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File: 21 KB, 628x648, lookwhateducationhasdoneforme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8051332 No.8051332 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is the most superfluous academic discipline. Prove me wrong.

It produces nothing of use and is ultimately a meaningless game with words. Name one real contribution Philosphers have made to the world.

>> No.8051342

Do not feed the troll, folks.

It's /sci/ baiting again.

>> No.8051343

The Munchausen Trilemma :^)

>> No.8051351

Nice arguments, folks. You're proving my point.

>> No.8051362
File: 6 KB, 200x196, 1437047466001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If their didn't exist disciplines to critique technological rationality you would have had been logically aborted or not conceived as you and your genetics are clearly of a mentally inferior sort.

>> No.8051363

>If their didn't
Stopped reading.

>> No.8051371

no one listens to your "critiques of technological rationality" because theyre busy actually doing things

>> No.8051383

It produces beautiful language that stops you in your tracks and sets you thinking. e.g.:

"As we shall see later, in applying this new, albeit always-already-encountered, methodology ('mythodology') to the productions, negative or otherwise, of post-disaccumulative textu(r)al spaces, one must be cautious never to lose sight of the transmetahermanantic - both historical AND inter-subjectival - desubstantiations to which the text-in-itself can act as resembling intermediant."

>> No.8051391

Philosophical thought still dominates and permeates throughout society. Why do people do anything in the first place? What do you think orients them? Philosophical perspectives they have absorb.

>> No.8051399

Psychology tells us how people behave. There is only one rational moral position - Utilitarianism. So all we have to do is use Psychology to keep people in line. What is the use of intellectual masturbation about "eternal recurrence" and "spooks?" It's worthless.

>> No.8051402

>shit posting on 4chan
>out doing things
>projecting insecurities of uselessness this hard

read some descartes laddie

>> No.8051406
File: 56 KB, 223x226, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is only one rational moral position - Utilitarianism

>> No.8051410

>le dog meme
Proving my point about low IQ philosophers, "lad."

>> No.8051414

i get the distinct impression you're talking out your ass

>> No.8051423

You don't see how a statement like "There is only one rational moral position - Utilitarianism" is couched in concepts that came out of an interest in the field you're decrying?

>> No.8051425

>There is only one rational moral position
>rational moral position
>rational moral
>rational moral

i bet you take pride in indentifying as a INTJ personality type, don't you?

>> No.8051426
File: 20 KB, 474x528, le wise philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is only one rational moral position - Utilitarianism
english i see, mine sire *tips*

>> No.8051432

Why don't you prove me wrong instead of shitposting?
>protip: you can't

>> No.8051436

>philosophy is useless
>i will now propose a philosophical proposition that people have studied and debated over for 500 years
>the great philosophical led me to propose this in such simple terms
>philosophy is useless

>> No.8051437

No one ever really made any real contribution to the world. We made automobiles to get to places faster but we made so many it resulted in traffic jams, polluting the air we breathe and making us lazy. Banal but true. But some people enjoy driving cars and some enjoy metatalking. Contributing is not an option

>> No.8051438

i did read descartes
you probably didnt because hes actually a great example of why philsophers are so fucking stupid

>> No.8051439

weak b8. sage.

>> No.8051449

>It produces nothing of use and is ultimately a meaningless

i think there is some field of study that actually tries to determine what is meaningless and what is useful, can't think of it tho

>> No.8051452

your penis is superfluous lol

>> No.8051462

>Philosophical "arguments"
I think I'm going to abandon this thread. It's just convincing me of my original opinion.

>> No.8051470

>im le abandoning le thread now
good cop out retardo

>> No.8051471


>> No.8051474

>name one contribution

>> No.8051476


I don't understand how it can be difficult just to understand this.

>> No.8051488


>> No.8051533

>Name one real contribution Philosphers have made to the world.
wow, tough one, what a smart man you must be

Karl Popper advised scientists to try to falsify hypotheses, i.e., to search for and test those experiments that seem most doubtful.

Charles Sanders Peirce (the father of pragmatics) invented the pragmatic theory of truth, making it possible for the field of particle physics to move forward when sub atomic molecules didn't follow the rules set forth by Newton.

Aristotle gave the foundations of approximate and exact reasoning, laying down a scheme of inductive, abductive, deductive inference.

Oh, and Roger Bacon, an empiricist, a theologian, is considered the father of the scientific method.

but nah bud, i'm sure you're as smart as you think you are

>> No.8051538

>actually replying

Goddamn it, /lit/.

>> No.8051550

>its superfluous becuz i sed so
>anything that doesnt do thing i like is bad
Troll, fuck off.
>There is only one rational moral position - Utilitarianism
Why is rationalism good?
Why is utility good?
>Psychology tells us how people behave.
No it doesn't.
>proof is good becuz i sed so