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File: 499 KB, 800x562, books thrift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8050030 No.8050030 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever found any good books at the thrift store? And nice hardcovers, not destroyed spines.

>> No.8050039

I got a nice version of the social contract in Paris in a street stand

>> No.8050040

Just bought a 1958 Folio Edition of the Anabasis of Alexander at a shitty roadside junk store in Brattleboro Vt on a 15 hour car ride.

>> No.8050076

Gravity's Rainbow, heavily annotated, but on closer inspection the annotations were all "haha" and "hahaha" and sometimes "HAHAHAHA," a few times a page, from beginning to end.

>> No.8050087

oops, that was me, sorry.

>> No.8050095

all i ever find in oxfam or wherever is fifty shades, and shelves of clive cussler and stephen king books

>> No.8050106

Stands to reason. Thrift stores are in poor areas, where reside poor people, who can barely read, who therefore read bad books, which they sell to the thrift store for drugs or booze.

>> No.8050110

whenever I try to enter a thrift store I click on all store fronts and they disappear

>> No.8050119
File: 583 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20160502_140852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was buried under a pile of children's toys. It's the best haul of my entire life.

>> No.8050120

I get most of my books from the thrift store. Lots of good finds. Most of them are paperbacks, I don't really care what condition the books are in. That said I got the complete works of Poe, the uncollected short stories of Faulkner, and Tale of Genji in hardback for $1 each

>> No.8050123

I got War of the Worlds, The Wizard of Oz and The Importance of being Ernest from a street vendor.

>> No.8050125

I love the thrift store because the books are in bad condition, so even if I never read the book, it looks like I read it.

>> No.8050161

Recently found a folio society odyssey at my used book store for ten dollars.

>> No.8050163

I found a library of literature version of Moby-dick for $4. A used copy on Amazon is $50-700.

>> No.8050228

I like it. Medium kek.

>> No.8050249

my nearest oxfam bookshops are winchester and farnham which are both pretty affluent. they always nice stuff. stacks of dreck too of course. i buy most of my books from them and a couple of charity shops nearer to me.

>> No.8050259

I found a pristine Da Vinci Code hardcover. Though they're everywhere.
Also a pristine copy of A Streetcar Named Desire.

$3 so pretty good.

>> No.8050279

I bought Love is a Pie for $2, sold it for $90 to some Italian lady.

>> No.8050288

Why would she spend so much?

>> No.8050289

Aaaand I just discovered that the prices on it have shot up since I sold it. I feel like an idiot, she got that for a steal.

>> No.8050297

The hardcover is hard to come by, and the cover was done by Warhol. It's less about the quality of the content than it is about dat dust jacket. Just checked amazon and people are selling harcovers for $500.

>> No.8050301

Oh. Still you made approximately a 5004% profit.

>> No.8050304

>cant wake up

>> No.8050453

It wasn't in good shape, but I found a battered first ed. of L'Etranger in one of those little stands along the Seine. I paid 4 euro for it, I don't know what it would be worth in the shit condition it's in.
I'd post a pic, but I left it in a plastic ziploc at my parent's house because I didn't see a reason to take it with me on my move to grad school.