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/lit/ - Literature

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8062760 No.8062760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General Discussion thread for the genre fiction series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

>Latest Winds of Winter sample:

>> No.8062764

please leave

>> No.8062770
File: 17 KB, 233x219, 233px-Fullplebeian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't belong here

>> No.8062774

Best fan art

>> No.8062775

>board for literature
>posts shitty adult fiction

>> No.8062776

3rd for no showfags allowed

This series is about books though, and it has a cult following

>> No.8062777

who's you're favorite waifu on the show?

>> No.8062778
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>Aragorn is descended from the Kings of Gondor.
>Jon is descended from the Targaryen Kings.

>Aragorn's mother was descended from the first chieftain of the Dúnedain Aranarth, the rightful King of the Northern Kingdom. And takes after his mother in her Dúnedain coloring with grey eyes and dark hair.
>Jon's mother is descended from the first King in the North. And takes after his mother in her Stark coloring with grey eyes and dark hair.

>The Elendils left Numenor, the highest human civilization that fell to a cataclysmic event, before the island was swallowed by the sea, and kept what would be the last line of White Trees, a mystical tree from Numenor and the island's signature tree that became the sigil of House Elendil, the kings of Gondor.
>The Targaryens left Valyria, the highest human civilization that fell to a cataclysmic event, before the Doom came and much of the peninsula was swallowed by the sea, and kept the last dragons with them, dragons being the signature creatures of Valyria. The dragon would become the sigil of House Targaryen, the kings of Westeros.

>Aragorn led the rangers of the North.
>Jon leads the Night's Watch in the far North.

>When Aragorn was two years old, his father was killed while pursuing orcs. Aragorn was afterwards fostered in Rivendell by Elrond. At the bidding of Elrond, his lineage was kept secret, as Elrond feared he would be killed like his father and grandfather if his true identity as Isildur's heir became known. Aragorn was renamed Estel to hide his existence from Sauron and his servants
>When Jon was just born, his father was killed while pursuing rebels. Jon was afterwards fostered in Winterfell by Eddard Stark. At the bidding of Eddard, his lineage was kept secret, as Eddard feared he would be killed like his father and grandfather if his true identity as Rhaegar's heir became known. Jon was renamed Snow to hide his existence from Robert Baratheon and his servants

>> No.8062780

eurovision is on /int/ and not /mu/
britfeels is on /r9k/ and not /int/
daily jap threads are on /a/ not on /jp/
a song of ice and fire threads are on /tv/ not /lit/


>> No.8062785

Read Druon instead you pleb.

>> No.8062790
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take your teenager tier fiction back to /tv/

>> No.8062793

Does this make you feel smart? Acting like you're above certain literature, rather than ignoring things you don't like instead actively shitposting in them?

Maybe Reddit is more your thing, you can down vote things you don't like there

Tryhard plebs trying to find a use for their worthless English degrees

>> No.8062796



Skip over most of the SciFi stuff but listen to what the series is really about. It's not about Jon.

>> No.8062798
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>> No.8062801

GTFO Preston shill

>> No.8062802


>> No.8062808


ASOIAF is terrible and you should be ashamed for reading it. We've already had Harry Potter faggots pop up and insist it's anything but shit. What's next? John Green? Twilight?

>> No.8062814
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What do you think his campaign in Winds will be like?

>> No.8062815

>Maybe Reddit is more your thing
Maybe Reddit is more *your* thing. You will find a lot of good content on r/asoiaf and we all will be happy.

>> No.8062822

Nope, you're the one who gets triggered by people discussing things you don't like.

Grow up you sad manchild

>> No.8062824

I am better than you.

>> No.8062828

You don't have to stay on this thread. It's contained autism about the book series. You can even hide it. Let us discuss it in peace.

This board is quiet and hopefully it'll allow us to have comfy discussion about the series without show-only shitposters on /tv/

>> No.8062833

You have inferior taste in literature, so yes, I'm smarter than you.

>> No.8062837

t. English major trying his hardest to feel superior to somebody

Get back to stacking those shelves and basing your self esteem on your taste in literature

>> No.8062843

Why do some people believe JRRT is superior to GRRM? I know most concede that GRRM is better with characters, while JRRT is better with universe; but even then his universe just feels like a cheesy, Catholic idea of the kingdom of God.

When people complaining about plot holes are given the answer "that's just how Tolkein's metaphysics work", what are we supposed to learn from that? If the virtuous are always bailed out by Eru Ilúvatar, then where's the tension?

Not saying ASOIAF doesn't do this as well from time to time, and the show definitely now thinks having the bad guys always win, even when it makes no sense, is entertaining.

But It's like why bother keeping your universe relatable and subject to possible criticisms over plot holes and flat characters, when you can just explain it away as "well that's just how my universe works". Feels lazy.

>> No.8062844
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Friendly reminder that GURM is a thief and a hack.

>> No.8062846

no, *you* are the one who got triggered by people calling out your favorite manchild-core books

i do what i do for the good of the board

>> No.8062847

You're trying too hard. If you actually believe this then you're an incredibly pathetic person who probably lacks social skills.

>> No.8062853

>I do what I do for the good of the board

How did you type that without cringing at your own sad existence? Seriously, end yourself.

It's a Japanese woodcutting forum, you take it too seriously.

>> No.8062861

Complete shit like everything he wrote.

>> No.8062864

the funny thing about /lit/ is that like /mu/, its a dumpster fire of pretentious snobbery and probably as bad as /tv/. You chuckle fucks wouldn't no good literature if it came up from behind and butt fucked you. And that has been proven time and time again.

Too many times have I seen you faggots swallow the hook in writefag threads and totally misidentify one of your precious classics as drivel churned out by some derpy anon.

>> No.8062871

You think Stannis wrote the Pink Letter?

It could be. I'm thinking Mance, though.

>> No.8062873

I think he will defeat the Boltons desu. I just hope he doesn't die in the battle

>> No.8062874
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>> No.8062878

Has nobody read Druon?

The parallels are far more striking, pretty much everything in asoiaf that isn't in Farseer is in Accursed Kings.

>> No.8062879
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claim your waifu!
back to /tv /

>> No.8062880

>wants to talk shitty books
>does not know meme lines from the show that the books are adaptation of

>> No.8062888
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What do you think Mance was sent to find in the crypts under Winterfell?

Just read a theory (I think it's source was Reddit so sorry) that there is a crypt for Jon that was made by Ned and on it will be the inscription of Jon's parentage.

Other theories include he is looking for Rhaegar's harp buried with Lyanna or the supposed dragon eggs that were hidden in the hot springs.

>> No.8062890

>outed himself as a showfag crying about asoiaf on /lit/

you should definitely kys

>> No.8062896

>asoiaf is exactly the same as LOTR!
>asoiaf is exactly the same as the accursed kings!
>asoiaf is exactly the same as the farseer trilogy!

So at least 2 of these also copied the other one?

>> No.8062901

GRRM is a meme author.

>Is praised for his willingness to kill off main characters
>Has never actually killed a main character, and in fact his books are filled with cheap fake cliffhangers where they appear to die but then are fine the next chapter

>Criticizes Tolkien for not describing the political and economic details of his world
>His own world is incredibly shallow and simplistic (the super rich family is rich because...they own a bunch of gold mines, which apparently have been going strong for about 5000 years) and even though most is just copy and pasted from 15th century England, because he also doesn't know anything but cliches about medieval history it's still nonsense

>> No.8062902

>people whining about ASOIAF are butthurt showfags

HAHAHAHAHA /lit/ BTFO. Enjoy your bad poosy

>> No.8062903
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>He now realizes that all modern fantasy is a shitty LOTR knock-off

Now you're gettin' it, kid.

>> No.8062904
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First for the main character and most complex fantasy hero of all time

>> No.8062905

Never mind that Aragorn is literally Conan and Conan came first :^) so did Tolkien rip off and steal Aragorn from Robert H Howard then?

>> No.8062910

Why don't you write something better then rather than trying to put successful writers down on an anime imageboard?

Oh that's right, because you have no talent when it comes to writing, and you have to shit on others to feel good about your own failings

>> No.8062912

it's a way worse to spend hundreds hours reading it than to spend one hour a week watching the spectacle

i read dostoyevsky, pleb

>> No.8062913


Irrelevant as ASOIAF is not good literature or literature at all. Once again I question when we will be seeing Twilight generals.

>> No.8062917
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Bravo GRRM

>> No.8062918

It's nothing like LOTR, but pretty much everything in asoiaf that isn't about magic or the North is from Accursed Kings, and most of the rest seems to be from Farseer (never read it though).

>> No.8062920
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>> No.8062922

Does that make you feel smart? KEK.

Off yourself you sad sack of shit

>> No.8062927

>he hasn't already read dostoyevsky ten times over
>he hasn't already read everything worth reading
>it would take him 100s of hours to slog through asoiaf

thats cute kid, real cute, you might actually be retarded

>> No.8062932

Irrelevant as you're shitposting on a japanese wood carving board and don't actually fucking know anything at all

>> No.8062934

*you* might actually be butthurted about me mocking your shitty adult fiction

>> No.8062939


You've embarrassed yourself lad, just leave

>> No.8062941

I'm not sure exactly where in my post you think I claimed any writing talent (or how I can fail at a career I never ever attempted?). I pointed out what mindless mainstream critics say about him is simply not true.

>> No.8062950

>mindless mainstream critics

*tips fedora*

I'm embarrassed for you

>> No.8062951

no until you leave the thread

>> No.8062953

You might be a drooling retard who is incapable of hiding the thread and moving on. But no. You can't handle someone violating your safespace. So autistic you can't even let it go, you can't even believe it.

>> No.8062954


>> No.8062956

>no until you leave the thread

Can any /lit/fags actually form a coherent sentence? You have no right to criticise ASOIAF when you lack basic English skills

>> No.8062965

*You* can't handle someone violating your safespace

how many other languages do you know? you have no right to criticise my english when you don't know at least two other languages

>> No.8062966

Why is Val best girl, lads?

>> No.8062972
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>You have no right to
Whew, you really told us!

>> No.8062976

I spent my time studying physics rather than other languages that I have no use for.

>> No.8062979
File: 71 KB, 500x389, 185165651_2402bcca58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread

>> No.8062983

Read them all. By GRRM's recommendation, actually. He's a big fan of those books.

Yes, they're vastly superior to ASoIaF (which is still pretty fun and entertaining. just not great art).

>> No.8062985

pretentious snobs pls leave, we want to talk books and /lit/ is the board for that. Don't you have a better thread you could be spending your precious time in?

>> No.8062986

Here I am violating your safe space and here you are all butt blasted and incapable of any actual response. Fuck, you can't even speak proper English, you're probably some shitty mud farming slav.

>> No.8062987

so the only language you know is english, right? XD

no wonder you love grrm XD

>> No.8062989

Real talk.

Jon's resurrection. How will it happen? Will he be a changed man? Will he still get PoV chapters afterwards?

>> No.8062992

I spent my time getting a worthwhile STEM degree rather than some shitty English degree with 0 job opportunities. I'm sure your Spanish speaking comes in handy when you go to Spain and need to order a beer though, go you!

>> No.8062998

that self-defense passive-aggressive gimmick XD

you are so pathetic i don't even XD

>> No.8062999
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>> No.8063008

I'm sorry if it bothers you that not everybody did a shitty degree on 4chan.

Maybe one day your English degree will come in handy though!

>> No.8063020

I'm an engineer and I also speak four languages, you're just a dumb pleb.

>> No.8063022

Thoughts on the Azor Ahai prophecy:

The blade of Azor Ahai is supposed to be quenched three times: once in water, once in the heart of a lion, and once in the heart of his wife. The blade shattered the first two times it was forged. Think of this analogy in reference to resurrection.

Lord Beric was the first to be resurrected, and he died the last time at the river when they found Catelyn Stark (the first blade). She was then the next to be resurrected, and, last we saw, she was about to try and kill Jaime Lannister, but I find it quite likely this will be her undoing, as this will be quenching the blade in the heart of a lion. The last then to be resurrected will probably be Jon Snow; though, to be honest, it would make more sense if Ygritte were not yet dead, but perhaps GRRM intends to imply he's "married" to the Night's Watch or something.


>> No.8063025

upboated XD

le tinfoil but gud

>> No.8063032

So in the book it's almost certainly Mance who wrote the pink letter

>> No.8063035

Another Physicist here? Nice. Just got my M.S. in it last week.

>calling people dumb plebs
Stick to your data tables and formula sheets, kiddo. Wouldn't want to confuse you.

>> No.8063041

I have a degree in biochemistry. I am finishing my physics degree next year. I speak four languages (not counting latin).
Stay mad underachiefer.
Also what has that to do with anything?

>> No.8063042


Hahahahaha you have no right to call anybody dumb you fucking faggot.

>> No.8063046


>> No.8063047

>it's Neets who spend their free time analyzing stupid adult fiction calling normies mean words The Thread

>> No.8063049

Nice thread OP

>> No.8063052

Blame the shitposting autists who can't stand people liking something they don't

>> No.8063053


>> No.8063055

My theory: Everyone is a warg and a Targaryen. Thoughts?

>> No.8063058

That's just sad now.

>> No.8063060

Blame the shitposting autists who can't stand people not liking something they do

>> No.8063062

>ITT: /lit/ fags rage that they can't control what everyone else likes

>> No.8063066


Well said, ASOIAF fan. Perhaps you'd like to instruct me as to what literature is? Perhaps it's finding someone squatting in the grass? GRRM really nailed what his books are like by that simple passage.

>> No.8063071

Is the ending of the books really gonna be tumbl tier garbage like it seems?

>> No.8063075

This faggot probably can't even stand to read McCarthy. He probably just unironically spouts the names of famous philosophers and authors and decries them for being populist filth so he can feel like a true contrarian patrician of highly refined taste.

>> No.8063078

>ending of the books

>> No.8063082


Kant you see I'm trying to tell you that your favourite books are shit? Does it really take a genius like Nietzsche to see how bad the books are? What would Socrates think? Plato? Aristotle? Hume, Hobbes, and Jefferson?

>> No.8063090


I never said I'm an ASOIAF fan, I'm just laughing at you for being a safe space autist

>> No.8063092

This is why I don't come here often and don't discuss books here. Because if it isn't pseudo-intellectual-fedora-tipping tier shit I'll get shit on.

>> No.8063097

There's nothing sad about understanding the principles you employ.

>> No.8063100


The irony of wanting a safe space to discuss shit books is not lost on you?

>> No.8063110

>Genius like Nietzsche
I found the edgy teenager.

>> No.8063111


>> No.8063113


This is the guy sperging out over ASOIAF, pathetic

>> No.8063122

>I do what I do for the good of the board

Jesus Christ, that autism.

>> No.8063125

ITT meme-trilogisters telling what a hack GRRM is, just let it be pathetic faggots

>> No.8063133
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>> No.8063136

Where I'm from physicists are those who are too stupid to get into a proper engineering school. 90% of them end up as high school teachers.

>> No.8063147


>> No.8063156

>too stupid to get into a proper engineering school

Bitterness detected. If physicists are the stupid ones, then what does that make you for using all the results we derive? You're a joke.

>> No.8063165

lol, as if you're doing research. You're a future high school teacher.

In fact all researchers go through engineering as well here. Science at universities is only for rejects.

>> No.8063166

Autism incarnate.

>> No.8063194
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>this thread

>> No.8063199

I went to an engineering school, and led a design team. Learned Autocad and Solidworks in like a week and became lead designer. I'm not trying to brag either because bragging on something as easy as engineering would be pointless.

And, no, I'm stepping out of my graduate program straight into a mid-level optical engineering position. They hired me over actual engineers presumably because they want someone who can actually understand and design rather than just parrot someone else's work.

>> No.8063208

You realize you sound like a big fat baby whose pouting and crying because mummy said no to that fifth ice cream sandwich, right?

>> No.8063218

ER Eddison was better.

>> No.8063219


ASOIAF is still shit whether my mom got me a fifth ice cream sandwich or not.

>> No.8063232

I'm guessing she didn't since you're so bitter.

>> No.8063236

So in what way are you not an engineer?

Are you from some meme country where you can be an engineer without studying maths and physics or something?

>> No.8063240

This is an elitist hipster twat who absolutely needs to feel like he is intellectually superior in all situations when in actuality he is in fact inadequate on all fronts

>> No.8063246

I'm an engineer in title, but I didn't study as one.

I got an actual education that covered math and physics and things.

>> No.8063252

Well that's engineering studies. Every engineer I know knows more Maths and Physics than you learn at university as a Maths or a Physics major.

>> No.8063270

Is an underachiefer someone who is under a chief?

>> No.8063282

>We graduate in the same amount of time with the same number of credit hours, but we take all of the courses of these two majors plus our own

Great math skills, anon. And you wonder why I'm making fun of engineers.

>> No.8063309

can anyone explain why is asoiaf so hated?

>> No.8063312

This series is garbage.

>> No.8063319

It isn't. It only is on here because /lit/ is for pseudo-intellectuals, fedora tippers, and no fun allowed.

>> No.8063338

Because it's bottom of the barrel trash that is literally just wank material for ol' georgie.

>> No.8063351

It's childish entertainment masquerading as adult literature that would only serve to pollute the userbase. Read it have your fun, whatever, it's just definitely not worth discussing when placed in the realm of more important works.

>> No.8063372

Complexity is not the point of Jon Snow, nor is being the primary protagonist. The whole series is about subverting the cliches and the good vs evil narrative of Tolkien's over rated shit.

>> No.8063379

Tolkien has been subverted since he wrote LOTR, it's the most boring shit an author can attempt.

>> No.8063380

Are the White Walkers considered good guys, or just neutral?

>> No.8063451

Because it's shit literature.

>> No.8063460


What do you think of this?

>> No.8063501

They're antagonists we still don't know enough about, basically. I'll be disappointed if there's not more to them in the end, to be honest.

Also Danny is shit.

The books aren't a masterpiece but I enjoy characters like Theon and Davos, for example. It's well enough written, Danny aside, that it's worth reading and discussing for entertainment value. If that's not your thing, that's fine. There's plenty of 'classic literature' people wank about that were nothing more than the best sellers of their era as well, so I'm not moved by elitist bullshit.

>> No.8063538


It wasn't hated until the TV show came out

>> No.8063587

Anyone want to speculate on when TWOW will be published? I honestly have hope it'll be within the next year, possibly even by the end of 2016.

>> No.8063629


Martin is probably in the last 1/3rd of it right now but probably needs to clear up some thing. I'm honestly hoping we get some good Other lore in the book, I've always been fascinated by them since their first appearance. My guess is he'll announce something close to Christmas.

>> No.8063632

I really do think it's going to come this year Or at least the announcement will. All the signs point to him being close to finished

>> No.8063641

probably 2017 based from the 6 years gap of release

>> No.8063647

I know not to trust his judgement, but in his New Years post GRRM said he was planning for it to be done lost fall. I took that to mean he had the bones of the entire book set and he just need to fill in the gaps and clean up what he's already written. Like seven chapters have already been published, and if the other books are any guide, that's about 10% of the finished product already set in stone.

>> No.8063668

Anyone else find it rather pointless how people are complaining about TWOW release? We're still going to have to wait for him to write ADOS which will probably take half a decade or so and the TV show will be long over by then, it's nothing but petty squabbling by fans of the HBO show who hopped on the "OH GRRM IS SUCH A SLOW WRITER" meme.

>> No.8063682

People have been complaining about his pace since the early 2000s between Storm and Feast, years before the show ever started.

>> No.8063685


I remember hearing about how he had to start over again on Feast and being very annoyed at that. Still feels like bandwagon behaviour a little.

>> No.8063699

Sansa is trash

>> No.8063706


Don't be mean

>> No.8063722

Sansa must be one the worst POVs, easily the worst "main" characters. Other contenders would be Damphair, Asha, Areo, and Quentyn.

>> No.8063794

Is this bait or are engayneers really this delusional?

>> No.8063796


If you read this series you should all kill yourselves. Thanks.

>> No.8063800


>> No.8063807

Because Tolkien is a better word smith.

>> No.8063832

OP here. Back.

Glad to see the thread is still active.

Not so glad to see most of the replies are autism

>> No.8063866

More like snoozesmith

>> No.8063869

This is why these threads go on tv and have always gone on tv.

>> No.8063874

That's for the show. Book stuff belongs on /lit/

>> No.8063879

I don't follow the series but how is bringing the fan favorite back to life making the bad guy win?

>> No.8063880

Back then, the TV show was a pretty good adaption. Season 5 and 6 are crude attempts at mimicking the books, and it's total fanfiction now. The discussion on /got/ is only really about that fanfiction now, and how much everyone hates it, but nobody really bothers trying to talk about the books. The show is so off-book now that a place to actually discuss asoiaf is needed.

Hence, /lit/

>> No.8063883


>> No.8063884

I actually quite like Asha's chapters but, I agree with the rest they are shit.

>> No.8063888

No, moron. /lit/ is for literature.

>> No.8063897

I was just thinking about Asha's stuff earlier funnily enough. She's a total banter queen. All the uncles are being sour, humourless boring fucks about the Kingsmoot and Asha's just there bringing the bantz about it being a Queensmoot, trying to become Victarion's Hand of the King, talking bollocks about pinecones. Asha, Euron and Theon being cocky cheeky cunts make up for the rest of the Ironborn being insufferably boring

>> No.8063913

Books are literature

>> No.8063918



Just take a look at /lit/. An /asoiaf/ being here really doesn't do any harm considering we just want to discuss books. Pleb-tier, sure. But it's a cult following of an interest. We're obsessive about this universe, it's the "in thing" right now. And we're not all interested in discussing the show fanfiction either, it's the 5 books we enjoyed

>> No.8063929

These faggots would be complaining about LOTR if /lit/ was around in the 1950s

>> No.8063943

You might feel more at home on r/books or r/fantasy.

>> No.8063949

I do in fact browse those subreddits :^)

But you can't make me not browse /lit/ either ;^)

>> No.8063951

just because it's in book format doesn't mean it's literature.

>> No.8063954

LOTR is also genre fiction, asshat. Either stay in your containment thread or head over to plebbit.

>> No.8063972

so? Genre fiction is allowed here. All written works are

>> No.8063975

Alright. Let's pretend this is a legitimate argument. If /lit/ is only for intellectual literature, where does discussion of books go? 4chan is a genre savvy pop culture website, let's not pretend this is a patrician site, it was made for fucking anime to begin with.

Now, you'd say /tv/. But what about if we don't want to talk about the HBO adaption, what if we want to discuss chapters, and speculations, theories, from Coldhands to Victarion's journey in Slaver's Bay. That stuff isn't about the show, and as the show grows more and more different, there's less place to discuss the books themselves.

/tg/? We're not a game. /b/? Good luck getting actual discussion there.

As 4chan is a pop cultural website, it stands to reason there's a place to discuss every niche, from automobiles to origami, from cooking and wrestling to Jewish conspiracy theories.

One major niche is books.

But according to you, there is no place on 4chan to discuss books...because /lit/ is too good for that?


>> No.8063987

How about not having shit taste in the first place? There are so many better books out there.

>> No.8063994


>> No.8064001


>> No.8064012

Millions of people love this series so there should be a place on 4chan to discuss it. Pokémon and MLP have fucking boards of themselves to discuss their shit.

As there is no /fiction/, /books/ or /fantasy/ board, /lit/ is the default place to go to talk about our interest. You may find what we like disappointing, but there's nothing wrong with us liking it. One general on /lit/ about it is not going to you any harm

>> No.8064025

Millions of people like rape, should there be a rape board?

>> No.8064029

Come on man, you're better than strawmen.

>> No.8064030


>> No.8064032
File: 277 KB, 890x890, 1425226852505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 this thread is filled to the limit with autism before any actual discussion is had

>> No.8064039

It's the first thread on a slow board. We could theoretically get to around 500-600 posts so eventually when people calm down we'll get to talking about the series properly

>> No.8064046
File: 88 KB, 470x550, benjen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered what people think about Benjen. Do you guys think he's dead? If so what was the point of his character? If he's alive, how do you think he's survived out there for so long and what has he been doing?

>> No.8064054

Its not a board, it's a thread.

There are rape/hardcore/forced sex threads on /gif/, /b/, and /s/ all the time.

And yes if there's enough post output and demand, it could get its own board.

If you don't like the series, don't post in the thread. Kill yourself if you actually can't handle that.

>> No.8064069

>a thread
A thread which is off topic. This board is for literature, not fantasy novels. Why not post in the sci-fi / fantasy general (which, while i might not like the contents of, and which are, admittedly off-topic, prevents shitty threads like these), rather than make a thread that everyone knew would get shitposted to oblivion? (I know you're probably not the OP, just saying this to make a point.)

>> No.8064070


>> No.8064075

He's either Coldhands or he is in fact dead.

>> No.8064128

He is alive and will give the reader a huge info dump on the WW/Others when he returns or is found by a PoV character

>> No.8064133

We'll never know what happened to Benjen. His only purpose is motivation for Jon.

>> No.8064134

When did he motivate Jon?

>> No.8064153

He got him to the wall. Which is really all he needed to do.