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File: 268 KB, 557x605, 1463183931839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8050930 No.8050930 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good leftist books, fiction or nonfiction, that will make me react like this?

>> No.8050940

The Complete Manual of Suicide
Book by Wataru Tsurumi

>> No.8050948

None if your IQ is over 100, desu

>> No.8050988

Introduction to Cuckolding: The Thinking Man's Fetish

>> No.8050994

Is that supposed to be Marx? He looks bourgeoisie as fuck there, like he's describing the opera he just attended or something.

>> No.8051012


>> No.8051017

Michael Parenti

>> No.8051018
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It's reworked from a meme reaction image

>> No.8051048

lol, newsflash, comrade, Marx WAS a bourgeois and never worked a day in his life

>> No.8051055

>on /lit/
> implying writing isn't work

>> No.8051084

and he got all his neetbux from engels cause his dad owned a bunch of factories

>> No.8051085

Writing isn't work in the way hard labor is work. You can't just group two entirely different activities together and call them the same thing

>> No.8051239

Do not mix modern "leftits" with marxism please. It's two completelydifferent things

>> No.8051249
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this to be honest

>> No.8051253

Writing especially isn't work in the sense that Marx was talking about.

Marx lived off of exploitation of workers via Engels and since he was a delinquent debtor he also fucked over people who loaned him money or provided him with services.

>> No.8051264

he was a journalist before even knowing Engels, the fuck you talking about

>> No.8051273


>> No.8051302

The Choice is yours my friends:
>Leftism: Dildos, sharia, degeneracy, white genocide, Transgenderism, Gays, rap music, censorship, tyranny, AIDS, low culture,feminism, SJWs, Islam, political correctness, communism,Cuckoldry
>Right-Wing: Freedom, health, EVROPA, honor, faith, family, tradition, high culture, classical music, heterosexuality, free speech, the market

>> No.8051308


Writing for profit would most definitely be considered abstract labour. Capitalists are not morally guilty of anything, they're simply functionaries of society. Also don't fall for some form of idiotic moralism, literally everyone today lives off the collective labour of the industrial process, no one exists outside of it or is it desirable to try to do so.

> In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or – this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms – with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.
>In studying such transformations it is always necessary to distinguish between the material transformation of the economic conditions of production, which can be determined with the precision of natural science, and the legal, political, religious, artistic or philosophic – in short, ideological forms in which men become conscious of this conflict and fight it out. Just as one does not judge an individual by what he thinks about himself, so one cannot judge such a period of transformation by its consciousness, but, on the contrary, this consciousness must be explained from the contradictions of material life, from the conflict existing between the social forces of production and the relations of production. No social order is ever destroyed before all the productive forces for which it is sufficient have been developed, and new superior relations of production never replace older ones before the material conditions for their existence have matured within the framework of the old society.

>> No.8051472

This is not how you spell the liberalism

>> No.8051485

How would leftism stop any of those things, then? And leftists have always been for muh equality, 'progress' and sex perversion

>> No.8051500

Insult me more baby, that turns my on sexually which is completely normal.

>> No.8051512

If you're gonna be specific like that, I'm sad to say most philosphers (and a lot of writers) from the middle ages onwards never worked either.

A lot of roman ones too, and pretty much every greek

>> No.8051514


>> No.8051529

They call the right the right because they are right.

>> No.8053309
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We sure know which side will be doing the cucking.

>> No.8054297

Liberalism - freedom, markets, free speech, feminism (the proper kind).
Out off all the things he listed these are the explicitly liberal ones.
>Left wing
Pick one

>> No.8054317

I dunno man, reading Marx and Engels the amount of Jew bashing is real. You really have to ignore a lot of what they said and not judge them as people, rather look at their ideas on their own.

Like they were racist as fuck. Nietzsche's anti racism was conspicuous.

>> No.8054346

Max Stirner criticized Marx and Engel's Jew bashing but even then he couldn't help himself from using the word "Jew" about 30 times in his book.

>> No.8054356
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71 times.

>> No.8054363

Actually, was there some kind of resurgence of Hess in the 60s/70s in the US? Like Manson and his helter skelter shit and some of the black panther/Islam biz

>> No.8054372

Based Stirner.

>> No.8054406

Pick up the Marx-Engles Reader edited by Tucker

>> No.8054409

The Political Unconscious, Fred Jameson

>> No.8054488


>> No.8054778


>ad hominem


>> No.8054797

oh what a funny meme its not like hundreds of millions of people died and underwent unimaginable suffering over your fucking champagne socialist stupidity.
But I'm sure this is an ad hominem.

>> No.8054809

Kill yourself, moron.

>> No.8054815

All leftist economy books are fiction

>> No.8054825

Oh yup. The sheer power of your vitriol and insecurity just reversed the millions of dead from communism and altered the laws of economics.

>> No.8054832

redpill me on literature /pol/

>> No.8054865

You are clueless beyond words.

>> No.8054874

your an gug

>> No.8054905

The Truth hurts senpai.


>> No.8054910

What about the millions that continue to die for capitalism? The frequent famines in Ireland and the British Raj where often directly caused by free market ideology, for example. That's not so different from what happened in Stalinist Russia or China during the Great Leap Forward. The market can be just as undemocratic and dehumanizing as totalitarian socialist regimes.

>> No.8054914


>> No.8054915

they just dont understand right? urgh i mean can they just not??

>> No.8054918

Are you kidding me! You are a straight white male! You rapists cis scum!

>> No.8054942

>The market can be just as undemocratic and dehumanizing as totalitarian socialist regimes.

Even if that was true, the opposite cannot be said. The best Totalitarian socialist regimes would never trump (no pun intended) the best freemarket society. Zero desire=zero growth. Just be lucky you live in a place like today where people like you can shitpost about ideas freely while the same ideologies would never grant you the luxuries to do the same.

>> No.8054971

>Zero desire=zero growth
You are implying implications right there.

An awful lot of game changing tech and ideas happened because of really quite shitty and crazy totalitarian socialist regimes (arguably still is), but in your interpretation/worldview they should have been too busy in a bread line to do anything else.

>> No.8054994

No, they would have no reason to really push their limits any further. If everything they need to sustain is given, then why push farther then you need. 90% of the shit you are using right now to post on this Mongolian basket weaving chinese image board comes from a mixture of individual groups going against eachother to build/design the next best thing and collaboration to solve issues.

>> No.8055001

Death and suffering is not a prerogative of leftists ideology, my brainwashed friend.

Why you not count how many death and suffering was bring to the world by glourious USA politics

>> No.8055018

>my brainwashed friend.

>> No.8055033

Don't get blinded by your "super competitive protestant work ethic honest I am not just fucking lazy" ideology. As an example: if the USSR hadn't have gone into space, there wouldn't be a NASA now. The reverse isn't true.

Seriously if someone has to starve you to do something you're a fucking pleb.

>> No.8055036

I don't support totalitarian state socialism. Left-Anarchism is probably the position that would make most sense from a radical individualist perspective. Capitalism as it exists today depends on manipulating and creating artificial desires, which is hardly liberating, logical or sustainable.

>> No.8055039
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>Seriously if someone has to starve you to do something you're a fucking pleb.
>Defending Communism

You cant make this shit up!

>> No.8055044

He got paid to be a journalist retard

>> No.8055046

Sure buddy.

>> No.8055047

lmao bookfags blown the btfo out

>> No.8055048

it's a plot by the Rothschilds to keep people from fucking

>> No.8055051

Said by a man who hasn't read any economic book and no, road to serfdom doesn't count

>> No.8055056


You know what. Do you live in any current countries that share you ideals? If not, move there. Goto Laos, Vietnam, China, North Korea. I'm sure intellectuals like you would be warmly wakened wit your enlightened brotheren.

>> No.8055061

>fuck you faggot i bet you read Hayek and wear a funny looking hat

>> No.8055064

> people not starving is Communism
We gots one o dem 1950s time travellers.

>> No.8055069

First time on /lit/, why don't u cucks have flags? fucking nu-males

>> No.8055072

I think because you have actually drunk the free market kool aid you think everyone else has drunk the communist кyл aид. So move to a country that supports your free market buffoonery.

>> No.8055079
File: 174 KB, 1024x896, Marxism and capitalism, what's the difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giant Douche
>Turd Sandwich

The worst thing about the Enlightenment was to steer Human discourse so overwhelmingly unto something so petty as fucking money/economics.

"That dismal science" indeed, Carlyle.

>> No.8055094

Capitalist Whig shill who took a vacation to Ireland at the height of the famine just so he could laugh at the starving micks. Neoreactionaries are pretty much libertarians who realized their arbitrary morality particles didn't make sense only to fall back on old spooks like aristocracy and the monarchy.

>> No.8055120
File: 477 KB, 600x694, Ravaging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Carlyle rightly recognized the sheer stupidity of the Irish in general.

>Using 'Capitalist' derisively
>Using 'spooks' insincerely

You're the equivalent of some guy applying for a patent who, upon discovering someone beat him to it, complains and whines that he discovered the thing being patented first.

The point being that you Marxists pretend you're the first people in history to care about anything beyond the monetary. Those of us who know better however, see that Marx and Co. actually achieved and created just that; a world view, and one that tries to encompass the whole of Human history no less, that cheapens the entirety of Human existence to mere monetary/material terms.

>Shitting on aristocracy and monarchy

Keep thinking the truth can be found in a ballot box, idiot. Alternatively, you can likewise continue to maintain the delusion that revolutions can have any positive aftermath.

>> No.8055141

Some nice discussion going on here.
/lit/ is such a smart board.

>> No.8055153

Over the last few months, we've been overrun by idiotic /pol/lacks. Proves them right in a way though, you do need immigration control to prevent your nation from going to absolute shit.

>> No.8055157

You = clueless idiot.

>> No.8055160

>North Korea
Totally isolated country is managed to have the nuclear weapon and space program. Is this not a sufficient proof of superiority of socialism for you?

>> No.8055173

>$0.05 has been credited to your account by PYONGYANG, DPRK.

>> No.8055180


Excellent rebuttal, friendo.


>He believes the stories
>He doesn't find it suspicious that one of their most recent 'tests' (See: Utter Failures) was soon followed by an 'earthquake'
>He doesn't find it suspicious that a country awash with old Soviet junk, which it has never used, manages to conjure up all these 'nuclear' missiles to throw in the air

>> No.8055190

you are completely misunderstanding NRx
it has nothing to do with monarchy

>> No.8055201

I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed
mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.`

>> No.8055230

From what I can tell it is a very diverse umbrella encompassing a bunch of autistic ideologies. from Californian technofetishists to Libertarians who realized they don't care for other people's freedom, mouth breathing monarchist LARPers to White Nationalist PUAs and transgender corporocratic shills. It's like we are living in the lamest possible cyberpunk dystopia

>> No.8055256

it's pretty noisy right now but both Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug advocate for small nation states that are free to run themselves however they want, both have also said they don't believe in monarchy, fascism or ethno-nationalism (though they are not opposed to them on moral grounds, they just think they're less than ideal)
NRx is more of an analytical tool than anything else

>> No.8055268
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Give me a work by Trotsky to go get today

>> No.8055421


>> No.8055515

Obviously, the logical solution is handing over the reins to the inbreed descendants of dark ages warlords

>> No.8055543

No shit. You can't do /lit/ unless you have free time, and you don't have free time if you're getting shat on in the factories.

>> No.8055590

blast from the past

>> No.8055626

>it's pretty noisy right now but both Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug advocate for small nation states that are free to run themselves however they want
Secession and dissolution of polities into their smallest possible counterparts are kind of the fundamental tenets that Land and Moldbug defend.
For some reason, Moldbug in particular has been memed to death as being in support of monarchy/fascism and being a racist or whatever

>> No.8055645

your a dorable

>> No.8055662

This meme is stale. It was the prevailing thought at the time, and now, that intellectuals would be at the cutting edge in calls to reorganize society.

Everyone believes this, the left is just accused of hypocrisy for it. But the left, more than anyone, recognizes that the average worker does not have the time to ponder new systems of organization.

The Cultural Revolution was an attempt to do the opposite. We know how that went.

>> No.8055670


>> No.8055680

>>Shitting on aristocracy and monarchy
>Keep thinking the truth can be found in a ballot box, idiot. Alternatively, you can likewise continue to maintain the delusion that revolutions can have any positive aftermath.
M80 B80 I'll bite because I can genuinely believe you to be retarded. Monarchy and aristocracy is not some natural order, they came to and continued to hold onto their power through the bloodiest of means. Revolutions all over

>> No.8057089

still looking for best Trotsky recommendations

>> No.8057160

evola confirmed for never having read a single thing marx wrote

>> No.8057515

Engels looks like a fat fedora in this pic

>> No.8057517

Mein Kampf

>> No.8058499

Ask me how I know you've never read Marx
What you incorrectly call "leftism" is a diversionary tactic of class rule. Its rank and file support is largely a reaction to the perceived "end of history" as outlined by Fukuyama. That is, crusades against imaginary problems and emergence of victimhood cultures come from a desire for relevance and disaffection with a nation in which all serious institutionalized social problems appear solved

>Capitalists are not morally guilty of anything
That's the true beauty of the materialist dialectic. Those who come into capital are coerced into leveraging it lest they become proles themselves and be coerced into underselling their labor for survival. It all comes from material conditions. Just as feudal lords were coerced into supporting the monarchist system because it was the only thing keeping them from working the fields themselves, with their opposition again explained materialistically (the magna carta and parliament cucking Charles I for two)

LeGuin's The Disposessed is good reading for any leftist. There are types of coercion which cannot be overcome by even the freest sort of social organization.
North's The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left: A Marxist Critique is a good hard look at the intellectual foundations and forebears of SJWism

>> No.8058527

Especially during the past decade, the connection has become much clearer between the reactionary pseudo-left politics of the middle class and the theories of Nietzsche, Brzozowski, Sorel, De Man, the Frankfurt School and the many forms of extreme philosophical subjectivism and irrationalism propagated by postmodernists (Foucault, Laclau, Badiou et al.). Pseudo-left politics—centered on race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, and sexual preference—has come to play a critical role in suppressing opposition to capitalism, by rejecting class as the essential social category and emphasizing, instead, personal “identity” and “lifestyle,” and by legitimizing imperialist interventions and wars in the name of “human rights.”

These developments are a product of the social, intellectual, and political evolution of a generation of student youth that were radicalized during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Like many of that generation, they were drawn, at a certain point, to Marxism, which provided a theoretical foundation for a critique of capitalist society. But the nature of middle-class student “anti-capitalism”—which, in the final analysis, sought nothing more than limited democratic reforms of the existing society—required Marxism only in a highly diluted form. The Frankfurt School distilled and distributed, through the medium of universities throughout Europe and the United States, an extremely low-proof product. Herbert Marcuse, whose theoretical work bore the ineradicable imprint of his training under Heidegger, achieved great popularity by infusing Marxism with a heavy dose of existentialist psychology. The issues of alienation, repression and sexuality found a deeper response among middle-class students than those related to the economic exploitation of the working class and its struggle for power.

>> No.8058544

Holy fuck, are you me?
but stronger?

>> No.8059363

Permanent Revolution
The Revolution Betrayed

>> No.8059414

Because nobody ever died and suffered under feudalism, capitalism, colonialism or imperialism.

>> No.8059433

Hierarchy is inherent in Nature and in our very genes. Only someone thoroughly spooked by progressive ideology would dare deny there is a natural order. It is self evident Some men are cleverer and more hardworking than others, some are born to lead, either as kings or capitains of the Industry. Much like the Alpha ape founds a genetic lineage by mating with the best available females, so does the Human alpha male. A great dynasty is a self-optimizing vector of alpha traits. Progressives, being envious beta males, try hold down their Alpha betters. But in the process they hold down the whole species. And that's a shame.

>> No.8059455

Shut up, beta ape, only alpha apes are allowed to write in this subreddit.
How do I know you're a beta? Because I am an alpha.

>> No.8059458

B-but how about 6 000 000 intelligents was raped in the Gulag?

>> No.8059467


>> No.8059474

The Russian revolution
1905(I would read this one first)
What is fascism
Literature and revolution
War and the international

>> No.8059477

The situation as it is now is one where the indovidual is better taking advantage for himself then trying and invest to do somecnon-socialist reform - such an event would probably occur too slow for ones life to draw benefits from it.

This is to say there are enough people now who lead a fomfy enogh life

>> No.8059522

>people are different
Whoop dee fucking do. Yes, some people are smarter, some are more creative, some are more enterprising, some are more inspiring, some are more commanding, and so on. Communist and anarchist thought do not in any sense assume people are a fungible commodity. No ideology intending to be taken seriously as an objective mode of thought would assume something which is obviously empirically untrue. They do not challenge everything you can possibly interpret as hierarchy, merely those hierarchies which are unjustifiable and coercive. Which is to say there are indeed some. Claiming every hierarchy is justified by the wolf eating the deer is an impressive amount of naturalistic fallacy for a single post. It's like I'm reading the 88 precepts again.

The material reality of the postwar boom has certainly made socialist revolution in America feel unnecessary to a great many people. The contradictions of capitalism are starting to be felt once again, though, as millenials are the first generation in a long while to expect and have a worse lot than their parents. The far-left may reemerge in force in the coming decades.

>> No.8059531

Colonialism, regardless of what your Marxist, white guilt pushing professors might have told you, represented an objective cultural, economic and moral improvement for the whole world. The so-called 'noble' savages actually lived in filth and ignorance, a collectivistic isolated existence, an utter waste of land and resources that were put to much better use under the Europeans. If India is a shithole now, it would be even worse if it wasn't for the Raj's civilizing mission.

>> No.8059551

Stirner - The Ego and Its Own

>> No.8059559

Enabling unsustainable population growth is not an "improvement", shit-for-brains.

>> No.8059569

Under Communism, the weak feed off the strong like leeches. Exceptional labour and genius go unrewarded. In the end, all the people of worth and honor will be enslaved to support a parasitic low-IQ underclass

>> No.8059604

>A great dynasty is a self-optimizing vector of alpha traits.
Uh huh. So where are they?

Forgetting that, you're playing the "alphas like me would totally be the top dogs if not for those big mean beta bullies", doesn't make sense. You want a system where natural leaders can rise to the top leadership roles? You need a representative democracy with universal sufferage. Or in your world a system where in bred male first borns go straight into power regardless.

>> No.8059626

>The so-called 'noble' savages actually lived in filth and ignorance, a collectivistic isolated existence, an utter waste of land and resources that were put to much better use under the Europeans.
Depends who you look at. Your viewpoint is naïve af btw.

>> No.8059667

On the contrary, the British had a highly advanced understanding of famine as a Malthusian neccesity. Alas, It was the progressive globalists who truly doomed us all to demographic catastrophe.

>> No.8059671

Under capitalism, the private owners of capital feed off the captive proletariat like leeches. Exceptional labor and genius go unrewarded. In the end, all the people of worth and honor will be enslaved to support a parasitic, unproductive minority that has a claim, backed by violence, on all the world's engines of survival.

>> No.8059678

>Under Communism, the weak feed off the strong like leeches.

Uh no, you mean under CAPITALISM the weak feed off the strong like leeches. You might want to read a book some time (or just look around).

>> No.8059690

No. Without colonialism there wouldn't be a global overpopulation crisis right now. That's the bottom line.

>> No.8059794

I'm >>8058499
I'm not sure I agree with that assessment, how do you go about arguing it?

>> No.8059936

The road to Wigan Pier

>> No.8060031

on the contrary, the great leftists are the men of true ambition. the free marketers are usually petty well-to-do business people born into their wealth. they wish only to exercise their prerogatives over their limited fiefdom. the leftist, on the other hand, wishes to usurp society at large, grab the reins of a vast territory and remake it entirely, crushing the bourgeoisie like the insignificant bugs they are in the process.

>> No.8060059

Germinal by Emile Zoya.

Marxism is for massive faggots btw.

>> No.8060081


>> No.8060088

>That is, crusades against imaginary problems and emergence of victimhood cultures come from a desire for relevance and disaffection with a nation in which all serious institutionalized social problems appear solved

I feel like I know what you're saying here and it sounds very interesting but I'm retarded so I've probably misunderstood it. Any books on this phenomenon? Fukuyama?

>> No.8060111
File: 27 KB, 254x400, 9780091949310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is not about leftists, but after reading it you want to become the one of them.

>> No.8060130

>tfw your book will never be endorsed by Gorbachev

>> No.8061150

is there no translation anywhere? I can't read moon runes

>> No.8062197

The genuine extents of racism, sexism etc. historically and currently are natural products of the contradictions of capitalism (Zinn's peoples history of the united states documents this well.) Intersectionality does two things: first it rejects the reality of property relations and material conditions as root causes, and second it horrendously overstates and misrepresents the actual identity oppression to where you couldn't possibly explain it materialistically.

The wage gap myth is a key illustrative example.The paper was an ideological fishing trip for conclusions and a media response which are completely debunked by the data itself. They have the effect of pointing out just such problems which cannot be predicted by critiques of capitalism and instead require the introduction of a separate "patriarchy," which women and their friends are then encouraged to mobilize against. That the wage gap does not exist means chiefly that a solution will not be found and the diversionary struggle will potentially continue as long as the bourgeois dictates.

The youth of today are especially susceptible to this sort of manipulation. The major civil rights battles of the modern age were fought and won by their parents and grandparents, who largely believe society is post-racial and offers equal opportunity. Faced with the daunting prospect of this sort of End of History - they will never march with their own MLK - many retreat into outright denial and latch onto any ideology that claims something invisible is wrong with society which they will have the opportunity to fix. And thus they gain a feeling of relevance. Consider how phrases like "I don't see color" are labeled "microaggressions" and are treated themselves as de facto evidence of white cis hetero patriarchy.
Victimhood culture is largely an outgrowth of this "end of history" and feeds the diverted pseudo-activism of the SJW clique (and others) at the expense of anticapitalist revolution. An overview is here: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/the-rise-of-victimhood-culture/404794/

None of this is to say that history has truly ended or that Fukuyama is anything more than an irrelevant, discredited bag of hot air. Subconscious fear itself of what such an end to history would mean is the driving force.

>> No.8062224

Good stuff. Always nice to see another poster who can tell the difference between the pseudo-left and the real left.

>> No.8062230
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>> No.8062271

Ugh, Marxists are so cringeworthy. Just, ugh.

>> No.8062383


>> No.8062409

The feminism thing has happened just as we get to a point of a kind of recapitulation. So third wave "What the hell even is gender/sex/etc" let's try not to put ourselves in boxes and all enter the feminist discussion as equals has given way to tumblr "I am more victim than you see how long my label is" only the most (allegedly) persecuted are allowed to talk on issues that affect everyone somehow.

There's also an odd daddy state type thing going on (where if we stamp our feet and cry about it a lot daddy state will cave in and give us what we want). We've gone from allowing the racists, sexists and bigots to distempower and disenfranchise themselves. We are in a culture where great acts cannot exist and only kind of awkward attempts at politeness are allowed.

>> No.8062700

Chomsky regards "Marxism" as a form of organized religion that should be avoided:


>> No.8062728

how is it that even /lit/ got invaded with stormfag mouthbreathers? Why are you here if you don't even read?

Anyways OP, I recommend this:

Buhkarin is very underrated.

>> No.8062730

Interviewer: You've said you don't particularly care much for Marx. Does this include the analytical framework that planners and elites employ?

Chomsky: It’s not quite accurate; I don't say I don't care much about him. I wouldn't call myself a Marxist, I don't think anybody should be any kind of an "-ist." As far as Marx's analysis of capitalism, there's a lot of very useful ideas in it, but we have to remember - and he would've been the first to say – he's developing an abstract model of 19th century capitalism. It's abstract and it's changed. As far as his prescriptions for the post-capitalist future were concerned, he really didn't have much to say. And with some justice, I think. On the other hand, I wouldn’t say that I don't care much for Marx; he offered lots of insights into how society works, and he was an extremely good analyst of the current events of the day. I think he would take it for granted that elites are basically Marxist - they believe in class analysis, they believe in class struggle, and in a really business-run society like the United States, the business elites are deeply committed to class struggle and are engaged in it all the time. And they understand. They’re instinctive Marxists; they don't have to read it.

>> No.8062739

GOAT songs


>> No.8062970

Austrians btfo. I love this piece

>> No.8062991

Should I read everything? Or do you recommend a special chapter?

>> No.8063016

all hierarchies are coercive though
will to power in action and all that

>> No.8063033

Writing for money is labour you retard
It doesn't make you a proletariat

>> No.8063127

>Sgt. Cuckwheels

>Capn. Stabwound

Nope. All you need is a transparent system of justice. E.g. If a /pol/io tries to spread cancer, the reply should be POZ MY AZZ!

>he buys North Korean books for free

>> No.8063201

A lot of terms are used informally and intuitively by the public, so I was accounting for wiggle room in what someone may describe as hierarchical. Whether or not one guy being better at advanced math than another he's never met is a "hierarchy" and so on.

>"What the hell even is gender/sex/etc"
Materialistically speaking, gender roles are emergent properties of material conditions and biological factors. The change over time within cultures in parallel with material shifts and general trends/similarities over time within and between cultures support this idea well. It's not too interesting a question and there isn't a whole lot to say on the matter. That is, without inviting in the intellectual rot of postmodernism.
I'll say again, my complaints aren't with the tone of the movement.

What do you anons think of Rojava?

>> No.8063315

I shared a post from this thread with a feminist and she said
"Did Zizek write this crap?"

>> No.8064050

Haha feminists sure are a riot

>> No.8064265
File: 169 KB, 400x480, 1462733166746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a book, but the noose is great

>> No.8064267


He uses the term Mongol about the same amount. What's your point?

>> No.8065200

Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard