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806303 No.806303 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody read this? I picked it up the other day and haven't had enough time to start it. I've heard it is a tough read. Thoughts?

>> No.806309

Not sure I like the sound of New Physics.

>> No.806312

My dad read it, I found it on the table and read the first bit. It's a bunch of pseudo-scientific new age hippy bullshit. If you don't understand physics you'll probably be drawn in a lot more easily than you would if you do.

>> No.806316

Fucking pseudoscience. We should round all the new age freaks up and ship them off to Australia or something.

>> No.806336

ITT: pretentious /sci/ faggot wannabes with unlimited access to Wikipedia

Dancing Wu Li Masters is fine. A good read.

>> No.806339

Ah, I am trying to read more physics books, I just finished Physics as Metaphor and thought it was amazing. I think I'll give it a shot since I'm pretty good with books like this. Thanks for the input!

>> No.806341


I would also recommend The Quantum and the Lotus.

>> No.806345

Pretty interesting read. Read it with some critical thinking skills and you'll be fine op.

>> No.806356

It's just like Scientology.

I am not kidding.

>> No.806361

i would recommend "Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science"

>> No.806365


Samefag detected!


>> No.806392
File: 8 KB, 267x266, 1272034456667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt new-ager detected.

>> No.806396

Fucking pseudoscience. We should round all the new age freaks up and ship them off to Australia or something.

No its about quantum mechanics.

>> No.806429


Not a New Ager at all, just pointing out butthurt /sci/ faggotry in this thread.

>> No.806434
File: 124 KB, 665x717, 1271975746977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Butthurt new-ager who can't deal with real science.

>> No.806435

What you, sir, call "butthurt /sci/-faggotry" is simply the truth.

Death to pseudo-science!

>> No.807213

OP here. Thanks guys I'll try and find them next time.

>> No.807224

Jesus, how about someone posts an actual critique of the book, or a defense?

>> No.807232
File: 22 KB, 195x195, 1269635480558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an actual critique

Gay book for gay faggots who are gay... And faggots.

>> No.807251

OP, The Dancing Wu-Li Masters is my favorite book of all time. It changed my life.

The problem is that psuedo-science new agers have taken it under their wing and it's gotten a bad rap, when really it's a great introduction to Quantum Mechanics and some eastern philosophy on a very basic level.

Read it, but don't take it too close to heart. When you simplify something like Quantum Mechanics down to where ANYBODY can understand it, you're going to lose some things in translation, and it's going to seem like psuedo science, but it's not.

>> No.807254




>> No.807271


Also, it seems like Zukav was actually trying to push the Eastern philosophy stuff a lot, which is another reason that it gets that whole New Age rap, and he's obviously trying to let you see the things he sees and the correlations, but it's only there as a metaphor and a meeting point to comparing the sometimes outlandish ideas of Quantum Mechanics to real world ideas. You're going to learn way more than try to be converted. It's written really well, and I hold all of the non-fiction science book I read to it's standard now in terms of "breaking the subject down to it's most basic forms so I can understand this complicated shit".


>> No.807376

Danke schoen!