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/lit/ - Literature

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8057447 No.8057447 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to disconnect my internet for one month. Feel like I waste my days and nights away on 4chan. By cutting out my primary source of procrastination I hope to get some reading and writing done. So I ask you, o my brothers and only friends, what book do you recommend I read during this time of reflection? Looking for 3 or 4 solid choices.

And if you've ever done something like this tell me what you thought of it/how it benefited you.

>> No.8057451

I've been away from the internet before. It's awesome and you get so much more done.

Now I'm addicted again and feel like a piece of shit, but I'm weaning off of 4chan. Do it dude.

>> No.8057470

The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoyevsky

>> No.8057473

Yeah I barely got on here at all last year and ended up reading 20000+ pages, then I got back into vidya in December and started coming around here again.
I've finished one book so far this year. I gotta get out of here.

>> No.8057491

Some of my favourites which I think are especially good for quiet, introspective times:

My Ántonia - Cather
The Age of Innocence - Wharton
Smith of Wootton Major - Tolkien

If you want poetry:

Transformations - Sexton

>> No.8057513

Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Great philosophy, great prose. Hume's a boss.

>> No.8057535

Read Sartre's Nausea
Super Kalamazov Bros.
Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics

It's a great exercise for getting yourself back to a normal level of stimulation in many ways and getting back in touch with reality. Your thoughts might race for a little while, but you might actually get a sense for when your thoughts do this and what causes it. I never realized how bad music can be for me until I did a similar exercise; I should probably do another one forsaking my smartphone.

>> No.8057566


>> No.8057623

hey OP. Been thinking like this as well. I've been pondering about reading Stirner or something because I hear talk about him a lot on this board but I've yet to experience him. I s'pose in that vein, you should really read the books that you've been thinking about reading but haven't touched yet. Stirner is probably a good start, at least if you're like me and you've yet to read him.

>> No.8058139

Did this for half a year. My biggest advice is try not to avoid all fun things. Don't let your idealism control your activities, give yourself a little time each day to play video games, take breaks to go for walks, don't force yourself to read and write all day or your mental state will deteriorate.

>> No.8058319

Second for Nausea. A criminally underrated novel.

>> No.8058360

Second for Cather.
The Way of a Serpent
Complete Lovecraft
Brief History of Seven Killings

I too hate the internet, and do not bring any electronic devices on vacation aside from my ereader.

Would strongly recommend

>> No.8058596

Pretty much this.

For short periods of time, completely cutting things out is doable and shouldn't be much of a problem. Long term is where issues arise. Balance is the key to pretty much everything. What makes good balance is different for everyone though, so you can't necessarily follow someone else's example to the letter.

If you try to force yourself to one extreme for too long, it is very likely that you will crash and revert back to your old ways, if not worse.

>I too hate the internet, and do not bring any electronic devices on vacation aside from my ereader.

I wouldn't say I hate the internet, but I get what you mean about vacation. Having said that, I still usually bring a laptop with me for end of the night/hanging out at the hotel/wherever I'm staying time. Going on vacation and spending your whole time in your hotel on the internet is definitely a waste though.

>> No.8058921
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>Alamut (Vladimir Bartol)
>Why I Am Not A Christian (Bertrand Russell)
>Discipline and Punish (Michel Foucault)

You'll end this week seeing the world as it really is.

>> No.8058950

You already know whats gucci my nigga
>Infinite Jest

>> No.8060412
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OP here. Thanks all for your replies. Internet goes off tonight. See y'all soon!

>> No.8060441

Non-Christians are mindless.

'the world is what i say it is'

>> No.8062072



every sentence is a gift. I've read it in a day, and over the course of weeks. It basically made me realise the profundity of a lot of basic or mundane subconscious truths which I "knew" before having read the book. It's clearly written, but poetic and lyrical in all the right places, and if you don't like it then whatever, it's only short. I like to think of "this is water" by wallace while reading it.