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8050825 No.8050825 [Reply] [Original]

>conservative neoliberal/libertarians mostly hate those who enter the humanities/liberal arts/lit
>claim the free market will fix everything

I don't understand their frustration and vitriolic spewing if the free market will fix this so-called overabundance of 'librul art' graduates?

>> No.8050830


>> No.8050839

Protip: people aren't rational about everything. The kind of person you're talking about is just defensive about their own choices in life and a little autistic.

STEMfags lose their shit when you point out that liberal arts majors from elite schools outearn them by massive margins.

>> No.8050851

Neoliberalism has nothing to do with hating liberal arts. The "market" will solve a surplus in the long run as people realise that they can't live off some degrees and they will stop choosing them unless if they can afford so from their own pocket. Best thing for those who cant find a job because if their degree is for governments to spend money on retraining them so that they can have a job that is in demand and carry on with the art as a hobby.

>> No.8050857

The invisible hand exists in some cases, others not. It's only retard ancaps/randians who suggest otherwise.

>> No.8050898

>free market


>> No.8050912

I never claimed the free market is going to fix everything you fucking retard

Delete this shitty thread

>> No.8050914

>fuck the state! we need to let the market do its thing
>we must prohibit people from freely picking their major! they're all going for shit tier librul arts!!!

>> No.8050916

>STEMfags lose their shit when you point out that liberal arts majors from elite schools outearn them by massive margins.

hahahaha oh wow
is this what you keep telling yourself?

>> No.8050922

not the same people

we really should invent a name for this type of argument

>> No.8050934

I went to an Ivy and my cousin did engineering at a state school and is constantly making snide remarks about me and my friends because we didn't do engineering even though we're working at consulting firms and banks where entry level pay is higher than mid-career average salary for engineers, so yes, it's what I tell myself.

>> No.8050945


>> No.8050953

The state's welfare system is the biiggest proponent allowing liberal arts majors to continue getting liberal arts degrees

>> No.8050972

cool story bro

enjoy your shit work at mcdonalds and student debt

>> No.8050981

>t. widget-builder who doesn't know he's getting cut when the management consultants who studied history and literature at Harvard sweep through

>> No.8050982

did you fall for the "there's a stem worker shortage" meme?

employers import shit-paid stem workers from india by the truckload, they only compete over hiring you if you're a superstar

>> No.8051000

You wonder why people hate you?

>> No.8051009

how about this: the ole switcheroonie

>> No.8051024


It’s rather funny to see some STEM’s actually think they’ll magically turn into the landed gentry once they graduate.

>> No.8051073

If you're from a lower class background and don't have a padded application filled with prep schools and shit, you won't get into ivies. Humanities are only worth getting at top-tier schools. If you're limited to state schools, getting a stem degree is a much, much better idea than all the girls I know who went to UGA for a fucking psych degree just because they feel the need to go to college. You won't be landed gentry from engineering, but the future engineers I know will all be in a better position than their parents.
I go to one of the best stem schools in the country, but I'm getting a degree in physics because I love it and want to do research for the rest of my life. Pay was one of the last things on my mind picking my degree. The meme that college is only to get more money is pretty myopic.

>> No.8051081

>If you're from a lower class background and don't have a padded application filled with prep schools and shit, you won't get into ivies
This retarded myth needs to die. I had plenty of classmates who pretty much didn't know why they got in and were from deep flyover country.

>> No.8051082

>he thinks any humanity department is bad if its not at an over-inflated bourgeoisie shithole
Yes Anon letting in waves of minorities is what makes a good department.

>> No.8051096

No, but funding and the ability to hire top professors and draw top students does.

>> No.8051120

I'm not saying anything about the quality of the department itself, but if you get an english degree from your local community college you have honestly burned that money for no reason.
Top-tier schools are top-tier schools because of the connections you make when you attend them. That's the only reason to go.

>> No.8051129

It is an abstraction whose effects are felt in certain circumstances. It's funny that it's organizational power is placed on a pedestal. It is not unthinkable to imagine a centrally planned economy that outperforms it: firms do it all the time on a small scale.

>> No.8051137

And I'm from a middle-class neighborhood where people with multiple extracurriculars, sports, leadership, and above-4.0 gpas got denied from every ivy. I honestly don't get their admissions systems, but that's beside the point really.

>> No.8051143

Yeah that was what I was gonna say.

Bit like saying the free market will take care of national defense and crime fighting.

>> No.8051157

>top students
You mean spoiled brats that consider themselves 'socialists' despite never working a day in their lives?

Or minorities because they're slightly above average?

>> No.8051169


1. Nobody said this.
2. People are responding to the lack of demand for graduates in the humanities by training in other fields.

>> No.8051170

lets be honest, most middle and upper class socialists love everything about the lower class and their struggle and wil represent them in politics. All as long as they don't actually have to interact with working class folks.

>> No.8051182

My brother went through a libertarian phase where he thought firefighting and police departments should be privatized. How do libertarians who believe that not see how terrifying that would be?
>house is burning down
>FLAMEFREE INC truck arrives
>"Oh thank god, my daughter's still inside! Please help!"
>"Ooooh... It says here you didn't purchase the full rescue package. For a late fee of $97.75 we might be able to upgrade you, but that only gets the basic hose work. Entry into the burning structure will require an extra fee of $585 per firefighter, plus the oxygen consumption, and let's not forget the victim removal surcharge..."

>> No.8051197

The decentralisation aspect, while maybe not as efficient in terms of amount produced ( see war economies ), actually helps match production to people's needs and is much more capable of responding to changes in demand/supply . In a decent number of cases markets fail (healthcare especially where a public run system works best and in terms of externalities where regulation is needed).

>> No.8051199
File: 25 KB, 260x317, RomanPatricians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are thousands of those applying every year. Why would they be of interest?
Admissions committees need:
1. Academic superstars. This has little to do with GPA and is about real scholarship or competitions like Math Olympiad. National Merit Finalist status is also factored in but not as superstar status.

2. Athletes. With a class of 1,500 they need to fill numerous varsity teams with D1 quality athletes who also don't drag the academic numbers down.

3. Diversity admits: just enough to keep from getting in trouble.

4. Musicians, dancers, actors, artists. Look at all the arts clubs and performance groups at those schools. They want people with some dedication, not just "techno interests me."

After that's all done, they like people with interesting stories and backgrounds. Middle class kids with good grades who aren't amazing at anything aren't high on the list.

>resentment: the post

>> No.8051210

That's what happening in Brazil as we speak. Check it out.

>> No.8051211

Strangely enough 2/3 of Denmark's fire service is provided by a private company although the state pays.
Privatisation can work well in many cases (not all) depending on how it is done, definitely not how you describe.

>> No.8051232


Healthcare markets are prevented from functioning by over regulation and zero price transparency.

>> No.8051237


not really, it'd probably work like medical insurance with people getting left with huge bills to pay as they didn't have the right insurance

of course most of these problems can be overcome with a little bit of state help, e.g. german healthcare system

>> No.8051245


Or you could buy the insurance to suit your needs.

>> No.8051247

I don't care how it's done, I don't want to be "protected" by a corporation whose main goal is to make a profit. That's over the line for me.

>> No.8051251

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.8051263


There is already a private security industry, anon. Commercial businesses use them to keep thieves at bay. The agency cost isn't so high as to prevent the security agencies from being useful.

>> No.8051271


most people probably would, but government runs these things pretty well and effectively in the first world and i dont want another thing i have to go and check some price comparison website for and fill in some forms


thats nice anon, personally i'll prioritise an efficient, effective and easy service - thankfully the government does pretty well with things like fire fighters and road building and a lot of healthcare so i'm fine with that

the profit motive isn't necessarily an absolute evil though, private security and a lot of drug research relies on it for instance

>> No.8051276

>resentment: the post
>After that's all done, they like people with interesting stories and backgrounds.
i.e. bourgeoisie brats and minorities

>> No.8051277
File: 10 KB, 300x240, yawn-300x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another "we all hate stemfags" thread

gets boring working the night shift at burger king i guess

>> No.8051281

>most people probably would, but government runs these things pretty well and effectively in the first world and i dont want another thing i have to go and check some price comparison website for and fill in some forms

So your argument for socialized insurance is your own personal laziness? You sure convinced me.

>> No.8051287

And what would lead you to assume that? They recruit minorities (with the exception of Asians) at rates much lower than their percentage of the population, so like I said, just enough to not get in trouble.

>bourgeoisie brats
Well, no, it would make more sense for the opposite of this to be what they call interesting and... this just happens to be the case! It's almost like you're talking out your ass.

Yeah, they admit kids from prep schools but not to the exclusion of everything else.

>> No.8051288


effectiveness and ease of use, but sure you can strawman if you want to shitpost

>> No.8051301


Your preferences are the same as everyones in your mind. Are all socialists solipsists?

>> No.8051319

They admit brats that have been given 'interesting lives' from birth on. When you're actually poor you can't afford to be interesting, educated, and fed.

Really easy to be 'interesting' when you can travel on a whim and have family willing to support any petty interests.
>this just happens to be the case!
Drop that condescending tone you banal cunt.
>They recruit minorities (with the exception of Asians)
'they don't recruit that many minorities except for the minorities that are a global majority and tend to be as '''''''''''''interesting''''''''''''''' as gravel amongst gravel!'

>> No.8051333

>Your preferences are the same as everyones in your mind.

nothing i said suggested that

>Are all socialists solipsists?

maybe? it's quite clear i'm not a socialist though so it's irrelevant

>> No.8051335

>Really easy to be 'interesting' when you can travel on a whim and have family willing to support any petty interests.
Sure, you don't get a ton of poor pentathletes, but people who grew up in unusual situations or with severe adversity are what I mean.

>Drop that condescending tone you banal cunt.
No :^)

>'they don't recruit that many minorities except for the minorities that are a global majority and tend to be as '''''''''''''interesting''''''''''''''' as gravel amongst gravel!'
I assume you mean white people? Are we really doing the whole "white people are boring, can't cook and smell funny" black twitter thing? That doesn't explain why Asians are represented at these schools far beyond their percentage of the population.

>> No.8051345
File: 76 KB, 600x800, CiJRmENWwAMFtSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallah! We need hard fascist control of art and education, only aristocratic aryan males should be admitted, to spend the rest of their lives sculpting their bodies, wrestling with their comrades, hermetic devotion to God and creation of capital-b Beauty. Insha'Allah!

>> No.8051352

>but people who grew up in unusual situations
Very very very few live anything but banal lives.
>severe adversity
Not getting a new BMW for your sweet 16 isn't adversity.

>I assume you mean white people?
I meant Asians.

Asians generally are just STEM spergs entering to make their parents happy.

So interesting~~~

>> No.8051358
File: 31 KB, 600x376, CiJUdvbWkAAkuPK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note: Since of course Aryan men are the most beautiful thing in all Allah's creation, especially when released into their wild and natural tropical habitats, it must naturally follow that any institution who confers the knowledge of the creation of beauty must include years of bodybuilding and neo-paleolithic nutrition. Insha'Allah!

>> No.8051366

Oh, you're just a very angry poorfag. It's okay, you can express your rage at a world that doesn't value you here. It's anonymous.

>> No.8051415

I learned this the hard way

STEM is a meme

>> No.8051430

va te coucher

>> No.8051468

Wow how interesting, mass projection.

>> No.8051481

See, projection would imply that I am myself a poorfag who's pissed off that his education isn't valuable. Since I'm none of those things, it's just me mocking you.

>> No.8051489

what is that image?

>> No.8051490

More projecting.

I'm not poor, you likely are

>> No.8051955

no you're a poorfag!