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/lit/ - Literature

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8055838 No.8055838 [Reply] [Original]

I'm only 40 pages in to this and I'm as bored as fuck wanting to put it down and read something more fun. This is my first Philip K. Dick book.

Does it get better?

>> No.8055843

not my favorite pkd

Time out of Joint is my personal favorite and hooked me from the get go try that instead

>> No.8055929

Try to read it for the philosophy. Otherwise, yeah, it's a shitty book.

>> No.8055940


>> No.8055970

>something more fun
Yeah, stop reading. It's thought provoking stuff, but if you want 'something more fun' definitely read something else. You might like Harry Potter

>> No.8056669

Yes, but not much better.
I'm not much into sci-fi, but it's an interesting book.

>> No.8056692
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i suddenly realized that philip dick full name is philip kindred dick

kindred is a cute sheepgirl :3

>> No.8056716

Terrible book, read something else or watch the movie.

>> No.8056743

It does get better near the end, but I agree with >>8056669.

>> No.8056893

The Man In The High Castle is better.

>> No.8056933

you're fucking retarded

>> No.8057199

w/e you say, his best it's upon the dull earth

>> No.8057219

I read a few of his books when I was a teenager. Haven't read him since. Sci-fi doesn't do anything for me and he's supposed to be "good" sci-fi.