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8051896 No.8051896 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't fluent in Latin and ancient Greek

>> No.8051907


>he made a new thread just to pretend that he is

>> No.8051923
File: 59 KB, 550x340, Beautiful-girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasted years learning....
>learning what?
>haha what a dork. I bet he thinks he's so classy reading ancient inscriptions and knowing what legal terms mean
>Chad and I practice French together.
>OMG that's so dreamy. I'm meeting up with Brad tomorrow to go over the Spanish quiz

>> No.8051930




>> No.8051952

>not being fluent in Latin, Ancient Greek and French

>> No.8051968


>> No.8051980

>learning dead languages when you could be perfecting your poetry and prose in English, the proven, superior, and unequivocally dominant language of the time you're alive on Earth.

Like, you boys have to try to be that stupid.

>> No.8052025

>all of this projection of insecurity

you are a sad man

>> No.8052036
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21st century version of this

>> No.8052037

Oh my

>> No.8052049

It's not projection. I studied Latin for a long time and girls have laughed at me for it.

>> No.8052052

me on the right

>> No.8052063

>implying the average college sorority/frat dipshit knows anything more than the few greek letters by which they can identify other frats/sororities on campus

>> No.8052067

I'm curious, how did that come up in conversation?

Be honest, were you trying to gloat and it backfired?

>> No.8052073

Nope, just talking about classes. Lots and lots of people think that studying dead languages is a waste of time, and I'm kind of one of them now.

>> No.8052086

Talking about your classes in Latin could be conceived as being a ostentatious dick. So can using the word 'ostentatious'

>> No.8052102

This is at a top liberal arts college. Every class anyone there is taking could be seen as pretentious.

>> No.8052107
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I only posted that in jest, m80. What college?

>> No.8052109

oh wow a bunch of old white guys talking about how great their dicks are, what an exciting canon of literature and philosophy

fucking pass

>> No.8052113
File: 379 KB, 356x468, whomever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. I wasted years learning Latin. I remember enrolling in the first course on a whim. In those days I was an engineering student. My parents were so proud. Even I was so confident about my future. I had an excellent well-paying job at the local computer repair shop. But then I enrolled in Latin. I watched as my career as an engineer fell apart. I lost interest in the courses. I became interested solely in the classics. I was fired from my job for reading Commentaries on the Gallic War during my shift. I was reading it in English that day. While I walked home with my severance in my pocket I read it again, in Latin. I watched as my girlfriend fucked someone named Chad from her French class. Even my childhood best friend abandoned me when she turned to the Spanish department. I didn't care. I had already ascended to the realm of the classics. I was, and am, euphoric.

>> No.8052120
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>implying literature had evolved
Things Fall Apart is probably sitting on your shelf, read it for the 1,000,001 time until the book Fall Apart.

>> No.8052127
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>> No.8052129

Maybe you could be The Invisible Anon

>> No.8052157


>> No.8052164

>implying frat dudes can't major in classics

Fuck you

>> No.8052169


>implying i didnt learn the greek alphabet by majoring in physics

>> No.8052175

Nobody cares, you virginal number monkey

>> No.8052176

>implying you merely know how the letters are pronounced or what a diphthong is

>> No.8052183


i also majored in critical theory so i studied worthwhile modern philosophy instead of antiquated trash

>> No.8052192
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>worthwhile modern philosophy

>> No.8052208


reminder that plato thought women were irrational because their uteruses literally floated around their bodies

tell me why i should take someone who makes such baseless and wrong claims seriously, with zero irony and full confidence, whatsoever

>> No.8052226
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This was pretty good.

>> No.8052227

STEMfaggots, everyone.

>> No.8052231

I know ancient Greek. Is there a way I can type it?

>> No.8052238


phallogocentrism is a fucking plague on rational thought

>men are logical and women are emotional
>i have a penis
>therefore anything i say is right
>also if you object then ill just rape you because my penis can cure your hysteria

>> No.8052246

Now you're just fighting an enemy which you have pulled out of your ass. You have problems.

>> No.8052251


nope, im pretty sure the guy who came up with logos and pathos was the one who attributed them to different genders and also decided which one supersedes the other

>> No.8052255


>> No.8052258

That's cool dude.

>> No.8052262

certainly, it's not even hard, windows has built in support for the greek alphabet (they still use the same alphabet), you just should add the greek layout, you will likely need a keyboard or keyboard stickers with the greek letters though

>> No.8052265

>he's never had an argument with a woman
>he's never seen how women adopt the values of whatever man is most prominent in their lives

>> No.8052268


i'm glad that you can see how indefensible plato's stance on these things is, maybe now you'll reconsider the general validity of his works (hint: they're all trash)

>> No.8052273

Are you still talking?

>> No.8052274

It's “phallocentrism”, not “phallogocentrism”. You're not well versed in Greek, aren't you?

>> No.8052276

>also if you object then ill just rape you because my penis can cure your hysteria

What is your argument against this? Is it not reasonable?

>> No.8052297


if you're so good at greek then maybe take another crack at reading that word there, pal

>> No.8052341

Because people with dumb ideas can also have good ones.

>> No.8052346

Hey at least we know he didn't murder women and cut out their ovaries, so that's something.

>> No.8052355


realism is also trash ontology so tell me again what plato had good ideas about?

>> No.8052399

It hasn't any meaning in Greek.

>> No.8052413

boys' thighs

>> No.8052422


hint: it's a portmanteau

>> No.8052428

I see. Then it should be “phallologocentrism”. I couldn't guess it was a made-up term coined by a low-tier philosopher.

>> No.8052435

it's bad and you should feel bad

>> No.8052441

Derrida should feel bad

>> No.8052461


i don't particularly care whether or not you like the word but consider maybe forming an actual refutation/argument against my points?

jk obviously you can't which is why you're being petty about words with obvious and applicable meaning

>> No.8052465

>the trifecta of dead languages

>> No.8052492

You are just aping Derrida and friends. If you want an argument then go look for the many responses to his nonsense you unoriginal twat.

Then KYS

>> No.8052494

I'm not the person you're responding to, I just came to point out “phallogocentrism” doesn't make sense. Your discussion doesn't interest me.


>> No.8052500


lmao don't insult me by comparing me to a structuralist as if they had anything useful to say about power

>> No.8052511

Post your work

>> No.8052514

desu i knew i qt nerdy / sporty girl in high school french class who said she wanted to learn latin. she read almost exclusively YA though.

>> No.8052518


go read gender trouble by judith butler

>> No.8052530

it's not transparent, it's obfuscatory, it doesn't follow natural portmanteau pattern and it makes you look dumb like you made a mistake and even given the full picture from when you explained it your point is still dumb

thats why it's bad
and that's why you should feel bad

>> No.8053214

>taking action to cure madness

>> No.8053224

harry potter was translated to latin so she still could read ya in latin

>> No.8053288


if you can't figure out what phallogocentrism means in a discussion of logic and the phallus then i pity your comprehension

>> No.8053474

Great cap. I studied physics (not the above physics anon though) and enjoyed learning about the world I lived in. I ended up dropping the major in my last year after becoming disgusted with how rabid the STEM circlejerk had become among my classmates, and how great the disparity had grown between what I knew about science and what I knew about history, culture, and literally everything else. The "learning about the world I lived in" line didn't really hold up to scrutiny anymore considering that I spent all my time doing statistical mechanics problem sets while knowing zero world history and never having read Shakespeare.

It's sad and ironic that the "enlightened" STEM kids tend to have the narrowest perspectice of life. There are a few who are well rounded, but most have no clue about anything outside of their field, which becomes increasingly specific and narrow as they get "smarter."

>> No.8053724

bet you cant say the entire greek alphaber in 4,1 seconds like me

>> No.8053727

severely underrated post

>> No.8053755

Pursue both, then. Get a B.Sc. in mathematics and a B.A. in history.

>> No.8053767
File: 252 KB, 1024x680, disgusted-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a six pack
>he doesn't make more than 100k a year
>he isn't okay with me going out to the bar with the girls
>he isn't okay with me seeing his friends when hes not around
>he isn't 6'2"

>> No.8053780
File: 126 KB, 538x354, 1462553409898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone i work with is no older than 35, makes more than 100,000$ a year, has a six-pack and speaks three languages

Why life's so unfair

>> No.8053783

I must say, that napkin makes a surprising good hat.

>> No.8053797


Girl on the right wants it but Alfonso looks pissed and has a knife.

Wat do?

>> No.8053811

He didn't get that six pack in a day, he probably didn't start off making more than 100,000 a year, and he didn't wake up one morning with the ability to speak 3 languages. Get to it.

>> No.8053874

Good post

>> No.8053891
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>Not knowing Latin and French

>> No.8054163


>> No.8054165
File: 73 KB, 1545x422, 1463577385630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saved from another thread.

>> No.8054269

>just saved
>thinks we can't read the date

>> No.8055049


I have studied Latin for a long time and have gotten laid for it. We must move in different circles.

>> No.8055068

They're ugly, though.
'muh rationalism' is irrational.

>> No.8055092


Was so close to greatness, started off very strong but then limply trails off at the end

>> No.8055097

Same anon, just noticed the pic is saved as "whomever", that's worth a point just by itself, 7/10

>> No.8055116

>Thinking he speak the best language.
>Thinking he knows about poetry and literature.
>He don't speak Spanish.

Sad life.

>> No.8055185


Honestly this. Learning spanish was one of the smartest fucking things I've ever done. There's no reason not to because if you dedicate a good amount of time to it you can be decent in a few months and passable in a year.

Hispanic women also go fucking nutso for white and black men who can speak spanish worth a shit.

>> No.8055471

>no reason not to learn Spanish

well, other than the fact that it's a grease fart pleb language

>> No.8055742
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Γιγνωσkω Ελληνιkά Κασίγνητος εμός.

Χαλεπος εστιν, αλλά εθελω πολλά μανθάνειν.

>> No.8055756

Every time I speak or hear spanish I feel covered in grime. Disgusting language. Only thing I regret in life.

>> No.8055769
File: 12 KB, 219x219, sire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who don't speak italian

>> No.8055785


Μανθανοις Ελληνιkά τάχα.

>> No.8055794
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>ου λεγεγειν Ελληνιkά

>> No.8055798



>> No.8055824


>> No.8055892

I avoided using this script for the longest time because I thought 4chan wouldn't allow it

I don't know why I thought that