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File: 12 KB, 171x266, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8053744 No.8053744 [Reply] [Original]

find a flaw
you can't

>> No.8053751
File: 83 KB, 400x600, 13374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Young Nick Land was the inspiration for Sheldon Cooper. What more of a flaw do you need?

>> No.8053753
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>> No.8053782

>Yes, there is an enabling superpower that autists have through damage and accident, but non-autists like me have to cultivate: not giving a shit about monkey social rituals.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8053800

He meant that he had mistaken the mundane ability to navigate socially for a form of weakness, and had resolved to become 'strong' by crippling his own ability to do so.

>Rather than reading a paper, in this collaboration with artist collective Orphan Drift, under the name of ‘DogHead SurGeri,’2 and complete with jungle soundtrack, Land lay behind the stage, flat on the floor (a ‘snake-becoming’ forming the first stage of bodily destratification), croaking enigmatic invocations intercut with sections from Artaud’s asylum poems. In this delirious vocal telegraphy, meaning seemed to disintegrate into sheer phonetic matter, melting into the cut-up beats and acting directly on the subconscious. As Land began to speak in his strange, choked-off voice (perhaps that ‘absurdly high pitched ... tone ... ancient demonists described as ‘silvery,’ which he later reports being taunted by),3 the disconcerted audience begin to giggle; the demon voice wavered slightly until Land’s sense of mission overcame his momentary self-consciousness; and as the ‘performance’ continued the audience fell silent, eyeing each other uncertainly as if they had walked into a funeral by mistake.

2/10 would not become acolyte of. Sounds like he'd be savage craic to go pilling with, though.

>> No.8053915
File: 344 KB, 788x1140, damian_lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8053919

biopic when

>> No.8053949
File: 145 KB, 1024x683, Patrik+Ervell+Patrik+Ervell+Backstage+Spring+DrqsMpLQDozx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's always reminded me of Patrik Ervell 2bh
even down to the clothes

>> No.8053958

I don't get "fashion"

>> No.8053966


>> No.8053972

it's clothes

>> No.8053985

Warning: You can catch AIDS from looking at that picture.

>> No.8053987

You can also get aids from being a faggot, so you might want to quit that

>> No.8053997

Tell that to the faggots in that photo. LOL!

>> No.8054010

bcuz u have know "taste"

>> No.8054217

>>Rather than reading a paper, in this collaboration with artist collective Orphan Drift, under the name of ‘DogHead SurGeri,’2 and complete with jungle soundtrack, Land lay behind the stage, flat on the floor (a ‘snake-becoming’ forming the first stage of bodily destratification), croaking enigmatic invocations intercut with sections from Artaud’s asylum poems. In this delirious vocal telegraphy, meaning seemed to disintegrate into sheer phonetic matter, melting into the cut-up beats and acting directly on the subconscious. As Land began to speak in his strange, choked-off voice (perhaps that ‘absurdly high pitched ... tone ... ancient demonists described as ‘silvery,’ which he later reports being taunted by),3 the disconcerted audience begin to giggle; the demon voice wavered slightly until Land’s sense of mission overcame his momentary self-consciousness; and as the ‘performance’ continued the audience fell silent, eyeing each other uncertainly as if they had walked into a funeral by mistake.

What the fuck?

This is like DJ Spooky holding courses at EGS. Yes, art isn't just the classics, but god damn it.

>> No.8054220

>DogHead SurGeri 2
might make that my steam name lads

>> No.8054224

In case anyone was still unsure whether this guy was a professional bullshit artist.

>> No.8054228
File: 70 KB, 600x853, Freddy the Bietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled that and it lead me to dog head transplants and two headed dogs created by Soviet scientists. In retrospect, I should've suspected that it would.

>I teach you the overdog. Dog is something that shall be overcome.

~ Thus Barked Zarathustra

>> No.8054258

>we have caught the car, say the ultimate dogs, and blink.

>> No.8055888

Is that an actual quote from Nick Land?

>> No.8057316

he posted it on his blog but I think it's someone else
Nick is autistic

>> No.8057353
File: 293 KB, 2548x820, flag asia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There is no part of Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai, or very many other East Asian cities where it is
impossible to wander, safely, late at night. Women, whether young or old, on their own or with small
children, can be comfortably oblivious to the details of space and time, at least insofar as the threat of
assault is concerned. Whilst this might not be quite sufficient to define a civilized society, it comes
extremely close. It is certainly necessary to any such definition. The contrary case is barbarism. [...]
In much of the Western world, in stark contrast, barbarism has been normalized. It is considered simply
obvious that cities have ‘bad areas’ that are not merely impoverished, but lethally menacing to outsiders
and residents alike. Visitors are warned to stay away, whilst locals do their best to transform their homes
into fortresses, avoid venturing onto the streets after dark, and – especially if young and male — turn to
criminal gangs for protection, which further degrades the security of everybody else. Predators control
public space, parks are death traps, aggressive menace is celebrated as ‘attitude’, property acquisition is
for mugs (or muggers), educational aspiration is ridiculed, and non-criminal business activity is despised as
a violation of cultural norms. Every significant mechanism of socio-cultural pressure, from interpreted
heritage and peer influences to political rhetoric and economic incentives, is aligned to the deepening of
complacent depravity and the ruthless extirpation of every impulse to self-improvement. Quite clearly, these are places where civilization has fundamentally collapsed, and a society that includes them has to
some substantial extentfailed."

This is some real talk.

>> No.8057400
File: 83 KB, 720x573, Tall_Grey_Alien_Abduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw had a dream that an alien civilization slowly but gradually took our world through the development of technology in a capitalist frameowkr

I'm honestly freaked out by the fact he independently came to this sort of shit.

>> No.8057607

He really is autistic

>> No.8057618

Who is in between Manchuria and China? Okinawa? Ainu?

>> No.8057627

Do you think someone stole his wallet and this got him into an autistic rage which resulted in writing that?

>> No.8057648

>find a flaw
there is no evidence for the singularity, which is a prerequisite for all of what land writes

>> No.8057653

not really

>> No.8057655

the singularity is the crux of accelerationism

>> No.8057695

the crux for Land is Exit
singularity is secondary

>> No.8057707 [DELETED] 

His ears are too far back.

>> No.8057802

I want to get into Land, but his stuff is hard to take seriously; techno-nihilism just seems so juvenile, like bad Cioran or something. On the other hand, when I'm able to take it seriously, it seems evil.

Makes me want to go back to the Greeks, to be honest. Just read Thucydides again.

>> No.8057810

what seems evil about it?

>> No.8057812

This is the most retarded shit I've read. There are very well distinguishing socioeconomic areas and crime area in all those cities he listed, particularly Shanghai

>> No.8057825

No muscle mass.

>> No.8057830

>crime area
nowhere near to the extent of ghettoisation in the West
Asia has lower crime rates than Europe despite being far poorer on the whole

>> No.8057934

(Not OP) Land has explocitly stated that he wants the "productive 20%" of all people to comprise a superior civilization while the bottom 80% are allowed to starve down to medieval densities. He is also explicit in his belief that a posthuman capitalist intelligence will end the human race, which it will view as useless ex-capital- and he wants this to happen. If "evil" is a remotely meaningful term, Nick Land is pretty evil.

>> No.8057938
File: 251 KB, 2000x2982, 02-best-buzz-cuts-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>productive 20%


he came up with this while living off a university stipend right?


oh, mercy.

>> No.8057953

the bottom 80% will be allowed to rule themselves
he's not even making recommendations, he's making predictions

>> No.8057963

Well, he shouldn't give up his day job of writing tourist brochures.

>> No.8057966

he's mostly right tbqh
we're headed for a very rough decade

>> No.8058083

>tfw dystopia imminent and you're on the wrong side of the fence

M-maybe I played enough survival simulators to make it.

>> No.8058771

new article
>As far-right traditionalists, Yarvin and Land
shitty as always

>> No.8058784

Are you a 'prepper'?

>> No.8058812

He's right though.

>> No.8058831

Actively seeking to trigger the end of world as we know it seems to be a pretty big thing right now. Alexander Dugin's immanetized Gnostic/cosmist eschatology, for example, makes him sound like some sort of Post-Soviet Anime villian. ISIS also bases much of their ideology on eschatological obsessions.

>> No.8058848

Can't forget about Christian Zionists either.

>> No.8058980

nah, I live in a country that will be mostly sheltered from it
he doesn't want to end the world, he has suggested multiple ways to minimise violence but he acknowledges that no one is willing to do it

>> No.8059011

Land's vision for the future ultimately feels hollow and stupid. Why should humanity make way for idiot capitalist machines who do nothing but maximize the profit variable forever and ever? Other post-human scenarios seem far more interesting/desirable. Russian Cosmism, for example. A full century before the CCRU, Russian mystic Nikolai Fyodorov devised a philosophy that's pretty much the antithesis to Land in every way. Fyodorov shares Land's view of Nature as death and chaos. Man's task is to overcome death and ultimately realise the divine.

>> No.8060140

there is literally not a single thing that the writer got right in that article

>> No.8060145
File: 64 KB, 600x600, 1462125597595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He and the NRX movement in general should not be taken seriously. They have no political experience outside of reading Dune and literally make Magic: The Gathering cards for their heroes.

>> No.8060155

>Russian Cosmism, for example. A full century before the CCRU, Russian mystic Nikolai Fyodorov devised a philosophy that's pretty much the antithesis to Land in every way. Fyodorov shares Land's view of Nature as death and chaos. Man's task is to overcome death and ultimately realise the divine.

i bet you found that piece of slav shit while reading the sf trilogy about jean le flambeur

>> No.8060995

it isn't a movement nor does it have political aspirations
stop reading Wikipedia and just read Land himself

>> No.8061144

Further proof that Chinamen are all low test pussies at the genetic level

>> No.8061164

i dunno

when i was in the high school we had a teacher who spent some time in china as a interpreter, she told us some stories about it including how she once was assaulted by a group of chinks with clubs and saved herself by fleeing and catching a car

>> No.8061762

nigga look like Ted Bundy

>> No.8062075
File: 200 KB, 1010x760, brain_size_cultural_evolution.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exact same thing will happen with machine intelligence, and those are not constrained by biology.