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8057115 No.8057115 [Reply] [Original]

>not being an Absurdist

whats your excuse, /lit/?

>> No.8057138

>he fell for the continental meme

shaking my head

>> No.8057146

i'm a coward, spooked and conditioned beyond recovery

>> No.8057147

I think everyone who chooses to go on 4chan from one degree to another is an absurdist

>> No.8057150

Nice hairline you got there Bogart

>> No.8057154

why this year?

>> No.8057155

Who is this?

>> No.8057159

he wrote the stranger and was an existentialist

>> No.8057161

He starred in Casablanca

>> No.8057164


sam spade

>> No.8057172

Jean Luc Godard

>> No.8057191

I'm pretty sure everyone who isn't a Christfag or a /sci/-addicted empiricist is basically an absurdist.

>> No.8057196


90% of continental philosophy is just explaining in a long winded way what we all already understand intuitively

>> No.8057201

Meursault Maman

>> No.8057254

>mammary merman

>> No.8057262

Your post is nonsense.

>> No.8057310
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>For sure man was formed out of earth, conceived in guilt, born to punishment. What he does is depraved and illicit, is shameful and improper, vain and unprofitable. He will become fuel for the eternal fires, food for worms, a mass of rottenness.

>> No.8057341

>shaking my head
only because you got a weak ass neck my nigga

>> No.8057371

the stranger was published

>> No.8057372

I don't know whether to hate or like that movie. I get what it was doing but it seemed so full of its self.

>> No.8057392

I find Absurdism absolutely absurd

>> No.8057397

I'm a quietist.

>> No.8057399

This film was great

>> No.8057404


its a flick

>> No.8057405

What movie f a m?

>> No.8057406

wouldn't that mean....fuck

>> No.8057409


>> No.8057411

Show me, don't tell me.

>> No.8057419

>tfw no absurdist bf to cuddle while he rubs your belly and tells you that the absurd is merely the relationship between the natural human urge for reason and meaning and a universe that is unreasonable and meaningless
why live

>> No.8057423

False dichtomy.

>> No.8057424

Funny Games. It's a fantastic movie that sort of explores why we enjoy violence in movies.

>> No.8057428

It kind of doesn't, it just kind of mocks it.
But i really enjoyed it, and never actually found myself 'missing' the tropes and cliches as it kind of intended.

>> No.8057435

see >>8057404

>> No.8057452

tfw that's not what absurdism is- sure it's the inability to comprehend the nature of the universe but that's doesn't mean the universe has no meaning, it's just too difficult for us to understand... which I suppose makes it meaningless to some degree because we can't comprehend the meaning of it, so we couldn't be sure if it's still there. Shit.

>> No.8057463

this film was embryo bait garbage
haneke is a huckster and a fraud who does nothing but criticize the viewer for viewing his films

>> No.8057479

>Micro Brews
>Pale Ales
>Art - see mine here: Deminuitive_Meanings@deviantart:
The Post

Faggot hipster trash. Take a shower.

>> No.8057511

this post triggered me

>> No.8057523

Camus has fucked more bitches than you ever will.

>> No.8057562
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>> No.8057567

Enough already of Lacan, Derrida, and Foucault poured like ketchup over everything. Lacan: the French fog machine; a grey-flannel worry-bone for toothless academic pups; a twerpy, cape-twirling Dracula dragging his flocking stooges to the crypt. Lacan is a Freud T-shirt shrunk down to the teeny-weeny Saussure torso. The entire school of Saussure, inluding Levi-Strauss, write their muffled prose of people with cotton wool wrapped around their heads; they're like walking Q-tips. Derrida: a Gloomy Gus one-trick pony, stuck on a rhetorical trope already available in the varied armory of New Criticism. Derrida's method: masturbating without pleasure. It's a birdbrain game for birdseed stakes. Neo-Foucaldian New Historicism: a high-wax bowling alley where you score points just by knockng down the pins.

>> No.8057568
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>> No.8057577

Close. The universe has a self-contained system; individuals also have a self-contained system made up of preconceptions, ideals, and basically how your brain understands where you are in the world. The absurd is what occurs when the two meet, but don't match up. The world goes on as always but you are thrown into chaos as your brain tries to regain its bearings.

The absurd is the feeling of "the fuck is this?"

>> No.8057580


>> No.8057581

>jc denton interrupts festivus

>> No.8057583

>The absurd is the feeling of "the fuck is this?"

anyone else get this feel when they were really young like in elementary school?

>> No.8057588

part of me wants to say that this is a very simplistic analysis of Camus' philosophy but the part of me that kek'd while reading it overrode that other part

thank you Anon, I am no longer a pedantic faggot

>> No.8057589

Oh shut the fuck up and go back to /tv/.

>> No.8057591
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I'm only an absurdist for as long as I have no self-worth and find comfort in believing my life is inherently meaningless.

>> No.8057592

Daily reminder Timothey McNagel's account of the absurd is superior to Camus


>> No.8057595

>not french
>doesn't smoke

>> No.8057624

Nice, some actual clarity on the subject.

>> No.8057642

>elementary school
it never went away

>> No.8057645

aren't we all in elementary school

>> No.8057652

i meant the first time feeling like that. being super aware that you're alive and breathing and so confused asking why

>> No.8057760

"We can salvage our dignity, Camus appears to believe, by shaking a fist at the world which is deaf to our pleas, and continuing to live in spite of it. This will not make our lives un-absurd, but it will lend them a certain nobility. This seems to me romantic and slightly self-pitying. Our absurdity warrants neither that much distress nor that much defiance."

>> No.8057775

That's ridiculous

>> No.8057805

camus' philosophy is just tumblr hedonism

>> No.8057837

Absurdism is for man-children

>> No.8058798

oui c'est le meme

>> No.8058923

Friedrich nietzsche

>> No.8058932

jean paul sartre

>> No.8058936

TS Eliot

>> No.8058947

Pepé Le Pew

>> No.8058964


>> No.8058982


>> No.8058990

The Stranger

>> No.8058993

he is Calbert Mamus

>> No.8059001

Alber Camoo

>> No.8059016
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74 years of Europeans trying too hard

>> No.8059019

the Marlboro Man

>> No.8059022


That lean... that dangle of cigarette... that look on his face that just screams...... i'm writer

>> No.8059031

Bonbon Sartre

>> No.8059035

I wonder if this guy writes books

>> No.8059040

yeah dude i totally subscribe to a philosophy only for people to associate me with le smoking frenchman of existentialism

identityphilosohers please die

>> No.8059389

Robert Bresson

>> No.8059410

>Camus is an existentialist
>You're not butt mad
But I totally agree with identity philosophers

>> No.8059666

So far I've read The Stranger, The Plague, and The Fall.

From what l could gather, Camus believes that the world is a pretty shitty place, but we should still do whatever makes us happy both in the short and long term.

How wrong/right am l?

>> No.8059688

About as right as saying Nietzsche is about 'being yourself'.

>> No.8059698


Give us your run-down of Camus

>> No.8059721

Camus believes the world is an indifferent place and that we must ''rebel'' against this indifference by first recognizing our inability to decipher inherent meaning and then by imposing our meaning on it that satisfies the condition of the absurd. I don't see where you got the idea Camus thinks the world is a 'shitty place' and to say his Absurdism boils down to doing 'whatever makes us happy both in the short and long term' is a gross misunderstanding of an existentialist's idea of 'meaning' and ignores Camus' rejection of living for the 'long term'.

>> No.8059736

Read his Myth of Sisyphus if you want a better idea of his views, and not just 4chan's idea of absurdism - its a short-novel length essay rather than a story.

>> No.8059761

myth of sisypoo is shit.

There's no good reason to imagine some faggot drudging a boulder up a hill as being happy. It's bs

>> No.8059782

Just to clear things up, l'm >>8059666. The guy you replied to (>>8059698) is someone else.

Let me rephrase. I don't think Camus says the world is a shitty place, but rather that shitty things can and will happen. We just need to persevere in spite of that. I mostly got this from The Plague.

I won't even try to refute your second point. I thought Camus' work would serve as a good bridge between fiction and more philosophical writings. I knew l probably got everything wrong, but might as well discuss it here instead of shitposting some more.

Will do, l've been meaning to get around to that one as well. I just think l'm suffering from some fatigue after reading the three other books back to back.

>> No.8059792

Definetely should have read Myth of Sisyphus first. A lot of people jump right in with The Stranger and completely misunderstand the little parable. Namely missing that Meursault's condemnation to death is the miracle that lets him finally live meaningfully.

>> No.8059807

What is Nietzche 'about'?

>> No.8059812

that's the my struggle dude

>> No.8059814

>le just be happy man

Shit tier philosopher desu.

>> No.8059848

he's a journalist

>> No.8060098
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I completely agree. Michael Pitt's character has been my guide both fashionwise and philosophically ever since I have watched it.

>> No.8060109
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fucking keked out loud

>> No.8061018

Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.8061424
File: 17 KB, 231x231, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes... let your hate flow through you...

>> No.8061447

Philip Marlowe

>> No.8061452

>expecting everyone to be an absurdist
That's just absu- fuck.

>> No.8061461

I feel bad posting on these smaller boards cause its like my shitpost will be there for weeks

>> No.8061468

holy shit so blowdrying the phone was on purpose. thank god

>> No.8061472


>> No.8061474
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>> No.8061481

I agree with a lot of the things the Absurdism school of thought says but theres just something inherently empty about it that I want to avoid. Am I wrong? To me it just seems like a cop out.

>> No.8061486

Camu Al-Jabert, Algerian-Muslim freedom fighter

>> No.8061488


>> No.8062688

Albert Camus

>> No.8062948

great memes guys! good job.

>> No.8063098

nice dubs

also he's Derrida

>> No.8063225

thanks mate

>> No.8063744
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>tfw talking about book with mom
>tfw called him came-us
>tfw she proceeded to belittle my intelligence

>> No.8063765

she was talking about me not camus

>> No.8063812

thom yorke

>> No.8063823
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>implying it's not the most absurdist thing not to be absurdist

Checkmate existentialists

>> No.8063899

I think using a platform to create external discussion beyond it is called art.

>> No.8063905

>For sure man was formed out of earth, conceived in guilt, born to punishment. What he does is depraved and illicit, is shameful and improper, vain and unprofitable. He will become fuel for the eternal fires, food for worms, a mass of rottenness.
A quote from Pope Innocent III.

>> No.8065165

Raymond Chandler

>> No.8066225

Ricky Gervais

>> No.8066241


You bastard.

>> No.8066278

Count Orlock

>> No.8066570
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>not believing everything is made of water

what's your excuse, OP?

>> No.8067226

Tell me more of this philosopher, Anon.
He sounds pretty cool.

>> No.8067262

>not knowing of the first known western philosopher ever

>> No.8067778

Jay Gatsby

>> No.8067818

marie curie

>> No.8068181

Jean-Baptiste Clamence

>> No.8068200

>philosophy of maybe when the answer is no
yeah, no.

>> No.8068403

Thales was gay

>> No.8068633

jean valjean

>> No.8069355

the ego and his own

>> No.8069429

John Green

>> No.8069550

winston churchill

>> No.8070770

Your grandpa

>> No.8071107

what did you mean by this?

>> No.8071118

J. R. R. Tolkien

>> No.8071515

I performed as Pozzo in Waiting for Godot a bunch of times, shit was so cash
some 30-40 minutes of stage time dedicated to bullying my stage-mates

>> No.8071577

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.8073368

Holden Caulfield

>> No.8073438

Since postmodernist irony we don't need it, nobody has an existential crisis anymore, maybe the teens who read Sartre and said to themselves that if they had not read Sartre the would have had an existential crisis.

>> No.8074625

>the my struggle dude

>> No.8074938

underrated post tbqmfh familia

>> No.8074941


>> No.8074954
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>postmodernist irony

>> No.8074972

dropped the ball there

>> No.8074985

the absurd is the feeling of building a pyramid of cards for a show, only to realize you made it in the wrong set, only to realize you don't know which one is the correct set, nor if the show is tomorrow or last week.

>> No.8075002
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>> No.8075004

The best way to troll liberals when they ask about your favorite African writer.

>> No.8075009

>If sub specie aeternitatis there is no reason to believe that anything matters, then that doesn't matter either, and we can approach our absurd lives with irony instead of heroism or despair
>his solution to absurdism is "just be ironic"

although you might be baiting because you completely botched his name

>> No.8075816

To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.8075821


... you missed the joke

>> No.8077495

I dunno, trying to write something absurdist.