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/lit/ - Literature

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8057686 No.8057686 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read a book a day?

>> No.8057689


>> No.8057700

>read 1000 books
>still no Lamborghini
What the fuck man

>> No.8057713

I read a book over a period of 3-7 days. But I like to pick one up immediately after finishing one.

>> No.8057733


>> No.8057737

i can only read like 50 pages a day

>> No.8057751

If he's not an ubermensch, no one is


>> No.8057756

50 pages of day

>> No.8057865
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I read 5 books per week

>> No.8057878

No. I either browse /lit/ or drive around in my Lamborghini

>> No.8057880

what did he mean by this

>> No.8058074

I read one short story by Gogol every day.

>> No.8058081

no idea can't could of thought of anything

>> No.8058598

I used to think this guy was a straight up fraud, but he's actually "successful" and he's raking in the big bucks and is always hanging around hot bitches and nice cars. I watched some of his videos and it's fucking mind boggling. It feels very weird watching the people around him, how they act, always smiling and agreeing with him, but he always sounds like an idiot, all his "advice" is common sense that literally everyone knows or circular logic where in the end he says nothing at all. It's really bizarre.

>> No.8058680

He ran a simple entrepreneurial self help scheme and got lucky. Nothing really mysterious about it. Americans have spammed pants-on-head retarded shit with money for decades.

>> No.8058690

thats impossible. maybe only with the avsi series, and still.

>> No.8058704

He's a snake oil salesman. This thread is literally spam. I have no idea why anyone posts in threads about this faggot.

>> No.8058712

Because he claimed to read a book a day in one of his "non scam" videos.

>> No.8058716

That video is a scam. This guy's very existence is a scam. I doubt he's even human.

>> No.8058765

Don't overthink it it's just the roghozin crew he probably didn't earn his money anyway

>> No.8058832

>mfw I've been doing exactly this for a week

>> No.8058838

most things other people tell you are... WRONG!

>> No.8058852

what is his definition of 'read'?

seems like his aim is to browse through with a light speed-read and get the 'gist' of the book.

we may say that this isn't truly reading, but perhaps he isn't claiming to have the same understanding on a complete subtextual level. and as a 'business person,' i would expect him to read lots of self-help types books which amount to expanded powerpoint presentations anyways.

>> No.8058855

Not so weird when you're the same fucking person.

>> No.8058859

If this were the case, I would be guilty of the lamest samefagging in /lit/ history

>> No.8058864



>> No.8058886

Why do anglo's do everything for pussy?
I really think this must be an anglo thing because I don't get this extreme thirst for pussy.
Like they will work 100 hours a week and then come on here shame you for not doing so, or just being 'unsuccesful' ( that is, just a mediocre salary ), while they, these demigods who are forging their apotheosis through hard labour, will be rewarded with the greatest gift of all: pussy.

This is what I learned from anglo's on 4chan: money + (jawline + height ) = success = pussy = kids = contribootin.

What a fucking joke of an existence you guys live.

>> No.8058918

I read around 5 books a day. I read 2-4 pages per minute, 15hours a day.

>> No.8058939

>Why do anglo's do everything for pussy?

Well it's only difficult to understand when you've never had it

>> No.8058942


I've had it.
I still have it.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.8058944

do you actually comprehend anything? speed reading is a meme

>> No.8058946


Sure, buddy.

>> No.8058951

She has a vagoo. All of her arguments are invalid.

>> No.8058955

Oh hello Sebastian.

>> No.8058973


>hahaha, i dont believe u, how culd u possibly disagree with me otherwise

I see the years of 4chan have done you well.
You're now incapable of seeing that another viewpoint can come from a similar experience.
Have a fantastic lfe.

>> No.8058977
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I don't, but my lit professor does whom I have in my goodreads friends. It pisses me off, guys.

>> No.8059021

Unless you're an idiot savant, I dont see anyone retaining any information, let alone lessons or subtext when you read that much.

>> No.8059029

just call him a cunt and be done with it m8

>> No.8059396

post his goodreads?

>> No.8059431

In another video he explains himself that "by reading a book a day" he actually means that he only reads a section, a particular chapter or skips thru to things he finds important.

The 'one book a day' thing is a complete gimmick. If that makes him a fraud I don't know...probably.

Pretty sure it's a TED Talks video but I'm not looking it up because I already spent too much time typing this about this faggot.

>> No.8059543
File: 49 KB, 355x552, tractatus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he ever read this, how do you think he would crush it into a piece of banal self-help wisdom?

>> No.8059615


I need fuel units guys

>> No.8059624

i have 27 books in my book account

>> No.8059635
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Can't believe I finally got to use this meme

>> No.8059642

Why is this thread still here?

>> No.8059643
File: 20 KB, 559x568, 1365285417543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Succeeding in Capitalism requires talent

>> No.8059648

I can see the argumentative structure pretty clearly

>> No.8061527

because you still need your Lamborghini

>> No.8061554

>"It feels very weird watching the people around him, how they act, always smiling and agreeing with him"

>> No.8061754

Read that as "The Tao Lin" conspiracy. He's right, I've never heard of him because I have adblock, and if it weren't for the couple of lit posts with his car, I wouldn't know him in the face. Who the fuck is he, anyway?

>> No.8061784

That is the insinuation that I find to be the most repulsive of all, yes.

That somehow under this perfect system that we have, (its name being "the free market", since "capitalism" is a loaded term used by communists, naturally), everyone has the opportunity to succeed, if one only applies himself. If for any reason one fails, why, it is only because one is lazy and not hard-working enough.

And those who do succeed, no matter through what means, are always deemed important figures with something worthy to be said on pretty much everything. Hence the TED talks. A sad state of affairs.

>> No.8062071

Do you lick a dick a day?

>> No.8062098

More like I read every day

>> No.8062105

Wasn't it some shit like, "I don't waste my time, I just read the summaries"

>> No.8062635

500 pages of summer

>> No.8062651

I've watched his videos, and they're really inspiring, Tbh. He tells us exactly what we need to do to have the best chance of success, and he's absolutely right. When he says read a book a day, he isn't talking about To Kill A Mockingbird or No Game No Life. He's talking about the 7 habits of highly effective people, think and grow rich, the millionaire next door, etc.

>> No.8063642

So he's shilling his own genre of self-help trash. Of course.

>> No.8063669



This is all self-help 'literature' in a nutshell.

>> No.8063694


>> No.8063701

those books are full of common sense, feel good platitudes, and (very rarely) plagiarized but vastly watered down philosophy/psychology

the reason it's possible to just flip through them in an hour the way he says, is because they're literally full of shit.

my advice is, don't even read those books in the first place. that will free up even more of your free time.

>> No.8063762

They include a little bit more than "you can do it," but even those sections are useful to get motivation. Lots of successful people have used it to their advantage. If you don't want it, just keep doing what you're doing, I guess.

>> No.8063791


Fuck off, Sebastian

>> No.8063844

Shoo shoo, Turkroach.

>> No.8063856

Yeah but the point is to actually read to learn, not to be motivated.

>> No.8065252
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 1455084145621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up one of his videos on reading a book a day
>reading summaries counts

I look books up on Wikipedia and absorb points via shitposting, and have done this extensively, am I patrician yet /lit/?

>> No.8066199

It does.

>> No.8067047

>they're really inspiring
good for you, i can only cringe.

>> No.8068499


how /lit/ is he guys?

>> No.8069261

Depends on how much you learn and apply.