8070532

>>you will never feel the feeling of a Spanish night, laying on a hard bed with a light sheet covering your ever so slightly sweating body
>>you will never wake up to the hard pulsating Sun of a small Spanish village

You wouldn't cover yourself with a light sheet, you'd just sleep (or try to but being unable because of the heat) in your underpants.
t. Southern Spaniard

>> No.8070540
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el hispANO seniores

>> No.8070550

/int/ please don't

>> No.8070553

last night when that girl was undressing

>> No.8070556
File: 28 KB, 460x383, 1455503027884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8070582

1960s french philosophy/psychoanalysis

>> No.8071095

¡ ayylmao!

>> No.8071382

Accurate to a t. I've been wondering how I ended up dating more college girls after I graduated college, and this explains it.

>> No.8071385

link? name?

>> No.8071397

baghdad during 9th and 10th century
>get paid by the Caliph simply for thinking and doing science
>you can fuck girls without objections or weird looks, and more importantly without effort
>you can actually change course of history if you try hard enough

>> No.8071496

Just be yourself

>> No.8071520

Waiting outside borders for Harry potter 5

>> No.8071522

This is the worst advice ever

>> No.8071587


I like the way girls eat. I've never seen one poop, that's probably for the best. They piss in a demure and charming way though.

Honestly I'm just a horny young male.

>> No.8071615

>you will never tour a battleship whilst posing as foreign dignitaries in Arab face.

>> No.8072269

Futurists had zero chill.

>> No.8072398

Bunga bunga!