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/lit/ - Literature

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8060119 No.8060119 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Of Mice and Men make me feel more than The Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.8060125
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>> No.8060134

The characters are meant to be relatable. They are specific groups in America so nor relevant to today etc

>> No.8060148

Of mice and men is a fantastic story, don't feel bad. People shit on Steinbeck because he is easy to understand but he was a great writer

>> No.8060171

No one shits on Hemingway, yet he is even easier to understand.

>> No.8060178

because you didn't read BK

>> No.8060179

>No one shits on Hemingway


>> No.8060188

You probably find retarded characters easier to relate to.

>> No.8060193

>Hurr Durr you retard
Real classy keep up the good work on those apex keks

>> No.8060993

Kill yourself, you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.8061897

Congratulations on reacting emotionally outside of prescribed responses, you're now closer to being an independent reader

>> No.8061991

I have a soft spot for big retarded grown men. Their vulnerability and weaknesses but also their sometimes optimist outlook on life makes me tear up. I cried at the end of Of Mice And Men. I think good stories of friendship are comfier and more interesting than adventures or any other kind of plotline.

>> No.8062235

many people do, actually. You must not get out much

>> No.8062247


He means: you get out much

>> No.8062319

Not that Dostoevsky isn't, but Steinbeck is sentimental schlock. You might as well be watching a Lifetime movie, or reading YA crap like Delillio or Roth.

>> No.8062345


He is commonly held in low esteem among lit grad students, many of whom consider his appeal to have been a novelty due to his antithetical-to-high-culture persona appealing to a globalizing europe. Spending your life on 4chan wouldn't teach you this

>> No.8062376


>posturing this hard

>> No.8062457

I have spammed many a thread with Hemingway hate

>> No.8062747

Because there is a character that is mentally retarded who gets shot while lamenting about rabbits.

An old dude whose dog is killed

A guy who has no real life purpose other than looking after his retarded friend

And work sucks

Literally feels central.

>> No.8062762
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The lives of the true bottom-tier working class are rough in a way that seems utterly brutal if you're unfamiliar with it. The powerlessness in the face of an unreasonable superior, the powerlessness against one's own peers, the casual violence, these are things that anyone of the middle class or higher is going to be absolutely crushed by and for good reason. Of Mice and Men hits these notes very well.

Dostoevsky is a shit-tier Christian sentimentalist and it's a credit to you that you don't fall for his shit.

>pencilnecked grad students don't appreciate Hemingway
Color me surprised.

>> No.8062779

Go home, John

>> No.8062803
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You're American and Of Mice and Men is the quintessential American story. It's pretty much central to the culture, the idea of sacrifice, Independence and far away success. It's so essential to the culture its constantly retold (Pic Related)
It's alright to like Steinbeck as long as you just like East of Eden and Of Mice and Men everything else he wrote was Bathos and Schlock.

>> No.8062832


My gf (who i have been avoiding lately) likes steinbeck ,she also love alan watts and john fucking green.And often quotes edgy quotes by dorothy parker in arguments(even got beaten for that once).

And says that ayn rand changed her life even though all she does is whine about how much it sucks to live with her family(it doesn't) and sprout about pathetic humanitarian hippy bullshit.

This is the main reason i can't pick up steinbeck.Not a murican either

>> No.8062892

Are you the same guy who was saying about how he hates his girlfriend and regretted getting her into lit because now she just acts sanctimonious for is?

>> No.8062945


She is pretty down to the earth actually.But very impressionable,lately she was mixing with a couple of hippies(+60 yrs) on9,who told her that she feel that way about herself because her "kundalis" are enlightened or some shit like that.

I know it was going to get worse from here.Then they suggested that she (an unemployed 20 yrs old STEMFAG) should leave home for europe ALONE!!

And she bought into it.This is why i have been avoiding her,she's insane.I was will her when she went through a 3 mnths long feminist phase.NOT ANYMORE.

>> No.8062959

Goes without saying anon. The best thing you can do is to always be the influence in your girlfriends life, if you don't do it some old Buddhist hippy will.

>> No.8062988

I tried,but she always went for sweet talks and these pathetic humanitarian new age bullshits.I cant be too over bearing either,nobody like to be with a drone.

The worst is that these are even buddhist,used to be a runaway stripper at 19 and got "married" 5 times.She is falling for that degenerate while being aware of all of it.

Tbh This ruined steinbeck for me.

>> No.8062995

kek she probably just read Grapes of Wrath and liked the socialist undertones

>> No.8063006

Srs Question, who is capable of liking Steinbeck and Ayn Rand at the same time? They are incompatible. Unless she just likes the part where Dagny fucks a bunch of guys.

>> No.8063021

That one and the other one(sorry i can't recall the title)with a character who was whore.

She is an avid reader actually and could write pretty well imo.

That's what i asked her too.The entire world view is polar opposite.I don't really understand her,she's very impressionable.

I mean she used to like milan kundera ,then i started telling her(for shits and giggles) that only whores and degenerates likes his work and such bullshits.

Now she hates him.

>> No.8063027

>I mean she used to like milan kundera ,then i started telling her(for shits and giggles) that only whores and degenerates likes his work and such bullshits.
Kek I haven't decided if this is just a meme or if lots of guys who browse /lit/ legitimately feel this way about Kundera.

>> No.8063044

Actually i pick up this meme from /lit/ in the first place to piss her off.

And that's all i ever said,and that's all it took.

>> No.8063056
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>Dagny fucks a bunch of guys.
Now that you said it,it makes sense.It was during her feminist phase she picked it up and she also have a strange fascination with whores.

God anon this makes me very uncomfortable .