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8057638 No.8057638 [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/'s thoughts and experiences on poetry slams?

>> No.8057654


>> No.8057664


>> No.8057666


>> No.8057674

idk but is it actually a good way to meet women that are into literature?

>> No.8057676


>> No.8057682

Yes, but they're usually going to be the self-proclaimed feminist type.

>> No.8057685

its called poetry slam because poets should be slammed into lockers

>> No.8058976

>humanity was a mistake

>> No.8059199

>self proclaimed
What do you want, a knighting?

>> No.8059210

Slam poetry is like the sludge of mass culture with an electrical current running through it that makes it jump around and spray sludge into your face

If your immediate instinct isn't "wow, these unindividuated goblins with nothing to say should probably be a lot quieter than they are" then you are part of the problem.

>> No.8059213


Where art and beauty go to die. Navelgazing, self-congratulatory offence-fetishizing masturbation marathons. Somewhat similar to this board.

>> No.8059218 [DELETED] 
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>thoughts and experiences on poetry slams

>> No.8059228

seems like a good way to get your willy wet 2bh

>> No.8059229

>if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem
are you an american?

>> No.8059233
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I feel bad for all the people tricked into it

>> No.8059239

She has terrible blowjob eyes. Her poetry career is a fraud.

>> No.8059254

I suspect she didn't write that one either.

>> No.8059266

She did, look it up

>> No.8059296

Oh, she didn't write the one on the left, so I figured that would follow. Much better than I expected from her if true.

>> No.8059329

It was really in vogue around my Uni, every time I've heard slam poetry it has been without exception awful

>> No.8059332

Right should be about a hundred pounds heavier for it to be representative

>> No.8059337
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I enjoy seeing women destroy themselves
the absolute best is when they post nudes and tell themselves it's empowering

>> No.8059339

if you don't like their art, don't listen.

>> No.8059346

the poem on the right is way better

>> No.8059350

No, it's a good way to meet women who have only read Harry Potter and Wikipedia articles on feminism

>> No.8059366

I uphold my natural right to scorn and undermine all that I oppose in life. God has made me in his image, therefore I must also make the world as I see fit.

>> No.8059372

Their shit isn't any more """art""" than the pumpkin spice macchiatos they have to make for a career.

>> No.8059399

by posting on /lit/

>> No.8059436

>Projecting your lack of activity onto me

Go outside you sad faggot

>> No.8059443


>> No.8059451

>muh vagina muhfukka
does life imitate memes?

>> No.8059487
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My God.

>> No.8059495

is this poetry or bad standup about going to the gynecologist?

>> No.8059512


>> No.8059529


though are we trapped in a similar layer of homogeneous shit?

>> No.8059572

My problem with slam poetry is that half the time it hardly even resembles poetry. If I hadn't been told it was a poem, I wouldn't call it so. Not saying all poems have to rhyme or anything, but poetry is more than just ranting and snapping your fingers.

Anyway here's a slam poem that I find genuinely moving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnKZ4pdSU-s

>> No.8059673


Fucking wonderful.

>> No.8059675


Too much contrarianism for that.

>> No.8059696

i would let her 'succ' me to be honest

>> No.8059733

I think women would stop being proud of being sluts if they understood more how men see them

Like, I'm pretty sure they have this mistaken idea that men see them as sexual "equals" or "partners," as if men are like "hehe, you like 2 fuck as much as I do? XD" when in reality they are still seen as degraded conquests

It's so weird to me when they go around bragging about how much they love cum on their face as if it's some big FUCK YOU PATRIARCHY thing, when even the nicest dude in the world is thinking some embarrassing shit like
>yeah bitch u like that u like my cum on ur fucking face u bitch take that cum bitch
while doing it to them

I wouldn't mind sexual liberation shit so much if it didn't constantly have this undertone of obliviousness about degrading themselves. Men do not respect you for putting out. It's practically innate to see you as an objectified conquest, like a lock that was successfully picked.

>> No.8059742

*slaps poems out of hands*

>> No.8059748


>> No.8059752
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Very nice.

>> No.8059763
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This is right on the ball

>> No.8059860
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No, she actually has amazing blowjob eyes. That dude in 9th grade was the true poetic genius of that relationship. He only spoke truth. Wisdom beyond his years.

>> No.8059867

white people bitching about problems they've never had.

>> No.8059929

Honest to be honest.

>> No.8059986

whitened teeth look like china ones

>> No.8060006

So people who enjoy a thing you enjoy are "degraded" because they're women? Fucking idiot.

>> No.8060014

you actually can't read

>> No.8060017

Why are mulatto women always the bitchy ones?

I swear, they are always the ones talking about how oppressed they are and how much they hate whites, despite the fact that they are at least half white.

>> No.8060023

women are not humans
the only reason why men gave them the rights it's due to capitalism needed more workers
i hope when we reach the stage of post scarcity economy we can freely degrade women back into the half-animal state

>> No.8060026

Plain looking brown girls are the angriest people in the world. They think that all the downsides to being a plain-looking girl are due to racism and not that they're plain-looking.

>> No.8060027

Serves as a nice contrast with my ecru-colored spunk.

>> No.8060030

Brown girls in general just seem to be total fucking cunts.

>> No.8060043

To be fair people do tend to self-segregate along racial lines and I can imagine a lot of situations where being mulatto could leave you in an odd situation w/r/t identity and belonging.

But yeah I've noticed that the light-skinned girls at my alma mater were the biggest "activists" while the actual black kids largely had their own thing going on.

>> No.8060051

that was nice actually. really gay but nice.

>> No.8060053

It's like elliot rodger
Close enough to taste the white but never live it

>> No.8060054

ok, then why don't you tell me what you meant by

>Like, I'm pretty sure they have this mistaken idea that men see them as sexual "equals" or "partners," as if men are like "hehe, you like 2 fuck as much as I do? XD" when in reality they are still seen as degraded conquests

Because to me it seems like you're saying that when women do exactly what men do and yet it somehow reflects badly on the women but not on the men.

It's like being a huge weeb and calling someone else a degenerate for liking anime. If you do this shit, kys.

>> No.8060074

Have you ever had sex? You don't just go in a room together and do the exact same thing...

>> No.8060079

She had nice blowjob eyes in the 9th grade, not now.

>> No.8060091

did she keep any pics of her 9th grade blowjob eyes

>> No.8060092

>dude ur a virgin lmao
what an obviously retarded ad hominem. do you think anyone in the world ever has had sex without first knowing how it works? end your life my man.

>You don't just go in a room together and do the exact same thing...

You do it for the same reason, to get off. When gays fuck each other, is the bottom a degenerate while the top is a cool guy?? There's no fucking moral difference between the penetrator and the penetrated, dipshit.

>> No.8060099

>When gays fuck each other, is the bottom a degenerate while the top is a cool guy??
but it's true

>> No.8060102

>You do it for the same reason, to get off
>moral difference
lmao come back when you've lived a little more.

>> No.8060103
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>is the bottom a degenerate while the top is a cool guy?

Fucking obviously.

>> No.8060105

>When gays fuck each other, is the bottom a degenerate while the top is a cool guy??
That's exactly what the classical Greeks and Romans thought about it and they know more about butt stuff than I do.

>> No.8060110

yes but she cut out the eyes and replaced them with her nipples.

>> No.8060117


wow, why didn't I think of just quoting random phrases and saying "heh, kid, you're cute..."? That's so much easier than actually saying anything of substance!

>> No.8060122

bottom fag detected

>> No.8060123

>wow, why didn't I think of just quoting random phrases and saying "heh, kid, you're cute..."? That's so much easier than actually saying anything of substance!
I just don't know where to start with all the misconceptions you're starting with, to be honest. Like, if you seriously think that men and women approach sex the same way for the same reasons, and that the way they evaluate each other sexually is pegged to some sort of universal morality, nothing I say here is going to change that.

>> No.8060124


>> No.8060137

Please educate me anon. I certainly believe women are in higher demand due to the way sex drives work, and I'm sure plenty of women use sex to get what they want, I'm just saying it's possible for a woman to enjoy sex without pretense. And I didn't say they evaluated people based on morality, I said you were making moral judgments about women who claim to like sex. If you think they're lying, fine, but if they genuinely just like pleasure I fail to see what the problem is.

>> No.8060139


>> No.8060141

You're a clueless idiot if you think women are actually proud to be sluts.

>> No.8060160

Both are shit
Would bang though

>> No.8060165
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>you were making moral judgments about women who claim to like sex
No, I'm saying that men find it kind of gross and not something they respect. This is a visceral feeling, not a moral matter.

>If you think they're lying, fine
If anything most women like sex more than men do, so it's not that they're lying about liking it.

>but if they genuinely just like pleasure I fail to see what the problem is.
When you start to think about what you want out of a longer term partner, a mother, eventually a grandmother, the main person in your life, perhaps you'll start to see why men are a little leery of giving that kind of respect to someone who doesn't fit that mold at all. Obviously men of the men who feel this way have not been cultivating themselves to be ideal husbands and fathers either, but the fact that they're hypocrites doesn't make their feelings on the matter reverse.

It's not that one gender is actually morally superior in this whole mess of hook up culture that we have. It's that a smart person avoids that culture altogether, and the above is part of why a woman would do well to avoid it. The reasons for men to not take part are also something I believe in, but that's a separate topic.

I'm not the guy who posted >>8059733 by the way.

>> No.8060170
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>Men do not respect you for putting out. It's practically innate to see you as an objectified conquest, like a lock that was successfully picked.

If the only way you can think about sex is in terms of conquest and degradation than you have some mental problems m8. Sex is just a nice thing that happens between two people. I bet you're not even a strict christian or anything, it's weird that both feminists and 4chan/reddit woman haters have such puritanical views of sex without the spiritual benefits of religion. Most Christians don't even care what you do as long as you're married or at least in a committed relationship.

It's time you had your negative views examined by a psychiatrist and possibly removed~

>> No.8060176

yall ready for malia?


>> No.8060177


>I think women would stop being proud of being sluts if they understood more how men see them

And you, ironically, have no understanding of how to see women. They aren't all "proud" to be sluts, mate. They are attacking the very label and connotation in the effort for personal sovereignty. That you would simply look at women and think they were all merely embracing sluttiness and nothing more really speaks volumes about your lack of understanding.

>> No.8060194

Well if you're not him then I'm still confused by his post. Enjoy being a traditionalist I guess, maybe you'll get lucky and we'll all get bombed back into the stone age.

Well, I'd say they're embracing sluttiness in the sense that they're trying to remove the negative connotation. I have nothing against promiscuity, it's just kind of pathetic that they're so desperate to be validated for it.

>> No.8060201

It is not poetry.

>> No.8060212


>it's just kind of pathetic that they're so desperate to be validated for it.

I don't disagree. But then anon was inferring that there was nothing going on behind that but an embracing of sluttiness, which simply isn't true.

>> No.8060293

this is pretty transphobic desu

>> No.8060311
File: 87 KB, 1151x424, fuck slam poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can all go home now.

>> No.8060330

>Sex is just a nice thing that happens between two people.
No it's not

>> No.8061326

wasnt this about slam poetry?

>> No.8061339


anon can only laugh and shit on slam poetry so much after that they kind of need to find a topic that is actually interesting to talk about

>> No.8061341

>Plain looking brown girls are the angriest people in the world.
this is 100% true and I'm glad someone else finally realised it

>> No.8061350 [DELETED] 

One on the left is actually great

>> No.8061356

It's Hart Crane you dweeb.

>> No.8061365

neither of you can read

the simple fact is that men see you as a piece of garbage when you hook up with them on tinder

women being "loose" will always be seen as gross and pathetic, instinctively, by everyone. especially by the men who benefit from it. people just lie that it's progressive, especially the latter guys who stand to benefit from the girls buying the lie.

nothing will ever stop the fact that slutty behavior is intuitively disgusting to men. you are a whore. it's like being a disgusting cum rag. useful in certain moments, even "appreciated," but not a person.

enjoy taking huge pride in it and writing poems abut it, because you think "boooo puritanism" makes any difference in any of the above facts being facts. keep getting mad about it on internet forums because you know it's true.

>> No.8061373

>muh appeal to nature

ok buddy, i'll kill you and rape your wife, let's see how much you like nature then.

>> No.8061383

i'm not making a moral statement you bag of memes

ain't no ought here, only is, and you is a whore

you know that guy you hooked up with who was your on-off FWB for like a year and you sometimes wondered why he didn't pursue more

it's because he could only tolerate you because you sucked his cock, and any time he thought about you as an equal, as a romantic partner or even as a friend, he could see the other douchey men whose ballsacks you had licked because you wanted an hour of validation that you are pretty, and you settled for a stranger who made you laugh

in a generation, even when your great progressive project to change the "puritan" culture is decades upon decades old, and if you don't become an amy schumer spinster, your own son will instinctively think you're a pathetic whore and feel ashamed to be your child if you ever tell him about how you spent your youth

it will never



keep getting mad about it on the internet

>> No.8061389

If you're not a beta fag

>> No.8061390

this is right and I don't know why people are getting so upset
next time you see a group of women consciously catalog your thoughts, 99% of the time the first thing you think about is which ones you would fuck

>> No.8061400

Conversations like this make me glad I'm gay

>> No.8061436

Damn, so incisive! If only I were a woman.

For the record, I don't like most women, I don't get along with them, and I certainly don't want their approval. That being said, people who are fatalist about their belief that human sexuality will always be animalistic are just obnoxiously retarded. If you have a problem with people fucking who they want to fuck because of "muh instincts", you are really fucking stupid.

And it's funny because all I have to do to prove you wrong is believe that women being promiscuous doesn't make them less human. Sure, promiscuity and vapidity tend to coexist, but that doesn't mean every slut is a dumb slut.

>> No.8061453

>And it's funny because all I have to do to prove you wrong is believe that women being promiscuous doesn't make them less human. Sure, promiscuity and vapidity tend to coexist, but that doesn't mean every slut is a dumb slut.
How do you still not get what that guy is talking about?

>> No.8061454

>people who are fatalist about their belief that human sexuality will always be animalistic
so you acknowledge it is the way it is at least now. thanks

>If you have a problem
"i am not making a moral [ought] statement"

>that doesn't mean every slut is a dumb slut.
not relevant, but sluts are necessarily dumb incidentally

keep making up weird strawmen that have nothing to do with the posts you're replying to, so you can justify getting mad on the internet about how people judge you for being a whore.

if you really didn't care that you're a whore, you wouldn't be obsessively defending it in every random nook and cranny possible, to anonymous people who you won't convince otherwise.

>> No.8061485

i don't care and i know you won't be convinced, but arguing with idiots is a nice form of instant gratification.

>so you acknowledge it is the way it is at least now. thanks

so you acknowledge you're illiterate now. thanks

to directly address your point, i'm sure you and plenty of other people think sluts are disgusting, and the feeling is strong enough for you that you believe it's some sort of loosely-defined "instinct". why you choose to believe that this opinion is a universal rule is beyond me. if you point out a neurological study showing that your belief is a deeply ingrained and unchangeable response found in all humans, i will be convinced.

>> No.8061487

>sluts are necessarily dumb
nigger what

>> No.8061497

>when i am going down on you i'm actually
>sucking up life, retrieving my very soul
>from the pits of your stomach
Is actually gud.

>> No.8061505

>arguing with idiots is a nice form of instant gratification.
>post a study! do you have any studies? post an empirical study! cite your sources!
>being a slut is cool!


enjoy the fact that basically everyone in the thread said you're missing the point

enjoy being a sex doll i guess

>> No.8061509

>this thread and all the sperging
I just like sex, and I like people who will have sex with me.
I tend to think better of someone who has had sex with me because it (probably) felt good.
This post will trigger people.

>> No.8061518

your point was that all men are disgusted by sluts, i'm literally just asking you to prove that. and when you greentext someone asking for proof and don't actually reply as to why you don't need to prove anything, you look like an idiot.

never said being a slut was cool, i'm sure it's very trendy but i don't really give a shit.

they've already been triggered anon

>> No.8061526

>never said being a slut was cool, i'm sure it's very trendy

as long as we agree

>> No.8061547

>i am not making a moral [ought] statement
But you are defending others' categorical use of that moral statement, with the naturalistic fallacy

>> No.8061551

Of course. The fact that we have differing opinions about human nature does not make me a progressive ideological faggot, nor does it make you a traditionalist ideological faggot (although you might be, i really can't tell for sure).

>> No.8061571

no i'm not. describing the state of things is not a moral stance on the state of things. most people look down on and mock loose women. most men do not want major relationships with loose women.

>> No.8061577

You still a fucknigga tho

>> No.8061580

There is literally nothing worse than slam poetry and the people who like it.

>> No.8061583

This pretty much, slam poetry is never good and can never be good.

>> No.8061584

don't worry, your interest in literature will be over in a couple of months

>> No.8061587

Lol Jonathon fuck off

>> No.8061589

>he actually likes slam poetry

>> No.8061590

Why is this cuck obsessed with sluts?

>> No.8061592

Whatever you say, friend.

>took creative writing class in high school
>everyone wrote this spoken word bullshit
>they somehow managed to be worse than the people in the videos

my god, it was such unbelievable cancer. if you want to hate women, take a class like that.

0/10 bait

>> No.8061593

i don't but i'm not so new that i think it's "lel teh worst evar"

>> No.8061594

>assuming implications

>> No.8061595

post what you wrote

>> No.8061596

back to stephen king faggot

>> No.8061600

it is incredibly cringy and not touching at all. just a bunch of attractive westerners who have nothing to say blurting out whatever feminist or racial script they've found on the internet.

>> No.8061613

The void turns soft as a coal,
Little ember slowly
And roughly melting down,
Brushing the small window.

Translucent lampshade flies
Lifting pastel wings in
Late autumn’s solar wind.
It’s not enough to try.


The foul shrine of ages
Burns under sea under sky


Zero surrounds one in frontal embrace
We turn away on several axes
Sundials point
Exploring me extorting the
Heart from among your many lungs
Forking softly - talent is everything
Blood/shit smeared on the marble
Floor, space drains fear

Extraneous birds pollute
Upward spiral drives toward
A brittle Athenian love
Or a choice in a park/on a teardrop


The siren drowns on
Turning in a
Glass apartment

Pompeii, my darling!

Scattered around the battlefield
Lie bones like
Lost fortune cookies
Speaking of dark wine
And discordant nights -
And of course of the fallacy of the record-player.

Some of the ones I still like. Not saying it's good, but it was sincere, which almost no one else was. They took something I loved and twisted it into a cancerous edgy trend. To be fair though, there were guys who participated in the autism, and girls who didn't, but it was a very female-dominated phenomenon.

>> No.8061621

what is this gay shit
i don't understand any of it


>> No.8061622

Is that a tattoo necklace ?

>> No.8061626

how is this sincere? you're writing what you think poetry is, not writing poetry. you've linked together some ideas you think sound nice but it's such a contrived mess it is unsuccessful at doing anything other than flattering yourself. the point i am making is this is high school creative writing -- it's not good, the slam poetry included. but you're saying not only is the medium itself bad but also women too, based on your own pretentious judgment from high school? how can you say that and take yourself seriously? how can you think you are insightful in your comments when you can only role-play as what you think a writer is and call yourself sincere?

>> No.8061649

I'm very sorry if you find my work insincere, anon. You seem to fail to grasp that sincerity and originality are not synonymous. I can assure you, I was quite sincere in writing them. And I don't hate women at all, I simply don't get along with the majority of them. All I'm doing is relaying my visceral reaction to the experience at the time. Your condescension is uncalled for.

Btw, writing what I think poetry is would be by definition more sincere than writing whatever you hold up as "real poetry".

>> No.8061653
File: 25 KB, 496x496, 1395810206551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't say anything negative about Christians anon, calm down. I actually said that there were spiritual benefits to religion. Jesus seems like a nice person who had good ideas. I don't like the fundamentalist sects but it's not really fair to tar all Christians with that brush.


Anon that's just your opinion, it's not a fact. It sounds like you're angry enough right now to make a slam poem about this forum discussion. Maybe you should channel your frustration into a creative outlet!

>> No.8061671

>I'm very sorry if you find my work insincere, anon.

how sincere

> You seem to fail to grasp that sincerity and originality are not synonymous.

not at all but your work is such a pastiche that it makes no sense. i don't know how you could write nonsense and find it a sincere expression. like i said, i think you're mistaking sincerity for self-flattery. your writing makes you feel good about yourself and you believe it to be expressive because you successfully role-played as what you think a writer is/should be.

>I can assure you

you're still role-playing.

>Your condescension is uncalled for.

but yours isn't! those high schoolers ought to be taken down a few pegs

>Btw, writing what I think poetry is would be by definition more sincere than writing whatever you hold up as "real poetry".

what definition?

>> No.8061678

I don't have any interest in appearing a certain way, if I did I wouldn't have posted my high school poetry. And yes, I have a habit of using formal vocabulary when I write anything longer than a few sentences. Sorry if it offends, I can call you a nigger if it makes you feel better.

The writing is a pastiche because I have a shitty attention span and I think more in images than in words when writing poetry. There's not meant to be any coherent point to any of it, because I didn't have a coherent point to make. Nothing about that is insincere.

>yours isn't
Of course it was, all I'm saying is it doesn't reflect the way I feel now.

>what definition
The definition of "sincere" that implies something I write to please myself is more sincere than something I write to please you.

>> No.8061687


This tbhfam

Nobody likes brown girls, not even brown guys

>> No.8061689

>I don't have any interest in appearing a certain way, if I did I wouldn't have posted my high school poetry

forgetting that your poetry and the way that you are speaking now are essentially the same


that's one way of calling it

>There's not meant to be any coherent point to any of it, because I didn't have a coherent point to make.

you can't even coherently describe the images and that doesn't explain why it is a pastiche

>Nothing about that is insincere.

so your inadequate, pointless pastiche is sincere? for no reason other than you 'assure' me?

>Of course it was, all I'm saying is it doesn't reflect the way I feel now.

the entire point of you posting in this thread was the literal opposite of what you have said here. have you forgotten your initial post with your poor attention span?

>something I write to please myself is more sincere than something I write to please you.

not necessarily. i'm not asking you to please me either

>> No.8061701

In what way are the same?

>you can't even coherently describe the images and that doesn't explain why it is a pastiche

Of course I can't, I simply wrote what came to me at the time. Not sure what's insincere about that. There is no rule stating that I must write coherently, or that I must explain why my writing is what it is.

Irrelevant, unnecessarily rude, and your opinion.

The point is that I enjoyed writing it.

>for no other reason than you 'assure' me?
Yes, as it turns out I am the expert on my own sincerity. Good luck proving otherwise.

The point of posting in the thread (with respect to this particular topic, disregarding the argument I had earlier with a different anon) was that I felt like shitting on something that annoys me. I understand why the people in my class were the way they were, I don't hate them for it, it was simply something that struck me as obnoxious. And again, not sure why you feel the need to insult me.

>i'm not asking you to please me either

Well, you said my writing was not poetry, but what I think poetry is. Whose definition of "poetry" should I go by? Yours? Would that make me more sincere?

>> No.8061703

Lightskin niggaz baka

>> No.8061715

>In what way are the same?

role-playing. i've said this

>your opinion.

yours as well: "Of course I can't"

>Yes, as it turns out I am the expert on my own sincerity.

and also the expert on everyone else's

>not sure why you feel the need to insult me.

i felt like shitting on something that annoys me. i understand why you are the way you are, i don't hate you for it, it was simply something that struck me as obnoxious

>Whose definition of "poetry" should I go by? Yours? Would that make me more sincere?

what a useless line of questioning that misses the point

>> No.8061725

I mean, you can believe that I guess.

>yours as well
No, I only said I couldn't describe the images. You're the one conflating that with "inadequacy".

>and also the expert on everyone else's
No, I don't think they were insincere, just doing things that they felt would make them look better in the context of the group. Whether that motivation was conscious or not isn't clear. Or maybe they were completely sincere in every way, who knows.

>i felt like... struck me as obnoxious
Then by all means, continue.

>misses the point
ok, then please explain to me what exactly you meant by "you're writing what you think poetry is, not writing poetry."

>> No.8061729
File: 1.38 MB, 320x180, 1435969873187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this video to me is the clearest distillation of mulatto resentment
before they even speak you can see they are already stripped of their identities in their names (seriously "Morgynne"?) and faces
they can't relate to their white mothers and actively resent them because they don't share in the 'struggle' (maybe if daddy didn't leave they could talk to him about it)
when you get down to it they're really just ugly girls that are the product of a shit tier 'relationship' (read: fetishisation) and the racial narrative is just a way to make sense of their anger and bitterness
knowing that this will be the product of your beautiful, defiant interracial love is a much better argument against race-mixing than any /pol/ meme will ever be
supposedly our future

>> No.8061737

>I couldn't describe the images

that's inadequacy

> I don't think they were insincere
> maybe they were completely sincere in every way, who knows.

" Not saying it's good, but it was sincere, which almost no one else was. They took something I loved and twisted it into a cancerous edgy trend."

>please explain to me what exactly you meant by "you're writing what you think poetry is, not writing poetry."

i have been.

>> No.8061748

Again, I was explaining why it made me angry at the time. Obviously, my feelings now are not consistent with my feelings then.

>that's inadequacy
It is a type of inadequacy. Not one that's relevant to how I feel about the work.

>i have been
So it would be poetry if the images were coherent and it didn't imitate other styles? Great, you're entitled to that opinion, but if I were to try to write something to fulfill those criteria it would be insincere. You'd consider it poetry, though, which I guess would be a plus.

>> No.8061767

it would be poetry if it were poetry, not an imitation of poetry. the actual definition of poetry is irrelevant and whether it's 'my opinion' or not. a photograph of a painting is not a painting

> if I were to try to write something to fulfill those criteria it would be insincere

your role-playing is insincere. that's the point

>> No.8061769
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>> No.8061777

You seem to be convinced that my writing and opinions are some sort of facsimile. Of what, in what way, why you think this, I don't know. But obviously you won't be convinced, so have a nice life. Sorry I wasn't able to understand you better.

>> No.8061792


>> No.8061962

pleb here

what's the difference between a poetry slam and just getting up to read your poem aloud?

>> No.8061966
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one has poems and one is an airing of grievances

>> No.8061969

I actually like the one on the left. It's a bit rough, and could do with some serious polishing, but there's something genuine there. One on the right is beyond redemption, reminds me of a shitpost in the poetry critique threads on here.

>> No.8061971

See for yourself m8



>> No.8062002

Typical pseudo-intellectual garbage she most likely spewed out after Papa Bloom told his dear that all poets love the sea.
Insightful, modern poetry about the return of the ego to the embryonic id.

>> No.8062008

right is a good poem of a girl who want to serve men as best as she can

>> No.8062009

hi slut

>> No.8062020

Women are icky.

I'm only a slut because your big literary cock made me into one anon ;)

>> No.8062024

excuse me ill have you know im a plebtrician of only the purest kind, harry potter and paul cornholio not joyce and the bible ok

>> No.8062029

If you're a beta fag

>> No.8062666

I want to fuck her so bad.

>> No.8062964
File: 75 KB, 286x289, HartCrane_NewBioImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your advice anon, I would take it into consideration if I hadn't drowned myself in the ocean 75 years ago.

>> No.8064792

Plenty more fish in the sea for ya anon!

>> No.8065010


let's recall that the fantasy in humanist societies is the free thinker.
this liberal uberman is a man corresponds to the fantasy of a man being ''altruistic (for more than a few moments) while being hedonistic''.
Indeed, as in any doctrine, there are people who despise hedonism and think they are less hedonistic than they presently are.
These liberal speak of the motto ''liberalism is not about hedonism''.

The best activity of the occidental humanist is to design a structure which would ''change people from animals/hedonists to rational people who act for, who embrace, in a disinterested manner, the Human Rights''
The national education begins here with the faith that people, if educated to love the HR, will embrace the HR at the end of school.
Now, after a few decades if not centuries of this, this structure still fails. In fact, the failure leads people to still ''try to change the system''.

This fantasy of having a structure to change people dates back from thousands of year. So far, no structure is able to make people control if not ''eradicate the desires with evil consequences (wrt to the HR)''.

>> No.8065026 [DELETED] 


>I actually like the one on the left. It's a bit rough, and could do with some serious polishing, but there's something genuine there.

LOL at this pleb trying to "critique" when he can't even recognize one of Hart Crane's most famous poems.

I swear most of this board is completely hopeless when it comes to poetry. That was embarrassing to read.

>> No.8065074

There's no reason to diss on poetry slams just because the majority of product isn't very good, that applies to pretty much anything. Poetry slams are the modern equivalent of the Beat readings and I don't really find a problem with that.

Poetry is meant to be spoken, to be heard, not to stagnate on a page like some prose. Just because there's some angsty attitude behind it doesn't mean we should write it off altogether.

>> No.8065131

>though are we trapped in a similar layer of homogeneous shit?
lit? not so much. 4chan in general? absolutely.

>> No.8065204

>the calyx of death's bounty giving back/ A scattered chapter, livid hieroglyph

This is beautiful

>> No.8065208

imo hart crane is shit like the rest of 20th century american 'poetry'

>> No.8065239

I think that's just a bad opinion. Sorry for not rhyming.

>> No.8065257

Wow, you must be a really smart guy to be able to dismiss an entire century/country! I mean, it's impressive that you've even read all of it! You have read all of it, haven't you? I'm sure an intelligent man such as yourself wouldn't make such a statement without having read every line of poetry written in the 20th century by an American, right?

>> No.8065263

Which poets do you like?

>> No.8065371

I like the idea of rhyming me with etc, very alt-lit.

>> No.8065376

>pronouncing it ee cee tee

I bet you say bounce house instead of bouncy castle

>> No.8065462

your a dorable

>> No.8066312


no. but it is a good way to meet women that say they are into literature

>> No.8066960
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>> No.8067676

fucking destroyed amigos